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Generator Codes

Taiko2k edited this page Oct 11, 2020 · 70 revisions

It's possible to set a playlist's contents to be determined by a generator, that being, a set of codes you can use that represent functions that will be applied to make a playlist. This is analogous to smart playlist features of other music players.

You can create/edit a playlist generator code by right clicking a playlist tab, select Rename, then press Tab.

If you create a new playlist by selecting Generate... or from the global search, the new playlist will have an applicable code already applied.

A generator can triggered either manually by right clicking a playlist tab and clicking Regenerate or be triggered automatically by including generator code auto.

Code Format

The sequence to enter the codes is as follows:

  1. Select any particular playlists to restrict search scope to (optional)
  2. Perform a search or add all tracks using a
  3. Add any filters or sorters (optional)

For example, if you wanted a playlist of all your loved tracks you could use: a l. If you wanted all loved tracks from only a specific playlist, you could use: s"MyPlaylist" a l

If you wanted all loved tracks from a specific artist, you could use: a"Artistname" l

Select source playlists

Function Code example Notes
Add playlist to selection s"Name of Playlist" If no selection is made, all playlists will be selected
Clear selection clr Selects all playlists as per above rule
Select current playlist self Makes the selection the playlist itself. Useful when combined with auto and any sorters to re-sort tracks on import

Search from selected playlists

Note: Entries in Bold are additional codes not shown in the in-app legend.

Function Code example Notes
Search artist a"Artist Name" This is a search term, so it can be fuzzy like: a"arti"
Search genre g"Rock" You may want to combine multiple of these like g"k-pop" g"j-pop"
Search folder p"downloads" This can be a partial stem like p"ingles/cold", a folder name, or a full folder path e.g. p"/mnt/mymusic".
Note: Tracks must already be imported.
Find in all f"artist" This produces the same results as the find box. Includes searching the filename and comment, but not lyrics or genre.
Add by file type ext"flac" You could also do f".flac" which will probably give you what you want since that includes searching the file name, but you would need this function to include, say, your Airsonic collection by doing ext"sub"
Add all tracks from selection a You will need this if you didn't perform any of the above searches


Function Code example Notes
Max number of tracks n123 In this case, limits playlist to 123 tracks
Year greater than y>2015 This can also be inclusive by using y>=2016
Year less than y<2016 This can also be inclusive by using y<=2016
Year equals y=2016 This would be the equivient of doing y>2015 y<2016
Playcount greater than pc>5
Playcount less then pc<10 For example, combining this and the above like pc>5 pc<10 will filter the playlist to only include tracks with playcounts of 6 to 9
Playtime greater than pt>5
Playtime less then pt<10
Duration less than d<30 In seconds. In this case, playlist will only include tracks less than 30 seconds
Duration greater than d>300 In seconds. In this case, playlist will only include tracks greater then 5 minutes
Rating greater than rat>2 In this case, includes tracks with more than 2 stars
Rating less than rat<4.5 In this case, includes tracks with less than 4.5 stars
Rating equals rat=5 In this case, includes tracks with exactly 5 stars
Loved tracks l
Has lyrics ly
Has cue sheet cue Only keeps tracks that are part of a larger file
Today's day of the year today Includes release dates that match today's month and day. Tracks will need to have full date in date field
Comment match com"bandcamp" The f"" code already includes searching the comment, but you can use this code to only search the comment. (Also this must be an exact match of a string segment and isn't fuzzy like f"text")
Find and keep ff"text" Same as f"text" but for tracks already included.
Find and exclude fx"text" Same as ff"text" but removes the matching tracks instead.


Function Code example Notes
Shuffle tracks st
Shuffle albums sf
Year Oldest to Latest y>
Year Latest to Oldest y<
Playtime highest pt>
Playtime lowest pt<
Duration longest d>
Duration shortest d<
Most played albums pa>
Least played albums pa<
Reversed tracks rv
Reversed albums rva
Highest track ratings rat> If you would like to exclude tracks that don't have a rating, use rat rat>
Lowest track ratings rat< If you would like to exclude tracks that don't have a rating, use rat rat<
Highest album ratings rata>
Recently modified files m>
Oldest modified files m<
Track numbers per album tn
Year per artist ypa Use this if you want discographies in order for each artist. (Artists albums must already be groups together in the playlist).
Sort tracks by filepath path This may not be the same order as was originally imported
Column sort "bitrate"> Sort by any column. Name must be the exact title of a column as shown in the columns view. Can also use < to sort in reverse


Function Code Notes
Automatically update auto

More examples:

Function Code String
Search for Coldplay from playlist Default and show tracks that have a playcount of less than 2 s"Default" a"Coldplay" pc<2
Shuffle albums from every playlist a sf
Take 10 random tracks from the playlist Default s"Default" a st n10
Show loved tracks of artists Coldplay and Red Hot Chili Peppers in order of playcount from playlists Default and Downloads.
Tip: You can shorten the names and it will (probably) still return what you want.
s"De" s"Do" a"Col" a"Red H" pt> l                                        

Note: If you rename a targeted playlist, you will need to update any strings manually

Note: If multiple playlists have the same name, just the first one will be selected

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