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Chapter 5: Runtime Control

Runtime Control provides an API by which various principals, such as end-users, enterprise admins, and cloud operators, can make changes to a running system, by specifying new values for one or more runtime parameters.

Using Aether’s 5G connectivity service as an example, suppose an enterprise admin wants to change the Quality-of-Service for a group of mobile devices. Aether defines a Device Group abstraction so that related devices can be configured together. The admin can then modify the Maximum Uplink Bandwidth or Maximum Downlink Bandwidth, or even select a different Traffic Class for the group. Similarly, imagine an operator wants to add a new Mission-Critical option to the existing set of Traffic Classes that devices can adopt. Without worrying about the exact syntax of the API call(s) for these operations, the Runtime Control subsystem needs to:

  1. Authenticate the principal wanting to perform the operation.
  2. Determine if that principal has sufficient privilege to carry out the operation.
  3. Push the new parameter setting(s) to one or more backend components.
  4. Record the specified parameter setting(s), so the new value(s) persist.

In this example, Device Group and Traffic Class are abstract objects being operated upon, and while these objects must be understood by Runtime Control, making changes to them might involve invoking low-level control operations on multiple subsystems, such as the SD-RAN (which is responsible for QoS in the RAN), the SD-Fabric (which is responsible for QoS through the switching fabric), SD-Core UP (which is responsible for QoS in the mobile core user plane), and SD-Core CP (which is responsible for QoS in the mobile core control plane).

In short, Runtime Control defines an abstraction layer on top of a collection of backend components, effectively turning them into externally visible (and controllable) cloud services. Sometimes a single backend component implements the entirety of a service, in which case Runtime Control may add little more than a Triple-A layer. But for a cloud constructed from a collection of disaggregated components, Runtime Control is where we define an API that logically integrates those components into a unified and coherent set of abstract services. It is also an opportunity to “raise the level of abstraction” for the underlying subsystems and hiding implementation details.

Note that because of its role assembling an end-to-end service across a set of backend components, the Runtime Control mechanism described in this chapter is similar to a Service Orchestrator that chains together a collection of VNFs in a Telco network. Either term could be used here, but we have elected to use "Runtime Control" to emphasize the temporal aspect of the problem, especially its relationship to lifecycle management. It is also the case that "orchestration" is a loaded term with different connotations in different contexts. In a Cloud setting it implies assembling virtual resources, while in a Telco setting it implies assembling virtual functions. As is often the case in complex systems (especially when they promote competing business models), the higher you go in the stack, the less consensus there is about terminology.

Whatever you call the mechanism, defining a set of abstractions and the corresponding API is a challenging job. Having the appropriate tools helps to focus on the creative part of that task, but by no means eliminates it. The challenge is partly a matter of judgment about what should be visible to users and what should be a hidden implementation detail, and partly about dealing with conflicting/conflated concepts and terminology. We'll see a full example in Section 5.3, but to illustrate the difficulty, consider how Aether refers to principals in its 5G connectivity service. If we were to borrow terminology directly from the Telcos, then we'd refer to someone that uses a mobile device as a subscriber, implying an account and a collection of settings for the service delivered to that device. And in fact, subscriber is a central object within the SD-Core implementation. But Aether is designed to support enterprise deployments of 5G, and to that end, defines a user to be a principal that accesses the API or GUI portal with some prescribed level of privilege. There is not necessarily a one-to-one relationship between users and Core-defined subscribers, and more importantly, not all devices have subscribers, as would be the case with IoT devices that are not typically associated with a particular person.

5.1 Design Overview

At a high level, the purpose of Runtime Control is to offer an API that various stakeholders can use to configure and control cloud services. In doing so, Runtime Control must:

  • Support new end-to-end abstractions that may cross multiple backend subsystems.
  • Associate control and configuration state with those abstractions.
  • Support versioning of this configuration state, so changes can be rolled back as necessary, and an audit history may be retrieved of previous configurations.
  • Adopt best practices of performance, high availability, reliability, and security in how this abstraction layer is implemented.
  • Support Role-Based Access Controls (RBAC), so that different principals have different visibility into and control over the underlying abstract objects.
  • Be extensible, and so able to incorporate new services and new abstractions for existing services over time.

Central to this role is the requirement that Runtime Control be able to represent a set of abstract objects, which is to say, it implements a data model. While there are several viable options for the specification language used to represent the data model, for Runtime Control we use YANG. This is for three reasons. First, YANG is a rich language for data modeling, with support for strong validation of the data stored in the models and the ability to define relations between objects. Second, it is agnostic as to how the data is stored (i.e., not directly tied to SQL/RDBMS or NoSQL paradigms), giving us a generous set of engineering options. Finally, YANG is widely used for this purpose, meaning there is a robust collection of YANG-based tools that we can build upon.

Web Frameworks

The role Runtime Control plays in operationalizing a cloud is similar to the role a Web Framework plays in operationalizing a web service. If you start with the assumption that certain classes of users will interact with your system (in our case, an edge cloud) via a GUI, then either you write that GUI in a language like PHP (as early web developers did), our you take advantage of a framework like Django or Ruby on Rails. What such frameworks provide is a way to define a set of user-friendly abstractions (these are called Models), a means to visualize those abstractions in a GUI (these are called Views), and a means to affect change on collection of backend systems based on user input (these are called Controllers). It is not an accident that Model-View-Controller (MVP) is a well-understood design paradigm.

The Runtime Control system described in this chapter adopts a similar approach, but instead of defining the models in Python (as with Django) or Ruby (as with Ruby on Rails), we define models using a declarative language (YANG) which is in turn used to generate a programmatic API. This API can then be invoked from (1) a GUI, which is itself typically built using another framework, such as AngularJS; (2) a CLI; or (3) a closed-loop control program. There are other differences—for example, Adapters (a kind of Controller) use gNMI as a standard interface for controlling backend components, and persistent state is stored in a key-value store instead of a SQL DB—but the biggest difference is the use of a declarative rather than an imperative language to define models.

With this background, :numref:`Figure %s <fig-roc>` shows the internal structure of Runtime Control for Aether, which has x-config—a microservice that maintains a set of YANG models—at its core.[1] x-config, in turn, uses Atomix (a key-value store microservice), to make configuration state persistent. Because x-config was originally designed to manage configuration state for devices, it uses gNMI as its southbound interface to communicate configuration changes to devices (or in our case, software services). An Adapter has to be written for any service/device that does not support gNMI natively. These adapters are shown as part of Runtime Control in :numref:`Figure %s <fig-roc>`, but it is equally correct to view each adapter as part of the backend component, responsible for making that component management-ready. Finally, Runtime Control includes a Workflow Engine that is responsible for executing multi-step operations on the data model. This happens, for example, when a change to one model triggers some action on another model. Each of these components are described in more detail in the next section.

[1]x-config is a general-purpose, model-agnostic tool. In AMP, it manages YANG models for cloud services, but it is also used by SD-Fabric to manage YANG models for a set of network switches and by SD-RAN to manage YANG models for a set of RAN elements. This means multiple instances of the x-config microservice run in a given Aether edge cluster.

Internal structure of Runtime Control, and its relationship to backend subsystems (below) and user portals/apps (above).

The Runtime Control API is auto-generated from the YANG-based data model, and as shown in :numref:`Figure %s <fig-roc>`, supports two portals and a set of closed-loop control applications. There is also a CLI (not shown). This API provides a single entry-point for all control information that can be read or written in Aether, and as a consequence, Runtime Control can also mediate access to the other subsystems of the Control and Management Platform (not just the subsystems shown in :numref:`Figure %s <fig-roc>`).

This situation is illustrated in :numref:`Figure %s <fig-roc2>`, where the key takeaways are that (1) we want RBAC and auditing for all operations; (2) we want a single source of authoritative configuration state; and (3) we want to grant limited (fine-grained) access to management functions to arbitrary principals rather than assume only a single privileged class of operators. Of course, the private APIs of the underlying subsystems still exist, and operators can directly use them. This can be especially useful when diagnosing problems, but for the three reasons given above, there is a strong argument in favor of mediating all control activity using the Runtime Control API.

