this code is to show the emotion
The program is to get the user's input about how they fell, and depndeing on the emotion, it will return a quote/thing to help.
how does it work?
I estabilahed a dicitonary to use, it has two keys and one value, the keys are a number and a word
then I made an input continaing a string, to ask the user about their feelings
result is a value that contains the result of the code, next method decides whether the user have entered a valid input or not, if it's invalid the program would tell the user to return a valid feeling. However, if it's a valid opition (in the dictionary) in will return the value, we firstly take the input, then looping on the dicitonary to check whether the value is in it or not.
[comment]: # this code might not be the best in term of performance, but it won't matter much, because it's a small project