If you are using snowtools on Meteo-France computers, go directly to the last section (:ref:`sec-install_dev`).
The snowtools project is mainly designed for a Linux environment.
The whole project requires at least python 3.6 and the following packages:
Some specific parts of the code (including test) require to have also:
(Pillow Imaging library)scipy
- The vortex toolbox for run on Meteo-France super-computers
The detailed list of dependencies could be find in the file requirements.txt
On Meteo-France computers, you do not have take care of dependecies that are already on your professional computer.
We encourage you to install dependencies through system packages, for instance with the following command line on Debian or Ubuntu 22.04 system:
sudo apt install python3-numpy python3-netcdf4 \
python3-matplotlib python3-dateutil python3-pyproj \
python3-shapely python3-willow python3-scipy \
python3-psycopg2 python3-pandas python3-xarray \
libgdal-dev python3-gdal python3-rpy2
Install bronx
package with pip install bronx
(no distribution package for this python package).
Most of the packages can easily be installed in a virtual environment with pip
(for instance with pip install -r requirements.txt
). This is useless if you plan to then install snowtools with pip
Only GDAL python binding need to be installed manually to be installed consistently with your installed libgdal-dev
version. Please install before the system packages ligdal
and libgdal-dev
(or similar) and run: pip install GDAL==$(gdal-config --version) --global-option=build_ext --global-option="$(gdal-config --cflags)"
If you are only a user of snowtools, download the data with git: git clone
To install, you can simply go into the snowtools directory and then run pip install -e .
(possibly in a python virtual environment).
Make sure you have a github account, linked to snowtools repository (send a mail to crocus at meteo dot fr) and that you have a SSH key attached to your github account [1]. You can then clone the git repository on your computer with :
git clone [email protected]:UMR-CNRM/snowtools.git
To install, you have to add the install folder to your PYTHONPATH
. This can be done by adding these tho following lines to your .profile
(or .bash-profile
if the first one does not exist):
export SNOWTOOLS_CEN=/yourpath/snowtools
It is also recommended to create useful aliases for s2m command and proreader graphical user interface in the ~/.bashrc
alias s2m="python $SNOWTOOLS_CEN/snowtools/tasks/"
alias proplotter="python3 $SNOWTOOLS_CEN/snowtools/plots/stratiprofile/"
alias procompare="python3 $SNOWTOOLS_CEN/snowtools/plots/stratiprofile/"
alias put="$SNOWTOOLS_CEN/cenutils/put"
Only Météo-France users who need to either extract operational S2M files either to run their own experiments on the HPC system need to install the vortex package by following this link :ref:`install-vortex`
On Meteo-France super-computers, a precompiled binary is provided in the CEN uenv environment. Therefore, this step is not required unless you need to modify the interpolation software. If you want to use your own version :
cd $SNOWTOOLS_CEN/snowtools/interpolation/
module purge
module load intel
module load intelmpi
ln -sf Makefile_belenos Makefile
Running the code does not require any module load command. It is much safer to purge all modules before running. Do never add module load commands in your .bashrc or .bash_profile files to avoid very tricky bugs. Do absolutely never load netcdf module before running the code as this would load conflictual library versions with the ones used for compilation
On your PC, if you need the interpolation software of SAFRAN meteorological fields on list of points or regular grids, you need to compile the corresponding Fortran application even if you do not modify the code:
cd $SNOWTOOLS_CEN/snowtools/interpolation/
ln -s Makefile_pc Makefile
At CEN, Netcdf with parallel support must be installed in /opt/netcdf4-parallel (ask Romain if not available)
[1] | To generate a new ssh key, go to your ~/.ssh folder (create if it does not exist) and run ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f github . You will be asked for an optional password to protect your key. Once created, go to your github account, section SSH keys, click on "add a SSH key" and copy the content of the file ~/.ssh/ in the "key" field. |