diff --git a/extensions/SharkPool/Google-Spreadsheets.js b/extensions/SharkPool/Google-Spreadsheets.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..23550fcc32 --- /dev/null +++ b/extensions/SharkPool/Google-Spreadsheets.js @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +// Name: Google Spreadsheets +// ID: SPspreads +// Description: Fetch Spreadsheet Data +// By: SharkPool + +// Version 1.2.2 + +(function (Scratch) { + "use strict"; + if (!Scratch.extensions.unsandboxed) throw new Error("Google Spreadsheets must run unsandboxed"); + + const menuIconURI = +""; + + const blockIconURI = +""; + + const defaultID = "1fDpOhPA2xNvar_K9mtl2h1XV5AdZnlkOZzmJnZNjHDg"; + const vm = Scratch.vm; + let encodingType = "2D Array"; + + class SPspreads { + getInfo() { + return { + id: "SPspreads", + name: "Google Spreadsheets", + menuIconURI, + blockIconURI, + color1: "#34a853", + color2: "#188038", + color3: "#115c28", + blocks: [ + { blockType: Scratch.BlockType.LABEL, text: "Sheet Reading" }, + { + func: "disclaimer", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.BUTTON, + text: "Reading Disclaimer" + }, + { + opcode: "getID", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER, + text: "get ID from sheet [URL]", + arguments: { + URL: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, defaultValue: "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fDpOhPA2xNvar_K9mtl2h1XV5AdZnlkOZzmJnZNjHDg" } + } + }, + "---", + { + opcode: "getContent", blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER, + text: "get data from sheet with ID [ID]", hideFromPalette: true, // Deprecated + arguments: { ID: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, defaultValue: "" } } + }, + { + opcode: "getContentNew", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER, + text: "data from sheet GID [NAME] with ID [ID]", + arguments: { + ID: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, defaultValue: "/d/..." }, + NAME: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, defaultValue: "0" } + } + }, + { + opcode: "setEncodeType", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND, + text: "return sheet data as [TYPE]", + arguments: { + TYPE: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "ENCODING" } + } + }, + { blockType: Scratch.BlockType.LABEL, text: "Sheet Writing" }, + { + func: "setup", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.BUTTON, + text: "Writing Setup" + }, + { + opcode: "write2Sheet", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND, + text: "write [DATA] into column [COL] from webhook URL [URL]", + arguments: { + DATA: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, defaultValue: "hello world!" }, + COL: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, defaultValue: "messages" }, + URL: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, defaultValue: "https://script.google.com/macros/..." } + } + }, + "---", + { + opcode: "write2SheetAdvanced", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND, + text: "write [DATA] from webhook URL [URL]", + arguments: { + DATA: { type: null }, // intentional for empty input + URL: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, defaultValue: "https://script.google.com/macros/..." } + } + }, + { + opcode: "advancedWriter", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER, + text: "column [COL] data [DATA] [NEXT]", + arguments: { + DATA: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, defaultValue: "hello world!" }, + COL: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, defaultValue: "messages" }, + NEXT: { type: null }, // intentional for empty input + } + }, + "---", + { + func: "setup2", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.BUTTON, + text: "Extra Webhook Setup (Optional)" + } + ], + menus: { + ENCODING: ["2D Array", "Object", "Object Array"] + }, + }; + } + + // Helper Funcs + disclaimer() { alert(`Please Enable the "Anyone With Link" option in Share > General Access`) } + + setup() { + const confirm = window.confirm(`To Write Rows and Columns in Spreadsheets, You Must install this Spreads Addon. Do you want to open the link?\n + "workspace.google.com/marketplace/webhooks_for_sheets" \n\nFollow the Setup Steps in the "Extensions/Addons" Tab in Your Spread.