Lifecycle Management is concerned with updating and evolving a running system over time. We have carved out the bootstrapping step of provisioning the hardware and installing the base software platform (Chapter 3), and so now we turn our attention to continually upgrading the software running on top of that platform. And as a reminder, we assume the base platform includes Linux running on each server and switch, plus Docker, Kubernetes, and Helm, with SD-Fabric controlling the network.
While we could take a narrow view of Lifecycle Management, and assume the software we want to roll out has already gone through an off-line integration-and-testing process (this is the traditional model of vendors releasing a new version of their product), we take a more expansive approach that starts with the development process—the creation of new features and capabilities. Including the “innovation” step closes the virtuous cycle depicted in :numref:`Figure %s<fig-cycle>`, which the cloud industry has taught us leads to greater feature velocity.
Of course, not every enterprise has the same army of developers at their disposal that cloud providers do, but that does not shut them out of this opportunity. The innovation can come from many sources, including open source, so the real objective is to democratize the integration and deployment end of the pipeline. This is precisely the goal of the Lifecycle Management subsystem described in this chapter.
:numref:`Figure %s <fig-pipeline>` gives an overview of the pipeline/toolchain that make up the two halves of Lifecycle Management—Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD)—expanding on the high-level introduction presented in Chapter 2. The key thing to focus on is the Image and Config Repos in the middle. They represent the “interface” between the two halves: CI produces Docker Images and Helm Charts, storing them in the respective Repositories, while CD consumes Docker Images and Helm Charts, pulling them from the respective Repositories.
The Config Repo also contains declarative specifications of the infrastructure artifacts produced by Resource Provisioning, specifically, the Terraform templates and variable files.[1] While the "hands-on" and "data entry" aspects of Resource Provisioning described in Section 3.1 happen outside the CI/CD pipeline, the ultimate output of provisioning is the Infrastructure-as-Code that gets checked into the Config Repo. These files are input to Lifecycle Management, which implies that Terraform gets invoked as part of CI/CD whenever these files change. In other words, CI/CD keeps both the software-related components in the underlying cloud platform and the microservice workloads that run on top of that platform up to date.
[1] | We use the term "Config Repo" generically to denote one or more repositories storing all the configuration-related files. In practice, there might be one repo for Helm Charts and another for Terraform Templates. |
Continuous Delivery vs Deployment
You will also hear CD refer to "Continuous Delivery" instead of "Continuous Deployment", but we are interested in the complete end-to-end process, so CD will always imply the latter in this book. But keep in mind that "continuous" does not necessarily mean "instantaneous"; there can be a variety of gating functions injected into the CI/CD pipeline to control when and how upgrades get rolled out. The important point is that all the stages in the pipeline are automated.
So what exactly does "Continuous Delivery" mean? Arguably, it's redundant when coupled with "Continuous Integration" since the set of artifacts being produced by the CI half of the pipeline (e.g., Docker images) is precisely what's being delivered. There is no "next step" unless you also deploy those artifacts. It's hair-splitting, but some would argue CI is limited to testing new code and Continuous Delivery corresponds to the final "publish the artifact" step. For our purposes, we lump "publish the artifact" into the CI half of the pipeline.
There are three takeaways from this overview. The first is that by having well-defined artifacts passed between CI and CD (and between Resource Provisioning and CD), all three subsystems are loosely coupled, and able to perform their respective tasks independently. The second is that all authoritative state needed to successfully build and deploy the system is contained within the pipeline, specifically, as declarative specifications in the Config Repo. This is the cornerstone of Configuration-as-Code (also sometimes called GitOps), the cloud native approach to CI/CD that we are describing in this book. The third is that there is an opportunity for operators to apply discretion to the pipeline, as denoted by the "Deployment Gate" in the Figure, controlling what features get deployed when. This topic is discussed in the sidebar, as well as at other points throughout this chapter.
Further Reading
Red Hat. An Illustrated Guide to GitOps.
The third repository shown in :numref:`Figure %s <fig-pipeline>` is the Code Repo (on the far left). Although not explicitly indicated, developers are continually checking new features and bug fixes into this repo, which then triggers the CI/CD pipeline. A set of tests and code reviews are run against these check-ins, with the output of those tests/reviews reported back to developers, who modify their patch sets accordingly. (These develop-and-test feedback loops are implied by the dotted lines in :numref:`Figure %s <fig-pipeline>`.)
