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Fixtures Documentation Bundle

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This Symfony bundle generates and exposes a documentation of your fixtures. An action to reload your fixtures can also be configured.

The goal of this bundle is to allow testers to be independent, they can see data and reload fixtures when they want to test again.

What does it do

It will generate a json file with all the data to be used in a twig page to display fixtures to the end user.

To add data to this json file you can process full manually, manually by passing the entity or full automatically. The main data to know of are : the type of the fixture (section title), the id of the fixture and the data of the fixture.

It will display a page with a menu corresponding to the different sections (with links), and data tables regrouped by section. If you used links, it will display some columns with visible links to go directly to the linked object.

When it encounter a property it can have 3 behaviors :

  • If it's a simple (scalar) property, it will display it (string, bool, int, etc)
  • If it's an array, it will display the total of elements in this array
  • If it's an object and it got a __toString public method, it will display the result of this method. If this class is in your configuration of entities, it will add a link toward it.

Working projects examples

Some external projects are available to see and test the behavior of this bundle. You'll have to clone it next to this bundle and follow the documentation to make it work and see the prepared result by yourself.

  • The project for Manual case : if you want to manually manage your documentation
  • The project for Doctrine automatic case : if you use doctrine and just want to configure entities and properties to document and let the bundle do
  • The project for Alice case : if you load fixtures through Alice bundle and want to let the bundle do with your configuration


This is installable via Composer as adlarge/fixtures-documentation-bundle:

composer require --dev adlarge/fixtures-documentation-bundle

The default url to access the documentation is /fixtures/doc


Add the bundle to your config/bundles.php :

return [
    // ...
    Adlarge\FixturesDocumentationBundle\AdlargeFixturesDocumentationBundle::class => ['dev' => true],
    // ...

Add the routing file config/routes/dev/adlarge_fixtures_documentation.yaml and paste the following content :

    resource: '@AdlargeFixturesDocumentationBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml'

You can define vars by creating the file config/packages/dev/adlarge_fixtures_documentation.yaml :

    title: 'Your title'
        - php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
        - ....
    listenedCommand: 'doctrine:fixtures:load'
    enableAutoDocumentation: true
            - id
            - name
            - category
            - firstname
            - lastname
  • title has a default value 'Fixtures documentation'
  • listenedCommand has a default value 'doctrine:fixtures:load'. For Alice bundle, you can set it to 'hautelook:fixtures:load'
  • reloadCommand is an optional array of commands you want to run from the view. If present a button to run these command will be visible in this view
  • enableAutoDocumentation is a boolean default to false. Set it to true if you want that all entities in fixtures are auto documented in postPersist
  • configEntities is an optional array of configurations for your entities you want to auto-document

Then you can install assets :

php bin/console assets:install --symlink


Adding fixtures manually

To add fixtures to your documentation you have to get the manager in your fixtures file :

class AppFixtures extends Fixture
     * @var FixturesDocumentationManager
    private $documentationManager;

     * AppFixtures constructor.
     * @param FixturesDocumentationManager $documentationManager
    public function __construct(FixturesDocumentationManager $documentationManager)
        $this->documentationManager = $documentationManager;

     * @param ObjectManager $manager
     * @throws DuplicateFixtureException
    public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
        $doc = $this->documentationManager->getDocumentation();

        $doc->addFixture('Products', [
            'id' => 1,
            'name' => 'Product 1',
        $doc->addFixture('Products', [
            'id' => 2,
            'name' => 'Product 2',
        $doc->addFixture('Customers', [
            'id' => 1,
            'first name' => 'John',
            'last name' => 'Doe',
            'email' => '[email protected]'


Link fixtures

It's possible to link fixtures between them, for example, if we have a list of comments with an author field that represent a user, we can link fixtures like this :

class AppFixtures extends Fixture
     * @var FixturesDocumentationManager
    private $documentationManager;

     * AppFixtures constructor.
     * @param FixturesDocumentationManager $documentationManager
    public function __construct(FixturesDocumentationManager $documentationManager)
        $this->documentationManager = $documentationManager;

     * @param ObjectManager $manager
     * @throws DuplicateFixtureException
    public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
        $doc = $this->documentationManager->getDocumentation();        

        $userFixture = $doc->addFixture('Users', [
            'id' => 1,
            'first name' => 'John',
            'last name' => 'Doe',
            'email' => '[email protected]'
        $doc->addFixture('Comments', [
            'id' => 1,
            'text' => 'My comment',
            'author' => 'John Doe',
            ->addLink('author', $userFixture);            


The addLink method needs the field on which we want to create the link and the Fixture we want to link to.

Sharing fixtures

It's possible to share fixtures between files. For this two methods are available on the Documentation object :

  • addLinkReference('ref', $fixture)
  • getLinkReference('ref')

Adding fixtures with configuration and entity

If you provided the good entity name and properties in configuration configEntities you can use the method addFixtureEntity. It will parse scalar properties and can check public properties as well as private ones with a getter (property, getProperty(), hasProperty(), isProperty()). It will parse non scalar properties as well, if it's an array it will display the count, if it's an entity it will display the result of __toString if it exists. It will ignore non existing properties.

With the following configuration :

        title: 'Your title'
            - php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
                - name
                - category
                - owner
                - firstname
                - lastname
                - email

You can use

class AppFixtures extends Fixture
     * @var FixturesDocumentationManager
    private $documentationManager;

     * AppFixtures constructor.
     * @param FixturesDocumentationManager $documentationManager
    public function __construct(FixturesDocumentationManager $documentationManager)
        $this->documentationManager = $documentationManager;

     * @param ObjectManager $manager
     * @throws DuplicateFixtureException
    public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
        $doc = $this->documentationManager->getDocumentation();

        $product = (new Product())
            ->setName("Product 1")
            ->setCategory("Category 1");

        $product = (new Product())
            ->setName("Product 2")
            ->setCategory("Category 2");

        $customer = (new Customer())
            ->setEmail('[email protected]');


Adding fixtures fully automatically

You can use 'enableAutoDocumentation' configuration. If set to 'True' this configuration will automatically document all object that are defined in 'configEntities' configuration when they are postPersist in database.

Generate documentation

To generate the doc you only have to run php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load or the command you've configured.


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To make it run on your environment you have to install :

php (7.1 or higher)
PHP extensions
* php-xml
* php-mbstring

To run tests on your env, run these commands. Each dev must cover 100% of code before PR

make test
make coverage