`); + if (confirm) Scratch.openWindow("https://workspace.google.com/u/0/marketplace/app/webhooks_for_sheets/860288437469", "_blank"); + } + setup2() { + alert(`To interact with Your Spread in this Project, import the extensions "Couplers" and "TurboHook" or "HTTP"`); + const importExt = (NAME) => { vm.extensionManager.loadExtensionURL(NAME) }; + const confirm1 = window.confirm(`Import "Couplers" by "True-Fantom"?`); + if (confirm1) importExt("https://extensions.turbowarp.org/true-fantom/couplers.js"); + const confirm2 = window.confirm(`Import "TurboHook" by "Cubester"?`); + if (confirm2) importExt("https://extensions.turbowarp.org/CubesterYT/TurboHook.js"); + const confirm3 = window.confirm(`Import "HTTP" by "godslayerakp"?`); + if (confirm3) importExt("https://extensions.turbowarp.org/godslayerakp/http.js"); + } + + tsvParser(tsv) { + const fixName = (name) => { + return name.endsWith("\r") ? name.substring(0, name.length - 1) : name; + }; + const toItems = (rows, ind, objMode) => { + const list = []; + for (var i = 1; i < rows.length; i++) { + const items = rows[i].split("\t"); + list.push(fixName(items[ind])) + } + if (objMode) return Object.assign({}, list); + else return list; + }; + const rows = tsv.split("\n"); + const columns = rows[0].split("\t"); // assume first row is the columns + let obj = {}; + if (encodingType === "2D Array") { + obj = []; + columns.forEach((item, i) => { obj.push([fixName(item), toItems(rows, i, false)]) }); + } else { + columns.forEach((item, i) => { obj[fixName(item)] = toItems(rows, i, encodingType === "Object") }); + } + return obj; + } + + // Block Funcs + getID(args) { + const url = Scratch.Cast.toString(args.URL); + const startIndex = url.indexOf("/d/") + 3; + if (startIndex === -1) return ""; + else { + const endIndex = url.indexOf("/", startIndex); + return endIndex !== -1 ? url.substring(startIndex, endIndex) : url.substring(startIndex); + } + } + + async getContent(args) { return await this.getSheetData(args.ID, "Sheet1") } + async getContentNew(args) { return await this.getSheetData(args.ID, args.NAME) } + async getSheetData(id, name) { + const defaultReturn = encodingType === "2D Array" ? "[]" : "{}"; + try { + id = id === "/d/..." ? defaultID : Scratch.Cast.toString(id); + name = encodeURIComponent(Scratch.Cast.toString(name)); + const url = `https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/${id}/export?format=tsv&id=${id}&gid=${name}&cache=${Math.random()}`; + const response = await Scratch.fetch(url); + if (!response.ok) return defaultReturn; + const content = await response.text(); + return JSON.stringify(this.tsvParser(content)); + } catch (e) { + console.warn(e); + return defaultReturn; + } + } + + setEncodeType(args) { encodingType = args.TYPE } + + async write2Sheet(args) { + const url = Scratch.Cast.toString(args.URL); + if (!url.startsWith("https://script.google.com/macros/")) return console.warn("Invalid URL!"); + const column = encodeURIComponent(Scratch.Cast.toString(args.COL)); + const data = encodeURIComponent(Scratch.Cast.toString(args.DATA)); + try { + const response = await Scratch.fetch(`${url}&${column}=${data}&cache=${Math.random()}`); + if (!response.ok) console.warn("Failed to Write to Spreadsheet!"); + } catch (e) { + console.warn(e); + } + } + + async write2SheetAdvanced(args) { + const url = Scratch.Cast.toString(args.URL); + if (!url.startsWith("https://script.google.com/macros/")) return console.warn("Invalid URL!"); + if (!args.DATA) return; + try { + const response = await Scratch.fetch(`${url}${args.DATA}&cache=${Math.random()}`); + if (!response.ok) console.warn("Failed to Write to Spreadsheet!"); + } catch (e) { + console.warn(e); + } + } + + advancedWriter(args) { + const column = encodeURIComponent(Scratch.Cast.toString(args.COL)); + const data = encodeURIComponent(Scratch.Cast.toString(args.DATA)); + return `&${column}=${data}${args.NEXT || ""}`; + } + } + + Scratch.extensions.register(new SPspreads()); +})(Scratch); diff --git a/images/SharkPool/Google-Spreadsheets.svg b/images/SharkPool/Google-Spreadsheets.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4339771fbe --- /dev/null +++ b/images/SharkPool/Google-Spreadsheets.svg @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +