A collection of customizations and enhancements designed to extend the popular NvChad: https://github.com/NvChad/NvChad Neovim configuration. Think of it as a 'theme pack' or set of extensions for the foundation that NvChad provides.
- Tailored Workflow: Fine-tunes NvChad for my specific development preferences and shortcuts.
- Optimized Performance: Trying to keep every plugin load when needed as is NvChad's philosophe.
- Git Integration: Enhanced Git integration with LazyGit.
- Copilot Integration: Added Copilot support with the Copilot plugin as well as a statusbar module.
- Custom Keybindings: Additional keybindings for various plugins and features.
- Note taking: Added support for obsidian with neorg.
- Clone this repository to the
directory:git clone https://github.com/ViiEx/nvchad-conf ~/.config/nvim
- Important: Restart Neovim for changes to take effect.
Explore the files within this repository to modify settings and tailor my configuration to your liking. Refer to the main NvChad documentation for deeper customization options affecting the core of your Neovim setup.
For issues specific to my configuration, open an issue on this repository. For general NvChad support, refer to the NvChad project resources. The r/neovim subreddit is also great for Neovim-related help and discussions.
If you find my custom configuration useful, consider starring both this repository and the main NvChad project!
This configuration has been recently updated from NvChad v2 to v2.5 that redesigned all the stucture of the config. Thus it will need some time to be tested, end look for bugs after the migration.