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Changes in this fork of akairo

Slash commands

New slash command related events:

these are all emitted by the command handler

  • slashError
  • slashBlocked
    • owner
    • superuser
  • slashStarted
  • slashNotFound
  • slashGuildOnly
  • slashMissingPermissions
    • user
    • client

New normal events

  • notNsfw

Cooldown event will also run on slash commands

For more info about these events view the source code. If you don't want to do that, you can safely assume that they are the exact same as their non-slash versions, execpt all Message arguments are changed to CommandInteraction.

Slash command example:

Slash commands are turned into message like objects to make interacting with them easier the original ineraction is maintained though at message.interaction, please note that you will need to register the slash commands yourself with the name of the command

import { Command } from "discord-akairo";
import {  Message, User } from "discord.js";
export default class slashCommand extends Command {
    public constructor() {
        super("slash", {
            aliases: ["slooosh", "slash"],
            // Args generated by akairo
            args: [
					id: "member",
					type: "member"
					match: "content",
            //Slash command options you are going to have to register yourself
			//You might need to add the types etc yourself for this to be allowed
			//This is for yourself to have the options in the command
			options: [
					type: 6,
					name: "member",
					description: "the member you want to greet",
					required: true,
    exec(message: Message, { member } : { member : GuildMember }) {
       message.reply(`Hello ${member}!`)
	// By default it will use the normal exec method but if you specify execSlash it will run and not the exec
	// If you want it to always run execSlash you will have to add the execSlash option to your command handler and it will only use the execSlash and throw a error if you arent using it
	execSlash(message: Message, { member } : { member : GuildMember }) {
       message.reply(`Hello ${member}!`)

Note that this example assumes a few things.

  1. You already have a registered slash command called avatar
  2. The registered command has one option named user, and
    1. The type is 6 (enum value for user)
    2. Required is false

Message.util.send/reply doesnt work on slash commands to know whats a slash command use message.util.slash, true if true

slash option in commands is just so you can know if a command is slashed for yourself

You can do this all manually using something like an eval command, or just making the http requests to the discord api yourself, or making it automated, but just keep in mind that the library won't register anything for you. Read this or this for how to create/edit/delete slash commands in discord.js.

Ephemeral responses

If you are unaware, an ephemeral response is what causes the "Only you can see this" response with slash commands. You can cause the command to do this with the slashEphemeral command option. Just add slashEphemeral: true and it will respond privately.

Warning: fetchReply will not work with ephemeral responses.

This is for slash commands and not normal commands


Yes this fork has tasks!


import { TaskHandler } from "discord-akairo"
taskHandler: TaskHandler = new TaskHandler(this, {
	directory: join(__dirname, "..", "tasks"),
import { Task } from "discord-akairo";
export default class extends Task {
	constructor() {
		super("hello", {
			delay: 200,
			runOnStart: false
	async exec() {
		console.log("hello from", this.client.user.username);


SuperUsers example:

constructor(config: Option) {
			ownerID: config.owners,
			superUserID: config.superUsers,
constructor(config: Option) {
			ownerID: config.owners,
            //Owners arent automatically added as superuser
			superUserID: [...config.owners,...config.superUsers],

Auto defer

Auto defer automatically defers a message aka "BotName is thinking"

commandHandler: CommandHandler = new CommandHandler(this, {
	directory: join(__dirname, "..", "Commands"),
	prefix: "!",
	//To disable it
	autoDefer: false


Makes a command usable ONLY in NSFW rooms

If a uesr tries to use a command with onlyNsfw: true in a channel that is not NSFW the CommandHandler will emit the notNsfw event that can be listened for in order to act in different ways.


export default class NsfwCommand extends Command {
	constructor() {
		super("nsfw", {
			aliases: ["nsfw"],
			category: "NSFW 🔞",
			onlyNsfw: true,
			description: {
				content: "Random nsfw example",
				usage: "nsfw",
				examples: ["nsfw"]

Removed features

  • Providers
    • mongo
    • sequelize
    • sqlite

If you want a good database, we recommend using an ORM like sequelize. Databases aren't hard to set up by themselves, and are much more convienent when used without being limited by providers.

For support regarding this fork, you can ping @Tricked in the Akairo discord server #general or preferably join my discord and ask there.