PlanetSide Forever (PSForever) would not have been possible without the passion and many hours of hard work of our contributors. If you feel you are missing from this list, please open a Pull Request!
- FateJH & Chord
- SouNourS
- tfarley
- aphedox
- L-11
A total of 87,569,952 packets across 714 capture files.
- GeEkOfWiReS1097 (11,015,604 packets, 12%)
- ccrider (7,406,424 packets, 8%)
- KingFeraligatr (6,267,039 packets, 7%)
- SArais
- Wizkid45
- MooK (thanks for naming captures, 5,290,922 packets)
- Dzagamaga
- DoctorIsIn
- Naeadil
- Chord
- KiCkJr
- Tattek
- docdic
- Hofd
- Berakh
- FateJH (special thanks for the most specific capture files submitted, 294 capture files, 41% of all capture files, 1,699,541 packets)
- theonetrueduddy
- Sulferix
- Westy543
- KeellLorentz
- Zensras
- seasea128
- Haknoes
- Ness199X
- CheetoRamen
- Inoxic (thanks for naming captures, 439,506 packets)
- void
- mystiksven
- hetchjay
- OzTurtle
- nullfunction
- DestinyPlayer
- Stroginator
- Krilikin
- ChallahuAkbar
- danofthedeep
- Commander101
- Degrado
- dsiOne
- DeltaJ (18,496 packets)