This discussion is related to the “What About GitOps?” question raised at the end of Chapter 4. We return to that same question at the end of this chapter, but to set the stage, we now have the option of Runtime Control maintaining authoritative configuration and control state for the system in its key-value store. This raises the question of how to “share ownership” of configuration state with the repositories that implement Lifecycle Management.

One option is to decide on a case-by-case basis: Runtime Control maintains authoritative state for some parameters and the Config Repo maintains authoritative state for other parameters. We just need to be clear about which is which, so each backend component knows which “configuration path” it needs to be responsive to. Then, for any repo-maintained state for which we want Runtime Control to mediate access (e.g., to provide fine-grained access for a more expansive set of principals), we need to be careful about the consequences of any backdoor (direct) changes to that repo-maintained state, for example, by storing only a cached copy of that state in Runtime Control’s key-value store (as an optimization).


Runtime Control also mediates access to the other Management Services.

Another aspect of :numref:`Figure %s <fig-roc2>` worth noting is that, while Runtime Control mediates all control-related activity, it is not in the “data path” for the subsystems it controls. This means, for example, that monitoring data returned by the Monitoring & Telemetry subsystem does not pass through Runtime Control; it is delivered directly to dashboards and applications running on top of the API. Runtime Control is only involved in authorizing access to such data. It is also the case that Runtime Control and the Monitoring subsystem have their own, independent data stores: it is the Atomix key-value store for Runtime Control and a Time-Series DB for Monitoring (as discussed in more detail in Chapter 6).

In summary, the value of a unified Runtime Control API is best illustrated by the ability to implement closed-loop control applications (and other dashboards) that "read" data collected by the Monitoring subsystem; perform some kind of analysis on that data, possibly resulting in a decision to take corrective action; and then "write" new control directives, which x-config passes along to some combination of SD-RAN, SD-Core, and SD-Fabric, or sometimes even to the Lifecycle Management subsystem. (We'll see an example of the latter in Section 5.3.) This closed-loop scenario is depicted in :numref:`Figure %s <fig-roc3>`, which gives a different perspective by showing the Monitoring subsystem as a "peer" of Runtime Control (rather than below it), although both perspectives are valid.


Another perspective of Runtime Control, illustrating the value of a unified API that supports closed-loop control applications.

5.2 Implementation Details

This section describes each of the components in Runtime Control, focusing on the role each plays in cloud management.

5.2.1 Models & State

x-config is the core of the Runtime Control. Its job is to store and version configuration data. Configuration is pushed to x-config through its northbound gNMI interface, stored in a persistent key-value store, and pushed to backend subsystems using a southbound gNMI interface.

A collection of YANG-based models define the schema for this configuration state. These models are loaded into x-config, and collectively define the data model for all the configuration and control state that Runtime Control is responsible for. As an example, the data model (schema) for Aether is sketched in Section 5.3, but another example would be the set of OpenConfig models used to manage network devices.

There are four important aspects of this mechanism:

  • Persistent Store: Atomix is the cloud native key-value store used to persist data in x-config. Atomix supports a distributed map abstraction, which implements the Raft consensus algorithm to achieve fault-tolerance and scalable performance. x-config writes data to and reads data from Atomix using a simple GET/PUT interface common to NoSQL databases.
  • Loading Models: Models are loaded using Model Plugins. x-config communicates via a gRPC API to Model Plugins, loading the models at runtime. The Model Plugins are precompiled, and therefore no compilation at runtime is necessary. The interface between x-config and the plugins eliminates dynamic loading compatibility issues.
  • Versioning and Migration: All the models loaded into x-config are versioned, and the process of updating those models triggers the migration of persistent state from one version of the data model to another. The migration mechanism supports simultaneous operation of multiple versions.
  • Synchronization: It is expected that the backend components being controlled by x-config will periodically fail and restart. Since x-config is the runtime source-of-truth for those components, it takes responsibility for ensuring that they re-synchronize with the latest state upon restart. x-config is able to detect a restart (and trigger the synchronization) because its models include variables that reflect the operational state of those components.

Two points require further elaboration. First, because Atomix is fault-tolerant as long as it runs on multiple physical servers, it can be built on top of unreliable local (per-server) storage. There is no reason to use highly available cloud storage. On the other hand, prudence dictates that all the state the Runtime Control subsystem maintains be backed up periodically, in case it needs to be restarted from scratch due to a catastrophic failure. These checkpoints, plus all the configuration-as-code files stored in a Git repository, collectively define the entirety of the authoritative state needed to (re-)instantiate a cloud deployment.

Second, the set of model definitions are like any other piece of configuration-as-code. They are checked into the code repository and versioned, just as described in Section 4.5. Moreover, the Helm chart that specifies how to deploy the Runtime Control subsystem identifies the version of the models that are to be loaded, analogous to the way Helm charts already identify the version of each microservice (Docker Image) to be deployed. This means the version of the Runtime Control Helm chart effectively specifies the version of the Runtime Control API, since that API is auto-generated from the set of models, as we'll see in the next subsection. All of this is to say that version control for the Northbound Interface of the cloud, as an aggregated whole, is managed in exactly the same way as version control for each functional building block that contributes to the cloud's internal implementation.

5.2.2 Runtime Control API

An API provides an interface wrapper that sits between x-config and higher-layer portals and applications. Northbound, it offers a RESTful API. Southbound, it speaks gNMI to x-config. The Runtime Control API layer serves three main purposes:

  • Unlike gNMI (which supports only GET and SET operations), a RESTful API (which supports GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, and DELETE operations) is expected for GUI development.
  • The API layer is an opportunity to implement early parameter validation and security checks. This makes it possible to catch errors closer to the user, and generate more meaningful error messages than is possible with gNMI.
  • The API layer defines a "gate" that can be used to audit the history of who performs what operation when (also taking advantage of the identity management mechanism described next).

It is possible to auto-generate the REST API from the set of models loaded into x-config, although one is also free to augment this set with additional “hand-crafted” calls for the sake of convenience (with the caveat that this will likely mean the API is no longer RESTful). The idea of using the model specification as a single source of truth and deriving other artifacts, such as the API, from this specification is appealing because it improves developer productivity, and provides fewer opportunities for inconsistencies to be introduced between layers. Consider, for example, if the developer wishes to add a single field to a model. Without auto-generation, the following must all be updated:

  • Model
  • API specification
  • Stubs that service the API by operating on the models
  • Client-side libraries or developer kits
  • GUI views that visualize the models

The Aether solution is to use a tool called oapi-codegen to convert the YANG declarations into an OpenAPI3 specification, and then a tool called oapi-codegen to auto-generate the stubs that implement the API.

Auto-generating the API is not without its pitfalls. The models and the API quickly develop a 1:1 correspondence, meaning any change in the modeling is immediately realized as visible change in the API. This means modeling changes must be approached carefully if backward-compatibility is to be preserved. Migration is also more difficult since a single API cannot easily satisfy two sets of models.

An alternative would be to introduce a second external-facing API, and a small translation layer between the auto-generated internal API and the external API. The shim layer would function as a shock absorber, mitigating the frequent bumps that might occur in the internal API. Of course, this presumes the external-facing API is relatively stable, which is problematic if the reason the models are changing in the first place is that the service definition is not yet mature. If the models are changing due to volatility in the backend systems they control, then it is often the case that the models can be distinguished as "low-level" or "high-level", with only the latter directly visible to clients via the API. In semantic versioning terms, a change to a low-level model would then effectively be a backwards compatible PATCH.

5.2.3 Identity Management

Runtime Control leverages an external identity database (an LDAP server) to store user data such as account names and passwords for users who are able to log in. This LDAP server also has the capability to associate users with groups. For example, adding administrators to the AetherAdmin group would be an obvious way to grant those individuals with administrative privileges within Runtime Control.

