It's a good idea to describe what it is you would like to implement before starting it. The are multiple reasons for this:
- new feature might interact with other feature in ways you don't expect;
- not all ways of implementing a feature are equal, some might be preferred just for the sake of keeping things consistent;
- the code base is quite large and stuff that's already there might save you some time.
Changes can be sent as a pull request on github or as a patch via email.
Some information on development is available on the wiki.
Tests are available and can be run with make check
in the root, src/
directory. When inside tests/
, there are multiple ways to run
specific tests in several different modes, see comment inside the Makefile
there for instructions.
|-- build-aux/ - part of autotools' machinery
|-- data/ - documentation, sample vifmrc, icons, etc.
| |
| |-- colors/ - sample color schemes
| |-- graphics/ - icons and screenshots
| |-- man/ - manual pages
| |-- shell-completion/ - scripts implementing shell completion
| `-- vim/ - plugin for Vim
|-- patches/ - patches for software vifm depends on
|-- pkgs/ - package build-scripts
|-- scripts/ - utility scripts for development
|-- src/ - the source code of vifm
| |
| |-- cfg/ - code related to configuration
| | |
| | |-- config.c - reads scripts and manages configuration
| | |-- hist.c - convenient history list abstraction
| | `-- info.c - read and write vifminfo
| |
| |-- compat/ - implementation of features that are missing on some OSes
| | |
| | |-- curses.c - emulation of some wide functions for OpenBSD
| | |-- dentry.c - emulation of d_entry field of struct direntry
| | |-- getopt.c - part of glibc to have getopt_long() everywhere
| | |-- getopt1.c - getopt.c public interface implementation
| | |-- mntent.c - compatibility file for FreeBSD-like systems
| | |-- os.c - very thin abstraction layer over basic OS facilities
| | |-- pthread.c - spinlock shim for OS X
| | |-- reallocarray.c - more convenient and safe realloc() for arrays
| | `-- wcwidth.c - wcwidth() implementation for Windows
| |
| |-- engine/ - the core of vi[m]-like functionality
| | |
| | |-- abbrevs.c - implementation of abbreviations
| | |-- autocmds.c - implementation of autocommands
| | |-- cmds.c - command line parsing core
| | |-- completion.c - provides means to fill and get completion list
| | |-- functions.c - provides support for builtin functions
| | |-- keys.c - analyzes users input
| | |-- mode.c - generic mode related routines
| | |-- options.c - :set command
| | |-- parsing.c - parses expressions
| | |-- var.c - all needed to work with variables
| | `-- variables.c - handles :let and :unlet commands
| |
| |-- int/ - integration with environment/external tools
| | |
| | |-- desktop.c - code that parses *.desktop files on *nix systems
| | |-- ext_edit.c - managing of state related to external renaming
| | |-- file_magic.c - determines programs associated with file using its
| | | mime-type
| | |-- fuse.c - provides support of FUSE filesystems
| | |-- path_env.c - parses and modifies PATH environment variables
| | |-- term_title.c - terminal title updates
| | `-- vim.c - contains Vim integration functionality
| |
| |-- io/ - file system operations implementation
| | |
| | |-- private/ - internal part of i/o
| | | |
| | | |-- ioc.c - implementation of common i/o routines
| | | |-- ioeta.c - internal part of i/o estimations
| | | |-- ionotif.c - internal part of i/o notifications
| | | `-- traverser.c - file system traversing routine
| | |
| | |-- ioeta.c - i/o estimations management
| | |-- iop.c - implementation of i/o primitive
| | `-- ior.c - implementation of recursive i/o operations
| |
| |-- lua/ - Lua interface
| | |
| | |-- lua/ - Lua 5.4.2 sources
| | |-- common.c - common code for Lua API implementation
| | |-- vifm_cmds.c - implementation of `vifm.cmds`
| | |-- vifm_handlers.c - implementation of `vifm.addhandler`
| | |-- vifm_viewcolumns.c - implementation of `vifm.addcolumntype`
| | |-- vifmentry.c - implementation of VifmEntry
| | |-- vifmjob.c - implementation of VifmJob
| | |-- vifmview.c - implementation of VifmView
| | |-- vlua.c - main Lua interface unit
| | `-- vlua_state.c - management of state of vlua.c unit
| |
| |-- menus/ - implementation of all menus
| | |
| | |-- apropos_menu.c - handles :apropos menu
| | |-- bmarks_menu.c - handles :bmarks menu
| | |-- cabbrevs_menu.c - handles :cabbrev and :cnoreabbrev menus
| | |-- colorscheme_menu.c - handles :colorscheme menu
| | |-- commands_menu.c - handles :command menu
| | |-- dirhistory_menu.c - handles :history menu
| | |-- dirstack_menu.c - handles :dirs menu
| | |-- filetypes_menu.c - handles :file menu
| | |-- find_menu.c - handles :file menu
| | |-- grep_menu.c - hanldes :grep menu
| | |-- history_menu.c - handles :history command menus except directory
| | | history
| | |-- jobs_menu.c - handles :jobs menu
| | |-- locate_menu.c - handles :locale menu
| | |-- trash_menu.c - handles :lstrash menu
| | |-- trashes_menu.c - handles :trashes menu
| | |-- map_menu.c - handles :map menu
| | |-- marks_menu.c - handles :marks menu
| | |-- media.c - handles :media menu
| | |-- menus.c - handles all kinds of menus
| | |-- plugins_menu.c - handles :plugins menu
| | |-- registers_menu.c - handles :registers menu
| | |-- undolist_menu.c - handles :undolist menu
| | |-- users_menu.c - handles menus created by %m or %M macros
| | |-- vifm_menu.c - handles :vifm (or :version) menu
| | `-- volumes_menu.c - handles :volumes menu on MS Windows systems
| |
| |-- modes/ - implementation of all modes
| | |
| | |-- dialogs/ - dialog modes
| | | |
| | | |-- attr_dialog_nix.c - file permissions dialog for *nix systems
| | | |-- attr_dialog_win.c - file properties dialog for MS Windows
| | | | systems
| | | |-- change_dialog.c - change dialog
| | | |-- msg_dialog.c - information/error/prompt messages
| | | `-- sort_dialog.c - dialog to choose sort type
| | |
| | |-- cmdline.c - command line mode
| | |-- file_info.c - Control+G
| | |-- menu.c - handles commands in menus
| | |-- modes.c - general code (e.g. before and after key pressed) for
| | | modes
| | |-- more.c - more mode that views too much output on status bar
| | |-- normal.c - normal mode commands
| | |-- view.c - view mode commands
| | `-- visual.c - implementation of visual mode commands
| |
| |-- ui/ - most of ui related code
| | |
| | |-- private/ - internal headers of ui
| | |-- cancellation.c - managing operation cancellation
| | |-- color_manager.c - manager of curses color pairs
| | |-- color_scheme.c - color schemes
| | |-- colored_line.c - text with %x* highlighting
| | |-- column_view.c - column formatting unit
| | |-- escape.c - escape sequences related stuff
| | |-- fileview.c - display/redraw/manage file view
| | |-- quickview.c - implementation of quick view
| | |-- statusbar.c - managing status bar
| | |-- statusline.c - status line formatting
| | |-- tabs.c - implementation of tabs
| | `-- ui.c - ui initialization and other ui related functions
| |
| |-- utils/ - miscellaneous utility functions and data types
| | |
| | |-- private/ - internal headers of utilities
| | |-- cancellation.c - kind of cancellation token
| | |-- darray.c - macros for managin dynamic arrays
| | |-- dynarray.c - array reallocation with fewer memory copies
| | |-- env.c - environment variables related functions
| | |-- fs.c - functions to deal with file system objects
| | |-- fsdata.c - maps arbitrary data onto file system tree
| | |-- fsddata.c - fsdata wrapper that takes care of dynamic memory
| | |-- fswatch_nix.c - watches path in file system for changes on *nix
| | |-- fswatch_win.c - watches path in file system for changes on Windows
| | |-- file_streams.c - file stream reading related functions
| | |-- filemon.c - file monitoring "object"
| | |-- filter.c - small abstraction over filter driven by a regexp
| | |-- globs.c - provides support of glob patterns
