This repo contains a couple of scripts and their dependencies which flash the bootloader and firmware images of the Ultimate Hacking Keyboard.
You will need a SWD programmer. The scripts are written for 'Segger J-Link' line of programmers
Install the following programs using your OS's package manager
- wget
- tar
TODO: Document windows software requirements
The Pins are located on the 'right half' of the keyboard.
Looking from the back of the keyboard, the pin headers are:
3.3v | GND | GND | GND |
Connect SWDIO, SWCLK, RESET 3.3v and any of the GND pins to your programmer.
If using the 'J-Link EDU mini' you can plug the pin headers directly into the back of the keyboard
Before programming, ensure the SWD programmer and USB power are connected to keyboard
Download the hex binaries
Flash a new bootloader (mac)
cd macintosh
Install firmware (mac)
cd macintosh