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File metadata and controls

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WebSocket API Java Tests

ViPLab WebSocket API. This is used in the ViPLab frontend to get an interactive session with the ViPLab service.


Documentation is in the docs directory. Architectural Decision are documented as Markdown Architectural Decision Records in docs/adr.

The schemata of the messages are defined in schema.

How to run

This project is build with maven and uses as runtime server. Build the docker image.

mvn clean test package

To configure the image-name or version tag, or if it should be build can be set using the following command-line.

mvn clean test package -Dquarkus.container-image.tag=latest

The native build currently does not work, because we use reflection in our code.

To run this application, the jwks.json is required with all public keys. Mount or copy this file into the container and use the JWKS_FILE environment variable to specifiy the location.

docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 -e JWKS_FILE=/config/jwks.json -v "${PWD}/jwks.json:/config/jwks.json" websocket-api

Generate Json Web Keys

Generate keys with json-web-key-generator. It's available as docker image in GitHub Container Registry. New keys can be generated with the command:

docker run --rm jwk-generator -t RSA -s 2048 -S -p -i mykeyid

The private key should be stored in a file named jwks.private.json and the public key in a file named jwks.json.


The configuration can be done using environment variables or a configuration file. The configuration file must be located at $PWD/config/ Environment variables names are following the conversion rules of Eclipse MicroProfile. Configuration properties:

Name Type description
viplab.validation.configuration.mustValidate boolean If true all Computation configurations must be validated, else configurations without a validator are not validated
viplab.jwt.jwks.file Path Path to the jwks.json with all public keys.
mp.messaging.outgoing.computations.address String Address of the computation exchange on the AMQP Broker
amqp-* Configuration of the AMQP Broker information, see SmallRye Reactive Messaging AMQP connector


You can generate test data by running:

mvn -pl websocket-api-impl -Dtest=de.uni_stuttgart.tik.viplab.websocket_api.GenerateJWTTest test

This will print the authenticate and create-computation json messages to the console. These messages can send to the websocket.

The generated messages are signed with the internal test Json Web Key from websocket-api-impl/src/test/resources/test-jwks.private.json.

Add new environments/languages

To add support for a new environment add the required classes into the extensions project. The classes must be annotated with @Environment("<your environment here>") and be registered as SPI implementation. To do this use the @AutoService(<interface class here>) annotation.

The following types can be implemented: