Releases: TeamworkGuy2/lokijs-collections
Releases · TeamworkGuy2/lokijs-collections
lokijs-collections 0.16.0
- Switched from Lokijs explicit import and type usage to new InMemDbProvider interface (moving away from Lokijs dependency toward generic in-mem DB API)
- Removed LokiDbImpl.getCollection() 'settings' parameter, instead use LokiDbImpl 'createCollectionSettingsFunc' parameter
- Removed unused LokiDbImpl.initializeDb() 'options' parameter
- Added LokiDbImpl constructor parameters 'createCollectionSettingsFunc' and 'modelKeysFunc' to give more control over Lokijs specific implementation details
- TypeScript 2.0 compatibility tweaks
lokijs-collections 0.15.0
- LokiDbImpl() constructor 'reloadMetaData' flag and 'dbInitializer' function parameters
- PrimaryKeyMaintainer() constructor 'reloadAll' flag parameter
- LokiDbImpl private _setNewDb() method and private static _createNewDb() method in favor of initializeDb() and the constructor's new 'dbInitializer' parameter
- primary key maintainer now properly handles collection data model 'autoGeneratedKeys' changes. Previously if the model changed, the PrimaryKeyMaintainer would end up confusing the old keys with the new keys and add the wrong auto-generated properties to objects missing them.
lokijs-collections 0.14.0
- Updated to version 0.11.0 of ts-mortar which moved ts-mortar/events/ to a separate library
- Added [email protected] dependency for the EventListenerList previously provided by ts-mortar and used by DataCollection
lokijs-collections 0.13.1
- Fixed some .d.ts paths to match DefinitelyTyped structure
- Fixed issue with ModelDefinitionsSet.cloneDtoPropertyTemplate()
lokijs-collections 0.13.0
- Renamed PermissionedDataPersistAdapter -> PermissionedDataPersister
- Renamed DataPersister.AdapterFactory -> DataPersister.Factory
- Renamed DataPersister.clearPersistenceDb() -> clearPersistentDb()
- Moved DataPersister.Adapter interface up and merged it with DataPersister module
- Made DataCollection.collection public to make it easy to access the underlying lokijs collection (please note this field is meant to be readonly)
- sync/ directory moved to new lokijs-collections-sync library
lokijs-collections 0.12.5
- More thorough error handling in SyncDataCollection.syncDownCollection()
- Removed last modified timestamp filtering when updating local items after syncing up since primary key filtering should already restrict the search results sufficently
lokijs-collections 0.12.4
- work with latest version of ts-promises library
- use mocha and chai for tests instead of qunit
lokijs-collections 0.12.3
- Changed to work with latest version of ts-mortar and new ts-typed-promises library
lokijs-collections 0.12.2
- Replaced two console.error() calls with throw new Error()
- Added 'syncingDown' error property to syncDownCollection() and changed 'syncDownFunc' type so sync functions don't have to return a SyncError
lokijs-collections 0.12.1
- Updated to use new version of ts-mortar and new ts-promise-tasks library
- Updated readme
- Fixed error in syncUpCollection() not rejecting promise correctly if sync function failed