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703 lines (432 loc) · 25.2 KB

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703 lines (432 loc) · 25.2 KB

reticulate 1.18 (UNRELEASED)

  • Fixed an issue where python_config() could throw an error when attempting to query information about a Python 2.6 installation.

reticulate 1.17

  • reticulate now checks for and disallows installation of Python packages during R CMD check.

  • reticulate no longer injects the r helper object into the main module if another variable called r has already been defined.

  • The function py_help_handler() has now been exported, to be used by front-ends and other tools which need to provide help for Python objects in different contexts. (#864)

  • Fixed an issue where timezone information could be lost when converting Python datetime objects to R. (#829)

  • Fixed an issue where numeric (rather than integer) dimensions could cause issues when converting SciPy sparse matrices to their R counterparts. (#844)

  • Fixed an issue where R data.frames with non-ASCII column names could not be converted to Pandas DataFrames. (#834)

  • Fixed an issue where the pip_ignore_installed argument in conda_install() was silently being ignored.

  • Fixed an issue where reticulate::conda_install() could re-install Python into an environment when not explicitly requested by the user.

  • reticulate now sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH when discovering Python. (#836)

  • reticulate is now better at capturing Python logger streams (those that write to stdout or stderr) when py_capture_output() is set. (#825)

  • reticulate no longer calls utils::loadhistory() after each REPL iteration.

  • reticulate now better detects when Python modules are loaded.

  • reticulate::import_from_path() now accepts the delay_load parameter, allowing modules which should be loaded from a pre-specified path to be lazy-loaded.

  • Fixed an issue where reticulate load hooks (normally defined via setHook("reticulate::<module>::load", ...)) would segfault if those hooks attempted to load the hooked module.

  • reticulate now attempts to resolve the conda binary used to create the associated Conda environment in calls to py_install(). This should fix use cases where Conda environments are placed outside of the Conda installation itself.

  • reticulate now sets PYTHONPATH before loading Python, to ensure modules are looked up in the same locations where a regular Python interpreter would find them on load. This should fix issues where reticulate was unable to bind to a Python virtual environment in some cases.

  • reticulate::virtualenv_create() gains the packages argument, allowing one to choose a set of packages to be installed (via pip install) after the virtual environment has been created.

  • reticulate::virtualenv_create() gains the system_site_packages argument, allowing one to control whether the --system-site-packages flag is passed along when creating a new virtual environment. The default value can be customized via the "reticulate.virtualenv.system_site_packages" option and now defaults to FALSE when unset.

  • Fixed an issue where reticulate::configure_environment() would fail when attempting to configure an Anaconda environment. (#794)

  • reticulate now avoids presenting a Miniconda prompt for interactive sessions during R session initialization.

  • Fixed unsafe usages of Rprintf() and REprintf().

  • reticulate::py_install() better respects the method argument, when py_install() is called without an explicit environment name. (#777)

  • reticulate:::pip_freeze() now better handles pip direct references. (#775)

  • Fixed an issue where output generated from repl_python() would be buffered until the whole submitted command had completed. (#739, @randy3k)

  • reticulate now explicitly qualifies symbols used from TinyThread with tthread::, to avoid issues with symbol conflicts during compilation. (#773)

  • reticulate will now prefer an existing Miniconda installation over a conda binary on the PATH, when looking for Conda. (#790)

reticulate 1.16

  • TinyThread now calls Rf_error() rather than std::terminate() when an internal error occurs.

  • Conversion of Pandas DataFrames to R no longer emits deprecation warnings with pandas >= 0.25.0. (#762)

  • reticulate now properly handles the version strings returned by beta versions of pip. (#757)

  • conda_create() gains the forge and channel arguments, analogous to those already in conda_install(). (#752, @jtilly)

reticulate 1.15

  • reticulate now ensures SciPy csr_matrix objects are sorted before attempting to convert them to their R equivalent. (#738, @paulofelipe)

  • Fixed an issue where calling input() from Python with no prompt would fail. (#728)

  • Lines ending with a semi-colon are no longer auto-printed in the reticulate REPL. (#717, @jsfalk)

  • reticulate now searches for Conda binaries in /opt/anaconda and /opt/miniconda. (#713)

  • The conda executable used by reticulate can now be configured using an R option. Use options(reticulate.conda_binary = <...>) to force reticulate to use a particular conda executable.

