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217 lines (107 loc) · 14.5 KB

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217 lines (107 loc) · 14.5 KB


  • jlrs is compatible with Julia 1.7 again, but this version isn't actively tested or supported. Version features have been added to select a particular version of Julia, picking a specific version is required.

  • The wrappers module has been renamed to data. Pointer wrappers are now called managed data, and inline wrappers are layouts. Traits and methods dealing with wrappers have been renamed accordingly.

  • The traits in the layout module have been moved to the data module. Most can be found in data::layout, typecheck has been moved to data::types, and field_index::FieldIndex has been moved to data::managed::value::field_accessor.

  • Tasks must now declare their affinity with an associated Affinity type, the affinity can be either DispatchAny, DispatchMain, or DispatchWorker. The try_ methods have been removed from AsyncJulia, the non-try methods are now sync and return a Dispatch which is used to actually dispatch the task to the async runtime. Which dispatching methods are available for the returned instance of Dispatch depends on the Affinity of the task. There is both an async and a sync variant for each dispatching method, the async variant waits until the task can be dispatched, the sync variant returns the dispatcher if the targeted queue is full to allow retrying to dispatch the task.

  • The Compatible trait has been added which allows a type that implements ValidLayout to declare that it has exactly the same layout as another type. The CompatibleCast trait lets references to and arrays of types that implement ValidLayout to be cast to that compatible type without copying the data.

  • ForeignType requires Send + Sync, whether a ForeignType is large or contains pointers to managed data is now expressed with the associated constant LARGE, the super type is returned by the trait method ForeignType::super_type. Foreign types can be reinitialized with reinit_foreign_type, which is available since Julia 1.9.

  • OpaqueType has been added, which is similar to ForeignType except that it can't contain any references to Julia data.

  • A managed type for Binding has been added, this is available since Julia 1.10.

  • The Jlrs Julia module is no longer included with jlrs, but published as a separate package, JlrsCore.

  • The jlrs-derive crate is now part of jlrs-macros. Two additional macros are available: julia_version can be used as an alternative to writing big cfgs to handle differences between Julia versions, and julia_module to generate the data that JlrsCore.Wrap uses to make the exported functions, methods, types, constant and globals available in a Julia module.

  • Several traits have been added to implement the julia_module macro: CCallArg, CCallReturn, and ConstructType, the first two provide a mapping from a Rust type to the types Julia should use in generated Julia functions, the latter is used to construct the DataType at runtime. The managed type TypedValue has been added to make more types constructible, and RustResult to enable writing fallible ccallable functions. Similarly, RankedArray and TypedRankedArray have been added. A CCallRef type has been added to work with Julia Refs that have been used as arguments of ccalled functions.

  • The no-link feature has been added to skip linking Julia.

  • Dims::n_dimensions has been renamed to Dims::rank.

  • RankedArray and TypedRankedArray have been added to the array module.

  • Symbol::generate and Symbol::generate_tagged have been added.

  • LeakedValue has been removed in favor of making managed data generally leakable by erasing the 'scope lifetime with Managed::leak or Ref::leak.

  • CCall now has invoke methods to avoid having to manually create a stack frame.

  • Global Julia data can be cached in a static container by using StaticGlobal and StaticSymbol.

  • TrackArray has been removed, the trait methods are now implemented directly by (Typed)Array. The tracking methods have been renamed to track_shared and track_exclusive.

  • DataType methods that depend on the type having a layout return None if the type has no layout.

  • Methods that can catch a thrown exception are now available on Windows in combination with Julia 1.6.


  • Atomic struct fields are now atomic in the generated bindings.

  • Value implements PartialEq for all wrapper types, allowing a value to be compared with any other wrapper type directly.

  • JuliaString::to_bytes has been renamed to JuliaString::as_bytes, and returns all data.

  • If a JuliaString is unboxed and contains non-utf8 data, all data is returned as a Vec<u8> rather than stopping at the first null character.

  • The GC stack is now implemented as a foreign type and can be resized. Methods that could previously only fail due to allocation errors are now infallible. AllocError has been removed.

  • When the sync runtime or CCall is used, a reference to a StackFrame must be provided.

