A Touhou games launcher!
Utilizes lost potential thcrap has. In other words it uses a game library thcrap provides, and a list of pathes. It allows us to make a front end and not use a fucking tons of .lnk files. (cmon nobody likes that system)
And yeah. THCRAP is mandatory. At least for now.
Change active preset in %AppData%\com.example\touhou_launcher\shared_preferences.json
- A lot of refactoring of bad design choices
- Settings
- Changing patches in launcher and not in cfg files hidden in depths of system
- A lot of testing
- Drag'n'Drop will add games
- Make THCRAP optional (idk y u will want this but whatever)
- In-Launcher patch management
Yeah... thats A LOT
flutter pub get
flutter build windows
idk i made it in about 3 days lmao