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<HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=windows-1252"><META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="Microsoft Word 97"><TITLE>Curriculum Vitae</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=2><P>Curriculum Vitae</P><DIR><P>Chehrzad (Cheri) Shakiban</P><P>10430 Mississippi Blvd.,</P><P>Coon Rapids, MN. 55433</P><P>(612) 422-1320</P><P>University of St. Thomas</P><P>St. Paul, MN 55105</P><P>(651) 962- 5532</P><P> </P></DIR><P>Educational Data</P><P>Sc.B.	1973	National University of Iran</P><P>		Mathematics, With Honors</P><P>Ms.	1976	Harvard University</P><P>		Mathematics</P><P>		Thesis Advisor: Garrett Birkhoff</P><P>		</P><P>Ph.D.	1979	Brown University</P><P>		Mathematics</P><P>		Thesis Advisor: Wendell Fleming</P><P>Honors and Awards</P><P>American Field Service Scholarship: 1968-69, St. Louis, Missouri.</P><P>Iranian Prime Minister Science Award: 1971.</P><P>Iranian Government Graduate Fellowship: 1973-79. </P><P>National Science Foundation Research Assistantship: 1978. College of St. Thomas nominee for the American Association of University Women Education Foundation Recognition Award, Fall, 1985. </P><P>Professional Experience</P><P>Part-time Instructor in Mathematics, University of Oxford, England, 1979.</P><P>Visiting Instructor, School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota, 1980-81. </P><P>Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, College of St. Catherine, St. Paul, MN., </P><DIR><P>1981-1983.</P></DIR><P>Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN., </P><DIR><P>1983-1990.</P></DIR><P>Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN., </P><DIR><P>1990-1996.</P></DIR><P>Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN., </P><DIR><P>1996-present.</P></DIR><P>Chair of the Dept. of Mathematics, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN., </P><DIR><P>July 1996 - Present.</P></DIR><P>Professional Societies</P><DIR><P>Mathematical Association of America (M.A.A.)</P><P>Project Kaleidoscope (PKAL)</P><P>Mathematicians and Education Reform (MER)</P></DIR><P>Publications:</P><P>[1]	Shakiban, C. The Euler Operator in Calculus of Variations, Thesis, </P><P>	Brown University.</P><P>[2]	Olver, P.J. and Shakiban, C., A resolution of the Euler operator, in: Proceedings </P><P>	of the Eighth National Mathematics Conference, M. Nouri-Moghadam, ed., </P><P>	Arya-Mehr Univ. Tech., Tehran, 1977, pp.325-337.</P><P>[3]	Olver, P.J. and Shakiban, C., A resolution of the Euler operator I, Proc. Amer. </P><P>	Math. Soc. 69 (1978), 223-229.</P><P>[4]	Shakiban, C., A resolution of the Euler operator II, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. </P><P>	89 (1981) 501-510. </P><P>[5]	Shakiban, C., An invariant theoretic characterization of conservation laws, Amer. </P><P>	Jour. of Math., Vol. 104. No. 6, (1982) 1127-1152.</P><P>[6]	Olver, P.J. and Shakiban, C., Dissipative decomposition of ordinary differential </P><P>	equations, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 109A (1988), 297-317.</P><P>[7]	Olver, P.J. and Shakiban, C., Graph theory and classical invariant theory, Adv. in </P><P>	Math. 75 (1989), 212-245.</P><P>[8]	Olver, P.J., and Shakiban, C., Dissipative decomposition of partial differential </P><P>	equations, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 22 (1992), 1483-1510.</P><P>[9] 	Calabi, E., Olver, P.J., Shakiban, C., Tannenbaum, A., and Haker, S., </P><P>	Differential and numerically invariant signature curves applied to object </P><P>	recognition, Int. J. Computer Vision 26 (1998) 107-135.</P><P>Manuscripts:</P><DIR><P>1.	Excursions in Mathematics with Mathematica.</P><P>2.	Exploring Calculus with Mathematica.</P><P>3.	Finite Mathematics With Excel, with Deirdre Smeltzer.</P></DIR><P>Research Grants</P><P>1984	Research assistance grant from the Faculty Development Center, College of </P><P>		St. Thomas, on Fractal Geometry.</P><P>1987-88	Maxi-grant from the Faculty Development Center, College of St. Thomas, </P><P>		on Symbolic Manipulation in Calculus of Variations.</P><P>1989-91	National Science Foundation DMS 89-07578</P><P>1993-94	Teaching Enhancement Grant: to teach a Lab-based Calculus course with </P><P>		Mathematica.</P><P>1996-97	CRITF grant to teach a pilot course in Finite Math with Excel.</P><P>1997-98	Young Scholar Research grant, with student Smita Myran.</P><P>Talks Given:</P><P>List of talks given on Fractal Geometry:</P><DIR><P>1.	"Iteration of quadratic maps", Math Seminar, College of St. Thomas, Spring, 1985.</P><P>2.	"Fractal Geometry of Nature", Brown Bag Seminar, College of St. Thomas, Spring, 1985.</P><P>3.	"Fractal Geometry", Utah State University, invited Speaker, Summer, 1985. </P><P>4.	"Fractal Geometry", Mathematical Association of America (North Central Section), March, 1986.</P><P>5.	"Fractal Geometry", invited speaker, Macalester College, April, 1986.</P><P>6.	"Symmetry of Fractal Geometry", invited speaker, St. Johns College, May 1986.</P><P>7.	"Fractal Geometry", Math Club, College of St. Thomas, May 1986.</P><P>8.	"Fractal Geometry of Nature", Program for High School Teachers, Summer, 1986.</P><P>9.	"The Art of Mathematics in Graphing Snowflakes", College of St. Thomas, Fall, 1986. </P><P>10.	"Fractal Geometry", invited speaker, Macalester College, March, 1988.</P><P>11.	"Mathematics of Graphing Snowflakes", NCS/MAA Summer Seminar, on The Mathematics of Computer Graphics, Carlton College, Northfield, Mn., Summer, 1989.</P><P>12.	"Mathematics of Graphing Snowflakes", Trinity College, Washington D.C., March, 1992.</P><P>13.	"Fractals and Chaos",presenter at the Follow-Up of the Geometry Workshop </P><P>August 13, 1998, University of St. Thomas </P></DIR><P>List of talks given on Algebraic Calculus of Variations:</P><DIR><P>1.	"Calculus of Variations - Brachistochrone problem", Math Seminar, College of St. </P><P>Thomas, Fall, 1983.</P><P>2.	"The Euler Operator", Math Seminar, College of St. Thomas, Fall, 1983.</P><P>3.	"An Invariant Theoretic Characterization of Conservation Laws", invited speaker, 807<SUP>th</SUP> meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Fall, 1983.</P><P>4.	"Conservation Laws of Evolution Equations", invited speaker, Mathematical-Physics, NATO Project, Istanbul, Turkey, March 1987.</P><P>5.	"Dissipative Decomposition of Differential Equations", invited speaker, Mathematical Physics Seminar, University of Minnesota, Fall, 1987.</P><P>6.	"Dissipative Decomposition of Differential Equations", Ukrainian Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Kiev, U.S.S.R., Spring, 1989. </P><P>7.	"Dissipative Decomposition of Partial Differential Equations", invited speaker, Mathematical Physics Seminar, University of Minnesota, Jan, 1991.</P><P>8.	"Dissipative Decomposition of Partial Differential Equations", invited speaker, Fifth Annual Gregynog Conference of Differential Equations, Wales, United Kingdom, July 7-14, 1991.</P><P>9.	"Dissipation and Conservation ", CAM Seminar Series, University of St. Thomas, October, 1994.</P><P>10.	"Dissipation and Conservation ", Equa Diff 95,Seminar Series, Lisbon, Portugal, July, 1995.</P><P> </P></DIR><P>List of talks given on Classical Invariant Theory:</P><DIR><P>1.	"Graph Theory and Classical Invariant Theory", Mathematical Association of America (North Central Section) Meeting, Spring, 1988.</P></DIR><P>List of talks given on MATHEMATICA:</P><DIR><P>1.	Mathematica Conference, Red Wood, California, on "Mathematica in the Calculus of Variations".</P><P>2.	Mathematics Seminar, College of St. Thomas, on "Mathematica", March, 1990.</P><P>3.	Invited speaker, Mathematics Colloquium, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, on "Mathematica", March 29, 1990.</P><P>4.	Chaos Seminar, College of St. Thomas, on "Fractal Dimension", April 5, 1990.</P><P>5.	Invited speaker, Mathematics Colloquium, Augsberg College, on "Mathematica", April 11, 1990.</P><P>6.	Invited speaker, Pi-Mu-Epsilon meeting, College of St. Catherine, on "Mathematica", April 18, 1990.</P><P>7.	Invited speaker, Bush Computing Community College Faculty and Instruction Conference, Craygon Resort, Minnesota, on "Mathematica", August 21, 1990. </P><P>8.	Invited speaker, St. John University, Collegeville, Minnesota, March 5, 1991.</P><P>9.	Workshop Presenter on "Mathematica", University of St. Thomas, June, 1995.</P><P> </P></DIR><P>List of talks given on Computer Vision:</P><DIR><P>1.	"Curvature in Computer Vision", CAM seminar, February 1997, University of St. </P><P>Thomas.</P><P>2.	"Curvature in Computer Vision", North Sectional Meeting of American Mathematics Society at University of Minnesota in Mankato, April 1997.</P><P>3.	"Curvature in Computer Vision", IMAC conference, July 1997, Maui, Hawaii.