From c1a843cf1c346f7379eab40c9af7893187dcff77 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: MarcoRianiUNIPR Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:02:47 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Function-cateEmpty updated to add volatility section --- toolbox/helpfiles/FSDA/function-alpha.html | 8 +-- toolbox/helpfiles/FSDA/function-alpha.txt | 2 +- toolbox/helpfiles/FSDA/function-cate.html | 65 +++++++++++++------ .../helpfiles/FSDA/function-cateEmpty.html | 25 ++++++- .../helpfiles/FSDA/includesFS/bottomscript.js | 2 +- .../helpfiles/FSDA/includesFS/topscript.js | 2 +- 6 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-) diff --git a/toolbox/helpfiles/FSDA/function-alpha.html b/toolbox/helpfiles/FSDA/function-alpha.html index a2955ea2c..d25241aaf 100644 --- a/toolbox/helpfiles/FSDA/function-alpha.html +++ b/toolbox/helpfiles/FSDA/function-alpha.html @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@


- +
fanBIC Uses the output of FSRfan to choose the best value of the transformation parameter in linear regression
fanBICpn Uses the output of FSRfan called with input option family 'YJpn' to choose la_P and la_N
fanplot OLD FUNCTION (this function is replaced by fanplotFS and it is not updated anylonger)
fanplotFS Plots the fan plot for transformation in linear regression or deletion t stat
FE_int_vol Computes the integrated variance from a diffusion process via the Fourier estimator using Dirichlet kernel
FE_int_vol_Fejer Computes the integrated variance from a diffusion process via the Fourier estimator using Fejer kernel
FE_spot_vol Estimates the instantaneous variance of a diffusion process by the Fourier estimator with Dirichlet kernel
FE_spot_vol_FFT Estimates the instantaneous variance of a diffusion process by the Fourier estimator with Dirichlet kernel, using the FFT algorithm
findDir Finds recursively all directories in root
findFile Finds recursively all files in root
forecastH Produce forecasts with confidence bands for regression model with heteroskedasticity
forecastTS Forecast for a time series with trend, time varying seasonal, level shift and irregular component
FowlkesMallowsIndex Computes the Fowlkes and Mallows index
FSCorAnaeda Performs forward search in correspondence analysis with exploratory data analysis purposes
FSCorAnaenvmmd Computes the empirical envelopes of Minimum MD outside subset during the search
FSM Computes forward search estimator in multivariate analysis
FSMbonfbound Computes Bonferroni bounds for each step of the search (in mult analysis)
FSMbsb Gives the units belonging to subset at step(s) msel of the forward search
FSMeda Performs forward search in multivariate analysis with exploratory data analysis purposes
FSMedaeasy Is exactly equal to FSMeda but it is much less efficient
FSMenvmmd Computes the theoretical envelopes of Minimum MD outside subset during the search
FSMfan Computes confirmatory lrt of a suggested transformation
FSMinvmmd Converts values of minimum Mahalanobis distance into confidence levels
FSMmmd Monitors minMD
FSMmmdeasy Is exactly equal to FSMmmd but it is much less efficient
FSMmmdrs Performs random start monitoring of minimum Mahalanobis distance
FSMtra Computes MLE of transformation parameters
FSR Computes forward search estimator in linear regression
FSRaddt Produces t deletion tests for each explanatory variable
FSRB Gives an automatic outlier detection procedure in Bayesian linear regression
FSRBbsb Returns the units belonging to the subset in each step of the Bayesian forward search
FSRBeda Enables to monitor several quantities in each step of the Bayesian search
FSRBmdr Computes minimum deletion residual and other basic linear regression quantities in each step of the Bayesian search
FSRbonfbound Computes Bonferroni bounds for each step of the search (in linear regression)
FSRBr Bayesian forward search in linear regression reweighted
FSRbsb Returns the units belonging to the subset in each step of the forward search
FSRcp Monitors Cp and AIC for all models of interest of size smallp
FSReda Enables to monitor several quantities in each step of the forward search
FSRenvmdr Computes the theoretical envelopes of Minimum Deletion Residual outside subset during the search
