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+# react-toggle-slider
+A highly-customizable React toggle slider component.
+## Usage
+To add the component, simply import `ToggleSlider` and use it in your app.
+import ToggleSlider from "react-toggle-slider";
+function App() {
+ return (
+ );
+The slider works without any options, but it can be heavily customized.
+### Options
+| Option | Default | Description |
+| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
+| `active` | `false` | Initial state |
+| `onToggle` | `undefined` | Function to call when slider is toggled, passes active state as parameter |
+| `padding` | `5` | Padding between the handle and the sides of the bar |
+| `flip` | `false` | Handle starts of right instead of left |
+| `transitionDuration` | `100ms` | Transition duration of the slider |
+| `handleSize` | `18` | Diameter of the handle |
+| `handleBorderRadius` | `16` | Border radius of the handle |
+| `handleBackgroundColor` | `#ffffff` | Background color of the handle |
+| `handleBackgroundColorActive` | `undefined` | Background color of the handle while active |
+| `handleStyles` | `undefined` | Extra styles object to be applied to the handle |
+| `handleStylesActive` | `undefined` | Extra styles object to be applied to the handle while active |
+| `handleTransitionDuration` | `undefined` | Transition duration of the handle (overrides `transitionDuration`) |
+| `handleRenderer` | `undefined` | React node to completely replace the handle |
+| `handleRendererActive` | `undefined` | React node to completely replace the handle while active |
+| `barHeight` | `26` | Height of the bar |
+| `barWidth` | `48` | Width of the bar |
+| `barBorderRadius` | `16` | Border radius of the bar |
+| `barBackgroundColor` | `#dedede` | Background color of the bar |
+| `barBackgroundColorActive` | `#06b7e7` | Background color of the bar while active |
+| `barTransitionDuration` | `undefined` | Transition duration of the bar (overrides `transitionDuration`) |
+| `barStyles` | `undefined` | Extra styles object to be applied to the bar |
+| `barStylesActive` | `undefined` | Extra styles object to be applied to the bar while active |
+| `barRenderer` | `undefined` | React node to completely replace the bar |
+| `barRendererActive` | `undefined` | React node to completely replace the bar while active |
+If any options which refer to the active state of the slider are undefined, it will default to the
+inactive value.
+## Accessing the state of the slider
+### Callback
+The slider's state can be accessed using a callback. This can be used with `useState` or something
+similar to represent the status on the page.
+import ToggleSlider from "react-toggle-slider";
+function App() {
+ const [active, setActive] = useState(false);
+ return (
+ setActive(state)}/>
+ Slider is {active ? "active" : "inactive"}
+ );
+### Hook
+The slider can also be used as a hook. This can be used to access the state of the slider without
+a callback. To do this, import the `useToggleSlider` function.
+Options can be passed into the function as an object.
+import { useToggleSlider } from "react-toggle-slider"
+function App() {
+ const [toggleSlider, active] = useToggleSlider({barBackgroundColorActive: "red"});
+ return (
+ { toggleSlider }
+ Slider is {active ? "active" : "inactive"}
+ );