An external authentication service, Keycloak, serves as a frontend to a database such as LDAP. It authenticates the user, handles the mechanics of accepting the password, validating it, and securely returning the group the user belongs to.

The group identifier is then used to grant access to resources within Runtime Control, which points to the related problem of establishing which classes of users are allowed to create/read/write/delete various collections of objects. Like identity management, defining such RBAC policies is well understood, and supported by open source tools. In the case of Aether, Open Policy Agent (OPA) serves this role.

5.2.4 Adapters

Not every service or subsystem beneath Runtime Control supports gNMI, and in the case where it is not supported, an adapter is written to translate between gNMI and the service’s native API. In Aether, for example, a gNMI \rightarrow REST adapter translates between the Runtime Control’s southbound gNMI calls and the SD-Core subsystem’s RESTful northbound interface. The adapter is not necessarily just a syntactic translator, but may also include its own semantic layer. This supports a logical decoupling of the models stored in x-config and the interface used by the southbound device/service, allowing the southbound device/service and Runtime Control to evolve independently. It also allows for southbound devices/services to be replaced without affecting the northbound interface.

An adapter does not necessarily support only a single service. An adapter is one means of taking an abstraction that spans multiple services and applying it to each of those services. An example in Aether is the User Plane Function (the main packet-forwarding module in the SD-Core User Plane) and SD-Core, which are jointly responsible for enforcing Quality of Service, where the adapter applies a single set of models to both services. Some care is needed to deal with partial failure, in case one service accepts the change, but the other does not. In this case, the adapter keeps trying the failed backend service until it succeeds.

5.2.5 Workflow Engine

The workflow engine, to the left of the x-config in :numref:`Figure %s <fig-roc>`, is where multi-step workflows are implemented. For example, defining a new 5G connection or associating devices with an existing connection is a multi-step process, using several models and impacting multiple backend subsystems. In our experience, there may even be complex state machines that implement those steps.

There are well-known open source workflow engines (e.g., Airflow), but our experience is that they do not match up with the types of workflows typical of systems like Aether. As a consequence, the current implementation is ad hoc, with imperative code watching a target set of models and taking appropriate action whenever they change. Defining a more rigorous approach to workflows is a subject of ongoing development.

5.2.6 Secure Communication

gNMI naturally lends itself to mutual TLS for authentication, and that is the recommended way to secure communications between components that speak gNMI. For example, communication between x-config and its adapters uses gNMI, and therefore, uses mutual TLS. Distributing certificates between components is a problem outside the scope of Runtime Control. It is assumed that another tool will be responsible for distributing, revoking, and renewing certificates.

For components that speak REST, HTTPS is used to secure the connection, and authentication can take place using mechanisms within the HTTPS protocol (basic auth, tokens, etc). Oauth2 and OpenID Connect are leveraged as an authorization provider when using these REST APIs.

5.3 Modeling Connectivity Service

This section sketches the data model for Aether's connectivity service as a way of illustrating the role Runtime Control plays. These models are specified in YANG (for which we include a concrete example of one of the models), but since the Runtime Control API is generated from these specs, it is equally valid to think in terms of an API that supports REST's GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE operations on a set of web resources (objects):

  • GET: Retrieve an object.
  • POST: Create an object.
  • PUT, PATCH: Modify an existing object.
  • DELETE: Delete an object.

Each object is an instance of one of the YANG-defined models, where every object contains an id field that is used to identify the object. These identifiers are model-specific, so for example, a site has a site-id and an enterprise has an enterprise-id. The models are generally nested, so for example, a site is a member of an enterprise. Objects can also contain references to other objects; such references are implemented using the object's unique id. In a database setting these are often called foreign keys.

In addition to the id field, several other fields are also common to all models. These include:

  • description: A human-readable description, used to store additional context about the object.
  • display-name: A human-readable name that is shown in the GUI.

As these fields are common to all models, we omit them from the per-model descriptions that follow. In the following, we use upper case to denote a model (e.g., Enterprise) and lower case to denote a field within a model (e.g., enterprise).

