TheLab is the third version of Material Design, an Android application originally developed to show several use-cases of Google's Android Material Design components such as (CardView, RecyclerView, so on and so forth), it's implementing the new Jetpack Compose.
It turns out to a "Lab App", where multiples libraries and use-cases are developed and tested in this app (biometric section, speech-to-text, floating widgets, file downloading, notifications and more)
TheLab uses multiple libraries for UI as much as for network, image loading, dependency injection, serialization and so on
- AndroidX Packages (Room, Worker, Material, Palette, Lifecycle, Biometric, Datastore...)
- AndroidX Jetpack Compose
- Coil
- Lottie
- Media and Exoplayer
- Google APIs
- Hilt
- Kotlin Serialization
- Retrofit
- OkHttp
- Timber
TheLab uses multiple APIs for fetching data
- FlightAware Flight data API with on-demand flight status and tracking data.
TheLab was originally developed in Java and XML layouts and view bindings for UI Layouts. Now it's in full Kotlin and, currently, we are migrating all the layouts to Jetpack Compose. Here's a few examples
Home with dark mode
Youtube Like
This repository use Git as the main versioning tool and follows Semantic Versioning principles.
- Material Design
- Testing
- TheKoLab (Repository created and maintained by LAMARQUE Loïc (@LVMVRQUXL on Github))
Repository created and maintained by Saint-Honoré Michaël(@MichaelStH on Github).