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Balázs Faludi edited this page Jan 16, 2019 · 6 revisions

Provides a single frame's timing information to the app

Always set 'size' to sizeof(Compositor_FrameTiming) for proper versioning and avoid memory corruption. In C# use:



frameStart - Time reference for each frame. This won't necessarily be evenly spaced.

frameVSync - Time from frameStart until the next VSync. Using (current.frameStart + current.frameVSync) - (previous.frameStart + previous.frameVSync) should be a reliable way to measure frame intervals.

droppedFrames - Number of droppedFrames as reported by DXGI's GetFrameStatistics since the previous frame. This is a delta of PresentRefreshCount since the last time we called it. It is stored unsigned, but has been known to go negative, so should be cast to an int before using.

frameIndex - Incremented each frame. Can be used to call GetFrameTiming at a lower frequency than it's being updated to iterate through the history until you see a frame you recognize.

pose - Hmd pose used to render this frame.

struct Compositor_FrameTiming
    uint32_t size; // sizeof(Compositor_FrameTiming)
    double frameStart;
    float frameVSync; // seconds from frame start
    uint32_t droppedFrames;
    uint32_t frameIndex;
    vr::TrackedDevicePose_t pose;

struct Compositor_FrameTiming
    uint32_t m_nSize; // Set to sizeof( Compositor_FrameTiming )
    uint32_t m_nFrameIndex;
    uint32_t m_nNumFramePresents; // number of times this frame was presented
    uint32_t m_nNumMisPresented; // number of times this frame was presented on a vsync other than it was originally predicted to
    uint32_t m_nNumDroppedFrames; // number of additional times previous frame was scanned out
    uint32_t m_nReprojectionFlags;

    /** Absolute time reference for comparing frames.  This aligns with the vsync that running start is relative to. */
    double m_flSystemTimeInSeconds;

    /** These times may include work from other processes due to OS scheduling.
    * The fewer packets of work these are broken up into, the less likely this will happen.
    * GPU work can be broken up by calling Flush.  This can sometimes be useful to get the GPU started
    * processing that work earlier in the frame. */
    float m_flPreSubmitGpuMs; // time spent rendering the scene (gpu work submitted between WaitGetPoses and second Submit)
    float m_flPostSubmitGpuMs; // additional time spent rendering by application (e.g. companion window)
    float m_flTotalRenderGpuMs; // time between work submitted immediately after present (ideally vsync) until the end of compositor submitted work
    float m_flCompositorRenderGpuMs; // time spend performing distortion correction, rendering chaperone, overlays, etc.
    float m_flCompositorRenderCpuMs; // time spent on cpu submitting the above work for this frame
    float m_flCompositorIdleCpuMs; // time spent waiting for running start (application could have used this much more time)

    /** Miscellaneous measured intervals. */
    float m_flClientFrameIntervalMs; // time between calls to WaitGetPoses
    float m_flPresentCallCpuMs; // time blocked on call to present (usually 0.0, but can go long)
    float m_flWaitForPresentCpuMs; // time spent spin-waiting for frame index to change (not near-zero indicates wait object failure)
    float m_flSubmitFrameMs; // time spent in IVRCompositor::Submit (not near-zero indicates driver issue)

    /** The following are all relative to this frame's SystemTimeInSeconds */
    float m_flWaitGetPosesCalledMs;
    float m_flNewPosesReadyMs;
    float m_flNewFrameReadyMs; // second call to IVRCompositor::Submit
    float m_flCompositorUpdateStartMs;
    float m_flCompositorUpdateEndMs;
    float m_flCompositorRenderStartMs;

    vr::TrackedDevicePose_t m_HmdPose; // pose used by app to render this frame

    uint32_t m_nNumVSyncsReadyForUse;
    uint32_t m_nNumVSyncsToFirstView;
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