| | |-- gmux_nix.c - implementation of named mutex on *nix
| | |-- gmux_win.c - implementation of named mutex on Windows
| | |-- int_stack.c - int stack "object"
| | |-- log.c - primitive logging
| | |-- matcher.c - file path/name matcher (glob/regexp/mime-type)
| | |-- matchers.c - list of matchers (which are ANDed together)
| | |-- path.c - various functions to work with paths
| | |-- regexp.c - regexp related
| | |-- selector_nix.c - waiting for file descriptors to become readable
| | |-- selector_win.c - waiting for file handles to become readable
| | |-- shmem_nix.c - implementation of named shared memory on *nix
| | |-- shmem_win.c - implementation of named shared memory on Windows
| | |-- str.c - various string functions
| | |-- string_array.c - functions to work with arrays of strings
| | |-- trie.c - 3-way trie implementation
| | |-- utf8.c - functions to handle utf8 strings
| | |-- utils.c - various utilities
| | |-- utils_nix.c - various utilities for *nix systems
| | |-- utils_win.c - various utilities for MS Windows
| | `-- xxhash.c - fast hashing algorithm
| |
| |-- args.c - command-line arguments parsing and processing
| |-- background.c - runs commands in background
| |-- bmarks.c - management of (named) bookmarks
| |-- bracket_notation.c - list of bracket notation entries
| |-- cmd_completion.c - handles command line completion
| |-- cmd_core.c - command line parsing
| |-- cmd_handlers.c - handlers for command line commands
| |-- compare.c - implementation of directory comparison
| |-- dir_stack.c - for :pushd and :popd commands
| |-- event_loop.c - event dispatching loop
| |-- filelist.c - fill/update list of files
| |-- filename_modifiers.c - expands filename modifiers
| |-- filetype.c - stores filetype information from vifmrc
| |-- filtering.c - managing file filters
| |-- flist_hist.c - file list history related code
| |-- flist_pos.c - most of file list scrolling/cursor positioning code
| |-- flist_sel.c - most of file list selection handling code
| |-- fops_common.c - shared functionality of high-level file operations
| |-- fops_cpmv.c - copying/moving/linking of files
| |-- fops_misc.c - most of high-level operations on files
| |-- fops_put.c - putting of files
| |-- fops_rename.c - renaming files in various ways
| |-- instance.c - manages generic state of the instance
| |-- ipc.c - handles communication across instances of vifm
| |-- macros.c - code of macros expansion
| |-- marks.c - stores information about marked directories
| |-- ops.c - most of operations performed on file system
| |-- opt_handlers.c - initialization of options and option change handlers
| |-- plugins.c - plugin management
| |-- registers.c - implementation of registers
| |-- running.c - code of handing file and commands running
| |-- search.c - code for / and ? commands of normal mode
| |-- signals.c - handlers for different signals
| |-- sort.c - sort function
| |-- status.c - definition of global status structure
| |-- tags.c - tags for :h completion
| |-- trash.c - code that handles list of files in trash
| |-- types.c - internal file type detection and conversions
| |-- undo.c - stores and handles the undo list
| |-- vcache.c - cache of viewers' output
| |-- version.c - git hash and other version information
| |-- viewcolumns_parser.c - contains code for parsing 'viewcolumns' option
| |-- vifm.c - contains main initialization/termination code
| `-- win_helper.c - needed for temporary rights evaluation on Windows
|-- tests/ - test suites
|-- AUTHORS - list of code contributors
|-- BUGS - some of known issues
|-- ChangeLog - list of changes
|-- FAQ - some common questions
|-- - this file
|-- INSTALL - building instructions
|-- NEWS - like the ChangeLog, but in more human-readable format
|-- README - readme used for distribution
|-- - readme to be displayed by code hosting services
|-- THANKS - thanks to people that help to improve vifm
`-- TODO - what still needs to be implemented