FSRfan Monitors the values of the score test statistic for each lambda
FSRH Gives an automatic outlier detection procedure in heteroskedastic linear regression
FSRHbsb Returns the units belonging to the subset in each step of the heteroskedastic forward search
FSRHeda Enables to monitor several quantities in each step of the forward search
FSRHmdr Computes minimum deletion residual and other basic linear regression quantities in each step of the heteroskedastic search
FSRinvmdr Converts values of mdr into confidence levels and mdr in normal coordinates
FSRmdr Computes minimum deletion residual and other basic linear regression quantities in each step of the search
FSRmdrrs Performs random start monitoring of minimum deletion residual
FSRms Performs robust model selection using flexible trimming in linear regression
FSRr Forward search in linear regression reweighted
FSRts Is an automatic adaptive procedure to detect outliers in time series
FSRtsbsb Returns the units belonging to the subset in each step of the forward search
FSRtsmdr Computes minimum deletion residual for time series models in each step of the search
funnelchart Displays a funnel chart
fanBIC Uses the output of FSRfan to choose the best value of the transformation parameter in linear regression
fanBICpn Uses the output of FSRfan called with input option family 'YJpn' to choose la_P and la_N
fanplot OLD FUNCTION (this function is replaced by fanplotFS and it is not updated anylonger)
fanplotFS Plots the fan plot for transformation in linear regression or deletion t stat
FE_int_vol Computes the integrated variance from a diffusion process via the Fourier estimator using Dirichlet kernel
FE_int_vol_Fejer Computes the integrated variance from a diffusion process via the Fourier estimator using Fejer kernel
FE_spot_vol Estimates the instantaneous variance of a diffusion process by the Fourier estimator with Dirichlet kernel
FE_spot_vol_FFT Estimates the instantaneous variance of a diffusion process by the Fourier estimator with Dirichlet kernel, using the FFT algorithm
findDir Finds recursively all directories in root
findFile Finds recursively all files in root
FM_int_cov Computes the integrated covariance of a bivariate diffusion process via the Fourier-Malliavin estimator
FM_int_lev Computes the integrated leverage of a diffusion process via the Fourier-Malliavin estimator
FM_int_quart Computes the integrated quarticity of a diffusion process via the Fourier-Malliavin estimator
FM_int_vol Computes the integrated variance of a diffusion process via the Fourier-Malliavin estimator
FM_int_volvol Computes the integrated volatility of volatility of a diffusion process via the Fourier-Malliavin estimator
FM_spot_cov Computes the spot covariance of a bivariate diffusion process via the Fourier-Malliavin estimator
FM_spot_lev Computes the spot leverage of a diffusion process via the Fourier-Malliavin estimator
FM_spot_quart Computes the spot quarticity of a diffusion process via the Fourier-Malliavin estimator
FM_spot_vol Computes the spot volatility of a diffusion process via the Fourier-Malliavin estimator
FM_spot_volvol Computes the spot volatiity of volatility of a diffusion process via the Fourier-Malliavin estimator
forecastH Produce forecasts with confidence bands for regression model with heteroskedasticity
forecastTS Forecast for a time series with trend, time varying seasonal, level shift and irregular component
FowlkesMallowsIndex Computes the Fowlkes and Mallows index
FSCorAnaeda Performs forward search in correspondence analysis with exploratory data analysis purposes
FSCorAnaenvmmd Computes the empirical envelopes of Minimum MD outside subset during the search
FSM Computes forward search estimator in multivariate analysis
FSMbonfbound Computes Bonferroni bounds for each step of the search (in mult analysis)
FSMbsb Gives the units belonging to subset at step(s) msel of the forward search
FSMeda Performs forward search in multivariate analysis with exploratory data analysis purposes
FSMedaeasy Is exactly equal to FSMeda but it is much less efficient
FSMenvmmd Computes the theoretical envelopes of Minimum MD outside subset during the search
FSMfan Computes confirmatory lrt of a suggested transformation
FSMinvmmd Converts values of minimum Mahalanobis distance into confidence levels
