⚠️ This is an early-stage contract under active development; it has not yet been properly tested, reviewed, or audited.
Follow these steps to set up your local environment:
- Install foundry
- Install dependencies:
forge install
- Build contracts:
forge build
- Test contracts:
forge test
If you intend to develop on this repo, follow the steps outlined in CONTRIBUTING.md.
The allocators are designed to be used with the The Compact. Their purpose is to ensure that locked tokens are available to claim for fillers within the promised expiration time. This repository contains multiple allocators, each with different features:
- ServerAllocator: The ServerAllocator stands as an on chain verification contract for a server based allocator. It is ready for the callbacks of the The Compact during a claim and verifies the allocator signatures have been signed by an authorized address. It does not keep track of any locked down tokens, but instead relies on the server to do so.
- SimpleAllocator: A simple, fully decentralized allocator that allows for a single claim per token. This means the contract will lock down all tokens of a sponsor for an id for a single claim, so it is not possible to start multiple claims for the same sponsor and id at the same time. The contract does though keep track of the amount of locked tokens and so it will faithfully attest for a transfer of those, even during an ongoing claim. The contract is a good starting point when learning about allocators and it is kept very simple on purpose to learn about the concept of an allocator or use this contract as a template. To be used in production, the contract would require the ability to work with witness data, since a real cross chain swap will always require a witness besides the Compact. An example implementation of a witness allocator can be found here.
- SimpleWitnessAllocator: This contract enhances the SimpleAllocator with the ability of processing witness data besides the Compact. This makes it a much more production ready allocator.
- SimpleERC7683Allocator: This contract enhances the SimpleAllocator and making it compatible with the ERC7683 standard. The Allocator therefor also becomes a IOriginSettler and converts a OnchainCrossChainOrder to a
and aClaim
as required by the tribunal on the target chain.
This repo utilizes versioned deployments. For more information on how to use forge scripts within the repo, check here.
Smart contracts are deployed or upgraded using the following command:
forge script script/Deploy.s.sol --broadcast --rpc-url <rpc_url> --verify
The documentation and architecture diagrams for the contracts within this repo can be found here. Detailed documentation generated from the NatSpec documentation of the contracts can be found here. When exploring the contracts within this repository, it is recommended to start with the interfaces first and then move on to the implementation as outlined here
If you want to contribute to this project, please check CONTRIBUTING.md first.