  • reticulate::use_condaenv() better handles cases where no matching environment could be found. (#687)

  • reticulate gains the py_ellipsis() function, used to access the Python Ellipsis builtin. (#700, @skeydan)

  • reticulate::configure_environment() now only allows environment configuration within interactive R sessions, and ensures that the version of Python that has been initialized by Python is indeed associated with a virtual environment or Conda environment. Use reticulate::configure_environment(force = TRUE) to force environment configuration within non-interactive R sessions.

  • reticulate now automatically flushes output written to Python's stdout / stderr, as a top-level task added by addTaskCallback(). This behavior is controlled with the options(reticulate.autoflush) option. (#685)

  • reticulate::install_miniconda() no longer attempts to modify the system PATH or registry when installing Miniconda. (#681)

  • reticulate::conda_install() gains the channel argument, allowing custom Conda channels to be used when installing Python packages. (#443)

  • reticulate::configure_environment() can now be used to configure a non-Miniconda Python environment. (#682; @skeydan)

  • Fixed an issue where matplotlib plots would be included using absolute paths, which fails in non-standalone documents rendered to HTML. (#669)

  • Fixed an issue where reticulate would attempt to flush a non-existent stdout / stderr stream. (#584)

reticulate 1.14

  • Fixed an issue where rmarkdown::render() could fail when including matplotlib plots when knit_root_dir is set. (#645)

  • reticulate now scans for Conda installations within the ~/opt folder, as per the updated installers distributed for macOS. (#661)

  • Python classes can now be defined directly from R using the PyClass() function. (#635; @dfalbel)

  • reticulate is now compatible with Python 3.9. (#630, @skeydan)

  • Pandas DataFrames with a large number of columns should now be converted to R data.frames more quickly. (#620, @skeydan)

  • Python loggers are now better behaved in the Python chunks of R Markdown documents. (#386)

  • reticulate will now attempt to bind to python3 rather than python, when no other version of Python has been explicitly requested by e.g. use_python().

  • reticulate now provides R hooks for Python's input() and raw_input() functions. It should now be possible to read user input from Python scripts loaded by reticulate. (#610)

  • reticulate now more consistently normalizes the paths reported by py_config(). (#609)

  • reticulate now provides a mechanism for allowing client packages to declare their Python package dependencies. Packages should declare the Python packages they require as part of the Config/reticulate field in their DESCRIPTION file. Currently, this only activated when using Miniconda; as the assumption is that users will otherwise prefer to manually manage their Python environments. Please see vignette("python_dependencies") for more details.

  • reticulate will now prompt the user to create and use a Miniconda environment when no other suitable Python environment has already been requested. This should help ease some of the trouble in setting up a Python environment on different platforms. The installer code was contributed by @hafen, from the rminiconda package.

  • Fixed an issue where virtualenv_create(..., python = "<python>") could fail to use the requested version of Python when venv is not installed. (#399)

  • Fixed an issue where iterable Python objects could not be iterated with iter_next() due to a missing class. (#603)

  • Fixed an issue where Conda environments could be mis-detected as virtual environments.

  • R functions wrapping Python functions now inherit the formal arguments as specified by Python, making autocompletion more reliable. (#573, @flying-sheep)

  • Fixed an issue where attempts to query Conda for environments could fail on Windows. (#576; #575; @dfalbel)

  • Properly check for NULL keyword arguments in call_r_function(). (#562, @dfalbel)

reticulate 1.13

  • Fixed an issue where subsetting with [.python.builtin.object could fail when convert = TRUE is set on the associated Python object. (#554)

  • Fixed an issue where the wrong definition of [[.python.builtin.object was being exported. (#554)

  • py_install() now accepts python_version, and can be used if a particular version of Python is required for a Conda environment. (This argument is ignored for virtual environments.) (#549)

  • Fixed an issue where reticulate could segfault in some cases (e.g. when using the iterate() function). (#551)

  • It is now possible to compile reticulate with support for debug versions of Python by setting the RETICULATE_PYTHON_DEBUG preprocessor define during compilation. (#548)

  • reticulate now warns if it did not honor the user's request to load a particular version of Python, as through e.g. reticulate::use_python(). (#545)

  • py_save_object() and py_load_object() now accept ... arguments. (#542)

  • py_install() has been revamped, and now better detects available Python tooling (virtualenv vs. venv vs. Conda). (#544)

  • reticulate now flushes stdout / stderr after calls to py_run_file() and py_run_string().