FSMmmd Monitors minMD
FSMmmdeasy Is exactly equal to FSMmmd but it is much less efficient
FSMmmdrs Performs random start monitoring of minimum Mahalanobis distance
FSMtra Computes MLE of transformation parameters
FSR Computes forward search estimator in linear regression
FSRaddt Produces t deletion tests for each explanatory variable
FSRB Gives an automatic outlier detection procedure in Bayesian linear regression
FSRBbsb Returns the units belonging to the subset in each step of the Bayesian forward search
FSRBeda Enables to monitor several quantities in each step of the Bayesian search
FSRBmdr Computes minimum deletion residual and other basic linear regression quantities in each step of the Bayesian search
FSRbonfbound Computes Bonferroni bounds for each step of the search (in linear regression)
FSRBr Bayesian forward search in linear regression reweighted
FSRbsb Returns the units belonging to the subset in each step of the forward search
FSRcp Monitors Cp and AIC for all models of interest of size smallp
FSReda Enables to monitor several quantities in each step of the forward search
FSRenvmdr Computes the theoretical envelopes of Minimum Deletion Residual outside subset during the search
FSRfan Monitors the values of the score test statistic for each lambda
FSRH Gives an automatic outlier detection procedure in heteroskedastic linear regression
FSRHbsb Returns the units belonging to the subset in each step of the heteroskedastic forward search
FSRHeda Enables to monitor several quantities in each step of the forward search
FSRHmdr Computes minimum deletion residual and other basic linear regression quantities in each step of the heteroskedastic search
FSRinvmdr Converts values of mdr into confidence levels and mdr in normal coordinates
FSRmdr Computes minimum deletion residual and other basic linear regression quantities in each step of the search
FSRmdrrs Performs random start monitoring of minimum deletion residual
FSRms Performs robust model selection using flexible trimming in linear regression
FSRr Forward search in linear regression reweighted
FSRts Is an automatic adaptive procedure to detect outliers in time series
FSRtsbsb Returns the units belonging to the subset in each step of the forward search
FSRtsmdr Computes minimum deletion residual for time series models in each step of the search
funnelchart Displays a funnel chart
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@


- +
genSigmaGPCM Generates covariance matrix for the 14 Gaussian Parsimonious Clustering Models
GowerIndex Computes matrix of similarity indexes using Gower metric
GUIautocorr Shows the necessary calculations to obtain the autocorrelation in a GUI
GUIconcentration Shows the necessary calculations to obtain the GINI concentration index in a GUI
GUIcorr Shows the necessary calculations to obtain the correlation in a GUI
GUIcov Shows the necessary calculations to obtain the covariance in a GUI
GUImad Shows the necessary calculations to obtain MAD, S_M or S_Me in a GUI
GUIpowermean Shows the necessary calculations to obtain the power (generalized) mean in a GUI
GUIquantile Shows the necessary calculations to obtain $x_z$ quantile
GUIregress Shows the necessary calculations to obtain simple linear regression statistics in a GUI
GUIskewness Shows the necessary calculations to obtain the variance in a GUI
GUIstd Shows the necessary calculations to obtain the standard deviation in a GUI
GUItrimmean Shows the necessary calculations to obtain the trimmed mean in a GUI
GUIvar Shows the necessary calculations to obtain the variance in a GUI
GYfilt Computes the Gervini-Yohai univariate outlier identifier
genr8next Genr8 returns a vector of pseudorandom number sequence
genSigmaGPCM Generates covariance matrix for the 14 Gaussian Parsimonious Clustering Models
GowerIndex Computes matrix of similarity indexes using Gower metric
GUIautocorr Shows the necessary calculations to obtain the autocorrelation in a GUI
GUIconcentration Shows the necessary calculations to obtain the GINI concentration index in a GUI
GUIcorr Shows the necessary calculations to obtain the correlation in a GUI
GUIcov Shows the necessary calculations to obtain the covariance in a GUI
GUImad Shows the necessary calculations to obtain MAD, S_M or S_Me in a GUI
