ParaView is an open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application. ParaView users can quickly build visualizations to analyze their data using qualitative and quantitative techniques. The data exploration can be done interactively in 3D or programmatically using ParaView's batch processing capabilities.
ParaView was developed to analyze extremely large datasets using distributed memory computing resources. It can be run on supercomputers to analyze datasets of petascale size.
These steps will help you setup Paraview to work as a client/server mode, being your laptop/desktop computer a client and the cluster a server. Be sure that the ParaView version installed on your local computer matches the same one that is installed on Wheeler and Hopper clusters.
To see a current list of paraview versions installed on CARC clusters login to the cluster and run
module spider paraview
- Downloads:
- ParaView User's Guide:
The most common approach to use ParaView on Hopper is through the Client-Server mode support by ParaView, which requires an installation of ParaView on your local computer (Client). There are two methods to connect to Paraview Server (PVSERVER):
The process to connecto to ParaView is, in one terminal you will ask Hopper to assign you compute nodes, where you will run the ParaView server. Once the ParaView server is listening for connections, you will open an ssh tunnel in another terminal window (This process is from your local computer to one of the compute nodes you were assigned). Then, you will tell the ParaView client on your computer to connect to the tunnel and so to the compute nodes at CARC, where it will perform the rendering.
salloc --nodes 2 --exclusive --partition general --time 00:30:00
module load paraview/5.11.0
mpiexec -np 64 pvserver --mpi --force-offscreen-rendering --server-port=11111
The hopper### corresponds to the compute node allocated by slurm, and do not forget to change your username.
ssh -L 11111:hopper###:11111 [email protected]
- File --> Connect
- On the "Choose Server Configuration" window:
- Click on "Add Server"
- Name: Hopper
- Server Type: "Client / Server"
- Port: 11111
- Click on "Configure"
- Startup Type: Manual
- Click on "Save"
Note: To Verify, Client - Server setup, go to "View" and select "Memory Inspector"
NOTE: When you are finished make sure to end the interactive job on the compute nodes. You can do this by exiting "Exit" the compute node or the "scancel" command on the cluster head node.
This process allows you to connect to Hopper service node. This process requires to know your localhost IP address "local_host_IP". Check your firewall setting if you are having firewall connectivity issues.
salloc --nodes 2 --exclusive --partition general --time 00:30:00
module load paraview/5.11.0
mpiexec -np 64 pvserver --mpi --force-offscreen-rendering --rc --client-host=My_Public_IP
Note: To Verify, Client - Server setup, go to "View" and select "Memory Inspector"
- File --> Connect
- On the "Choose Server Configuration" window:
- Click on "Add Server"
- Name: Hopper RC
- Server Type: "Client / Server (Reverse Connection)"
- Port: 11111
- Click on "Configure"
- Startup Type: Manual
- Click on "Save"
NOTE: When you are finished make sure to end the interactive job on the compute nodes. You can do this by exiting "Exit" the compute node or the "scancel" command on the cluster head node.
ParaView comes with several executables that serve different purposes. These are: paraview, pvpython, pvbatch, pvserver, pvdataserver and pvrenderserver. To learn more about this executables,