title: README
description: Neovim Config README
authors: vchristopoulos
categories: NeoVim
created: 2023-12-12T15:00:47+0200
updated: 2023-12-12T15:10:11+0200
version: 1.1.1
This is my personal configuration of neovim with the mappings I'm more confurtable with and the plugins I like and use everyday. I'll say it first, this config is not perfect by any means. It needs a lot of fixes and a lot of work but I am pretty happy with how it turned out up till now. I'm working on it almost daily and I change/fix a lot of stuff that are either buggy or I don't like.
If this config suites your needs feel free to clone it and use it (I have installation instructions down below) or if you prefer the current state of it and don't want any sudden changes you can fork it and work from there, after that you can check if the commits I push are ok with you and if so you can pull the changes to your own branch as well.
This configuration aims to be my daily IDE and contains configurations from many different amazing people such us:
And more that I'm probably forgetting.
I'm developing web
and mobile
apps daily so my configs are mostly
focused on those two areas.
This configuration is always updated with new staff, fixes ٩(◕‿◕。)۶ and features I steal... I mean borrow from other configs. I'm always trying to keep it up to date with the latest and greatest plugins and features. Do expect some breaking changes from time to time but I'll try to keep them to a minimum as I occasionally look what other people have done to get inspiration (and steal code). If you clone this config you may find it looking quite different from what the screenshots display below.
Make sure you create a backup of your current config before you proceed with the installation.
mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.bak
Then run the following command to clone the config.
git clone https://github.com/ViiEx/nvim.git ~/.config/nvim
This config uses the following dependencies:
(ripgrep) -
(fd) -
(Nerd Fonts) -
(NodeJS) You can install it withnvm
as well.
Many different banners taken from
a.k.a.Dharmx Config
, and can be found under./lua/core/banners
folder. -
Neotree file explorer.
ToggleTerm for terminal.
CMP for autocompletion.
LSP for language server.
LSP Saga for LSP features.
Mason for lsp installations.
Null Ls for formatting and linting.
Telescope for fuzzy finding.
Treesitter for syntax highlighting.
Git signs for git changes.
Custom statusline.
Hovered diagnostics.
CokeLine for bufferline/tabline.
Fidget for visual lsp indicators.
Mini.nvim for indentation guides, some animations, file-manager.
Alpha-nvim for dashboard.
Aerial.nvim for code outline.
Todo for todo comments.
Much more that awaits you to discover.
I don't use Which-key
since I remember all my mappings but if you want
to use it you can do the following:
- First install the plugin
-- ./lua/plugins/init.lua
module = "which-key",
keys = {"<leader>", '"', "'", "`"},
config = function()
init = function()
require("core.utils").load_mappings "whichkey"
- Create a config file at the following path
and add the folliwing.
local present, wk = pcall(require, "which-key")
if not present then
local options = {
icons = {
breadcrumb = "»", -- symbol used in the command line area that shows your active key combo
separator = " ", -- symbol used between a key and it's label
group = "+", -- symbol prepended to a group
popup_mappings = {
scroll_down = "<c-d>", -- binding to scroll down inside the popup
scroll_up = "<c-u>", -- binding to scroll up inside the popup
window = {
border = "none", -- none/single/double/shadow
layout = {
spacing = 6, -- spacing between columns
hidden = { "<silent>", "<cmd>", "<Cmd>", "<CR>", "call", "lua", "^:", "^ " },
triggers_blacklist = {
-- list of mode / prefixes that should never be hooked by WhichKey
i = { "j", "k" },
v = { "j", "k" },
- Add the keybindings to the
-- Again config taken from NvChad
M.whichkey = {
plugin = true,
n = {
["<leader>wK"] = {
vim.cmd "WhichKey"
"which-key all keymaps",
["<leader>wk"] = {
local input = vim.fn.input "WhichKey: "
vim.cmd("WhichKey " .. input)
"which-key query lookup",
For theme I use kanagawa
which is a fork of tokyonight
and can be
found at ./lua/plugins/config/kanagawa_conf.lua
Keybind | Description | Mode |
<C-b> | Go to the beginning of line | i |
<C-e> | Got to the end of line | i |
<C-h> | move left | i |
<C-l> | move right | i |
<C-j> | move down | i |
<C-k> | move up` | i |
<C-h> | window left | n |
<C-l> | window right | n |
<C-j> | window down | n |
<C-k> | window up | n |
<C-s> | save file | n |
<C-c> | copy whole file | n |
<leader>b | new buffer | n |
<C-n> | Open File tree | n |
<leader>fe | emoji explorer | n |
<leader>gg | ToggleTerm lazygit | n |
<C-`> | ToggleTerm horizontal split | n |
<leader>tt | ToggleTerm horizontal split | n |
<a-cr> | Code Action | n |
<leader>lr | Lsp Rename | n |
<leader>lf | Open floating diagnostics | n |
<C-/> | Comment toggle linewise | n |
<TAB> | goto next buffer | n |
<S-Tab> | goto prev buffer | n |
<leader>x | close buffer | n |
<leader>ta | Toggle aerial | n |
<leader>gdh | Diff view file history | n |
<leader>cb | Set banner | n |
<C-x> | escape terminal mode | t |
For even more keybindings check the ./lua/core/mappings.lua
file, or
use Telescope <leader>tk
to see all the keybindings.