GUIpowermean Shows the necessary calculations to obtain the power (generalized) mean in a GUI
GUIquantile Shows the necessary calculations to obtain $x_z$ quantile
GUIregress Shows the necessary calculations to obtain simple linear regression statistics in a GUI
GUIskewness Shows the necessary calculations to obtain the variance in a GUI
GUIstd Shows the necessary calculations to obtain the standard deviation in a GUI
GUItrimmean Shows the necessary calculations to obtain the trimmed mean in a GUI
GUIvar Shows the necessary calculations to obtain the variance in a GUI
GYfilt Computes the Gervini-Yohai univariate outlier identifier
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@


- +
HAbdp Finds the constant c associated to the supplied breakdown point
HAc Computes breakdown point and efficiency associated with constant c
HAeff Finds the tuning constant that guarrantees a requested asymptotic efficiency
HApsi Computes psi function using Hampel proposal
HApsider Computes derivative of psi function using Hampel proposal
HApsix Computes psi function using Hampel proposal times x
HArho Computes rho function using Hampel proposal
HAwei Computes weight function psi(u)/u using Hampel proposal
histFS Plots a histogram with the elements in each bin grouped according to a vector of labels
htmlwriteFS Is an obsolete function which will be removed in future releases. Use publishFS.m instead
HUc Computes breakdown point and efficiency associated with constant c for Huber link
HUeff Finds the constant c which is associated to the requested efficiency for Tukey biweight estimator
HUpsi Computes psi function (derivative of rho function) for Huber
HUpsider Computes derivative of psi function (second derivative of rho function) for Huber
HUpsix Computes psi function (derivative of rho function) times x for Huber
HUrho Computes rho function for Huber
HUwei Computes weight function psi(u)/u for Huber
HYPbdp Finds constant c which is associated to the requested breakdown point for hyp. tan. estimator
HYPc Computes breakdown point and efficiency associated with constant chyperbolic tangent estimator (for a given value of k=sup CVC)
HYPck Computes values of the scalars A, B, d for hyperbolic tangent estimator
HYPeff Finds constant c which is associated to the requested efficiency for hyperbolic estimator
HYPk Computes breakdown point and efficiency for hyp. tan. estimator
HYPpsi Computes psi function for hyperbolic tangent estimator
HYPpsider Computes derivative of psi function for hyperbolic tangent estimator
HYPpsix Computes psi function for hyperbolic tangent estimator times x
HYPrho Computes rho function using hyperbolic tangent estimator
HYPwei Computes weight function psi(u)/u for hyperbolic tangent estimator
HAbdp Finds the constant c associated to the supplied breakdown point
HAc Computes breakdown point and efficiency associated with constant c
HAeff Finds the tuning constant that guarrantees a requested asymptotic efficiency
HApsi Computes psi function using Hampel proposal
HApsider Computes derivative of psi function using Hampel proposal
HApsix Computes psi function using Hampel proposal times x
HArho Computes rho function using Hampel proposal
HAwei Computes weight function psi(u)/u using Hampel proposal
Heston1D Simulates observations and instantaneous variances from the Heston model
Heston2D Simulates observations and instantaneous variances from the bivariate Heston model
histFS Plots a histogram with the elements in each bin grouped according to a vector of labels
htmlwriteFS Is an obsolete function which will be removed in future releases. Use publishFS.m instead
HUc Computes breakdown point and efficiency associated with constant c for Huber link
HUeff Finds the constant c which is associated to the requested efficiency for Tukey biweight estimator
HUpsi Computes psi function (derivative of rho function) for Huber
HUpsider Computes derivative of psi function (second derivative of rho function) for Huber
HUpsix Computes psi function (derivative of rho function) times x for Huber
HUrho Computes rho function for Huber
HUwei Computes weight function psi(u)/u for Huber
HYPbdp Finds constant c which is associated to the requested breakdown point for hyp. tan. estimator
