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Emotion Recognition

This repo contains the code for the paper:

Speech Emotion Recognition with Multi-task Learning, X. Cai et al., INTERSPEECH 2021

The code is based on

Files and folders

  • paper_slides/: the paper and corresponding slides.
  • the Wav2vec-2.0 model that inherites from Huggingface's Wav2vec-2.0 model, with a classification head in addition to the CTC head.
  • the main python code that could runs the emotion recognition task.
  • the script to test running.
  • iemocap/: the processed iemocap data pointers, split into 10 folds, while each fold has train.csv and test.csv. The original wavs are not here, please obtain from
  • requirements.txt: required packages to be installed.

Set up environment

pip install -r requirements.txt

You might also need to install libsndfile:

sudo apt-get install libsndfile1-dev

Or refer to

Prepare datasets

  1. Obtain IEMOCAP dataset from
  2. Extract and save wav files at some path, assuming named as /wav_path/.
  3. Replace the '/path_to_wavs' text in ./iemocap/*.csv, with the actual path just saved all the wav files. You can use the following command.
for f in iemocap/*.csv; do sed -i 's/\/path_to_wavs/\/wav_path/' $f; done

Note: The iemocap/*.csv has 20 files, corresponding to the data split into 10 folds, according to session ID (01F, 01M, ..., 05F, 05M). For each fold, use the other 9 sessions as training, and test on the selected session. For example, for the fold 01F, we use 01F as test set and remaining 9 sessions as training set. Two csv files for each fold, one for training and one for testing. The names are: iemocap_01F.train.csv and iemocap_01F.test.csv. The csv file has 3 columns: file, emotion, text. The column 'file' indicates where to store the wav file; the column 'emotion' is the emotion label (we use 4 labels: e0, e1, e2, e3); the column 'text' is for transcript. For example:

/path/to/Ses01F_impro01_F000.wav,e0,"EXCUSE ME ."
/path/to/Ses01F_impro01_F001.wav,e0,"YEAH ."

Minimum effort to run


This will run the code and generates results in output/tmp/ folder, while cache files are stored in cache/. The model = wav2vec2-base, alpha = 0.1, LR = 5e-5, effective batch size = 8, total train epochs = 200. The 01F split will be used as testing and remaining will be used as training.

NOTE: At around 40 epochs, the eval acc should already reaches a fairly good results. But due to the learning rate at this time is still high, there will be fluctuations. Nevertheless, verifying or early stopping could save time and get a reasonable good model.

WARNING: If running on 1 single GPU, 200 epochs will take days to finish. To speed up, consider using multiple GPUs. By default, the code use all GPUs in the system.

For inference

After training, you can run the inference code, using the saved model in output/tmp (or providing another path with a saved model):

bash output/tmp

This will generate a classification result, for the 01F_test split, in output/predictions/tmp. Details can be found in the script. NOTE: If you want to use your own inference data (prepared in a csv file), please modify the load_dataset() part in

Reproduce using checkpoints

To reproduce the paper's results using the cheeckpoints:

  1. Download the checkpoints from, save them at ./ckpts/
  2. Run the following:
for s in 01F 01M 02F 02M 03F 03M 04F 04M 05F 05M; do bash ckpts/$s/ $s > output/$s.eval; done

This will generate evaluation results using the downloaded checkpoints. The evaluation results are saved in output/ folder, named as 01F.eval, 01M.eval, etc. The last line in each *.eval file, indicates number of correct predictions and accuracy for that folder (10-folds in total). If you sum the correct number and divide by 5531 (total utterance number), you should get the accuraccy slightly above 0.78.

Important parameters

Key parameters:

  • MODEL : wav2vec2-base / wav2vec2-large-960h.
  • ALPHA : loss = ctc + alpha * cls, 0.1 would be good enough for wav2vec2-base, 0.01 for wav2vec2-large-960h.
  • LR : learning rate, recommended 5e-5 when effective batch size == 8.
  • ACC : accumulated batch size. The effective batch size = batch_per_gpu * gpu_num * acc.
  • WORKER_NUM : the number of cpu for data preprocessing, please set to the maximum cpu number in the machine.
  • --num_train_epochs : number of training epochs, recommended > 100.
  • --split_id : the split partition used for testing, values are 01F 01M 02F 02M 03F 03M 04F 04M 05F 05M. The reamining partitions are used for training.

Parameters not recommended:

  • --group_by_length : this will significantly slow down data preprocessing step, but potentially improve training efficiency.