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Kafka FaaS Connector

The Kafka FaaS Connector is used by MICO to route messages from Kafka in the CloudEvents format to an OpenFaaS function.


Kafka FaaS Connector requires Kafka and OpenFaaS.


Run Kafka, ZooKeeper and OpenFaaS in your Kubernetes cluster. You find some notes about Kafka in our documentation.

Modify kafka-faas-connector.yml to set the correct URLs of the OpenFaaS gateway (default: http://gateway.openfaas:8080) and the Kafka servers (default: bootstrap.kafka:9092).

Local execution

Launch Kafka and ZooKeeper locally. Either start OpenFaaS also locally or establish a connection to an already running instance (e.g. via port forwarding).


docker-compose up kafka zookeeper

Port forwarding to OpenFaaS:

kubectl port-forward svc/gateway -n openfaas 31112:8080


Build and push the Docker image:

docker build -t ustmico/kafka-faas-connector . && docker push ustmico/kafka-faas-connector



kubectl apply -f kafka-faas-connector.yml

Local execution:


docker-compose up --build kafka-faas-connector


Actuator get configuration properties:

kubectl port-forward svc/kafka-faas-connector -n mico-workspace 8080
curl localhost:8080/actuator/configprops | jq . > configmaps.json

Get the Kubernetes logs:

kubectl -n $NAMESPACE logs -f $(kubectl get pods -n $NAMESPACE --selector=run=kafka-faas-connector --output=jsonpath={})

Restart it by deleting the Kubernetes pod:

kubectl -n $NAMESPACE delete pod $(kubectl get pods -n $NAMESPACE --selector=run=kafka-faas-connector --output=jsonpath={})

Produce message to topic 'transform-request' locally:

docker exec -it kafka /bin/bash
/opt/kafka/bin/ --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic transform-request

Consume topic 'transform-result' locally:

docker exec -it kafka /bin/bash
/opt/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --group mico --topic transform-result

Environment Variables

Variable Description Default Value
APPLICATION_NAME The spring application name kafka-faas-connector
APPLICATION_PORT The server port 8080
LOGGING_LEVEL_KAFKAFAASCONNECTOR Logging level of the Kafka-FaaS-Connector DEBUG
LOGGING_LEVEL_KAFKA_CONSUMER_INFO Logging level of the kafka consumer INFO
KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS The URLs of the bootstrap servers localhost:9092
KAFKA_GROUP_ID The group id for kafka mico
KAFKA_TOPIC_INPUT The topic, on which the Kafka-Faas-Connector receives messages transform-request
KAFKA_TOPIC_OUTPUT The topic, to which the kafka-faas-connector forwards the processed messages transform-result
KAFKA_TOPIC_INVALID_MESSAGE The topic, to which invalid messages are forwarded InvalidMessage
KAFKA_TOPIC_DEAD_LETTER The topic, to which messages are forwarded that can't/shouldn't be delivered DeadLetter
KAFKA_TOPIC_TEST_MESSAGE_OUTPUT The topic, to which test messages are forwarded TestMessagesOutput
OPENFAAS_GATEWAY The URL of the OpenFaaS gateway
OPENFAAS_FUNCTION_NAME The name of the OpenFaaS function that shall be used for processing the messages faas-message-transformer