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File metadata and controls

945 lines (729 loc) · 55.9 KB

Change Log

2.7.4 (29 Jul 2021)

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  • CONJ-890 getImportedKeys/getTables regression returning an empty resultset for null/empty catalog
  • CONJ-863 Ensure socket state when SocketTimeout occurs
  • CONJ-873 IndexOutOfBoundsException when executing prepared queries using automatic key generation in parallel
  • CONJ-884 MariaDbPoolDataSource leaks connections when the mariadb server restarts
  • CONJ-893 DatabaseMetaData.getColumns regression causing TINYINT(x) with x > 1 to return BIT type in place of TINYINT
  • CONJ-889 CallableStatement using function throw wrong error on getter

2.7.3 (12 May 2021)

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  • CONJ-619 Multiple batch update fails after LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE
  • CONJ-854 LOAD XML INFILE breaks when using LOCAL
  • CONJ-855 throwing more specific exception for updatable result-set that can not be updated by ResultSet
  • CONJ-857 Remove use of mysql.proc table, relying on information_schema.parameters
  • CONJ-864 includeThreadDumpInDeadlockExceptions always includes the thread dump, even when it is not a deadlock exception
  • CONJ-866 long binary parsing improvement
  • CONJ-871 OSGi: Missing Import-Package in Connector/J bundle (javax.sql.rowset.serial)
  • CONJ-878 option serverSslCert file location
  • CONJ-880 metadata query performance correction
  • CONJ-858 Properties.put with object that differ from String supported even if use is not recommended
  • CONJ-861 executeBatch must not clear last parameter value.
  • CONJ-883 using unix socket, hostname is not mandatory anymore

2.7.2 (29 Jan. 2021)

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  • CONJ-847 NPE at UpdatableResultSet#close
  • CONJ-849 driver now doesn't close connection caused as a result of incorrect data bind to a prepared statement parameter
  • CONJ-850 MariaDbResultSetMetaData#getPrecision(int) now returns correct length for character data
  • CONJ-851 metadata getBestRowIdentifier incompatibility with MySQL 8 correction
  • CONJ-853 Support Aurora cluster custom endpoints
  • CONJ-852 ON DUPLICATE KEY detection failed when using new line

2.7.1 (23 Nov. 2020)

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  • CONJ-834 use of BULK batch is conditioned by capability, not checking server version
  • CONJ-835 GSS Imports set in OSGI Bundle
  • CONJ-839 Wrong exception message when rewriteBatchedStatements is enabled
  • CONJ-841 ResultSetMetaData::getColumnTypeName() returns incorrect type name for LONGTEXT
  • CONJ-842 Byte array parameters are now send as long data
  • CONJ-837 prepared statement cache leak on ResultSet CONCUR_UPDATABLE concurrency
  • CONJ-843 ParameterMetaData::getParameterType for CallableStatement parameter return expected "BINARY" value for BINARY type


  • CONJ-845 test suite now test SkySQL with replication setting
  • CONJ-838 have a 'replica' alias for 'slave' connection option

2.7.0 (24 Sep. 2020)

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  • CONJ-805 maxFieldSize string truncation occurs on bytes length, not character length
  • CONJ-807 Correcting possible Get Access Denied error if using multiple classloader
  • CONJ-810 normalization of resultset getDate/getTime of timestamp field.
  • CONJ-812 DatabaseMetadata.getBestRowIdentifier and getMaxProcedureNameLength correction
  • CONJ-813 setConfiguration not being called on classes that extend ConfigurableSocketFactory
  • CONJ-816 Table with primary key with DEFAULT function can be inserted for 10.5 servers
  • CONJ-817 Switched position of REMARKS and PROCEDURE_TYPE in the getProcedures result
  • CONJ-820 MySQLPreparedStatement.setObject can now handle java.lang.Character type
  • CONJ-828 new option ensureSocketState to ensure protocol state
  • CONJ-829 Option to cache callablestatement is now disabled by default
  • CONJ-830 connector now throw a better error if SSL is mandatory and server doesn't support SSL
  • CONJ-814 Small possible improvement of getCrossReference, getExportedKeys and getImportedKey
  • CONJ-825 XAResource.isSameRM implementation

2.6.2 (23 Jul. 2020)

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  • CONJ-804 - Automatic charset correction
  • CONJ-809 - SelectResultSet's (ResultSet)MetaData always indicates all columns to be readonly
  • CONJ-802 - Version parsing depending on Classloader might result in connection Exception

2.6.1 (23 Jun. 2020)

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  • CONJ-781 - DatabaseMetaData.supportsMultipleResultSets() now return correctly true.
  • CONJ-791 - Using CallableStatement.getTimestamp() can't get data correctly
  • CONJ-705 - ParameterMetadata now return parameterCount() even if no information
  • CONJ-775 - avoid a NPE for malformed "jdbc:mariadb:///" connection string.
  • CONJ-776 - Temporal Data Tables are not listed in metadata
  • CONJ-785 - corrected escape sequence for multiple backslash escape
  • CONJ-786 - Connection.setReadOnly(true ) with option assureReadOnly now force read only connection even for mono server*
  • CONJ-795 - permit resultset.getRow() for TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY when streaming
  • CONJ-797 - Connector set UTF8mb4 equivalent in case of server configured with UTF8mb3 collation
  • CONJ-800 - implement Statement setEscapeProcessing to avoid escape
  • CONJ-801 - possible race condition using resultset getter using label
  • CONJ-778 - Missing import org.osgi.service.jdbc in Import-Package clause of the OSGi manifest
  • CONJ-779 - Logic error in stop() method of OSGi bundle activator
  • CONJ-780 - Logic error in implementation of OSGi DataSourceFactory (MariaDbDataSourceFactory)
  • CONJ-788 - resultset metadata always indicate that column is writable even if not
  • CONJ-789 - ensure connection reference removal on (prepared)Statement close
  • CONJ-782 - SkySQL testing

2.6.0 (19 Mar. 2020)