</P><P>4.	"Signature Curves applied to Object Recognition", Applied Mathematics Seminar, University of Tel Aviv, Israel, June 2, 1998.</P><P>5.	"Signature curves for object recognition in computer vision", Analysis Seminar, University of Texas, Austin, January, 1999.</P></DIR><P>Regular Courses Taught:</P><DIR><P>Mathematical Sampler, MATH 100.</P><P>Finite Mathematics, MATH 101.</P><P>College Algebra and Trigonometry, MATH 105.</P><P>Calculus I, MATH 113.</P><P>Calculus II, MATH 114.</P><P>Discrete Mathematics, MATH 128.</P><P>Linear Algebra, MATH 201.</P><P>Applied Probability and Statistics, MATH 233.</P><P>Discrete Mathematics, MATH 299</P><P>Differential Equations, MATH 300.</P><P>Abstract Algebra I, MATH 301.</P><P>Abstract Algebra II, MATH 302.</P><P>Mathematical Discrete Mathematics, MATH 309</P><P>Real Analysis, MATH317</P><P>Mathematical Probability, MATH 313.</P><P>Mathematical Statistics, MATH 314.</P><P>Mathematical Methods of Numerical Analysis, MATH 385.</P><P>Dynamical Systems and Chaos , MATH 400.</P></DIR><P>Special Courses Taught:</P><P>Discrete Mathematics with Computers, 1984, Interim.</P><P>Symmetry in Art, Honors Seminar, 1987.</P><P>Fractal Geometry with Computer Graphics, ID297, January term, 1988, Application of MATHEMATICA in Mathematics, ID297, January term, 1992. Chaos and its Applications to Economics, honors seminar, Fall 1994.</P><P>University Committee Service:</P><P>Search Committee for the Endowed Chair in The Sciences and Mathematics: 1987-88.</P><P>Faculty Development Committee</P><P>International Education Advisory Committee: </P><P>The Earth Trek Committee Academic Council:</P><P>Freshman Advising:</P><P>Senate member:</P><DIR><P>Human Diversity Review committee.</P><P>University Assessment Committee.</P><P>Board of Review: Aquinas Scholar Program</P></DIR><P> </P><P>Departmental Activities:</P><P>Course development:</P><DIR><P>Intermediate probability and statistics, MATH 233.</P><P>Dynamical Systems and Chaos, MATH 400. </P><P>Mathematical Sampler, MATH 100.</P><P>Linear Algebra and Differential Equations MATH 210.</P></DIR><P> </P><P>Major development:</P><P>BS. in Actuarial Science Major Mathematics Major Committee: </P><DIR><P>Math Club advisor</P><P>Actuarial Workshops</P><P>Search Committees</P></DIR><P>Honors Summa Cum Laude Committee: </P><P>Derivatives and Financial Risk Management Seminar:</P><P>Chairs Duties:</P><DIR><P>Advising Math Majors</P><P>Evaluating Faculty and Staff</P><P>Making Recommendations for Tenure and Promotion</P><P>Making Recommendations for Equity Adjustments</P><P>Hiring new faculty</P><P>Hiring Adjunct faculty</P><P>Mentoring the new faculty</P><P>Responsible for the departmental Budget</P><P>Liaison between the department and the administration</P><P>Facilitating curriculum review</P><P>Developing an Assessment program for the Dept.</P><P>Coordinating the content of the common courses</P><P>Developing and participating in recruiting students</P><P>Representing the department at appropriate functions</P><P>Developing faculty development programs</P><P>Organizing MAA meetings and conferences</P><P>Organizing colloquiums and CAM talks</P><P>Overseeing the participation of students in the Putnam and Konhauser competitions</P><P>Overseeing the activities of the Math Club</P></DIR><P>Other University Activities:</P><DIR><P>ACC Homecoming Judge</P><P>Panelist for the discussion on "Women in the Middle East" </P><P>Talk on "Symmetry in Middle Eastern Art"</P><P>Talk on: The Study of Future: A Global Perspective</P></DIR><P>Speaker for the initiation ceremony of Foreign Language Department -Alpha-Mu-Gamma Talk on Chaos and Fractal Geometry, at the Library Noon Conversations Workshop on "Women in the Middle East"."</P><P>Organized Chaos Seminar.</P><P>Wrote an article for the Alumni Magazine on Fractal Geometry.</P><P>Spoke in The Islamic Course, Theology Department.</P><P>Gave three talks on diversity in the Multi-Cultural Course, Education Department.</P><P>Reviewer for of FIPSE grants .</P><P>Speaker at Noon Conversation in the Library, "A Bird with One Wing Cannot Fly, </P><DIR><DIR><P>Equality of Men and Women".</P></DIR></DIR><P>Panelist at the "Women in Religion" Symposium.</P><P>Guest speaker, Theology Department on Bahai Faith.</P><P>Participated in the Science and Religion seminar </P><P>Wrote an article on Harmony of Science and Religion</P></FONT></BODY></HTML>