The far right of :numref:`Figure %s <fig-pipeline>` shows the set of deployment targets, with Staging and Production called out as two illustrative examples. The idea is that a new version of the software is deployed first to a set of Staging clusters, where it is subjected to realistic workloads for a period of time, and then rolled out to the Production clusters once the Staging deployments give us confidence that the upgrade is reliable.
This is a simplified depiction of what happens in practice. In general, there can be more than two distinct versions of the cloud software deployed at any given time. One reason this happens is that upgrades are typically rolled out incrementally (e.g., a few sites at a time over an extended period of time), meaning that even the production system plays a role in “staging” new releases. For example, a new version might first be deployed on 10% of the production machines, and once it is deemed reliable, is then rolled out to the next 25%, and so on. The exact rollout strategy is a controllable parameter, as described in more detail in Section 4.4.
Finally, two of the CI stages shown in :numref:`Figure %s <fig-pipeline>` identify a Testing component. One is a set of component-level tests that are run against each patch set checked into the Code Repo. These tests gate integration; fully merging a patch into the Code Repo requires first passing this preliminary round of tests. Once merged, the pipeline runs a build across all the components, and a second round of testing happens on a Quality Assurance (QA) cluster. Passing these tests gate deployment, but note that testing also happens in the Staging clusters, as part of the CD end of the pipeline. One might naturally wonder about the Production clusters. How do we continue to test the software after it is running in production? That happens, of course, but we tend to call it Monitoring & Telemetry (and subsequent diagnostics) rather than testing. This is the subject of Chapter 6.
We explore each of the stages in :numref:`Figure %s <fig-pipeline>` in more detail in the sections that follow, but as we dig into the individual mechanisms, it is helpful to keep a high-level, feature-centric perspective in the back of our minds. After all, the CI/CD pipeline is just an elaborate mechanism to help us manage the set of features we want our cloud to support. Each feature starts in development, which corresponds to everything left of the Integration Gate in :numref:`Figure %s <fig-pipeline>`. Once a candidate feature is mature enough to be officially accepted into the main branch of the code repo (i.e., merged), it enters an integration phase, during which it is evaluated in combination with all the other candidate features, both new and old. Finally, whenever a given subset of features are deemed stable and have demonstrated value, they are deployed and finally run in production. Because of the centrality of testing throughout this entire lifetime of a set of features, we start there.
Our goal for Lifecycle Management is to improve feature velocity, but that always has to be balanced against delivering high-quality code—software that is reliable, scales, and meets performance requirements. Ensuring code quality requires that it be subjected to a battery of tests, but the linchpin for doing so “at speed” is the effective use of automation. This section introduces an approach to test automation, but we start by talking about the overall testing strategy.
The best-practice for testing in the Cloud/DevOps environment is to adopt a Shift Left strategy, which introduces tests early in the development cycle, that is, on the left side of the pipeline shown in :numref:`Figure %s <fig-pipeline>`. To apply this principle, you first have to understand what types of tests you need. Then you can set up the infrastructure required to automate those tests.
With respect to the types of tests, there is a rich vocabulary for talking about QA, but unfortunately, the definitions are often vague, overlapping, and not always uniformly applied. The following gives a simple taxonomy that serves our purposes, with different categories of tests organized according to the three stages of the CI/CD pipeline where they happen (relative to :numref:`Figure %s <fig-pipeline>`):
- Integration Gate: These tests are run against every attempt to
check in a patch set, and so must complete quickly. This means they
are limited in scope. There are two categories of pre-merge tests:
- Unit Tests: Developer-written tests that narrowly test a single module. The goal is to exercise as many code paths as possible by invoking “test calls” against the module’s public interface.
- Smoke Tests: A form of functional testing, typically run against a set of related modules, but in a shallow/superficial way (so they can run quickly). The etymology of the term "smoke tests" is said to come from hardware tests, as in, "does smoke come out of the box when you turn it on?"
- QA Cluster: These tests are run periodically (e.g., once day, once a
week) and so can be more extensive. They typically test whole
subsystems, or in some cases, the entire system. There are two
categories of post-merge/pre-deploy tests:
- Integration Tests: Ensures one or more subsystems function correctly, and adheres to known invariants. These tests exercise the integration machinery in addition to end-to-end (cross-module) functionality.
- Performance Tests: Like functional tests in scope (i.e., at the subsystem level), but they measure quantifiable performance parameters, including the ability to scale the workload, rather than correctness.
- Staging Cluster: Candidate releases are run on the Staging cluster for
an extensive period of time (e.g., multiple days) before being
rolled out to Production. These tests are run against a complete and
fully integrated system, and are often used to uncover memory leaks
and other time-variant and workload-variant issues. There is just
one category of tests run in this stage:
- Soak Tests: Sometimes referred to as Canary Tests, these require realistic workloads be placed on a complete system, through a combination of artificially generated traffic and requests from real users. Because the full system is integrated and deployed, these tests also serve to validate the CI/CD mechanisms, including for example, the specs checked into the Config Repo.
:numref:`Figure %s <fig-testing>` summaries the sequence of tests, highlighting the relationship among them across the lifecycle timeline. Note that the leftmost tests typically happen repeatedly as part of the development process, while the rightmost tests are part of the ongoing monitoring of a production deployment. For simplicity, the figure shows the Soak tests as running before deployment, but in practice, there is likely a continuum whereby new versions of the system are incrementally rolled out.
One of the challenges in crafting a testing strategy is deciding whether a given test belongs in the set of Smoke tests that gate merging a patch, or the set of Integration tests that happen after a patch is merged into the code repo, but before it is deployed. There is no hard-and-fast rule; it’s a balancing act. You want to test new software as early as you realistically can, but full integration takes both time and resources (i.e., a realistic platform for running the candidate software).
Related to this trade-off, testing infrastructure requires a combination of virtual resources (e.g., VMs that are pre-configured with much of the underlying platform already installed) and physical resources (e.g., small clusters that faithfully represent the eventual target hardware). Again, it’s not a hard-and-fast rule, but early (Smoke) tests tend to use virtual resources that are pre-configured, while later (Integration) test tend to run on representative hardware or clean VMs, with the software built from scratch.
You will also note that we did not call out Regression tests in this simple taxonomy, but our view is that Regression tests are designed to ensure that a bug is not re-introduced into the code once it has been identified and fixed, meaning it is a common source of new tests that can be added to Unit, Smoke, Integration, Performance, or Soak tests. Most tests, in practice, are Regression tests, independent of where they run in the CI/CD pipeline.
With respect to a testing framework, :numref:`Figure %s <fig-tests>` shows an illustrative example drawn from Aether. Specifics will vary substantially, depending on the kind of functionality you need to test. In Aether, the relevant components are shown on the right—rearranged to highlight top-down dependencies between subsystems—with the corresponding test-automation tool shown on the left. Think of each of these as a framework for a domain-specific class of tests (e.g., NG40 puts a 5G workload on SD-Core and SD-RAN, while TestVectors injects packet traffic into the switches).
Some of the frameworks shown in :numref:`Figure %s <fig-tests>` were co-developed with the corresponding software component. This is true of TestVectors and TestON, which put customized workloads on Stratum (SwitchOS) and ONOS (NetworkOS), respectively. Both are open source, and hence available to pursue for insights into the challenges of building a testing framework. In contrast, NG40 is a proprietary framework for emulating 3GPP-compliant cellular network traffic, which due to the complexity and value in demonstrating adherence to the 3GPP standard, is a closed, commercial product.
Selenium and Robot are the most general of the five examples. Each is an open source project with an active developer community. Selenium is a tool for automating the testing of web applications, while Robot is a more general tool for generating requests to any well-defined interface. Both systems are frameworks in the sense that developers can write extensions, libraries, drivers, and plugins to test specific features of the User Portal and the Runtime API, respectively.[2] They both illustrate the purpose of a testing framework, which is to provide a means to (1) automate the execution of a range of tests; (2) collect and archive the resulting test results; and (3) evaluate and analyze the test results. In addition, is it necessary for such frameworks to be scalable when they are used to test systems that are themselves intended to be scalable, as is the case for cloud services.
[2] | Selenium is actually available as a library that can be called from within the Robot framework, which makes sense when you consider that a web GUI invokes HTTP operations on a set of HTML-defined elements, such as textboxes, buttons, drop-down menus, and so on. |
Finally, as discussed in the previous subsection, each of these testing frameworks requires a set of resources. These resources are for running both the suite of tests (which generates workload) and the subsystem(s) being tested. For the latter, reproducing a full replica of the target cluster for every development team is ideal, but it is more cost-effective to implement virtual environments that can be instantiated on-demand in a cloud. Fortunately, because the software being developed is containerized and Kubernetes can run in a VM, virtual testing environments are straightforward to support. This means dedicated hardware can be reserved for less-frequent (e.g., daily) integration tests.
The Continuous Integration (CI) half of Lifecycle Management is all about translating source code checked in by developers into a deployable set of Docker Images. As discussed in the previous section, this is largely an exercise in running a set of tests against the code—first to test if it is ready to be integrated and then to test if it was successfully integrated—where the integration itself is entirely carried out according to a declarative specification. This is the value proposition of the microservices architecture: each of the components is developed independently, packaged as a container (Docker), and then deployed and interconnected by a container management system (Kubernetes) according to a declarative integration plan (Helm).
But this story overlooks a few important details that we now discuss, in part by filling in some specific mechanisms.
Code Repositories (of which GitHub and Gerrit are two examples), typically provide a means to tentatively submit a patch set, triggering a set of static checks (e.g., passes linter, license, and CLA checks), and giving code reviewers a chance to inspect and comment on the code. This mechanism also provides a means to trigger the build-integrate-test processes discussed next. Once all such checks complete to the satisfaction of the engineers responsible for the affected modules, the patch set is merged. This is all part of the well-understood software development process, and so we do not discuss it further. The important takeaway for our purposes is that there is a well-defined interface between code repositories and subsequent stages of the CI/CD pipeline.
The heart of the CI pipeline is a mechanism for executing a set of processes that (a) build the component(s) impacted by a given patch set, (b) integrate the resulting executable images (e.g, binaries) with other images to construct larger subsystems, (c) run a set of tests against those integrated subsystems and post the results, and (d) optionally publish new deployment artifacts (e.g, Docker images) to the downstream image repository. This last step happens only after the patch set has been accepted and merged into the repo (which also triggers the Build stage in :numref:`Figure %s <fig-pipeline>` to run). Importantly, the manner in which images are built and integrated for testing is exactly the same as the way they are built and integrated for deployment. The design principle is that there are no special cases, just different “off-ramps” for the end-to-end CI/CD pipeline.
There is no topic on which developers have stronger opinions than the merits (and flaws) of different build tools. Old-school C coders raised on Unix prefer Make. Google developed Bazel, and made it available as open source. The Apache Foundation released Maven, which evolved into Gradle. We prefer to not pick sides in this unwinnable debate, but instead acknowledge that different teams will pick different build tools for their individual projects (which we've been referring to in generic terms as subsystems), and we will employ a simple second-level tool to integrate the output of all those sophisticated first-level tools. Our choice for the second-level mechanism is Jenkins, a job automation tool that system admins have been using for years, but which has recently been adapted and extended to automate CI/CD pipelines.
Further Reading
At a high level, Jenkins is little more than a mechanism that executes a script, called a job, in response to some trigger. Like many of the tools described in this book, Jenkins has a graphical dashboard that can be used to create, execute, and view the results of a set of jobs, but this is mostly useful for simple examples. Because Jenkins plays a central role in our CI pipeline, it is managed like all the other components we are building—via a collection of declarative specification files that are checked into a repo. The question, then, is exactly what do we specify?
Jenkins provides a scripting language, called Groovy, that can be used to define a Pipeline consisting of a sequence of Stages. Each stage executes some task and tests whether it succeeded or failed. In principle then, you could define a single CI/CD pipeline for the entire system. It would start with "Build" stage, followed by a "Test" stage, and then conditional upon success, conclude with a "Deliver" stage. But this approach doesn't take into account the loose coupling of all the components that go into building a cloud. Instead, what happens in practice is that Jenkins is used more narrowly to (1) build and test individual components, both before and after they are merged into the code repository; (2) integrate and test various combinations of components, for example, on a nightly basis; and (3) under limited conditions, push the artifact that has just been built (e.g., a Docker Image) to the Image Repo.
This is a non-trivial undertaking, and so Jenkins supports tooling to help construct jobs. Specifically, Jenkins Job Builder (JJB) processes declarative YAML files that "parameterize" the Pipeline definitions written in Groovy, producing the set of jobs that Jenkins then runs. Among other things, these YAML files specify the triggers—such as a patch being checked into the code repo—that launch the pipeline.