HYPc Computes breakdown point and efficiency associated with constant chyperbolic tangent estimator (for a given value of k=sup CVC)
HYPck Computes values of the scalars A, B, d for hyperbolic tangent estimator
HYPeff Finds constant c which is associated to the requested efficiency for hyperbolic estimator
HYPk Computes breakdown point and efficiency for hyp. tan. estimator
HYPpsi Computes psi function for hyperbolic tangent estimator
HYPpsider Computes derivative of psi function for hyperbolic tangent estimator
HYPpsix Computes psi function for hyperbolic tangent estimator times x
HYPrho Computes rho function using hyperbolic tangent estimator
HYPwei Computes weight function psi(u)/u for hyperbolic tangent estimator
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@


- +
pcaFS Performs Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on raw data
PDbdp Finds the constant alpha associated to the supplied breakdown point for minimum power divergence estimator
PDc Computes breakdown point and efficiency associated with tuning constant alpha for minimum power divergence estimator
PDeff Finds the constant alpha which is associated to the requested efficiency for minimum power divergence estimator
PDpsi Computes psi function (derivative of rho function) for minimum density power divergence estimator
PDpsider Computes derivative of psi function (second derivative of rho function) for minimum power divergence estimator
PDpsix Computes psi function (derivative of rho function) times x for minimum density power divergence estimator
PDrho Computes rho function for minimum density power divergence estimator
PDwei Computes weight function psi(u)/u for for minimum density power divergence estimator
position Controls the position of the open figures
Powertra Computes power transformation (Box-Cox or Yeo-Johnson)
publishBibliography Enables to create web page which contains the references inside the input .m files
publishFS Enables to create automatic HELP FILES from structured .m function files
publishFunctionAlpha Enables to create web page which contains the alphabetical list of functions
publishFunctionCate Enables to create web page which contains the categorical list of functions
pcaFS Performs Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on raw data
PDbdp Finds the constant alpha associated to the supplied breakdown point for minimum power divergence estimator
PDc Computes breakdown point and efficiency associated with tuning constant alpha for minimum power divergence estimator
PDeff Finds the constant alpha which is associated to the requested efficiency for minimum power divergence estimator
PDpsi Computes psi function (derivative of rho function) for minimum density power divergence estimator
PDpsider Computes derivative of psi function (second derivative of rho function) for minimum power divergence estimator
PDpsix Computes psi function (derivative of rho function) times x for minimum density power divergence estimator
PDrho Computes rho function for minimum density power divergence estimator
PDwei Computes weight function psi(u)/u for for minimum density power divergence estimator
pivotCoord Transforms into Pivot coordinates as a special case of isometric logratio coordinates
pivotCoordInv Transforms back the output of pivotCoord
position Controls the position of the open figures
Powertra Computes power transformation (Box-Cox or Yeo-Johnson)
publishBibliography Enables to create web page which contains the references inside the input .m files
publishFS Enables to create automatic HELP FILES from structured .m function files
publishFunctionAlpha Enables to create web page which contains the alphabetical list of functions
publishFunctionCate Enables to create web page which contains the categorical list of functions
diff --git a/toolbox/helpfiles/FSDA/function-alpha.txt b/toolbox/helpfiles/FSDA/function-alpha.txt index 6782373c7..77a31dd34 100644 --- a/toolbox/helpfiles/FSDA/function-alpha.txt +++ b/toolbox/helpfiles/FSDA/function-alpha.txt @@ -1 +1 @@ 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  • Probability distributions + +
  • Volatility estimation +
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  • Guis
  • Utilities
  • Probability distributions + +
  • Volatility estimation +
  • + + + +
  • Guis
  • Utilities