  • Frame, Mode, Sync and Async have been removed.

  • AsyncGcFrame implements Deref<Target = GcFrame> and DerefMut. Several methods that previously took a mutable reference to a frame now take a mutable reference to a GcFrame specifically.

  • Some fields of Task and TypeName can only be accessed if the extra-fields feature is enabled.

  • Methods that return Julia take a Target, ExceptionTarget, or one of their extended variants. Both rooting and non-rooting targets exists, specific methods that returned unrooted data have been removed because methods that take a target can return rooted or unrooted data depending on the used target. Scope and PartialScope have been removed completely.

  • Mutable references to Output implement Target, if used as a Target the returned data is rooted until the borrow ends.

  • Methods of the Gc trait take self by reference.

  • A ledger is used to track borrowed Julia data, instances of Arrays and Values can be tracked.

  • CCall::null_scope and NullFrame have been replaced with CCall::stackless_scope.

  • Ref::leak and Ref::data_ptr have been added.

  • async_util::task::sleep has been added.

  • When calling Julia functions, it can now be checked that none of the arguments are borrowed from Rust.

  • It's no longer possible to provide a backing channel for an async runtime.

  • A nightly feature is available to test the latest nightly Julia features.

  • When the nightly feature is enabled, the async runtime can be started with additional worker threads.

  • When the nightly feature is enabled, tasks are scheduled on one of the two available thread pools depending on the method.

  • The ForeignType trait has been added which can be used to create new foreign types with custom mark functions.

  • AsyncJulia::post_blocking_task has been added, which can be used to schedule a blocking task on an arbitrary thread owned by Julia.

  • PersistentTask::State is a GAT, which gets rid of the lifetime-hack that allows the state to contain Julia data.

  • Ref wraps a NonNull pointer to Julia data, like wrappers do. Undefinedness is expressed through Option.

  • Uses of ValidLayout have been mostly replaced with ValidField. ValidField is not implemented for mutable structs because they're not stored inline when used as a field of some other type.

  • CCall::throw_exception has been added and can be used to throw an exception from a ccalled function.

  • Add Affinity so tasks can be explicitly scheduled on the main runtime thread.

  • Global has been renamed to Unrooted.


  • Support for Julia 1.7 has been dropped, by default Julia 1.8 is targeted.


  • jlrs can be used with 32-bits versions of Julia on Linux by enabling the i686 feature.

  • Methods that can catch exceptions thrown by Julia, eg Module::set_const, return a JlrsResult<JuliaResult<T>>.

  • The Global provided to PersistentTask::run now has the 'static lifetime.

  • The methods AsyncFrame::relaxed_async_scope_(with_capacity) have been added to work around the limitation that AsyncFrame::relaxed_async_scope can't return return data that lives shorter than the frame that created it.

  • Elided lifetimes have been added to methods that create arrays with data borrowed from Rust, eg Array::from_slice. Such arrays can now be returned from async scopes when AsyncFrame::relaxed_async_scope_(with_capacity) is used.

  • The number of threads can be set with AsyncRuntimeBuilder::n_threads when the lts feature is enabled.


  • TemporarySymbol has been renamed to ToSymbol. The method ToSymbol::to_symbol has been added to this trait.

  • The wrappers for CodeInstance, Expr, MethodInstance, MethodMatch, MethodTable, Method, OpaqueClosure, SSAValue, TypemapEntry, TypemapLevel and WeakRef are considered internal types, they are only available when the internal-types feature is enabled.

  • Array::copy_inline_data and TypedArray::copy_inline_data require a reference to a Frame.

  • CopiedArray::splat returns a boxed slice instead of a Vec.

  • Align, BitsUnionContainer, and Flag are sealed traits.

  • All methods of the Gc trait are safe.

  • Mutating Julia data is considered unsafe, as a result Module::set_global and related methods are unsafe. So are all methods that provide mutable access to array data. Unchecked methods are unsafe because not catching Julia exceptions is unsound when calling Rust from Julia.

  • Array::as_typed_array has been renamed to Array::try_as_typed.

  • Outputs reserve a slot in a frame and immediately set this slot when they're used. Multiple outputs can exists for the same frame simultaneously.