Exactly how developers use JJB is an engineering detail, but in
Aether, the approach is for each major component to define three or
four different Groovy-based pipelines, each of which you can think of
as corresponding to one of the top-level stages in the overall CI/CD
pipeline shown in :numref:`Figure %s <fig-pipeline>`. That is,
one Groovy pipeline corresponds to pre-merge build and test, one for
post-merge build and test, one for integrate and test, and one for
publish artifact. Each major component also defines a collection of
YAML files that link component-specific triggers to one of the
pipelines, along with the associated set of parameters for that
pipeline. The number of YAML files (and hence triggers) varies from
component to component, but one common example is a specification to
publish a new Docker image, triggered by a change to a VERSION
file stored in the code repo. (We'll see why in Section 4.5.)
As an illustrative example, the following is from a Groovy script that
defines the pipeline for testing the Aether API, which as we'll see in
the next chapter, is auto-generated by the Runtime Control
subsystem. We're interested in the general form of the pipeline, so
omit most of the details, but it should be clear from the example what
each stage does. (Recall that Kind
is Kubernetes in Docker.) The
one stage fully depicted in the example invokes the Robot testing
framework introduced in Section 4.2.2, with each invocation exercising
a different feature of the API. (To improve readability, the example
does not show the output, logging, and report arguments to
Robot, which collect the results.)
.. literalinclude:: code/roc-api-tests.groovy
One thing to notice is that this is another example of a tool using generic terminology in a specific way, which does not align with our conceptual use. Each conceptual stage in :numref:`Figure %s <fig-pipeline>` is implemented by one or more Groovy-defined pipelines, each of which consists of a sequence of Groovy-defined stages. And as we can see in this example, these Groovy stages are quite low-level.
This particular pipeline is part of the post-build QA testing stage
shown in :numref:`Figure %s <fig-pipeline>`, and so is invoked by a
time-based trigger. The following snippet of YAML is an example of a
job template that specifies such a trigger. Note that the value of the
attribute is what you would see if you looked at the set of
jobs in the Jenkins dashboard.
.. literalinclude:: code/trigger-time.yaml
To complete the picture, the follow code snippet from another YAML file shows how a repo-based trigger is specified. This example executes a different pipeline (not shown), and corresponds to a pre-merge test that runs when a developer submits a candidate patch set.
.. literalinclude:: code/trigger-event.yaml
The important takeaway from this discussion is that there is no single or global CI job. There are many per-component jobs that independently publish deployable artifacts when conditions dictate. Those conditions include: (1) the component passes the required tests, and (2) the component's version indicates whether or not a new artifact is warranted. We have already talked about the testing strategy in Section 4.2 and we describe the versioning strategy in Section 4.5. These two concerns are at the heart of realizing a sound approach to Continuous Integration. The tooling—in our case Jenkins—is just a means to that end.
We are now ready to act on the configuration specs checked into the Config Repo, which includes both the set of Terraform Templates that specify the underlying infrastructure (we've been calling this the cloud platform) and the set of Helm Charts that specify the collection of microservices (sometimes called applications) that are to be deployed on that infrastructure. We already know about Terraform from Chapter 3: it's the agent that actually "acts on" the infrastructure-related forms. For its counterpart on the application side we use an open source project called Fleet.
:numref:`Figure %s <fig-fleet>` shows the big picture we are working towards. Notice that both Fleet and Terraform depend on the Provisioning API exported by each backend cloud provider, although roughly speaking, Terraform invokes the "manage Kubernetes" aspects of those APIs, and Fleet invokes the "use Kubernetes" aspects of those APIs. Consider each in turn.
The Terraform side of :numref:`Figure %s <fig-fleet>` is responsible for deploying (and configuring) the latest platform level software. For example, if the operator wants to add a server (or VM) to a given cluster, upgrade the version of Kubernetes, or change the CNI plug-in Kubernetes uses, the desired configuration is specified in the Terraform config files. (Recall that Terraform computes the delta between the existing and desired state, and executes the calls required to bring the former in line with the latter.) Anytime new hardware is added to an existing cluster, the corresponding Terraform file is modified accordingly and checked into the Config Repo, triggering the deployment job. We do not reiterate the mechanistic aspect of how platform deployments are triggered, but it uses exactly the same set of Jenkins machinery described in Section 4.3.2, except now watching for changes to Terraform Forms checked into the Config Repo.
The Fleet side of :numref:`Figure %s <fig-fleet>` is responsible for installing the collection of microservices that are to run on each cluster. These microservices, organized as one or more applications, are specified by Helm Charts. If we were trying to deploy a single Chart on just one one Kubernetes cluster, then we'd be done: Helm is exactly the right tool to carry out that task. The value of Fleet is that it scales up that process, helping us manage the deployment of multiple charts across multiple clusters. (Fleet is a spin-off from Rancher, but is an independent mechanism that can be used directly with Helm.)
