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Redis Enterprise Cluster API

This document describes the parameters for the Redis Enterprise Cluster custom resource

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Field Description Scheme Default Value Required
method Used to distinguish between different platforms implementation ActiveActiveMethod true
apiIngressUrl RS API URL string true
dbIngressSuffix DB ENDPOINT SUFFIX - will be used to set the db host ingress Creates a host name so it should be unique if more than one db is created on the cluster with the same name string true
ingressAnnotations Used for ingress controllers such as ha-proxy or nginx in GKE map[string]string false
peerClusters List of peer clusters to be used by the service broker []PeerCluster false
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Image specification

Field Description Scheme Default Value Required
repository Repository string true
versionTag string true
imagePullPolicy v1.PullPolicy true
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Active Active peer cluster

Field Description Scheme Default Value Required
fqdn k8s cluster fqdn: cluster-name.namespace.svc.cluster.local string true
apiIngressUrl Redis Enterprise API URL string true
dbIngressSuffix DB host SUFFIX - will be used to set the db host ingress: Creates a host name so it should be unique if more than one db is created on the cluster with the same name string true
authSecret Name of k8s secret in current namespace that holds a "password" and "username" fields to allow connection to RS cluster API string true
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Specification for Redis Enterprise Cluster persistence

Field Description Scheme Default Value Required
enabled Whether to add persistent volume to Redis Enterprise pods *bool True true
storageClassName Storage class for persistent volume in Redis Enterprise pods Leave empty to use the default string true
volumeSize resource.Quantity true
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RedisEnterpriseCluster is the Schema for the redisenterpriseclusters API

Field Description Scheme Default Value Required
metadata metav1.ObjectMeta false
spec RedisEnterpriseClusterSpec false
status RedisEnterpriseClusterStatus false
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RedisEnterpriseClusterList contains a list of RedisEnterpriseCluster

Field Description Scheme Default Value Required
metadata metav1.ListMeta false
items []RedisEnterpriseCluster true
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RedisEnterpriseClusterSpec defines the desired state of RedisEnterpriseCluster

Field Description Scheme Default Value Required
nodes Number of Redis Enterprise nodes (pods) int32 3 true
serviceAccountName Name of the service account to use string RedisEnterpriseCluster's name false
createServiceAccount Whether to create service account *bool True false
uiServiceType Type of service used to expose Redis Enterprise UI ( *v1.ServiceType v1.ServiceTypeClusterIP false
uiAnnotations Annotations for Redis Enterprise UI service map[string]string false
servicesRiggerSpec Specification for service rigger *ServicesRiggerConfigurationSpec false
license Redis Enterprise License string Empty string which is a Trial Mode licesne false
username Username for the admin user of Redis Enterprise string [email protected] false
nodeSelector Selector for nodes that could fit Redis Enterprise pod *map[string]string false
redisEnterpriseImageSpec Specification for Redis Enterprise container image *ImageSpec the default Redis Enterprise image for this version false
redisEnterpriseServicesRiggerImageSpec Specification for Services Rigger container image *ImageSpec the default Services Rigger image for this version false
bootstrapperImageSpec Specification for Bootstrapper container image *ImageSpec the default Bootstrapper image for this version false
redisEnterpriseNodeResources Compute resource requirements for Redis Enterprise containers *v1.ResourceRequirements 2 CPUs and 4GB memory false
bootstrapperResources Compute resource requirements for bootstrapper containers *v1.ResourceRequirements 0.1 CPUs and 128Mi memory false
redisEnterpriseServicesRiggerResources Compute resource requirements for Services Rigger pod *v1.ResourceRequirements 0.5 CPU and 0.5GB memory false
pullSecrets PullSecrets is an optional list of references to secrets in the same namespace to use for pulling any of the images. If specified, these secrets will be passed to individual puller implementations for them to use. More info: []v1.LocalObjectReference empty false
persistentSpec Specification for Redis Enterprise Cluster persistence PersistentConfigurationSpec false
serviceBrokerSpec Specification for Service Broker ServiceBrokerSpec disabled false
sideContainersSpec Specification for a side container that will be added to each Redis Enterprise pod []v1.Container empty false
extraLabels Labels that the user defines for their convenience map[string]string empty false
podAntiAffinity Override for the default anti-affinity rules of the Redis Enterprise pods *v1.PodAntiAffinity false
antiAffinityAdditionalTopologyKeys Additional antiAffinity terms in order to support installation on different zones/vcenters []string false
activeActive Specification for ActiveActive setup *ActiveActive false
upgradeSpec Specification for upgrades of Redis Enterprise *UpgradeSpec false
podSecurityPolicyName Name of pod security policy to use on pods See string empty false
enforceIPv4 Sets ENFORCE_IPV4 environment variable *bool False false
clusterRecovery ClusterRecovery initiates cluster recovery when set to true. Note that this field is cleared automatically after the cluster is recovered *bool false
rackAwarenessNodeLabel Node label that specifies rack ID - if specified, will create rack aware cluster. Rack awareness requires node label must exist on all nodes. Additionally, operator needs a special cluster role with permission to list nodes. string false
priorityClassName Adds the priority class to pods managed by the operator string false
volumes additional volumes []v1.Volume false
redisEnterpriseVolumeMounts additional volume mounts within the redis enterprise containers []v1.VolumeMount false
podAnnotations pod annotations map[string]string false
podTolerations Tolerations that are added to all managed pods. for more information: []v1.Toleration empty false
slaveHA Slave high availability mechanism configuration. *SlaveHA false
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RedisEnterpriseClusterStatus defines the observed state of RedisEnterpriseCluster

Field Description Scheme Default Value Required
state State of Redis Enterprise Cluster ClusterState true
specStatus Validity of Redis Enterprise Cluster specification SpecStatusName true
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Specification for Service Broker

Field Description Scheme Default Value Required
enabled Whether to deploy Service Broker bool true
persistentSpec Persistence specification for Service Broker PersistentConfigurationSpec false
imageSpec Image specification for Service Broker *ImageSpec false
resources Compute resource requirements for Service Broker *v1.ResourceRequirements false
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Specification for service rigger

Field Description Scheme Default Value Required
databaseServiceType Service types for access to databases. should be a comma separated list. The possible values are cluster_ip, headless and load_balancer. string cluster_ip,headless true
serviceNaming string true
extraEnvVars []v1.EnvVar false
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Field Description Scheme Default Value Required
slaveHAGracePeriod Time in seconds between when a node fails, and when slave high availability mechanism starts relocating shards. If set to 0, will not affect cluster configuration. *uint32 1800 true
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Specification for upgrades of Redis Enterprise

Field Description Scheme Default Value Required
autoUpgradeRedisEnterprise Whether to upgrade Redis Enterprise automatically when operator is upgraded bool true
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Method of ingress from another cluster in Active-Active configuration

Value Description
"openShiftRoute" Routes are only usable in OpenShift
"ingress" See
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Reason for cluster event

Value Description
"InvalidConfiguration" Invalid Configuration
"StatusChange" Status Change
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State of the Redis Enterprise Cluster

Value Description
"PendingCreation" ClusterPendingCreate means cluster is not created yet
"BootstrappingFirstPod" Bootstrapping first pod
"Initializing" ClusterInitializing means the cluster was created and nodes are in the process of joining the cluster
"RecoveryReset" ClusterRecoveryReset resets the cluster by deleting all pods
"RecoveringFirstPod" ClusterRecoveringFirstPod means the cluster entered cluster recovery
"Running" ClusterRunning means the cluster's sub-resources have been created and are in running state
"Error" ClusterError means the there was an error when starting creating/updating the one or more of the cluster's resources
"Invalid" ClusterConfigurationInvalid means an invalid spec was applied
"InvalidUpgrade" ClusterInvalidUpgrade means an upgrade is not possible at this time
"Upgrade" ClusterUpgrade
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Whether the REC specification is valid (custom resource)

Value Description
"Invalid" Specification status invalid
"Valid" Specification status valid
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