  • Methods like Scope::value_scope and AsyncFrame::async_value_scope have been removed because Frame::scope and AsyncFrame::async_scope can return rooted data that outlives the frame.

  • The Scope trait no longer has a 'data lifetime and most of its methods have been moved to the Frame trait. The ScopeExt trait has been removed completely, ScopeExt::scope_with_slots has been renamed to Frame::scope_with_capacity. The PartialScope trait has been added which allows calling methods that only need to root a single value with an Output.

  • Methods that return rooted data return the appropriate type, eg Array::new returns an Array.

  • All pointer wrapper types provide a root method that can be used to safely extend their lifetime using an Output.

  • The AsUnrooted trait has been removed.

  • Most of the extensions defined in the extensions module have moved: jlrs::extensions::f16 to jlrs::wrappers::inline::f16. jlrs::extensions::ndarray to jlrs::convert::ndarray, jlrs::extensions::multitask to jlrs::multitask, and jlrs::extensions::pyplot to jlrs::pyplot.

  • Pointer wrapper types don't implement ValidLayout, only Ref and inline wrappers do.

  • Raw fields can be accessed with a FieldAccessor, the raw_field methods have been removed.

  • Add a FieldIndex trait which is used in combination with a FieldAccessor to access arbitrary fields.

  • A wrapper for Nothing/nothing has been added.

  • Dims::index_of takes dim_index by reference.

  • Array::element_size and TypedArray::element_size have been added.

  • DataType::field_type_unchecked and DataType::field_index have been added.

  • GC::enable_logging has been added.

  • The call module has been moved from jlrs::wrappers::ptr::call to jlrs::call.

  • The prelude module can be disabled by opting out of the default features.

  • The different runtimes have been moved to the runtime crate. Both the sync and async runtime can no longer be initialized directly, but require using a RuntimeBuilder or AsyncRuntimeBuilder. To create an async runtime an implementation of AsyncRuntime and a backing channel that implements Channel must be provided. AsyncRuntimeBuilder::start_async is a sync function.

  • All methods that send a new task to the async runtime take a OneshotSender and return an error rather than panicking if they fail.

  • Like the async runtime, creating new PersistentTasks requires providing a backing channel.

  • Array::reshape is available for arrays that have data originating from Rust. Unchecked versions of Array::reshape, Array::grow_begin, Array::grow_end, Array::del_begin, and Array::del_end are available.

  • Array::from_vec and Array::from_slice can return an error, unchecked versions are also available.

  • A TypedArray can be created directly, and generally offers the same API as Array does.

  • Methods that take multiple values as AsMut now only need AsRef because the data is never mutated from C.

  • SimpleVector no longer has a type to indicate the type of its contents because this property can't be checked with ValidLayout or Typecheck. Instead, a type can now be provided when accessing the contents which is checked for compatibility at runtime.

  • The ValidLayout trait has an associated constant IS_REF to indicate whether the implementor is an inline or pointer wrapper type.

  • Add all-features-override feature that disables the lts and debug features when all-features is true.

  • The contents JlrsPyPlot.jl are no longer evaluated automatically when the pyplot feature has been enabled, PyPlot::init must be called.

  • The Dims trait and Frame types are no longer included in the prelude.

  • There's a single type that provides possibly mutable access to the contents of an array, ArrayAccessor, which replaces the large number of types that previously provided this access. A distinction is made between element types that are stored inline which have no and those that have some pointer fields.

  • NdArray has been split into NdArrayView and NdArrayViewMut. Rather than a typed array, their trait methods take a (mutable) reference to an ArrayAccessor or CopiedArray instead.

  • JlrsError has been split into several error types and unused variants have been removed.

  • JuliaString::as_slice has been renamed to JuliaString::to_bytes, Symbol::as_slice has been renamed to Symbol::as_bytes.

  • Symbol::new_bytes_unchecked has been added.

  • Closures and async trait methods that are called in a scope take a frame by value instead of by mutable reference. This gets rid of the need to reborrow the frame.

  • CallExt has been renamed to ProvideKeywords, CallExt::with_keywords to ProvideKeywords::provide_keywords.

  • Type aliases for Ref have been moved to the module that also defines their associated pointer wrapper.