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File metadata and controls

97 lines (61 loc) · 7.8 KB


A part of the BAR's modernization effort and creating a new gene network visualization tool, I have decided to re-factor our interactions database. Under Professor Nicholas Provart's permission, the data has been released to the public - i.e. our in-house protein-protein and protein-DNA interaction database is free for others to use. Namely, our interolog data and other kindly donated data from other labs which totals over 3 million interactions.

Project contains raw TSV file (purified databse dump, scripts, and unit tests) for the migration to a new schema for storing and fetching interactions. The rationale behind database re-design was to decouple multiple mappings (i.e. delimited values in a column which require inefficient LIKE leading wildcard queries [indexes can't be used]), integrate lookup tables for future referencing, add curation fields, optimization (various ways including deleting many NULL fields by collapsing NOT NULL rows into a sub-table) and allowing expansion for gene network fetching.

SQL queries powered by Knex. Unit tests powered by Jest.

Notes regarding files:

File Description Purified TSV file containing old migrated DB data, 'the truth' - curated by Eddi Esteban. Note the date of last update.
finalDumpDocumentation.txt Accompanying documentation for each column in header row of TSV, from Eddi.
schema.sql SQL schema for the new database, forward engineered from MYSQL workbench
package.json JSON of necessary files needed to be installed, enter: npm i
insertIntoTables.js Sole script file that will read TSV file above to make insertions into database node insertIntoTables.js
verifications.test.js Unit tests to be ran after script INSERTions are completed. Run: npm run test see below to run tests individually MYSQL dump of the database (5.7). Note date of last update. If you need an updated copy, contact the BAR. ** UNINDEXED, RENAME AND CREATE YOUR OWN DB BEFORE IMPORTING! **
BAR_new_itrns_db.mwb MYSQL Workbench file, namely an ERD that visualizes the relationships between the tables. Contains brief descriptions of each column.
itrns_db_idxes.sql Suggested indexes to add to the database after importing.

ERD Design Explantions

ERD Diagram Note that some of the keys next to columns are incorrectly shown due to a bug in MySQL workbench, upload the MWB file to Workbench to verify the keys

Interactions Type Lookup Table (interactions_lookup_table)

A lookup table which standardizes and references the different types of interactions we host in this database. The most canonical example is a protein-protein interaction wherein one protein binds to another, therefore the alias of entity_1_alias and entity_2_alias would be 'protein'. However as interactions can be wide-encompassing due to the concept of a metagene (a gene's protein product, mRNA, promoter, etc) having a lookup table allows expandiablity for future interaction types (consider how prevalent miRNA-mRNA interactions have become in the last decade).

Interactions Table (interactions)

The 'meat' of our database. A table summarizing how one entity is related to another entity (i.e. interact), doesn't usually refer interactions of a metagene but usually does. Surrogate key chosen over a 3-column composite key for simplicity. Note the unique index on the entity_1, entity_2 and interaction_type_id column to restrict redundant interactions.

Interolog Scores Table (interolog_confidence_subset_table)

To normalize our previous database, I decided to create a subset table for the interactions (~70k) that have an interolog score. This vastly improves redundancy as we had >3M rows that had 9 columns of NULLs (i.e. we had a lot of NULL redundancy). This table and its columns represent directly the interolog score for a particular interaction for a particular species. For example, if an interaction scored '3' under worm and '10' under fly, then this interaction of its protein homologues were seen in worms and flies.

Algorithm Lookup Table (algorithms_lookup_table)

In our previous (and future) database we had interactions which were predicted (e.g. the HEX algorithm). We stored these rankings arbitrarily into a column without explanation. Thus this reference table provides the necessary explanation of the numbers/rankings AND the algorthimic details for our join table.

Algorithms Interactions Join Table (interactions_algo_score_join_table)

Since every interaction could potentially have more than one algorithm ran on it, create a join table where the algorithm name is the foreign key.

Modes of Action Lookup Table (interactions_algo_score_join_table)

To modernize our database, include a lookup table that will include the 'directionality' of a particular interaction. That is, two genes interact, but how does the first entity modulate the other - does it repress or activate the second entity?

Sources Table (external_source)

Table which will store all the unique sources (usually a paper, but not always) with extra columns for future curation and for my gene network tool. Note that the source_name column is unique and thus will primarily store a pubmed ID (PMID).

Interactions Source MI Join Table (interactions_source_mi_join_table)

A table that offers a join for interactions and sources (along with MI terms - a controlled vocabulary for experiments by EMBL). That is, one interaction can be referenced by more than one paper. This table is necessary for efficient querying of (1) How many interactions exist in a paper and (2) Fetching the individual interactions of a paper for visualization.

Tag Lookup Table (tag_lookup_table)

Lookup table for each tag so we can easily categorize them for our front-end app. I.e. group tags like 'Y1H, Y2H, CHIP' under 'experiment' for categorization for the user. Note that since the tag_name is the PK and MySQL is case-insensitive by default, we won't get 'chIP' and 'CHIP' duplicated.

Source Tag Join Table (source_tag_join_table)

As one paper may have many tags, create a join table where the FKs are the source id and tag_name.

Database migration checks:

You can run these individually via the commands below or use npm run test to run the whole Jest suite.

  • Compare number of unique sources from TSV file to number of unique sources in 'external_source' table: npm run test -- -t='unique_sources';

    • To count TSV file sources (sed to skip header): sed -e 1d finalDump_2019-05-14.tsv | cut -f 2 | sort | uniq | wc -l
      • 2284
    • To count entries in src tbl: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM external_source;
      • 2284
  • Compare number of unique interactions (ppi and pdi) for a given AGI pair: npm run test -- -t='unique_interactions';

    • Count number of unique AGI-pairs: awk 'BEGIN {FS="\t"}; {print $1, $3, $4}' finalDump_2019-05-14.tsv | grep -v "^1.0" | sed '1d' | tr [a-z] [A-Z] | sort | uniq | wc -l
      • 3191430
    • Count number of AGI-pairs in DB: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM interactions
      • 3191430
  • Verify number of interolog interactions: npm run test -- -t='interolog_count';

    • SELECT count(*) from interolog_confidence_subset_table;
      • 70933
  • Compare number of unique MI terms throughout our DB to the TSV file: npm run test -- -t='mi_terms_count';

    • sed -e 1d finalDump_2019-05-14.tsv | cut -f 5 | sort | uniq | wc -l
      • 61
    • SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(mi_detection_method)) FROM interactions_source_mi_join_table;
      • 61


  • Vincent Lau (dev/docs/db design), Eddi Esteban (TSV file purification). Thanks to NSERC Canada and Dr. Nicholas Provart for funding.