In the location for scripts, usually ~/.config/antfs-cli/scripts (but see README, for more precise location) you can add executable scripts and programs.
The scripts and programs placed here will be executed in the background when a file have been downloaded, uploaded or deleted.
The three arguments to the executables are:
Action (DOWNLOAD, UPLOAD or DELETE -- depending on what action caused the script to run)
File name
FIT type (e.g. 4 for an Activity, see File.Identifier in ant/fs/ for other FIT file types)
Note: Do not modify, delete, or rename the original file. If you want to modify or change the file, create a copy, or write the new data to a different file.
import sys
def upload(action, filename, fittype):
# if we downloaded a new activity
if action == "DOWNLOAD" and fittype == 4:
data = open(filename, 'b').read()
# upload file
if __name__ == "__main__":
upload(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], int(sys.argv[3]))