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393 lines (315 loc) · 9.89 KB


Neutrofill is an automated filler bot that processes inbound transaction requests from CompactX and executes them if deemed profitable. It maintains a server-side wallet and automatically submits transactions that meet profitability criteria.


  • Accepts inbound POST requests for transaction execution
  • Real-time ETH price monitoring across multiple chains via CoinGecko
  • Profitability analysis before transaction submission
  • Support for multiple chains (Ethereum, Optimism, Base, Unichain)
  • WebSocket support for real-time transaction status updates
  • Automated cross-chain token rebalancing via bridging using the Across Protocol
  • Automated single-chain token rebalancing via swaps using the Uniswap API

A hosted version can be accessed at — note that this service is meant to serve as a reference for demonstration purposes and no guarantees about its uptime or reliability are provided.

This project is mostly meant to serve as a starting point until more mature standards like the Open Intents Framework have fully integrated with The Compact.

Getting Started


  • Node.js 18+
  • npm 9+


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd Neutrofill
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Set up Git hooks:

    npx husky init
  4. Copy .env.example to .env and configure your environment:

    cp .env.example .env


  • Start the development server with hot reload:

    npm run dev
  • Run type checking:

    npm run typecheck
  • Run the test suite:

    npm test
  • Format and lint code:

    npm run fix


Build both server and client:

npm run build

This will:

  • Compile TypeScript server code to dist/server/
  • Build React client to dist/client/


Start the production server in production mode:

npm start

Or start the production server with debug logs enabled:

npm run start:debug

Cross-Chain Token Rebalancing

Neutrofill includes an automated cross-chain token rebalancing mechanism that helps maintain target token percentages across multiple blockchain networks. This maintatins sufficient funds on each supported chain to operate efficiently.

Rebalancing Features

  • Configurable target percentages for each chain
  • Token-specific rebalancing priorities
  • Automatic detection of chains that need funds
  • Cooldown periods between rebalancing operations
  • Minimum and maximum rebalance amounts
  • Transaction tracking and status monitoring
  • Event-based notifications for rebalance operations

How It Works

For cross-chain bridging:

  1. The system monitors token balances across all supported chains
  2. When a chain's balance falls below its configured threshold, a rebalance operation is triggered
  3. The system identifies a source chain with excess funds
  4. Funds are transferred from the source chain to the destination chain using the Across Protocol
  5. The operation is tracked until completion

For single-chain swapping, neutrofill uses the Uniswap API. Note that all swaps are performed on Unichain to allow for best execution with lowg gas costs.


Rebalancing is configured in src/server/config/rebalance.ts. You can customize:

  • Target percentage for each chain / token
  • Trigger thresholds for rebalancing
  • Token priorities for rebalancing
  • Global settings like minimum/maximum amounts and cooldown periods


The following environment variables are required:

  • PORT: Server port (default: 3000)
  • PRIVATE_KEY: Private key for the wallet that will execute transactions
  • RPC_URL_MAINNET: Ethereum mainnet RPC URL
  • COINGECKO_API_KEY: CoinGecko API key
  • UNISWAP_API_KEY: Uniswap API key
  • COMPACT_INDEXER: Graphql indexing service (e.g. Ponder node) for The Compact

Supported Networks

  • Mainnet (Chain ID: 1)
  • Optimism (Chain ID: 10)
  • Base (Chain ID: 8453)
  • Unichain (Chain ID: 130)

API Endpoints

POST /broadcast

Submit a transaction for potential execution. Generally, this will be relayed from a service like disseminator — reach out to be added as a webhook.

Request body must conform to the BroadcastRequest schema which includes:

  • chainId: Chain ID where the resource lock resides (numeric string or hex)
  • compact: Compact message object
    • arbiter: Ethereum address
    • sponsor: Ethereum address
    • nonce: 32-byte hex string
    • expires: Numeric string or hex
    • id: Numeric string or hex
    • amount: Numeric string or hex
    • mandate: Mandate object
  • sponsorSignature: 64-byte hex string, '0x', or null (no signature indicates an onchain registration)
  • allocatorSignature: 64-byte hex string
  • context: Context object
    • dispensation: Numeric string or hex
    • dispensationUSD: String (can include $ prefix)
    • spotOutputAmount: Numeric string or hex
    • quoteOutputAmountDirect: Numeric string or hex
    • quoteOutputAmountNet: Numeric string or hex
    • deltaAmount: (optional) Numeric string or hex (can be negative)
    • slippageBips: (optional) Number between 0-10000
    • witnessTypeString: String
    • witnessHash: 32-byte hex string
    • claimHash: (optional) 32-byte hex string
  • claimHash: (optional) 32-byte hex string