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  • CONJ-768 - Check Galera allowed state when connecting when option galeraAllowedState is set, and not only on validation
  • CONJ-759 - on failover, catalog changed might not be set when automatically recreating a connection.
  • CONJ-761 - remove unnecessary dependencies for fedora tar creation
  • CONJ-763 - Custom SocketFactory now can change options
  • CONJ-764 - DatabaseMetaData.getExportedKeys should return "PRIMARY" for PK_NAME column
  • CONJ-765 - Allow MariaDbDatabaseMetaData#getExportedKeys to return the exported keys for all tables
  • CONJ-766 - Adding a socket timeout until complete authentication, to avoid hangs is server doesn't support pipelining
  • CONJ-767 - permit using Aurora RO endpoint
  • CONJ-771 - enablePacketDebug must not reset stack on failover
  • CONJ-772 - JDBC Conversion Function support parsing correction

2.5.4 (27 Jan. 2020)

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  • CONJ-756 - Logging correction when using enablePacketDebug option
  • CONJ-755 - permits to avoid setting session_track_schema with new option trackSchema

2.5.3 (07 Jan. 2020)

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  • CONJ-752 - Manifest file wrong entry - thanks to Christoph Läubrich
  • CONJ-750 - protocol error when not setting database with maxscale
  • CONJ-747 - JDBC Conversion Function fast-path skipped, always using longer implementation

2.5.2 (22 Nov. 2019)

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  • CONJ-745 - use pool reset only for corrected COM_RESET_CONNECTION
  • CONJ-743 - byte signed value wrong serialization for text protocol
  • CONJ-742 - ensure plugin using Driver classloader

2.5.1 (15 Oct. 2019)

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  • CONJ-736 - OSGI compliance
  • CONJ-737 - Error packet caching_sha2_password not handled when not having a password
  • CONJ-738 - PAM authentication multiple exchanges permitting multiple step in connection string
  • CONJ-735 - Multi insert regression correction returning multi generated keys

2.5.0 (02 Oct. 2019)

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  • CONJ-663 - Client authentication plugins are now defined as services. The driver has 2 new plugins caching_sha2_password and sha256_password plugin for MySQL compatibility
  • CONJ-733 - Credential service: AWS IAM authentication
  • CONJ-727 - Support configuration of custom SSLSocketFactory
  • CONJ-561 - JDBC 4.3 partial implementation java.sql.Statement methods isSimpleIdentifier, enquoteIdentifier, enquoteLiteral and enquoteNCharLiteral
  • CONJ-692 - ConnectionPoolDataSource interface addition to MariaDbPoolDataSource
  • CONJ-563 - closing possible option batch thread on driver deregistration.
  • CONJ-732 - Driver getPropertyInfo returns no options information when url is empty
  • CONJ-734 - DatabaseMetaData.getSchemaTerm now return "schema", not empty string

2.4.4 (14 Sep. 2019)

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  • CONJ-724 - Do not ignore the Calendar parameter in ResultSet#getTime(int, Calendar)
  • CONJ-725 - Connection Failure when using PAM authenticated user on 10.4 MariaDB server
  • CONJ-729 - master-slave regression: commit on read-only server Executed only when there is an active transaction on master connection
  • CONJ-726 - removing possible NPE after failover on aurora cluster

2.4.3 (02 Jul. 2019)

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  • CONJ-717 - conversion function support for other data type than default MariaDB conversion type
  • CONJ-722 - Permit suppression of result-set metadata getTableName for oracle compatibility
  • CONJ-719 - Saving values using Java 8 LocalTime does not store fractional parts of seconds
  • CONJ-716 - Correcting possible NPE on non thread safe NumberFormat (logging)

2.4.2 (17 Jun. 2019)

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  • CONJ-679 - parse Query when receiving LOAD LOCAL INFILE


  • CONJ-703 - ClassNotFoundException when trying to connect using two-authentication in an OSGI environment.
  • CONJ-711 - Xid format id is unsigned integer, currently sending as signed value.
  • CONJ-700 - autoReconnect=true on Basic Failover doesn't reconnect
  • CONJ-707 - failover might throw an unexpected exception with using "failover"/"sequential" configuration on socket error
  • CONJ-709 - includeThreadDumpInDeadlockExceptions is thrown only if option includeInnodbStatusInDeadlockExceptions is set
  • CONJ-710 - Throw complete stackTrace when having an exception on XA Commands
  • CONJ-714 - Error on connection on galera server when in detached mode.
  • CONJ-701 - typo in error message in

2.4.1 (15 Mar. 2019)

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  • misc - enabled running of 'SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS' for error code 1213 (@mtykhenko)
  • misc - reduce mutex using select @@innodb_read_only for aurora (@matsuzayaws)


  • misc - updating checkstyle version dependency
  • misc - permit using SSL on localsocket
  • CONJ-687 - addition of option "useMysqlMetadata" to permit MySQL meta compatibility
  • misc - java PID using java 9 ProcessHandle if existing, relying on JNA if present
  • CONJ-682 - internal pool correction: when receiving an RST during connection validation, the pool will end up throwing connection timeout exception in place of reusing another connection.

2.4.0 (28 Jan. 2019)

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  • CONJ-675 - permit multiple alternative authentication methods for the same user (future MariaDB 10.4 feature)
  • CONJ-678 - permit indication of truststore/keystore type (JKS/PKCS12), then not relying on java default type
  • CONJ-378 - GSSAPI: client can provide SPN
  • CONJ-667 - Support MYSQL_TYPE_JSON datatype
  • CONJ-652 - faster results buffering socket available
  • CONJ-659 - improve text performance reading date/time/timestamp resultset
  • CONJ-670 - ability to Refresh SSL certificate

New options

Option Description
useReadAheadInput use a buffered inputSteam that read socket available data.
Default: true
keyStoreType indicate key store type (JKS/PKCS12). default is null, then using java default type.
trustStoreType indicate trust store type (JKS/PKCS12). default is null, then using java default type
servicePrincipalName when using GSSAPI authentication, SPN (Service Principal Name) use the server SPN information. When set, connector will use this value, ignoring server information


  • CONJ-646 - possible NullPointerException when connection lost to database using aurora configuration with one node
  • CONJ-672 - batch using multi-send can hang when using query timeout
  • CONJ-544 - disable SSL session resumption when using SSL
  • CONJ-589 - correcting Clob.length() for utf8mb4
  • CONJ-649 - datasource connectTimeout URL parameter is not honoured
  • CONJ-650 - Correction on resultset.getObject(columnName, byte[].class) when value is NULL
  • CONJ-665 - old MySQL (<5.5.3) doesn't support utf8mb4, using utf8 on 3 bytes as connection charset by default
  • CONJ-671 - MariaDb bulk threads occupy full cpu(99%) while db connections broken
  • CONJ-673 - abording a connection while fetching a query still does read whole resultset
  • CONJ-669 - SQLSyntaxErrorException when querying on empty column name
  • CONJ-674 - make dumpQueriesOnException = false by default as per documentation


  • CONJ-644 - small optimization when validating galera connection
  • CONJ-625 - add coverage test
  • CONJ-654 - DatabaseMetaData.getDriverName() returns connector/J with a lowercase c

2.3.0 (06 Sep. 2018)

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[CONJ-398] Improve deadlock debugging capabilities

MariaDB has now 2 new options to permit identifying deadlock : New options

Option Description
includeInnodbStatusInDeadlockExceptions add "SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS" result to exception trace when having a deadlock exception.
//Default: false
includeThreadDumpInDeadlockExceptions add thread dump to exception trace when having a deadlock exception.
Default: false

[CONJ-639] the option "enabledSslProtocolSuites" now include TLSv1.2 by default

previous default value was "TLSv1, TLSv1.1", disabling TLSv1.2 by default, due to a corrected issue (MDEV-12190) with servers using YaSSL - not openSSL. Server error was . Now, the default value is "TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2". So TLSv1.2 can be use directly. Connecting MySQL community server use YaSSL without correction, and connection might result in SSLException: "Unsupported record version Unknown-0.0".

[CONJ-642] disable the option "useBulkStmts" by default

Using useBulkStmts permit faster batch, but cause one major issue : Batch return -1 = SUCCESS_NO_INFO

Different option use this information for optimistic update, and cannot confirm if update succeed or not. This option still makes sense, since for big batch is way more faster, but will not be activated by default.

##= Minor change:

  • CONJ-628 - optimization to read metadata faster
  • CONJ-637 - java.sql.Driver class implement DriverPropertyInfo[] getPropertyInfo, permitting listing options on querying tools
  • CONJ-639 - enabledSslProtocolSuites does not include TLSv1.2 by default
  • CONJ-641 - update maven test dependencies for java 10 compatibility
  • CONJ-643 - PreparedStatement::getParameterMetaData always returns VARSTRING as type resulting in downstream libraries interpreting values wrongly

##= Bug correction:

  • CONJ-616 - correction on possible NPE on getConnection when using failover configuration and master is down, not throwing a proper exception
  • CONJ-636 - Error in batch might throw a NPE and not the proper Exception

2.2.6 (19 Jul. 2018)

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minor change:

  • CONJ-623 - Increase connection logging when Primary node connection fails
  • CONJ-384 - Permit knowing affected rows number, not only real changed rows

New options |=useAffectedRows|default correspond to the JDBC standard, reporting real affected rows. if enable, will report "affected" rows. example : if enable, an update command that doesn't change a row value will still be "affected", then report.
Default: false. Since 2.2.6

Bug correction:

  • CONJ-624 - MariaDbPoolDataSource possible NPE on configuration getter
  • CONJ-623 - Increase connection logging when Primary node connection fails
  • CONJ-622 - The option "connectTimeout" must take in account DriverManager.getLoginTimeout() when set
  • CONJ-621 - wrong escaping when having curly bracket in table/field name
  • CONJ-618 - Client preparestatement parsing error on escaped ' / " in query

2.2.5 (28 May. 2018)

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minor change:

  • CONJ-602 - Add server hostname to connection packet for proxy
  • CONJ-604 - handle support for mysql 8.0 tx_isolation replacement by transaction_isolation

Bug correction:

  • CONJ-613 - Connection using "replication" Parameters fail when no slave is available
  • CONJ-595 - Create option to configure DONOR/DESYNCED Galera nodes to be unavailable for load-balancing
  • CONJ-605 - Newlines where breaking calling stored procedures
  • CONJ-609 - Using getDate with function DATE_ADD() with parameter using string format where return wrong result using binary protocol
  • CONJ-610 - Option "allowMasterDownConnection" improvement on connection validation and Exceptions on master down

2.2.4 (04 May. 2018)

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Minor changes:

  • CONJ-580 - Some options are missing in documentation like default 'autocommit' value
  • CONJ-597 - Internal exchanges send utf8mb4 with server even if default server collation is not utf8/utf8mb4
  • CONJ-600 - Upgrading non mandatory Waffle dependency to 1.9.0 (windows GSSAPI authentication)
  • CONJ-575 - test addition to ensure YaSSL downgrade TLSv1.2 protocol to TLSv1.1

2.2.3 (08 Mar. 2018)

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Bug correction:

  • CONJ-583 - possible hang indefinitely using master/slave configuration and failover occur
  • CONJ-586 - erroneous transaction state when first command result as error
  • CONJ-587 - using allowMasterDownConnection option can lead to NPE when using setReadOnly()
  • CONJ-588 - using option 'allowMasterDownConnection' won't permit to connect if master is down
  • CONJ-534 - Connection.isValid() must be routed to Master and Slave connections to avoid any server timeout

2.2.2 (20 Feb. 2018)

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Bug correction:

  • CONJ-564 - Never ever throw an instance of java.lang.Error
  • CONJ-579 - Keywords missing from DatabaseMetaData.getSQLKeywords()
  • CONJ-567 - UrlParser.initialUrl gets overwritten
  • CONJ-571 - Permit java 9 serialization filtering
  • CONJ-574 - forcing using toLowerCase/toUpperCase with Locale.ROOT
  • CONJ-560 - Automatic module name for java 9
  • CONJ-578 - windows testing using all mariadb server
  • CONJ-570 - Add tests for 10.3.3 INVISIBLE column

2.2.1 (22 Dec. 2017)

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  • CONJ-501 - provide support for authentication plugin ed25519

Bug correction:

  • CONJ-529 - failover : the driver will pause for 250ms if no servers are available before attempting to reconnect another time
  • CONJ-548 - don't use COM_STMT_BULK_EXECUTE for INSERT ... SELECT statements
  • CONJ-549 - correction on connection reset when using MariaDbPoolDataSource with options useServerPrepStmts and useResetConnection enabled
  • CONJ-555 - failover caused by client timeout must not reuse connection
  • CONJ-558 - removing extra ".0" to resultset.getString() value for FLOAT/DOUBLE fields
  • CONJ-550 - fetching state correction when reusing statement without having read all results
  • CONJ-553 - RejectedExecutionException was thrown when having large amount of concurrent batches

2.2.0 (08 Nov. 2017)

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CONJ-522 - Pool datasource implementation

MariaDB has now 2 different Datasource implementation :

  • MariaDbDataSource : Basic implementation. A new connection each time method getConnection() is called.
  • MariaDbPoolDataSource : Connection pooling implementation. MariaDB Driver will keep a pool of connection and borrow Connections when asked for it.

New options

Option Description
pool Use pool. This option is useful only if not using a DataSource object, but only connection object.
Default: false. since 2.2.0
poolName Pool name that will permit to identify thread.
default: auto-generated as MariaDb-pool- since 2.2.0
maxPoolSize The maximum number of physical connections that the pool should contain.
Default: 8. since 2.2.0
minPoolSize When connection are removed since not used since more than "maxIdleTime", connections are closed and removed from pool. "minPoolSize" indicate the number of physical connections the pool should keep available at all times. Should be less or equal to maxPoolSize.
Default: maxPoolSize value. Since 2.2.0
poolValidMinDelay When asking a connection to pool, Pool will validate connection state. "poolValidMinDelay" permit to disable this validation if connection has been borrowed recently avoiding useless verification in case of frequent reuse of connection. 0 meaning validation is done each time connection is asked.
Default: 1000 (in milliseconds). Since 2.2.0
maxIdleTime The maximum amount of time in seconds that a connection can stay in pool when not used. This value must always be below @wait_timeout value - 45s
Default: 600 in seconds (=10 minutes), minimum value is 60 seconds. Since 2.2.0
staticGlobal Indicate the following global variable (@@max_allowed_packet,@@wait_timeout,@@autocommit,@@auto_increment_increment,@@time_zone,@@system_time_zone,@@tx_isolation) values won't changed, permitting to pool to create new connection faster.
Default: false. Since 2.2.0
useResetConnection When a connection is closed() (give back to pool), pool reset connection state. Setting this option, session variables change will be reset, and user variables will be destroyed when server permit it (MariaDB >= 10.2.4, MySQL >= 5.7.3), permitting to save memory on server if application make extensive use of variables
Default: false. Since 2.2.0

Other evolutions:

  • CONJ-530 - Permit Connection.abort() forcing killing the connection, even if connection is stuck in another thread
  • CONJ-531 - permit cancelling streaming result-set using Statement.cancel.
  • CONJ-495 - Improve reading result-set data
  • CONJ-510 - allow execution of read-only statements on slaves when master is down

Bug :

  • CONJ-532 - correction Statement.getMoreResults() for multi-queries
  • CONJ-533 - PrepareStatement.setTime() may insert incorrect time according to current timezone, time and option "useLegacyDatetimeCode"
  • CONJ-535 - correction on numerical getter for big BIT data type fields
  • CONJ-541 - Fix behavior of ResultSet#relative when crossing result set boundaries


  • CONJ-469 - Improve Blob/Clob implementation (avoiding array copy from result-set row)
  • CONJ-539 - better message when server close connection
  • misc - resultset.findColumn method use column name if alias not found
  • misc - default option "connectTimeout" value to 30 seconds (was 0 = no timeout)
  • misc - ensure that enablePacketDebug option works when timer tick is big

2.1.2 (24 Sep. 2017)

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Bug :

  • CONJ-525 - Batch result-set return array correction when DELETE statement when bulk option is used
  • CONJ-526 - better error message getting metadata information when SQL syntax is wrong
  • CONJ-527 - Resultset.last() return wrong value if resultset has only one result
  • CONJ-528 - Error executing LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE when file is larger than max_allowed_packet

2.1.1 (05 Sep. 2017)

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Bug :

  • CONJ-519 - Updatable result-set possible NPE when same field is repeated.
  • CONJ-514 - ResultSet method wasNull() always return true after a call on a "null-date" field binary protocol handling
  • CONJ-516 - Permit using updatable result-set when fetching
  • CONJ-511 - Add legacy SSL certificate Hostname verification with CN even when SAN are set
  • CONJ-515 - Improve MariaDB driver stability in case JNA errors

misc :

  • correct typo in error message when setting wrong parameter
  • add trace to HostnameVerifier implementation
  • handling connection error when no database is provided

2.1.0 (29 Jul. 2017)

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##= CONJ-422 : verification of SSL Certificate Name Mismatch When using ssl, driver check hostname against the server's identity as presented in the server's Certificate (checking alternative names or certificate CN) to prevent man-in-the-middle attack.

