A mouse in handheld device that is used to interact with an object on the screen. Most common uses include:
- Move objects
- Point to objects
- Click on objects
To use your mouse, you must first connect it to the PC. Check whether it is a wired or wireless device.
If it is wired, use the appropriate connector to connect to the PC.
Once the mouse is connected to PC you will be able to move it, and the pointer on your screen will move accordingly.
If your mouse is wiresless use the provided wireless adapter to connect it with PC.
To make using mouse as comfortable as possible it is recommended to:
- Set your indec finger on the left button of the mouse
- Place the middle finger on the right button of the mouse
- Rest the base of your wrist on mousepad if you are using one or the surface that you are using the mouse on.
To interact with object on the screen using mouse:
- Move the mouse with your hand to move the pointer.
- Use left click once to highlight the object you want to interact with (for example a application shortcut that can be located on your desktop)
- Using singular click and holding the button can be used as drag and drop which allows to rearrange icons/shortcuts to your liking.
- Double click the left button to launch or open objects on your screen. The action performed will depend on the type of object. If it is a folder, it will open it and display the contents. If it is an application, it will run it.
- Use right click to open context menu. The content of context menu is dependent on where it was used.
Empty space - quick access to display settings or create new folder/file.
If right click is used on any of the following:
- Folder
- File
- Application
The context menu will display different actions dependant on the type of clicked object.
- Your mouse may be equipped with scroll wheel. Scroll wheel can be used instead of arrow keys from your keyboard to scroll through webpages for example.