  • Python tuples are now converted recursively, in the same way that Python lists are. This means that the sub-elements of the tuple will be converted to R objects when possible. (#525, @skeydan)

  • Python OrderedDict objects with non-string keys are now properly converted to R. (#516)

  • Fixed an issue where reticulate could crash after a failed attempt to load NumPy. (#497, @ecoughlan)

reticulate 1.12

  • Fixed an issue where Python objects within Python lists would not be converted to R objects as expected.

  • Fixed an issue where single-row data.frames with row names could not be converted. (#468)

  • Fixed an issue where reticulate could fail to query Anaconda environment names with Anaconda 3.7.

  • Fixed an issue where vectors of R Dates were not converted correctly. (#454)

  • Fixed an issue where R Dates could not be passed to Python functions. (#458)

reticulate 1.11.1

  • Fixed a failing virtual environment test on CRAN.

reticulate 1.11

  • Fixed an issue where attempts to activate virtual environments created with virtualenv 16.4.1 would fail. (#437)

  • Fixed an issue where conversion of Pandas Categorical variables to R objects would fail. (#389)

  • Textual output generated when adding items to a matplotlib plot object are now suppressed.

  • If the last statement in a Python chunk returns a matplotlib plot object, the plot will now be auto-shown as in other environments.

  • The reticulate function help handler now returns function arguments for Python builtin functions.

  • Top-level Python statements can now include leading indent when submitted with repl_python().

  • The current matplotlib figure is now cleared as each Python chunk in an R Markdown document is run.

  • The r helper object (used for evaluating R code from Python) now better handles conversion of R functions. (#383)

  • The use_virtualenv() function now understands how to bind to virtual environments created by the Python venv module.

  • Reticulate better handles conversions of R lists to Python, and similarly, Python lists to R. We now call r_to_py() on each sub-element of an R list, and similarly, py_to_r() on each sub-element of a Python list.

  • Reticulate now always converts R Date objects into Python datetime objects. Note that these conversions can be inefficient -- if you would prefer conversion to NumPy datetime64 objects / arrays, you should convert your date to POSIXct first.

  • Python chunks containing errors will cause execution to halt if 'error=FALSE' during render, conforming with the default knitr behavior for R chunks.

  • The output of bare statements (e.g. 1 + 1) is now emitted as output when using the reticulate Python engine.

  • Remapping of Python output streams to be R can now be explicitly enabled by setting the environment variable RETICULATE_REMAP_OUTPUT_STREAMS to 1. (#335)

  • Allow syntax errors in Python chunks with 'eval = FALSE' (#343)

  • Avoid dropping blank lines in Python chunks (#328)

  • Use "agg" matplotlib backend when running under RStudio Desktop (avoids crashes when attempting to generate Python plots)

  • Add as.character() S3 method for Python bytes (defaults to converting using UTF-8 encoding)

  • Add py_main_thread_func() for providing R callbacks to Python libraries that may invoke the function on a Python background thread.

  • Add py_to_r S3 methods for Scipy sparse matrices: CSR to dgRMatrix, COO to dgTMatrix, and for all other sparse matrices, conversion via CSC/dgCMatrix.

reticulate 1.10

  • Output is now properly displayed when using the reticulate REPL with Windows + Python 2.7.

  • Address memory protection issues identified by rchk

  • Make variables defined using %as% operator in with() available after execution of the with block (same behavior as Python).

  • Check for presence of "module" property before reading in as_r_class()

  • Only update pip in virtualenv_install() when version is < 8.1

  • Support converting Python OrderedDict to R

  • Support for iterating all types of Python iterable

  • Add conda_python() and virtualenv_python() functions for finding the python binary associated with an environment.

reticulate 1.9

  • Detect python 3 in environments where there is no python 2 (e.g. Ubuntu 18.04)

  • Always call r_to_py S3 method when converting objects from Python to R

  • Handle NULL module name when determining R class for Python objects

  • Convert RAW vectors to Python bytearray; Convert Python bytearray to RAW

  • Use importlib for detecting modules (rather than imp) for Python >= 3.4

  • Close text connection used for reading Python configuration probe

reticulate 1.8

  • source_python() now flushes stdout and stderr after running the associated Python script, to ensure that print()-ed output is output to the console. (#284)

  • Fixed an issue where logical R matrices would not be converted correctly to their NumPy counterpart. (#280)

  • Fixed an issue where Python chunks containing multiple statements on the same line would be evaluated and printed multiple times.

  • Added py_get_item(), py_set_item(), and py_del_item() as lower-level APIs for directly accessing the items of e.g. a Python dictionary or a Pandas DataFrame.

  • Fix issue with Pandas column names that clash with built in methods (e.g. 'pop')

  • Improve default str() output for Python objects (print __dict__ if available)

reticulate 1.7

  • Improved filtering of non-numeric characters in Python / NumPy versions.

  • Added py_func() to wrap an R function in a Python function with the same signature as that of the original R function.

  • Added support for conversion between Matrix::dgCMatrix objects in R and Scipy CSC matrices in Python.

  • source_python() can now source a Python script from a URL into R environments.

  • Always run source_python() in the main Python module.

  • py_install() function for installing Python packages into virtualenvs and conda envs

  • Automatically create conda environment for conda_install()

  • Removed delay_load parameter from import_from_path()

reticulate 1.6

  • repl_python() function implementing a lightweight Python REPL in R.

  • Support for converting Pandas objects (Index, Series, DataFrame)

  • Support for converting Python datetime objects.

  • py_dict() function to enable creation of dictionaries based on lists of keys and values.

  • Provide default base directory (e.g. '~/.virtualenvs') for environments specified by name in use_virtualenv().

  • Fail when environment not found with use_condaenv(..., required = TRUE)

  • Ensure that use_* python version is satsified when using eng_python()

  • Forward required argument from use_virtualenv() and use_condaenv()

  • Fix leak which occurred when assigning R objects into Python containers

  • Add support for Conda Forge (enabled by default) to conda_install()

  • Added functions for managing Python virtual environments (virtualenv)

reticulate 1.5

  • Remove implicit documentation extraction for Python classes

  • Add Library\bin to PATH on Windows to ensure Anaconda can find MKL

  • New source_python() function for sourcing Python scripts into R environments.

reticulate 1.4

  • Support for RETICULATE_DUMP_STACK_TRACE environment variable which can be set to the number of milliseconds in which to output into stderr the call stacks from all running threads.

  • Provide hook to change target module when delay loading

  • Scan for conda environments in system-level installations

  • Support for miniconda environments

  • Implement eval, echo, and include knitr chunk options for Python engine

reticulate 1.3.1

  • Bugfix: ensure single-line Python chunks that produce no output still have source code emitted.

reticulate 1.3

  • Use existing instance of Python when reticulate is loaded within an embedded Python environment (e.g. rpy2, rice, etc.)

  • Force use of Python specified in PYTHON_SESSION_INITIALIZED (defined by rpy2)

  • Define R_SESSION_INITIALIZED (used by rpy2)

  • Force use of Python when required = TRUE in use_python functions

  • Force use of Python specified by RETICULATE_PYTHON

  • dict: Don't scan parent frame for Python objects if a single unnamed list is passed.

  • Wait as long as required for scheduling generator calls on the main thread

  • Refine stripping of object addresses from output of py_str() method

  • Added py_id() function to get globally unique ids for Python objects

  • Added py_len() function and S3 length() method for Python lists (already had length() methods for dicts, tuples, and NumPy arrays).

  • Exported py object (reference to Python main module)

  • Added eng_python() (knitr engine for Python chunks)

  • Improved compatibility with strings containing high unicode characters when running under Python 2

  • Remove dim methods for NumPy arrays (semantics of NumPy reshaping are different from R reshaping)

  • Added array_reshape function for reshaping R arrays using NumPy (row-major) semantics.

  • Provide mechanism for custom R wrapper objects for Python objects

  • Added interface to pickle (py_save_object() and py_load_object())

  • Catch and print errors which occur in generator functions

  • Write using Rprintf when providing custom Python output streams (enables correct handling of terminal control characters)

  • Implement isatty when providing custom Python output streams

reticulate 1.2

  • Add np_array function for creating NumPy arrays and converting the data type, dimensions, and in-memory ordering of existing NumPy arrays.

  • Add dim and length functions for NumPy arrays

  • Add py_set_seed function for setting Python and NumPy random seeds.

  • Search in additional locations for Anaconda on Linux/Mac

  • Improved support for UTF-8 conversions (always use UTF-8 when converting from Python to R)

  • Ignore private ("_" prefixed) attributes of dictionaries for .DollarNames

  • Provide "`function`" rather than "function" in completions.

  • Fail gracefully if call to conda in conda_list results in an error

  • Add pip_ignore_installed option to conda_install function.

reticulate 1.1

  • Allow dict() function to accept keys with mixed alpha/numeric characters

  • Use conda_list() to discover conda environments on Windows (slower but much more reliable than scanning the filesystem)

  • Add interface for registering F1 help handlers for Python modules

  • Provide virtual/conda env hint mechanism for delay loaded imports

reticulate 1.0

  • Search WORKON_HOME (used by virtualenv_wrapper) for Python environments

  • Support priority field for delay loaded modules.

  • Use json output from conda_list (handle spaces in path of conda env)

  • Look for callable before iterable when converting Python objects to R

  • Correct propagation of errors in R functions called from Python

  • Support for generators (creating Python iterators from R functions)

  • Changed default completed value for iter_next() to NULL (was NA)

  • Support for converting 16-bit floats (NPY_HALF) to R

  • Don't throw error when probing Python <= 2.6

  • Copy Python dictionary before converting to R named list (fixes issue with dictionaries that are mutated during iteration, e.g. sys.modules)

  • Ensure that existing warning filters aren't reset by py_suppress_warnings

reticulate 0.9

  • Detect older versions of Anaconda during registry scanning.

  • Don't probe python versions on windows when no executable is found

  • Poll for interrupts every 500ms rather than 100ms

  • Provide sys.stdout and sys.stderr when they are None (e.g. in R GUI)

  • Add Scripts directory to PATH on Windows

  • Add iter_next function for element-by-element access to iterators

  • Eliminate special print method for iterators/generators

  • Added py_help() function for printing documentation on Python objects

  • Added conda_version() function.

  • Search dict() parent frames for symbols; only use symbols which inherit from python.builtin.object as keys.

reticulate 0.8

  • Add import_from_path() function for importing Python modules from the filesystem.

  • Add py_discover_config() function to determine which versions of Python will be discovered and which one will be used by reticulate.

  • Add py_function_docs() amd py_function_wrapper() utility functions for scaffolding R wrappers for Python functions.

  • Add py_last_error() function for retreiving last Python error.

  • Convert 0-dimension NumPy arrays (scalars) to single element R vectors

  • Convert "callable" Python objects to R functions

  • Automatically add Python bin directory to system PATH for consistent version usage in reticulate and calls to system

  • Added length() method for tuple objects

  • Enable specification of __name__ for R functions converted to Python functions.

  • Give priority to the first registered delay load module (previously the last registered module was given priority)

  • Add additional safety checks to detect use of NULL xptr objects (i.e. objects from a previous session). This should mean that S3 methods no longer need to check whether they are handling an xptr.

  • Added py_eval() function for evaluating simple Python statements.

  • Add local option to py_run_string() and py_run_file(). Modify behavior to return local execution dictionary (rather than a reference to the main module).

  • Use PyImport_Import rather than PyImport_ImportModule for import()

  • Added ability to customize mapping of Python classes to R classes via the as argument to import() and the register_class_filter() function

  • Added separate on_load and on_error functions for delay_load

  • Scan customary root directories for virtualenv installations

  • Allow calling __getitem__ via [[ operator (zero-based to match Python style indexing)

  • Added conda_* family of functions for using conda utilities from within R.

  • Implement comparison operators (e.g. ==, >=, etc.) for Python objects

  • Implement names() generic for Python objects

  • Improve performance for marshalling of large Python dictionaries and iterators that return large numbers of items.

  • Implement str methods for Python List, Dict, and Tuple (to prevent printing of very large collections via default str method)

  • Use grepl() rather than endsWith() for compatibility with R <= 3.2

  • Use inspect.getmro rather than __bases__ for enumerating the base classes of Python objects.

  • Fix PROTECT/UNPROTECT issue detected by CRAN

  • Correct converstion of strings with Unicode characters on Windows

  • Fix incompatibility with system-wide Python installations on Windows

  • Fix issue with Python dictionary keys that shared names with
    primitive R functions (don't check environment inheritance chain when looking for dictionary key objects by name).

  • Propagate convert parameter for modules with delay_load

reticulate 0.7

  • Initial CRAN release