A new option "disableSslHostnameVerification" permit to deactivate this validation. |=disableSslHostnameVerification| When using ssl, driver check hostname against the server's identity as presented in the server's Certificate (checking alternative names or certificate CN) to prevent man-in-the-middle attack. This option permit to deactivate this validation.
//Default: false. Since 2.1.0//

##= CONJ-400 - Galera validation When configuration with multi-master, Connection.isValid() will not only validate connection, but primary state. A connection to a node that is not in primary mode will return false (then for pool, connection will be discarded)

##= CONJ-322 - ResultSet.update* methods implementation ResultSet.update* methods aren't implemented statement using ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE must be able to update record. exemple: {{{ Statement stmt = con.createStatement( ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT age FROM TABLE2"); // rs will be scrollable, will not show changes made by others, // and will be updatable while({ //Retrieve by column name int newAge = rs.getInt(1) + 5; rs.updateDouble( 1 , newAge ); rs.updateRow(); } }}}

##= CONJ-389 - faster batch insert Use dedicated [COM_STMT_BULK_EXECUTE |] protocol for batch insert when possible. (batch without Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS and streams) to have faster batch. (significant only if server MariaDB ≥ 10.2.7)

A new option "useBulkStmts" permit to deactivate this functionality. |=useBulkStmts| Use dedicated COM_STMT_BULK_EXECUTE protocol for batch insert when possible. (batch without Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS and streams) to have faster batch. (significant only if server MariaDB ≥ 10.2.7)
//Default: true. Since 2.1.0//

other evolution

  • CONJ-508 - Connection.getCatalog() optimisation for 10.2+ server using new session_track_schema capabilities
  • CONJ-492 - Failover handle automatic reconnection on KILL command


  • CONJ-502 - isolation leak when using multiple pools on same VM on failover
  • CONJ-503 - regression on aurora Connection Connection.isReadOnly()
  • CONJ-505 - correcting issue that ended throwing "Unknown prepared statement handler given to mysqld_stmt_execute"
  • CONJ-496 - return rounded numeric when querying on a decimal field in place of throwing an exception for compatibility

2.0.3 (27 Jun. 2017)

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  • CONJ-473 - when useServerPrepStmts is not set, the PREPARE statement must not be cached.
  • CONJ-494 - Handle PrepareStatement.getParameterMetaData() if query cannot be PREPAREd
  • CONJ-497 - escape string correction for big query

2.0.2 (05 Jun. 2017)

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  • CONJ-490 - DataSource connectTimeout is in second, but was set on socket timeout that is in milliseconds
  • CONJ-481 - Buffer overrun reading ResultSet when using option "useServerPrepStmts"
  • CONJ-470 - Error when executing SQL contains "values" and rewriteBatchedStatements=true
  • CONJ-471 - PK_NAME returned by DatabaseMetadata.getPrimaryKeys() should not be null
  • CONJ-477 - Aurora not compatible with option usePipelineAuth. Now automatically disabled when aurora is detected
  • CONJ-479 - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on connect to MySQL 5.1.73
  • CONJ-480 - Access denied error on connect to MySQL 5.1.73
  • CONJ-483 - Wrong content of DEFERRABILITY column in MariaDbDatabaseMetaData
  • CONJ-487 - No timeout exception on Client PrepareStatement
  • CONJ-489 - javax.transaction.xa.XAException message error truncated ( near '0x )


  • CONJ-478 - Change CI tests to use maxscale 2.1 version
  • CONJ-482 - Connection.setNetworkTimeout don't throw exception if no executor
  • CONJ-488 - Use to read keyStore and trustStore again

2.0.1 (10 May. 2017)

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  • CONJ-467 - changing database metadata to 4.2
  • CONJ-460 - Query that contain multiqueries with fetch and EOF deprecation failed
  • CONJ-464 - Using of "slowQueryThresholdNanos" option with value > Integer.MAX_VALUE results in class cast exception
  • CONJ-452 - correcting inline ssl server certificate parsing
  • CONJ-461 - LAST_INSERT_ID() validation check correction for rewrite statement
  • CONJ-465 - new option "enablePacketDebug"

New Options : |=enablePacketDebug|Driver will save the last 16 MySQL packet exchanges (limited to first 1000 bytes).
Hexadecimal value of those packet will be added to stacktrace when an IOException occur.
This options has no performance incidence (< 1 microseconds per query) but driver will then take 16kb more memory.//Default: true. Since 1.6.0//|

  • CONJ-468 - autoIncrementIncrement value loaded during connection, avoiding a query for first statement for rewrite

2.0.0-RC (20 Apr. 2017)

Release candidate version.

Java 8 is now minimum required version.

##= CONJ-318 : Handle CLIENT_DEPRECATE_EOF flag Implement some protocol changes that permit to save some bytes.(part of

##= CONJ-341 : handle SERVER_SESSION_STATE_CHANGE status flag With server with version MariaDB 10.2, MySQL 5.7, ensure driver state :

  • driver does now always get current database, even database is changed by query.
  • when using rewriteBatchedStatements does return correct autoincrement ids even when session variable @auto_increment_increment has change during session.

##= CONJ-393 : improve setQueryTimeout to use SET STATEMENT max_statement_time

Previous implementation of query timeout handling (using Statement.setQueryTimeout) will create an additional thread with a scheduler. When timeout is reached, a temporary connection will be created to permit executing "KILL QUERY ", then closing the temporary connection. When query ended before timeout, the scheduled task will be canceled.

If server is > 10.1.2, query timeout will be handle server side using "SET MAX_STATEMENT_TIME FOR" command.

##= [CONJ-315]

Closing a Statement that was fetching a result-set (using Statement.setFetchSize) and all rows where not read at the time of closing, a kill query command will be executed on close, to avoid having to parse all remaining results.

##= [CONJ-442] Memory optimization : streaming query. Very big command now doesn't use any intermediate buffer. Commands are send directly to socket avoiding using memory, This permit to send very large object (1G) without using any additional memory.

##= [CONJ-366] Faster connection : bundle first commands in authentication packet Driver execute different command on connection. Those queries are now send using pipeline (all queries are send, then only all results are reads).

New Options : |=usePipelineAuth|Fast connection creation.//Default: true. Since 2.0.0//|

##= [CONJ-368] Parsing row result optimisation to avoid creating byte array to the maximum for faster results and less memory use.

##= Remaining JDBC 4.2 missing implementation :

  • CONJ-414 - support for large update count [CONJ-414]
  • CONJ-409 - PrepareStatement.setObject(...) support for with java 8 temporal temporal object.
  • CONJ-411 - support for Statement maxFieldSize

##= Misc

  • CONJ-443 - NullpointerException when making concurrent procedure calls
  • CONJ-391 - Improve connection using SELECT in place of SHOW to avoid creating a mutex server side.
  • CONJ-402 - tcpKeepAlive option now default to true.
  • CONJ-448 - QueryException: Incorrect arguments to mysqld_stmt_execute on inserting an "emptyString"-Lob with JPA
  • CONJ-451 - Respect type parameter of ResultSet.getObject with type
  • CONJ-455 - MetaData : tinyInt1isBit doesn't work properly in TINYINT(1) column that is marked as UNSIGNED
  • CONJ-450 - NPE on setClientInfo if value is an empty string
  • CONJ-457 - trustStore : Retain leading slash when trust store beings with 'file:///'
  • CONJ-160 - ConnectionPool test using hikariCP
  • CONJ-307 - valid connector java 9 early access
  • CONJ-402 - make tcpKeepAlive option default to true
  • CONJ-411 - Implement Statement maxFieldSize
  • CONJ-449 - Permit CallableStatement streaming


  • CONJ-212 : Implement password encoding charset option
  • CONJ-423 : Permit to have MySQL driver and MariaDB driver in same classpath
  • CONJ-431 : multi-values queries return only one generated key
  • CONJ-434 : 1.5.8 regression : ResultSet returns duplicate entries when using fetchsize
  • CONJ-437 : ResultSet.getString on field with ZEROFILL doesn't have the '0' leading chars when using binary protocol
  • CONJ-435 : avoid "All pipe instances are busy" exception on multiple connections to the same named pipe
  • CONJ-446 : ResultSet first() throw an exception for scroll type if TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY only when streaming
  • CONJ-440 : handle very big COM_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA packet (1Gb)
  • CONJ-429 : ResultSet.getDouble/getFloat may throws a NumberFormatException
  • CONJ-438 : using option rewriteBatchedStatements, permit rewrite when query has column/table that contain 'select' keyword.


  • CONJ-424 : getGeneratedKeys() on table without generated key failed on second execution
  • CONJ-412 : Metadata take in account tinyInt1isBit in method columnTypeClause
  • CONJ-418 : ResultSet.last() isLast() afterLast() and isAfterLast() correction when streaming
  • CONJ-415 : ResultSet.absolute() should not always return true
  • CONJ-392 : Aurora cluster endpoint detection fails when time_zone doesn't match system_time_zone
  • CONJ-425 : CallableStatement getObject class according to java.sql.Types value
  • CONJ-426 : Allow executeBatch to be interrupted
  • CONJ-420 : High CPU usage against Aurora after 2 hours inactivity


  • CONJ-407 : handling failover when packet > max_allowed_packet reset the connection state.
  • CONJ-403 : possible NPE on ResultSet.close() correction
  • CONJ-405 : Calendar instance not cleared before being used in ResultSet.getTimestamp


  • CONJ-399 : resultSet getLong() for BIGINT column fails if value is Long.MIN_VALUE in Text protocol
  • CONJ-395 : Aurora does not randomise selection of read replicas
  • CONJ-392 : Aurora cluster endpoint detection timezone issue
  • CONJ-394 : mysql_native_password plugin authentication fail when default-auth set
  • CONJ-388 : handle timestamp '0000-00-00 00:00:00' getString()
  • CONJ-380 : add maxscale in CI
  • CONJ-391 : Use SELECT in place of SHOW command on connection
  • CONJ-396 : handling multiple resultSet correctly (was failing if more than 2)


  • CONJ-386 : Disabling useBatchMultiSend option for Aurora, since can hang connection.
  • CONJ-385 : Store procedure with resultSet get wrong getUpdateCount() value (0 in place of -1)
  • CONJ-383 : permit OldAuthSwitchRequest protocol (compatibility with 5.5 server using plugin)
  • CONJ-382 : Client sockets remain option when server close socket when maximum connections number has been reached
  • CONJ-381 : Metadata getProcedureColumns precision's information corrected for date/timestamp/datetime
  • CONJ-379 : Metadata TINYTEXT type return Types.LONGVARCHAR instead of Types.VARCHAR
  • CONJ-376 : Maxscale compatibility : Permit protocol compression only if server permit it
  • CONJ-375 : Load data infile with large files fails with OutOfMemoryError
  • CONJ-370 : use KeyStore default property when not using keyStore option
  • CONJ-369 : Encoding on clob column when useServerPrepStmts=true
  • CONJ-362 : fix a possible race condition MariaDbPooledConnection


  • CONJ-363 : Connection.getClientInfo implementation correction to follow JDBC rules
  • CONJ-361 : PrepareStatement setString() with empty string correction.
  • CONJ-360 : replacing ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean() that cause possible slow connection depending on JVM / environment
  • CONJ-359 : Metadata getColumns(...) resultSet doesnt have "IS_GENERATEDCOLUMN" info


  • CONJ-358 : Permit using private key with password that differ from keyStore password
  • CONJ-356 : secure connection : use KeyStore private key and associate public keys certificates only
  • CONJ-342 : Empty clientCertificateKeyStoreUrl option correction
  • CONJ-353 : IBM jdk compatibility issue
  • CONJ-354 : Streaming issue when using procedures in PrepareStatement/Statement
  • CONJ-345 : Regression with using COLLATE keyword in PrepareStatement query
  • CONJ-352 : metadata correction on getPrecision() for numeric fields
  • CONJ-350 : make prepare fallback to client prepare if query cannot be prepare


Release version

  • CONJ-331 : clearWarnings() now throw exception on closed connection
  • CONJ-299 : PreparedStatement.setObject(Type.BIT, "1") registered as true.
  • CONJ-293 : permit named pipe connection without host
  • CONJ-333 : ResultSet.getString() of PreparedStatement return NULL When TIME column value=00:00:00

RC corrections

  • CONJ-335 : Pool connection may fail to connect with good user
  • CONJ-332 : option enabledSslCipherSuites rely on java supportedCipherSuites (replacing enabledCipherSuites)
  • UTF-8 conversion correction


Release candidate version


Aurora host auto-discovery


Aurora now auto discover nodes from cluster endpoint.

