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This a high level documentation on how to use the React Native TrueLayer SDK.

Once your app has obtained the payment (or mandate) identifier and resource token from the backend (see Setup), you can use the React Native SDK to process the payment.

Note: when processing a single payment or mandate, ensure the top-most view that is visible remains in memory. It should not be hidden or deallocated while the SDK is displayed. The iOS SDK keeps a reference to this view to dismiss itself when the flow is complete.

Single Payment

Creating a payment

Refer to our payment-quickstart

Processing a Single Payment

  paymentId: "", // Your payment ID,
  resourceToken: "", // Your payment token,
  redirectUri: "", // Your redirect URI,
}).then((result) => {
  switch (result.type) {
    case ResultType.Success:
      console.log(`processPayment success at step: ${result.step}`);
    case ResultType.Failure:
      console.log(`processPayment failure reason: ${result.reason}`);

The parameters used in PaymentContext are explained below:

  • paymentId: the payment identifier retrieved from your backend.
  • resourceToken: the payment token retrieved from your backend.
  • redirectUri: the destination where the user should be redirected once the authorization flow is done outside of the app (bank website, HPP). This is usually your app's redirect URI.

The parameters used in the PaymentPreferences are explained below:

  • preferredCountryCode: the preferred country to use when displaying the providers. If the country is invalid, or does not include any providers, the value will fallback to the user's locale.
  • shouldPresentResultScreen: true if the result screen should be presented before the final redirect to the merchant app. Default is true.
  • waitTimeMillis: the total time the result screen will wait to get a final status of the payment. Default is 3 seconds. Minimum is 2 seconds. Maximum is 10 seconds.

Handle redirects and display the payment result

At the end of a redirect flow the bank app will relaunch your app with the redirect-uri you provided on the console.

In your activity that launches when a deep link is triggered, you can fetch the redirect parameters from the url which will include the payment_id.

Whenever you are redirected to your app, you should reinvoke the SDK, until you receive a success or error callback.

By default the SDK offers a payment result screen, which displays the result of the payment and advises the user on what to do in case of a failed payment. If you disable the payment result screen, you can use the success or error callback to render a screen for your user when they return to your app.

1.x.x to 2.0.0 migration Guide

The paymentUseCase has been deprecated and now payments must be configured for SignUp+ on creation with the related_products.signup_plus property.

Getting Payment Status

In order to get the status of a payment, the SDK offers the following method:

  paymentId: "", // Your payment ID,
  resourceToken: "", // Your payment token
}).then((result) => {
  switch (result.type) {
    case ResultType.Success:
      console.log(`paymentStatus success with status: ${result.status}`);
    case ResultType.Failure:
        `paymentStatus failed with the following reason: ${result.failure}`

This should be treated as the favorite source of truth for the status of the payment.


PaymentStatus Description
AuthorizationRequired The payment requires authorisation.
Authorizing The user is authorizing the payment.
Authorized The payment has been authorized by the bank.
Executed The payment has been executed.
Settled The funds have reached the destination.
Failed The payment failed. This can be due to various reasons.


Processing a Mandate

  mandateId: "", // Your mandate identifier,
  resourceToken: "", // Your mandate resource token,
  redirectUri: "", // Your redirect URI,
}).then((result) => {
  switch (result.type) {
    case ResultType.Success:
      console.log(`processMandate success at step: ${result.step}`);
    case ResultType.Failure:
      console.log(`processMandate failed with reason: ${result.reason}`);

The parameters used in MandateContext are explained below:

  • mandateId: the mandate identifier retrieved from your backend.
  • resourceToken: the mandate token retrieved from your backend.
  • redirectUri: the destination where the user should be redirected once the authorization flow is done outside of the app (bank website, HPP). This is usually your app's redirect URI.

The parameters used in the MandatePreferences are explained below:

  • preferredCountryCode: the preferred country to use when displaying the providers. If the country is invalid, or does not include any providers, the value will fallback to the user's locale.
  • shouldPresentResultScreen: true if the result screen should be presented before the final redirect to the merchant app. Default is true.
  • waitTimeMillis: the total time the result screen will wait to get a final status of the payment. Default is 3 seconds. Minimum is 2 seconds. Maximum is 10 seconds.

Handle redirects and display the mandate result

At the end of a redirect flow the bank app will relaunch your app with the redirect-uri you provided on the console.

In your activity that launches when a deep link is triggered, you can fetch the redirect parameters from the url which will include the mandate_id.

Whenever you are redirected to your app, you should reinvoke the SDK, until you receive a success or error callback.

By default the SDK offers a mandate result screen, which displays the result of the mandate and advises the user on what to do in case of a failed mandate. If you disable the mandate result screen, you can use the success or error callback to render a screen for your user when they return to your app.

Getting Mandate Status

In order to get the status of a mandate, the SDK offers the following method:

  mandateId: "", // Your mandate identifier,
  resourceToken: "", // Your mandate resource token,
}).then((result) => {
  switch (result.type) {
    case ResultType.Success:
      console.log(`mandateStatus success: ${result.status}`);
    case ResultType.Failure:
        `mandateStatus failed with the following reason: ${result.failure}`

This should be treated as the favorite source of truth for the status of the mandate.


MandateStatus Description
AuthorizationRequired The mandate requires authorisation.
Authorizing The user is authorizing the mandate.
Authorized The user has authorized the mandate with their bank.
Revoked The mandate has been revoked and is no longer valid.
Failed The mandate failed. Click here for more information.

Handling the ProcessorResult

The processPayment and processMandate methods return a ProcessorResult type. This contains Success and Failure cases, explained below.


ProcessorStep Description
Executed The bank confirmed the payment or mandate.
Authorized The user authorized the payment or mandate with the bank.
Redirect The user has been redirected to the bank to authorize the payment or mandate.
Settled The funds have reached the destination.
Wait The SDK flow is complete, but a decoupled authorisation action is still pending with the user and/or the bank.


FailureReason Description
ProcessorContextNotAvailable The context provided to the SDK is invalid.
NoInternet There was an issue while connecting to the internet. Either the user is offline, or the request timed out.
CommunicationIssue There was an issue communicating with the server.
ConnectionSecurityIssue The token used to make the payment or mandate is not authorized to undergo such operation.
PaymentFailed The payment or mandate is in a failed state. Click here for more information: payments or mandates.
WaitAbandoned The user abandoned the payment on the wait screen.
Unknown The SDK encountered an unexpected behavior.
UserAborted The user canceled the payment or mandate.
ProviderOffline The pre-selected provider was offline.
InvalidRedirectURI The redirect URI passed to the SDK is invalid.
Blocked The payment has been blocked due to a regulatory requirement. This may happen if the PSU fails a sanctions check.
InvalidAccountDetails The payment failed because either the creditor's or debtor's account details were invalid.
InvalidAccountHolderName The payment failed because the account holder's name details were invalid.
InvalidCredentials The banking credentials provided by the PSU to log into their bank were incorrect.
InvalidRemitterAccount The account details of the remitter bank account provided during the payment flow were incorrect.
InvalidRequest The payment failed due to invalid data in the request.
InvalidSortCode The payment failed due to an invalid sort code being provided.
InsufficientFunds The PSU did not have the required balance in their account to complete this payment.
PaymentLimitExceeded The PSU's payment limit amount with their bank was breached.
ProviderError The provider has unexpectedly failed when creating the payment.
ProviderExpired The payment failed because the token or exchange code used to communicate with the bank expired.
ProviderRejected The provider rejected the payment.
UserCanceledAtProvider The payment failed because either the creditor's or debtor's account details were invalid.

Customising the UI

You can customise the colors and fonts used within the SDK. Customisation options are unique for iOS and Android and must be passed when processing a payment or mandate.


Customising the look of the SDK on Android devices requires passing a theme with the following options.

const androidTheme =  {
  lightColors: {
    primary: "#FF32a852",
    background: "#888888",
    surface: "#888888",
    error: "#000000"
  darkColors: {
    primary: "#888888",
    background: "#000000",
    error: "#cccccc"
  typography: {
    bodyLarge: {
      font: "rainbow_2000"

const theme =  {
  android: androidTheme

That theme is then provided to the configure method.

TrueLayerPaymentsSDKWrapper.configure(Environment.Sandbox, theme).then(
  () => {
    log('Configure success')
  reason => {
    log('Configure failed ' + reason)

Colors require a hexcode and supports both RGB and ARGB.

Fonts support both .ttf and .otf formats and must be placed in the android/app/src/main/res/font folder. The file must be named in snake case to be recognised. Then you simply use the name of the file (without the extension) in your theme object.


Customising the look of the SDK on iOS devices requires passing a theme with the following options.

const iOSTheme =  {
  lightColors: {
    backgroundPrimary: "#131313",
  darkColors: {
    contentSecondary: "#ABABAB",
  fontFamilyName: "Kanit"

const theme =  {
  ios: iOSTheme,

That theme is then provided to the configure method.

TrueLayerPaymentsSDKWrapper.configure(Environment.Sandbox, theme).then(
  () => {
    log('Configure success')
  reason => {
    log('Configure failed ' + reason)

Colors are expected to be a hexcode. They may start with the pound sign (#) but that is not necessary. It supports hexcodes of 3, 4 and 6 digits.

The font (.ttf) should be added to the project and referenced in the .plist file, and then only the family name should be passed to the SDK. In case the SDK fails to fetch it it will fallback to the native iOS font.