As Kitematic is going through the different Beta revisions, many bug fixes have been pushed along with requests for features.
This page will allow you to take ownership of a certain feature and allow other people to join in on the effort to help move things forward.
(from compatibility label)
- Re-factor the code to be Flux compatible
{maintainer: [@JeffDM], contributor: [@Tecknix]}
- Cleanup legacy code
- Fix issues
- Add features
(from bug label)
- tbd
(from feature/enhancement label)
- Add better error/notification support
- Add support for volumes-from
- Add support for private registry (enterprise, on-premise)
- Add support for other drivers (not just VM)
- Add support for docker-compose (open file)
- Add support for Dockerfile (open file)
If an item is not on the roadmap/future list and a PR is made it will more than likely be shelved. This allows the community to know what is actively being worked on and what will be coming.
Ownership notation
- Add your name to an existing list within the contributor/reviewer array [ ]
- A maintainer will claim ownership of the task to provide guidance throughout the implementation