Aurora endpoints

Every aurora instance has a specific endpoint, i.e. an URL that identify the host. Those endpoints look like

There is another endpoint named "cluster endpoint" (format which is assigned to the current master instance and will change when a new master is promoted.

In previous version, cluster endpoint use was discouraged, since when a failover occur, this cluster endpoint can point for a limited time to a host that isn't the current master anymore. Old recommandation was to list all specific end-points, like :
{{{ jdbc:mariadb:aurora://, }}} This kind of url string will still work, but now, recommended url string has to use only cluster endpoint :
{{{ jdbc:mariadb:aurora:// }}}

Driver will automatically discover master and slaves of this cluster from current cluster end-point during connection time. This permit to add new replicas to the cluster instance will be discovered without changing driver configuration.

This discovery append at connection time, so if you are using pool framework, check if this framework as a property that controls the maximum lifetime of a connection in the pool, and set a value to avoid infinite lifetime. When this lifetime is reached, pool will discarded the current connection, and create a new one (if needed). New connections will use the new replicas. (If connections are never discarded, new replicas will begin be used only when a failover occur)


  • CONJ-329 and CONJ-330 : rewriteBatchedStatements execute single query exceptions correction.


Release candidate version

Use native SSPI windows implementation


Java kerberos implementation is not well implemented with windows :

  • need a windows registry entry (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\Kerberos\Parameters\AllowTGTSessionKey) so windows shared current ticket to java.
  • java kinit must be executed to create a Ticket.
  • restriction when client with local admin rights
  • ...

see openJDK issue for more informations

Kerberos GSSAPI implementation on windows in now based on Waffle that support windows SSPI based on JNA.
if waffle-jna (and dependencies) is on classpath, native implementation will automatically be used.

This removes all those problems

Support for TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2


Driver before version 1.5 support only TLSv1.
Default supported protocol are now TLSv1 and TLSv1.1, other protocols can be activated by options.

MariaDB and MySQL community server permit TLSv1 and TLSv1.1.
MariaDB server from version 10.0.15 is using the openSSL library permitting TLSv1.2 (>= 5.5.41 for the 5.5 branch). //YaSSL doesn't support TLSv1.2, so if MariaDB server is build from sources with YaSSL, only TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 will be available, even for version > 10.0.15//

TLSv1.2 can be enabled by setting option {{{enabledSslProtocolSuites}}} to values {{{"TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2"}}}.

A new option {{{enabledSslCipherSuites}}} permit to set specific cipher.

New Options : |=enabledSslProtocolSuites|Force TLS/SSL protocol to a specific set of TLS versions (comma separated list).
Example : "TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2"
//Default: TLSv1, TLSv1.1. Since 1.5.0//| |=enabledSslCipherSuites|Force TLS/SSL cipher (comma separated list).
//Default: use JRE ciphers. Since 1.5.0//|

Performance improvement


Different performance improvement have been done :

  • Using PreparedStatement on client side use a simple query parser to identify query parameters. This parsing was taking up to 7% of query time, reduced to 3%.
  • Better UTF-8 decoding avoiding memory consumption and gain 1-2% query time for big String.
  • client parsing optimization : rewriteBatchedStatements (insert into ab (i) values (1) and insert into ab (i) values (2) rewritten as insert into ab (i) values (1), (2)) is now 19% faster (Depending on queries 40-50% of CPU time was spend testing that buffer size is big enough to contain query).
  • there was some memory wastage when query return big resultset (> 10kb), slowing query.
  • ...

[CONJ-320] Send X well established MySQL protocol without reading results, and read those X results afterwhile. Basically that permit to avoid a lot of 'ping-pong' between driver and server.

New Options : |=useBatchMultiSend|PreparedStatement.executeBatch() will send many QUERY before reading result packets.//Default: true. Since 1.5.0//| |=useBatchMultiSendNumber|When using useBatchMultiSend, indicate maximum query that can be send at a time.
//Default: 100. Since 1.5.0//|

Prepare + execute in one call


When using MySQL/MariaDB prepared statement, there will be 3 exchanges with server :

  • PREPARE - Prepares statement for execution.
  • EXECUTE - Executes a prepared statement preparing by a PREPARE statement.
  • DEALLOCATE PREPARE - Releases a prepared statement.

See Server prepare documentation for more information.

PREPARE and DEALLOCATE PREPARE are 2 additional client-server round-trip. Since MariaDB 10.2, a new functionality named COM-MULTI to permitting to send different task to server in one round-trip. Driver is using this functionality to PREPARE and EXECUTE in one client-server round-trip.

Client logging

Client logging can be enable, permitting to log query information, execution time and different failover information. This implementation need the standard SLF4J dependency.

New Options : |=log|Enable log information. require Slf4j version > 1.4 dependency.
//Default: false. Since 1.5.0//| |=maxQuerySizeToLog|Only the first characters corresponding to this options size will be displayed in logs
//Default: 1024. Since 1.5.0//| |=slowQueryThresholdNanos|Will log query with execution time superior to this value (if defined )
//Default: 1024. Since 1.5.0//| |=profileSql|log query execution time.
//Default: false. Since 1.5.0//|

"LOAD DATA INFILE" Interceptors

CONJ-305 LOAD DATA INFILE The fastest way to load many datas is using query LOAD DATA INFILE.
Problem is using "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE" (ie : loading a file from client), may be a security problem :

  • A "man in the middle" proxy server can change the actual file asked from server so client will send a Local file to this proxy.
  • If someone has can execute query from client, he can have access to any file on client (according to the rights of the user running the client process).

See load-data-infile documentation for more information. Interceptors can now filter LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE query's file location to validate path / file name. Those interceptors:

Example: {{{ package org.project; public class LocalInfileInterceptorImpl implements LocalInfileInterceptor { @Override public boolean validate(String fileName) { File file = new File(fileName); String absolutePath = file.getAbsolutePath(); String filePath = absolutePath.substring(0,absolutePath.lastIndexOf(File.separator)); return filePath.equals("/var/tmp/exchanges"); } } }}} file META-INF/services/org.mariadb.jdbc.LocalInfileInterceptor must exist with content {{{org.project.LocalInfileInterceptorImpl}}}.

You can get ride of defining the META-INF/services file using [[|google auto-service]] framework, permitting to use annotation {{{@AutoService(LocalInfileInterceptor.class)}}} that will register the implementation as a service automatically.

Using the previous example: {{{ @AutoService(LocalInfileInterceptor.class) public class LocalInfileInterceptorImpl implements LocalInfileInterceptor { @Override public boolean validate(String fileName) { File file = new File(fileName); String absolutePath = file.getAbsolutePath(); String filePath = absolutePath.substring(0,absolutePath.lastIndexOf(File.separator)); return filePath.equals("/var/tmp/exchanges"); } } }}}

Minor evolution

  • CONJ-260 : Add jdbc nString, nCharacterStream, nClob implementation


  • CONJ-316 : Wrong Exception thrown for ScrollType TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE
  • CONJ-298 : Error on Callable function exception when no parameter and space before parenthesis
  • CONJ-314 : Permit using Call with Statement / Prepare Statement


  • CONJ-293] Permit named pipe connection without host
  • CONJ-309] Possible NPE on aurora when failover occur during connection initialisation
  • CONJ-312] NPE while loading a null from TIMESTAMP field using binary protocol
  • misc] batch with one parameter correction (using rewriteBatchedStatements option)


  • CONJ-297] Useless memory consumption when using Statement.setQueryTimeout
  • CONJ-294] PrepareStatement on master reconnection after a failover
  • CONJ-288] using SHOW VARIABLES to replace SELECT on connection to permit connection on a galera non primary node
  • CONJ-290] Timestamps format error when using prepareStatement with options useFractionalSeconds and useServerPrepStmts


  • CONJ-289] PrepareStatement on master reconnection after a failover
  • CONJ-288] using SHOW VARIABLES to replace SELECT on connection to permit connection on a galera non primary node


  • CONJ-284] Cannot read autoincremented IDs bigger than Short.MAX_VALUE
  • CONJ-283] Parsing correction on MariaDbClientPreparedStatement - syntax error on insert values
  • CONJ-282] Handling YEARs with binary prepareStatement
  • CONJ-281] Connector/J is incompatible with Google App Engine correction
  • CONJ-278] Improve prepared statement on failover


  • CONJ-275] Streaming result without result throw "Current position is before the first row"


  • CONJ-274] correction to permit connection to MySQL 5.1 server
  • CONJ-273] correction when using prepareStatement without parameters and option rewriteBatchedStatements to true
  • CONJ-270] permit 65535 parameters to server preparedStatement
  • CONJ-268] update license header
  • misc] when option rewriteBatchedStatements is set to true, correction of packet separation when query size > max_allow_packet
  • misc] performance improvement for select result.


Complete implementation of fetch size.

CONJ-26 JDBC allows to specify the number of rows fetched for a query, and this number is referred to as the fetch size Before version 1.4.0, query were loading all results or row by row using Statement.setFetchSize(Integer.MIN_VALUE). Now it's possible to set fetch size according to your need. Loading all results for large result sets is using a lot of memory. This functionality permit to save memory without having performance decrease.

Memory footprint improvement

CONJ-125 Buffers have been optimized to reduced memory footprint

CallableStatement performance improvement.

CONJ-209 Calling function / procedure performance is now optimized according to query. Depending on queries, difference can be up to 300%.

Authentication evolution

CONJ-251 Permit now new authentication possibility : [[|PAM authentication]], and GSSAPI/SSPI authentication.

GSSAPI/SSPI authentication authentication plugin for MariaDB permit a passwordless login.

On Unix systems, GSSAPI is usually synonymous with Kerberos authentication. Windows has slightly different but very similar API called SSPI, that along with Kerberos, also supports NTLM authentication. See more detail in [[|GSSAPI/SSPI configuration]]

Connection attributes

CONJ-217 Driver information informations are now send to [[|connection attributes tables]] (performance_schema must be activated). A new option "connectionAttributes" permit to add client specifics data.

For example when connecting with the following connection string {{{"jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3306/testj?user=root&connectionAttributes=myOption:1,mySecondOption:'jj'"}}}, if performance_schema is activated, information about this connection will be available during the time this connection is active : {{{ select * from performance_schema.session_connect_attrs where processList_id = 5 +----------------+-----------------+---------------------+------------------+ | PROCESSLIST_ID | ATTR_NAME | ATTR_VALUE | ORDINAL_POSITION | +----------------+-----------------+---------------------+------------------+ |5 |_client_name |MariaDB connector/J |0 | |5 |_client_version |1.4.0-SNAPSHOT |1 | |5 |_os |Windows 8.1 |2 | |5 |_pid |14124@portable-diego |3 | |5 |_thread |5 |4 | |5 |_java_vendor |Oracle Corporation |5 | |5 |_java_version |1.7.0_79 |6 | |5 |myOption |1 |7 | |5 |mySecondOption |'jj' |8 | +----------------+-----------------+---------------------+------------------+ }}}

Minor evolution

  • CONJ-210 : adding a "jdbcCompliantTruncation" option to force truncation warning as SQLException.
  • CONJ-211 : when in master/slave configuration, option "assureReadOnly" will ensure that slaves are in read-only mode ( forcing transaction by a query "SET SESSION TRANSACTION READ ONLY").
  • CONJ-213 : new option "continueBatchOnError". Permit to continue batch when an exception occur : When executing a batch and an error occur, must the batch stop immediatly (default) or finish remaining batch before throwing exception.


  • CONJ-236 : Using a parametrized query with a smallint -1 does return the unsigned value
  • CONJ-250 : Tomcat doesn't stop when using Aurora failover configuration
  • CONJ-260 : Add jdbc nString, nCharacterStream, nClob implementation
  • CONJ-269 : handle server configuration autocommit=0
  • CONJ-271 : ResultSet.first() may throw SQLDataException: Current position is before the first row