Further Reading
Fleet defines three concepts that are relevant to our discussion. The
first is a Bundle, which defines the fundamental unit of what gets
deployed. In our case, a Bundle is equivalent to a set of one or more
Helm Charts. The second is a Cluster Group, which identifies a set
of Kubernetes clusters that are to be treated in an equivalent way. In
our case, the set of all clusters labeled Production
could be
treated as one such a group, and all clusters labeled Staging
could be treated as another such group. (Here, we are talking about the
label assigned to each cluster in its Terraform spec, as
illustrated in the examples shown in Section 3.2.) The third is a
GitRepo, which is a repository to watch for changes to bundle
artifacts. In our case, new Helm Charts are checked into the
Config Repo (but as indicated at the beginning of this chapter, there
is likely a dedicated "Helm Repo" in practice).
Understanding Fleet is then straightforward. It provides a way to define associations between Bundles, Cluster Groups, and GitRepos, such that whenever an updated Helm chart is checked into a GitRepo, all Bundles that contain that chart are (re-)deployed on all associated Cluster Groups. That is to say, Fleet can be viewed as the mechanism that implements the Deployment Gate shown in :numref:`Figure %s <fig-pipeline>`, although other factors can also be taken into account (e.g., not starting a rollout at 5pm on a Friday afternoon). The next section describes a versioning strategy that can be overlaid on this mechanism to control what features get deployed when.
Implementation Details Matter
We are purposely not doing a deep-dive into the individual tools that are assembled into the Lifecycle Management subsystem, but details do often matter. Our experience with Fleet offers a good example. As a careful reader may have noticed, we could have used Jenkins to trigger Fleet to deploy an upgraded application, similar to how we do with Terraform. Instead, we decided to use Fleet's internal triggering mechanism because of the convenience of its Bundle and Cluster Group abstractions.
After Fleet came online as the Deployment mechanism, developers noticed that the code repo became extremely sluggish. It turned out this is because Fleet polls the specified GitRepos to detect changes to the watched Bundles, and the polling was so frequent it overloaded the repo. A "polling-frequency" parameter change improved the situation, but led people to wonder why Jenkins' trigger mechanism hadn't caused the same problem. The answer is that Jenkins is better integrated with the repo (specifically, Gerrit running on top of Git), with the repo pushing event notifications to Jenkins when a file check-in actually occurs. There is no polling.
This focus on Fleet as the agent triggering the execution of Helm Charts should not distract from the central role of the charts themselves. They are the centerpiece of how we specify service deployments. They identify the interconnected set of microservices to be deployed, and as we'll see in the next section, are the ultimate arbitrator of the version of each of those microservices. Later chapters will also describe how these charts sometimes specify a Kubernetes Operator that is to run when a microservice is deployed, configuring the newly started microservice in some component-specific way. Finally, Helm Charts can specify the resources (e.g., processor cores) each microservice is permitted to consume, including both minimal thresholds and upper limits. Of course, all of this is possible only because Kubernetes supports the corresponding API calls, and enforces resource usage accordingly.
Note that this last point about resource allocation shines a light on a fundamental characteristic of the kind of edge/hybrid clouds we're focused on: they are typically resource constrained, as opposed to offering the seemingly infinite resources of a datacenter-based elastic cloud. As a consequence, provisioning and lifecycle management are implicitly linked by the analysis used to decide (1) what services we want to deploy, (2) how many resources those services require, and (3) how the available resources are to be shared among the curated set of services.
The CI/CD toolchain introduced in this chapter works only when applied in concert with an end-to-end versioning strategy, ensuring that the right combination of source modules get integrated, and later, the right combination of images gets deployed. Remember, the high-level challenge is to manage the set of features that our cloud supports, which is another way of saying that everything hinges on how we version those features.
Our starting point is to adopt the widely-accepted practice of
Semantic Versioning, where each component is assigned a three-part
version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH (e.g., 3.2.4
), where the
MAJOR version increments whenever you make an incompatible API
change, the MINOR version increments when you add functionality in a
backward compatible way, and the PATCH corresponds to a backwards
compatible bug fix.
Further Reading
The following sketches one possible interplay between versioning and the CI/CD toolchain, keeping in mind there are different approaches to the problem. We break the sequence down to the three main phases of the software lifecycle:
Development Time
- Every patch checked into a source code repo includes an up-to-date
semantic version number in a
file in the repository. Note that every patch does not necessarily equal every commit, as it is not uncommon to make multiple changes to an "in development" version, sometimes denoted3.2.4-dev
, for example. ThisVERSION
file is used by developers to keep track of the current version number, but as we saw in Section 4.3.2, it also serves as a trigger for a Jenkins job that potentially publishes a new Docker or Helm artifact. - The commit that does correspond to a finalized patch is also tagged (in the repo) with the corresponding semantic version number. In git, this tag is bound to a hash that unambiguously identifies the commit, making it the authoritative way of binding a version number to a particular instance of the source code.
- For repos that correspond to microservices, the repo also has a Dockerfile that gives the recipe for building a Docker image from that (and other) software module(s).
Integration Time
- The CI toolchain does a sanity check on each component's version number, ensuring it doesn't regress, and when it sees a new number for a microservice, builds a new image and uploads it to the image repo. By convention, this image includes the corresponding source code version number in the unique name assigned to the image.
Deployment Time
- The CD toolchain instantiates the set of Docker Images, as specified by name in one or more Helm Charts. Since these image names include the semantic version number, by convention, we know the corresponding software version being deployed.
- Each Helm Chart is also checked into a repository, and hence, has its own version number. Each time a Helm Chart changes, because the version of a constituent Docker Image changes, the chart's version number also changes.
- Helm Charts can be organized hierarchically, that is, with one Chart including one or more other Charts (each with their own version number), with the version of the root Chart effectively identifying the version of the system as a whole being deployed.
Note that a commit of a new version of the root Helm Chart could be taken as the signal to the CD half of the pipeline—as denoted by the the "Deployment Gate" in :numref:`Figure %s <fig-pipeline>`—that the combination of modules (features) is now deployment-ready. Of course, other factors can also be taken into consideration, such as time of day as noted above.
While some of the Source Code \rightarrow Docker Image \rightarrow Kubernetes Container relationships just outlined can be codified in the toolchain, at least at the level of automated sanity tests that catch obvious mistakes, responsibility ultimately falls to the developers checking in source code and the operators checking in configuration code; they must correctly specify the versions they intend. Having a simple and clear versioning strategy is a prerequisite for doing that job.
Finally, because versioning is inherently related to APIs, with the MAJOR version number incremented whenever the API changes in a non-backward-compatible way, developers are responsible for ensuring their software is able to correctly consume any APIs they depend on. Doing so becomes problematic when there is persistent state involved, by which we mean state that must be preserved across multiple versions of the software that accesses it. This is a problem that all operational systems that run continuously have to deal with, and typically requires a data migration strategy. Solving this problem in a general way for application-level state is beyond the scope of this book, but solving it for the cloud management system (which has its own persistent state) is a topic we take up in the next chapter.
The discussion up this point has glossed over one important detail, which is how secrets are managed. These include, for example, the credentials Terraform needs to access remote services like GCP, as well as the keys used to secure communication among microservices within an edge cluster. Such secrets are effectively part of the hybrid cloud's configuration state, which would imply they are stored in the Config Repo, like all other Configuration-as-Code artifacts. But repositories are typically not designed to be secure, which is problematic.
At a high level, the solution is straightforward. The various secrets required to operate a secure system are encrypted, and only the encrypted versions are checked into the Config Repo. This reduces the problem to worrying about just one secret, but effectively kicks the can down the road. How, then, do we manage (both protect and distribute) the secret needed to decrypt the secrets? Fortunately, there are mechanisms available to help solve that problem. Aether, for example, uses two different approaches, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.
One approach is exemplified by the git-crypt
tool, which closely
matches the high-level summary outlined in the previous paragraph. In
this case, the "central processing loop" of the CI/CD mechanism—which
corresponds to Jenkins in Aether—is the trusted entity responsible for
decrypting the component-specific secrets and passing them along to
various components at deployment time. This "pass along" step is
typically implemented using the Kubernetes Secrets mechanism, which
is an encrypted channel for sending configuration state to
microservices (i.e., it is similar to ConfigMaps). This mechanism
should not be confused with SealedSecrets (discussed next) because
it does not, by itself, address the larger issue we're discussing
here, which is how secrets are managed outside a running cluster.
This approach has the advantage of being general because it makes few assumptions and works for all secrets and components. But it comes with the downside of investing significant trust in Jenkins, or more to the point, in the practices the DevOps team adopts for how they use Jenkins.
The second approach is exemplified by Kubernetes' SealedSecrets mechanism. The idea is to trust a process running within the Kubernetes cluster (technically, this process is known as a Controller) to manage secrets on behalf of all the other Kubernetes-hosted microservices. At runtime, this process creates a Private/Public key pair, and makes the Public key available to the CI/CD toolchain. The Private key is restricted to the SealedSecrets Controller, and is referred to as the sealing key. Without stepping through the details of the full protocol, the Public key is used in combination with a randomly-generated symmetric key to encrypt all the secrets that need to be stored in the Config Repo, and later (at deployment time), the individual microservices ask the SealedSecrets Controller to use its sealing key to help them unlock those secrets.
While this approach is less general than the first (i.e., it is specific to protecting secrets within a Kubernetes cluster), it has the advantage of taking humans completely out-of-the-loop, with the sealing key being programmatically generated at runtime. One complication, however, is that it is generally preferable for that secret to be written to persistent storage, to protect against having to restart the SealedSecrets Controller. This potentially opens up an attack surface that needs to be protected.
The CI/CD pipeline described in this chapter is consistent with GitOps, an approach to DevOps designed around the idea of Configuration-as-Code—making the code repo the single source of truth for building and deploying a cloud native system. The approach is premised on first making all configuration state declarative (e.g, specified in Helm Charts and Terraform Templates), and then treating this repo as the single source of truth for building and deploying a cloud native system. It doesn't matter if you patch a Python file or update a config file, the repo triggers the CI/CD pipeline as described in this chapter.
While the approach described in this chapter is based on the GitOps model, there are three considerations that mean GitOps is not the end of the story. All hinge on the question of whether all state needed to operate a cloud native system can be managed entirely with a repository-based mechanism.
The first consideration is that we need to acknowledge the difference between people who develop software and people who build and operate systems using that software. DevOps (in its simplest formulation) implies there should be no distinction. In practice, developers are often far removed from operators, or more to the point, they are far removed from design decisions about exactly how others will end up using their software. For example, software is usually implemented with a particular set of use cases in mind, but it is later integrated with other software to build entirely new cloud apps that have their own set of abstractions and features, and correspondingly, their own collection of configuration state. This is true for Aether, where the SD-Core subsystem was originally implemented for use in global cellular networks, but is being repurposed to support private 4G/5G in enterprises.
While it is true such state could be managed in a Git repository, the idea of configuration management by pull request is overly simplistic. There are both low-level (implementation-centric) and high-level (application-centric) variables; in other words, it is common to have one or more layers of abstraction running on top of the base software. In the limit, it may even be an end-user (e.g., an enterprise user in Aether) who wants to change this state, which implies fine-grained access control is likely a requirement. None of this disqualifies GitOps as a way to manage such state, but it does raise the possibility that not all state is created equal—that there is a range of configuration state variables being accessed at different times by different people with different skill sets, and most importantly, needing different levels of privilege.
The second consideration has to do with where configuration state originates. For example, consider the addresses assigned to the servers assembled in a cluster, which might originate in an organization’s inventory system. Or in another example specific to Aether, it is necessary to call a remote Spectrum Access Service (SAS) to learn how to configure the radio settings for the small cells that have been deployed. Naively, you might think that’s a variable you could pull out of a YAML file stored in a Git repository. In general, systems often have to deal with multiple—sometimes external—sources of configuration state, and knowing which copy is authoritative and which is derivative is inherently problematic. There is no single right answer, but situations like this raise the possibility that the authoritative copy of configuration state needs to be maintained apart from any single use of that state.
The third consideration is how frequently this state changes, and hence, potentially triggers restarting or possibly even re-deploying a set of containers. Doing so certainly makes sense for “set once” configuration parameters, but what about “runtime settable” control variables? What is the most cost-effective way to update system parameters that have the potential to change frequently? Again, this raises the possibility that not all state is created equal, and that there is a continuum of configuration state variables.
These three considerations point to there being a distinction between build-time configuration state and runtime control state, the topic of the next chapter. We emphasize, however, that the question of how to manage such state does not have a single correct answer; drawing a crisp line between “configuration” and “control” is notoriously difficult. Both the repo-based mechanism championed by GitOps and runtime control alternatives described in the next chapter provide value, and it is a question of which is the better match for any given piece of information that needs to be maintained for a cloud to operate properly.