5.3.1 Enterprises

Aether is deployed in enterprises, and so defines a representative set of organizational abstractions. These include Enterprise, which forms the root of a customer-specific hierarchy. The Enterprise model is the parent of many other objects, and allows those objects to be scoped to a particular Enterprise for ownership and role-based access control purposes. The Enterprise model contains the following field:

  • connectivity-service: A list of backend subsystems that implement connectivity for this enterprise. Corresponds to an API endpoint to the SD-Core, SD-Fabric, and SD-RAN.

Enterprises are further divided into Sites. A site is a point-of-presence for an Enterprise and may be either physical or logical (i.e., a single geographic location could contain several logical sites). The Site model contains the following fields:

  • imsi-definition: A description of how IMSIs are constructed for this site. Contains the following sub-fields:

    • mcc: Mobile country code.
    • mnc: Mobile network code.
    • enterprise: A numeric enterprise id.
    • format: A mask that allows the above three fields to be embedded into an IMSI. For example CCCNNNEEESSSSSS will construct IMSIs using a 3-digit MCC, 3-digit MNC, 3-digit ENT, and a 6-digit subscriber.
  • small-cell: A list of 5G gNodeBs or Access Points or Radios. Each small cell has the following:

    • small-cell-id: Identifier for the small cell. Serves the same purpose as other id fields.
    • address: Hostname of the small cell.
    • tac: Type Allocation Code.
    • enable: If set to true, the small cell is enabled. Otherwise, it is disabled.

The imsi-definition is specific to the mobile cellular network, and corresponds to the unique identifier burned into every SIM card.

5.3.2 Slices

Aether models 5G connectivity as a Slice, which represents an isolated communication channel (and associated QoS parameters) that connects a set of devices (modeled as a Device-Group) to a set of applications (each of which is modeled as an Application). Each slice is nested within some site (which is in turn nested inside some enterprise), where for example, an enterprise might configure one slice to carry IoT traffic and another slice to carry video traffic. The Slice model has the following fields:

  • device-group: A list of Device-Group objects that can participate in this Slice. Each entry in the list contains both the reference to the Device-Group as well as an enable field which may be used to temporarily remove access to the group.
  • app-list: A list of Application objects that are either allowed or denied for this Slice. Each entry in the list contains both a reference to the Application as well as an allow field which can be set to true to allow the application or false to deny it.
  • template: Reference to the Template that was used to initialize this Slice.
  • upf: Reference to the User Plane Function (UPF) that should be used to process packets for this Slice. It's permitted for multiple Slices to share a single UPF.
  • sst, sd: 3GPP-defined slice identifiers assigned by the operations team.
  • mbr.uplink, mbr.downlink, mbr.uplink-burst-size, mbr.downlink-burst-size: Aggregate maximum bit-rate and burst sizes of all devices for this slice.

The rate-related parameters are initialized using a selected template, as described below. Also note that this example illustrates how modeling can be used to enforce invariants, in this case, that the Site of the UPF and Device-Group must match the Site of the Slice. That is, the physical devices that connect to a slice and the UPF that implements the core segment of the slice must be constrained to a single physical location.

At one end of a Slice is a Device-Group, which identifies a set of devices that are allowed to use the Slice to connect to various applications. The Device-Group model contains the following fields:

  • devices: A list of Devices. Each device has an enable field which can be used to enable or disable the device.
  • ip-domain: Reference to an IP-Domain object that describes the IP and DNS settings for UEs within this group.
  • mbr.uplink, mbr.downlink: Per-device maximum bit-rate for the device group.
  • traffic-class: The traffic class to be used for devices in this group.

At the other end of a Slice is a list of Application objects, which specifies the endpoints for the program devices talk to. The Application model contains the following fields:

  • address: The DNS name or IP address of the endpoint.

  • endpoint: A list of endpoints. Each has the following fields:

    • name: Name of the endpoint. Used as a key.
    • port-start: Starting port number.
    • port-end: Ending port number.
    • protocol: Protocol (TCP|UDP) for the endpoint.
    • mbr.uplink, mbr.downlink: Per-device maximum bitrate for the application endpoint.
    • traffic-class: Traffic class for devices communicating with this application.

Anyone familiar with 3GPP will recognize Aether's Slice abstraction as similar to the specification's notion of a network slice. The Slice model definition includes a combination of 3GPP-specified identifiers (e.g., sst and sd), and details about the underlying implementation (e.g., upf denotes the UPF implementation for the Core's user plane). Although not yet part of the production system, there is a version of Slice that also includes fields related to RAN slicing, with the Runtime Control subsystem responsible for stitching together end-to-end connectivity across the RAN, Core, and Fabric.

An API for Platform Services

We are using Connectivity-as-a-Service as an illustrative example of the role Runtime Control plays, but APIs can be defined for other platform services using the same machinery. For example, because the SD-Fabric in Aether is implemented with programmable switching hardware, the forwarding plane is instrumented with Inband Network Telemetry (INT). A northbound API then enables fine-grained data collection on a per-flow basis, at runtime, making it possible to write closed-loop control applications on top of Aether.

In a similar spirit, the QoS-related control example given in this section could be augmented with additional objects that provide visibility into, and an opportunity to exert control over, various radio-related parameters implemented by SD-RAN. Doing so would be a step towards a platform API that enables a new class of industry automation edge cloud apps.

In general, IaaS and PaaS offerings need to support application- and user-facing APIs that go beyond the DevOps-level configuration files consumed by the underlying software components (i.e., microservices). Creating these interfaces is an exercise in defining a meaningful abstraction layer, which, when done using declarative tooling, becomes an exercise in defining high-level data models. Runtime Control is the management subsystem responsible for specifying and implementing the API for such an abstraction layer.

5.3.3 Templates and Traffic Classes

Associated with each Slice is a QoS-related profile that governs how traffic that slice carries is to be treated. This starts with a Template model, which defines the valid (accepted) connectivity settings. The Aether operations team is responsible for defining these (the features they offer must be supported by the backend subsystems), with enterprises selecting the template they want applied to any instances of the connectivity service they create (e.g., via a drop-down menu). That is, templates are used to initialize Slice objects. The Template model has the following fields:

  • sst, sd: Slice identifiers, as specified by 3GPP.
  • mbr.uplink, mbr.downlink: Maximum uplink and downlink bandwidth.
  • mbr.uplink-burst-size, mbr.downlink-burst-size: Maximum burst size.
  • traffic-class: Link to a Traffic-Class object that describes the type of traffic.

Notice that the Device-Group and Application models include similar fields. The idea is that QoS parameters are established for the slice as a whole (based on the selected template) and then individual devices and applications connected to that slice can be assigned their own, more-restrictive QoS parameters on an instance-by-instance basis.

As noted in the previous section, Aether decouples the abstract Slice objects from the implementation details about the backend segments of the end-to-end slices. One reason for this decoupling is that it supports the option of spinning up an entirely new copy of the SD-Core rather than sharing an existing UPF with another Slice. This is done to ensure isolation, and illustrates one possible touch-point between Runtime Control and the Lifecycle Management subsystem: Runtime Control, via an Adapter, engages Lifecycle Management to launch the necessary set of Kubernetes containers that implement an isolated slice.

The Traffic-Class model specifies the classes of traffic, and includes the following fields:

  • arp: Allocation and retention priority.
  • qci: QoS class identifier.
  • pelr: Packet error loss rate.
  • pdb: Packet delay budget.

For completeness, the following shows the corresponding YANG for the Template model. The example omits some introductory boilerplate for the sake of brevity. The example highlights the nested nature of the model declarations, with both container and leaf fields.

.. literalinclude:: code/template.yang

5.3.4 Other Models

The above description references other models, which we do not fully describe here. They include IP-Domain, which specifies IP and DNS settings; and UPF, which specifies the User Plane Function (the data plane element of the SD-Core) that should forward packets on behalf of this particular instance of the connectivity service. The UPF model is necessary because an Aether deployment can run many UPF instances. This is because there are two different implementations (one runs as a microservice on a server and the other runs as a P4 program loaded into the switching fabric), and because multiple microservice-based UPFs can be instantiated at any given time, each isolating a distinct traffic flow.

Further Reading

L. Peterson, et al. Software-Defined Networks: A Systems Approach. November 2021.

5.4 Revisiting GitOps

As we did at the end of Chapter 4, it is instructive to revisit the question of how to distinguish between configuration state and control state, with Lifecycle Management (and its Config Repo) responsible for the former, and Runtime Control (and its key-value store) responsible for the latter. Now that we have seen the Runtime Control subsystem in more detail, it is clear that one critical factor is whether or not a programmatic interface (coupled with an access control mechanism) is required for accessing and changing that state.

Cloud operators and DevOps teams are perfectly capable of checking configuration changes into a Config Repo, which can make it tempting to view all state that could be specified in a configuration file as Lifecycle-managed configuration state. The availability of enhanced configuration mechanisms, such as Kubernetes Operators, make that temptation even greater. But any state that might be touched by someone other than an operator—including enterprise admins and runtime control applications—needs to be accessed via a well-defined API. Giving enterprises the ability to set isolation and QoS parameters is an illustrative example in Aether. Auto-generating that API from a set of models is an attractive approach to realizing such a control interface, if for no other reason than it forces a decoupling of the interface definition from the underlying implementation (with Adapters bridging the gap).

UX Considerations

Runtime control touches an important, but often under-appreciated aspect of operating a cloud: taking User Experience (UX) into account. If the only users you're concerned about are the developers and operators of the cloud and its services, who we can assume are comfortable editing a handful of YAML files to execute a change request, then maybe we can stop there. But if we expect end-users to have some ability to steer the system we're building, we also need to "plumb" the low-level variables we've implemented through to a set of dials and knobs that those users can access.

UX Design is a well-established discipline. It is in part about designing GUIs with intuitive workflows, but a GUI depends on a programmatic interface. Defining that interface is the touchpoint between the management and control platform we're focused on in this book, and the users we want to support. This is largely an exercise in defining abstractions, which brings us back to the central point we are trying to make: it is both the reality of the underlying implementation and the mental model of the target users that shape these abstractions. Considering one without the other, as anyone who has read a user's manual understands, is a recipe for disaster.

On this latter point, it is easy to imagine an implementation of a runtime control operation that involves checking a configuration change into the Config Repo and triggering a redeployment. Whether you view such an approach as elegant or clunky is a matter of taste, but how such engineering decisions are resolved depends in large part on how the backend components are implemented. For example, if a configuration change requires a container restart, then there may be little choice. But ideally, microservices are implemented with their own well-defined management interfaces, which can be invoked from either a configuration-time Operator (to initialize the component at boot time) or a control-time Adapter (to change the component at runtime).

For resource-related operations, such as spinning up additional containers in response to a user request to create a Slice or activate an edge service, a similar implementation strategy is feasible. The Kubernetes API can be called from either Helm (to initialize a microservice at boot time) or from a Runtime Control Adapter (to add resources at runtime). The remaining challenge is deciding which subsystem maintains the authoritative copy of that state, and ensuring that decision is enforced as a system invariant.[2] Such decisions are often situation-dependent, but our experience is that using Runtime Control as the single source-of-truth is a sound approach.

[2]It is also possible to maintain two authoritative copies of the state, and implement a mechanism to keep them in sync. The difficulty with such a strategy is avoiding backdoor access that bypasses the synchronization mechanism.

Of course there are two sides to this coin. It is also tempting to provide runtime control of configuration parameters that, at the end of the day, only cloud operators need to be able to change. Configuring the RBAC (e.g., adding groups and defining what objects a given group is allowed to access) is an illustrative example. Unless there is a compelling reason to open such configuration decisions to end users, keeping RBAC-related configuration state (i.e., OPA spec files) in the Config Repo, under the purview of Lifecycle Management, makes complete sense.

These examples illustrate the central value proposition of the runtime control interface, which is to scale operations. It does this by enabling end users and closed-loop control programs to directly steer the system without requiring that the ops team serve as an intermediary.