The mandate object represents parameters related to the fill chain and contains:

  • chainId: Chain ID where the resource lock resides (positive number)
  • tribunal: Ethereum address
  • recipient: Ethereum address
  • expires: Numeric string or hex
  • token: Ethereum address
  • minimumAmount: Numeric string or hex
  • baselinePriorityFee: Numeric string or hex
  • scalingFactor: Numeric string or hex
  • salt: 32-byte hex string

Be sure that any ECDSA signatures are encoded in their "compact" representation using EIP-2098.

GET /health

Check server health status.


  status: "ok",
  timestamp: number  // Unix timestamp in seconds

WebSocket Connection

Connect to /ws for real-time transaction status updates. Note: WebSocket endpoint does not support CORS - connections must originate from the same origin.

Message Types:

  1. Connection Status (Server -> Client):
  type: "connection",
  status: "connected" | "disconnected",
  timestamp: string  // ISO timestamp
  1. Heartbeat (Bidirectional):
  type: "ping" | "pong",
  timestamp: string  // ISO timestamp
  1. Fill Request Status (Server -> Client):
  type: "fillRequest",
  success: boolean,
  request: {
    chainId: string,
    compact: {
      arbiter: string,
      sponsor: string,
      nonce: string,
      expires: string,
      id: string,
      amount: string,
      mandate: {
        chainId: number,
        tribunal: string,
        recipient: string,
        expires: string,
        token: string,
        minimumAmount: string,
        baselinePriorityFee: string,
        scalingFactor: string,
        salt: string
    sponsorSignature: string | null,
    allocatorSignature: string,
    context: {
      dispensation: string,
      dispensationUSD: string,
      spotOutputAmount: string,
      quoteOutputAmountDirect: string,
      quoteOutputAmountNet: string,
      deltaAmount?: string,
      slippageBips?: number,
      witnessTypeString: string,
      witnessHash: string,
      claimHash?: string
  error?: string,  // Present only if success is false
  transactionHash?: string,  // Present only if success is true
  details?: {  // Present only if success is true
    dispensationUSD: number,
    gasCostUSD: number,
    netProfitUSD: number,
    minProfitUSD: number
  1. Price Update (Server -> Client):
  type: "price_update",
  chainId: number,
  price: string,  // Price in USD
  timestamp: string  // ISO timestamp
  1. Account Update (Server -> Client):
  type: "account_update",
  account: string,
  chainId: number,
  balances: Record<string, string>,  // Token balances in wei
  timestamp: string  // ISO timestamp
  1. Error (Server -> Client):
  type: "error",
  code: string,
  message: string,
  timestamp: string  // ISO timestamp

Code Quality

  • TypeScript for type safety
  • Biome for linting and formatting
  • Jest for testing
  • Husky for Git hooks
  • lint-staged for pre-commit checks


The project includes a setup script for deploying to a cloud server with automatic HTTPS configuration using Let's Encrypt.


  • A domain name pointing to your server (A record)
  • Ubuntu-based cloud server
  • SSH access to the server

Deployment Steps

  1. SSH into your server:
ssh user@your-server
  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd neutrofill
  1. Run the setup script with your domain and IP:
./scripts/ your-server-ip

For example:


The script will:

  • Install required dependencies (Node.js, nginx, certbot)
  • Set up the project in /opt/neutrofill
  • Configure nginx with WebSocket support
  • Set up SSL certificates with Let's Encrypt
  • Create and enable a systemd service
  • Start the server


Monitor the server status:

sudo systemctl status neutrofill

View server logs:

sudo journalctl -u neutrofill -f

Testing Deployed Server

Test WebSocket connection:

wscat -c wss://

Test broadcast endpoint:

curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{ ... your payload ... }'

Test health endpoint:

