Table of Contents - For mobile users
- ⭐ Programming / Coding Tutorials
- ⭐ Programming Learning Resources
- ⭐ Dev YouTube Channels - Learn Development / Programming via YouTube
- ⭐ StackOverflow / Frontend, DecodingDevOps or Stack Roboflow - Developer Q&A
- ⭐ O'Reilly - Tech / Programming / Courses / Infinite Trial
- ⭐ freeCodeCamp - Programming / Courses / Interactive
- ⭐ 30 Seconds of Code - Find Code Snippets
- ⭐ Free Courses by Xemu - Programming Course Drives
- ⭐ Phind - Developer Q&A AI
- ⭐ Programming Book Sites - Read / Download Programming Books
- Awesome Certificates or Awesome Learning Dev - Dev Course Indexes
- DZone - Developer Tutorials
- RedHat - Development Tutorials
- - Developer Talks
- Roadmap - Developer Roadmaps / Github
-, Dark Hamster or Devhints - Developer Cheat Sheets
- Programming Challenges, DevPost, HackTheEarth, EMKC or Code Golf - Programming Challenges
- WDTCD? or Denigma - AI Code Explanations
- Coding Problems or Rosetta Code - Solutions for Coding Problems
- RoboMind or Checki0 - Code Learning Games
- mimo - Coding Tutorial App
- SO Documentation - Programming Documentation / Tutorials
- Code With Mosh Courses
- Awesome Cheatsheets, HowDoI, OverApi or Cheat Sheets - Programming Cheat Sheets
- Google Cloud Developer's Cheat Sheet - Google Cloud Developer Cheat Sheet / GitHub
- Awesome Learn To Code or A-to-Z-Resources-for-Students - Programming / Coding Learning Resources
- Curated Programming Resources - Programming Courses
- Learn to Program - Programming Courses
- FreeCourses - Programming Courses
- HelloWorldCollection - Hello World Programming Collection
- Codecademy - Coding Lessons
- CodinGame - Games to Practice Coding / Programming
- Advent of Code - Programming Puzzles
- Curated Programming Resources - Programming Courses
- Stack Exchange - Programming Q&A / App
- Learn X in Y minutes, 2 - Programming Language Rundowns
- - Typing Practice for Programmers
- Karel The Robot - Basic Programming Teaching Environment
- Project Based Learning - Collection of Project-Based Tutorials
- Audio Dev - Audio Programming Learning Resources
- pointers-for-software-engineers or Interview University - Software Engineer Study Guides
- Awesome Podcasts - Podcasts for Software Engineers
- soft-eng-interview-prep - Software Engineer Interview Preparation
- or VSCodeCanDoThat - VS Code Tutorials
- system-design-primer or System Design / GitHub - Large Scale System Design Guides
- Graphics Workshop - Learn Computer Graphics
- SchoolOfHaskell - Haskell Tutorials
- LearnYouHaskell - Haskell Guide
- RubyMonk - Ruby Tutorials
- Learn to Program - Ruby Tutorials
- LearnGo or play-with-go - Learn Go Programming
- or Tutorial Edge Go - Go Programming Tutorials
- HowIStart Go - Go Setup Guide
- Rust Learning - Rust Learning Resources
- The Rust Programming Language - Rust Programming Guidebook
- min-sized-rust - How-to Reduce Rust Binary Size
- Regex Hub or IHateRegex - Regex Cheat Sheets
- Simple Regex, learn-regex, ReFrF,, ReGexOne, RegExr or RegexLearn - Learn Regex
- ReGeX - ReGeX Learning Game / Android
- Reverse-Engineering-Tutorial - Reverse Engineering Course
- High Assurance Rust - Software Development Guide
- LearnOpenGL - Learn OpenGL
- Devops Exercises - DevOps Exercises
- 90DaysOfDevOps - Learn DevOps
- Awesome Microservices DotNet - .Net Microservice Guides
- Learn SQL - SQL Lessons
- SQL PD - SQL Learning Game
- PostgreSQL Tutorial - PostgreSQL Tutorial
- MySQL Tutorial - MySQL Tutorial
- Hasura - GraphQL Courses
- SQL Cheat Sheet
- systemd-by-example - Learn Systemd Interactively
- Comic Lessons - DNS / DNSSEC / HTTPS
- Slip - Build Programming Courses
- ⭐ The Odin Project - Full Stack Course
- ⭐ FullStackOpen - Full Stack Course
- ⭐ Learn to Code HTML & CSS - HTML/CSS Course
- ⭐ - JavaScript Course
- ⭐ 30 Days Of JavaScript - Javascript Course
- ⭐ Java5cript - Javascript Courses Index
- ⭐ PHP: The Right Way or PHP Tutorial - Learn PHP
- Developer.Mozilla or Web Dev Resources - Web Dev Learning Resources
- Web Dev for Beginners - Web Dev Course
- Aquent Gymnasium - Web Dev Tutorials
- Dash - Web Dev Courses
- Web Skills or Encodedna - Web Dev Guides
- Codevolution - Web Dev Video Lessons
- HTMLDog - HTML/CSS and JavaScript Tutorials
- Codepip, Grid Garden, CSS Battle, CSS Speedrun or CSS Diner - CSS Learning Games
- DefensiveCSS - CSS Tips
- LearnCSSGrid - CSS Grid Guide
- You Don't Need JavaScript - CSS Demos
- CSS Tricks - CSS Code Snippets
- You Don't Know JS or EloquentJavascript - Javascript Learning Books
- Javascript Questions or JavaScriptQuiz - Javascript Questions for Practice
- 33 JS Concepts - Useful JavaScript Concepts
- You-Dont-Need-jQuery - Javascript Query Style Events Guide
- Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide - Javascript Style Guide
- Javascript Today - Javascript Blog
- Untrusted - Javascript Learning Game
- backendlore - Backend Coding Guide
- backend-challenges - Backend Challenges for Practice
- Tackling TS or TypeScript Deep Drive - TypeScript Guides
- React Typescript Cheatsheet - React Typescript Cheatsheet
- Next - Learn Next.js
- Node.js Best Practices - Node.js Style Guide
- LandChad or - Site Development Guides
- Full Stack Solana Development Guide - Examples
- STPG - Startpage Creation Guides / Discord
- Markdown Tutorial - Interactive Markdown Tutorial
- MarkdownGuide - Guide for Markdown (.md)
- Web Design in 4 Minutes or Strml - Interactive Web Design Tutorial
- WebGL and GLSL Workshop - Interactive WebGL / GLSL Tutorial
- LearningSEO - SEO Guides
- Discord.js Guide or An Idiot's Guide - Discord.js Bot Guides
- PICO-8 - Basic Game Development Concepts / Web Version
- SebastianLague - Game Development Tutorials
- Trig for Games - Trigonometry Lessons for Games
- ProFantasy - Fantasy Map Making Tutorials
- ⭐ Android Developer Roadmap
- developers - App Dev Courses
- Mobile Design Resources - App Design Learning Resources
- LearnCS - Lean Java/Kotlin
- CocoaDevCentral - Legacy OS X / Cocoa Programming Tutorials
- Swift Playgrounds - Learn Swift UI / Samples
- SwiftDump - Retrieve Swift Object info from Mach-O file
- Flutter Tips and Tricks - Flutter Tips and Tricks
- ⭐ Leetcode - Coding Practice
- ⭐ Leetcode Tools - Discord / Solutions, 2 / Company Questions, 2 / Animations / Anki Cards / Videos
- algorithms - Code Algorithms & Data Structures Tutorials Algorithms-Cheatsheet-Resources - Code Algorithm Cheatsheets
- VisualGo - Data Structures & Algorithm Animations
- The Algorithms - C++
- HackersFriend - Coding Practice
- algonds - Coding Practice
- Codility - Coding Practice
- LintCode or CodeWars - Coding Practice
- Coding Questions - Coding Interview Questions
- NeetCode - Coding Interview Practice
- Exercism, HackerRank or CS Circles - Programming Lessons
- 365Datascience - Data Science Courses / Downloader
- Quick-R - R Tutorials
- Advanced R - R Guide / Solutions
- R Packages - R Packages Guide
- R for Data Science - R Data Science Guide
- ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis - ggplot2 Guide
- Data Science Ipython Notebooks, Scipy Lectures or Virgilio / GitHub - Learn DataScience
- Data Engineering Practice Problems - Data Engineering Practice
- Learn to Make Netflix Clone
- 100-Days-Of-ML-Code or Practical Deep Learning - Machine Learning Coding Lessons
- minitorch - Machine Learning Engineering Course Code
- Approaching (Almost) Any Machine Learning Problem - Machine Learning Problem Solving Book
- ML-Youtube-Courses - Machine Learning Courses on YouTube
- PromptPapers - Pre-Trained Language Model Tuning Papers
- Python Discord or Python Reference - Python Learning Resources
- 30 Days Of Python - Python Guide
- Python AI - AI Python Tutor
- CodingBat or PyQuickie - Python / Java Practice
- AmigosCode - Java Tutorials
- Python Programming Hub - Python Learning Repository
- Python4Everyone, A Byte of Python, Hypermodern Python, Learn Python, Learn-Python or Magical Universe - Learn Python
- High Performance Python: The Code - Python Lessons
- Real Python, Reeborg or AskPython - Python Tutorials
- FutureCoder, CS50, Python Full Course or A Practical Introduction to Python - Python Course
- Modern Python 3 Bootcamp Courses
- Tea Press - Python Learning Book
- python3-in-one-pic - Python Learning Picture
- Python Cheatsheet or SpeedSheet - Python Cheat Sheet
- Automate The Boring Stuff - Python Automation Book
- Learn C - C Tutorial
- C++ Core Guidelines - C++ Best Practices Guidelines / Github
- Learn C++ - Learn C++
- CppDeveloperRoadmap - Learn C++
- HowIStart C++ - C++ Setup Guide or cppreference - C++ Cheatsheets
- modern-cpp-tricks - C++ Tips
- Makefile Tutorial - Makefile Tutorial
- ⭐ Free Cyber Resources or Applied Cybersecurity - Cybersecurity Learning Resources
- Cyber Security Courses or Skills for All - Cyber Security Courses
- picoCTF, CTF Guide, CTFLearn, Hack The Box or OpenSecurityTraining2 - Cybersecurity Lessons
- DefendTheWeb - Cybersecurity Challenges
- Cyber Talent Kids - Learn About Cybersecurity
- - Cybersecurity Practice
- OverTheWire - Cybersecurity Learning Game
- Awesome Hacking - Pentesting / Security Index
- Pentesting Bible or Juice Shop - Learn Pentesting
- Hacksplaining - Developer Security Lessons
- John Hammond or LowLevelLearning - Cybersecurity YouTube Tutorials
- You Don't Need GUI - CLI Commands Cheatsheet
- Vim Cheatsheet or rTorr - Vim Code Editor Cheat Sheets
- OpenVim - Interactive Vim Tutorial
- Vim Adventures - Vim Learning Game
- Vim University - Vim Tips
- The Linux Kernel - Linux Kernel Development Guides / Archives
- Workbench - Learn / Experiment with Gnome
- GitHub Docs - GitHub Help Documentation
- Git Tutorial - Interactive Git Tutorial
- Oh My Git!, 2 - Git Learning Game
- Git-it - Git Desktop Learning App
- Git Time - Git Version Control System Learning Game
- Github Cheat Sheet - GitHub Cheat Sheet
- First Timers Only or First Contributions - Git Code Contribution Guides
- Learn Git Branching - Interactive Git Branching Guide
- - Design Tips
- HackDesign or Sky Design - UI / Webdesign Courses
- Learn UI Design - UI Design Course
- 50 UI Tips - UI Design Book
- Can't Unsee - UI Design Test
- UXTools or UXMovement - Learn UX Design
- SitePoint - UX Design Courses & Books
- FrontEndMentor or Frontend Challenges - Frontend Design Challenges
- Frontend Learning Kit - Frontend Learning Index
- Frontend Bootcamp - Frontend Workshop
- BitsOfCode - Frontend Dev Articles
- Design Pattern for Humans - Guide on Design Patterns
- ⭐ Developer Tools - Dev Tool Sites
- ⭐ - Programming / Development GitHub Lists
- ⭐ Icon Download Sites - Download Icons for Projects
- DevToys or DevUtils - Mac Dev Tools
- Design Resources or Open Source Design - Design Resource Sites
- Image Tools - Image & Graphic Design Tools
- Contentdrips or CreatorKit - Brand Design Tools
- Open Source Alternatives - Open Source Development Software
- Awesome DataScience or Best Data Science Resources - Data Science Resources
- Mage - Data Science Pipelines
- SuperNova - Design System Manager
- Grafana, Tigris Data or MongoDB - Dev Data Dashboards
- Interplay - Product Design Tool
- Awesome Bots - Developer Bot Index
- Student Developer Pack - Free Developer Tools for Students
- Libera Chat - IRC Network for Project Collaboration
- DevDeals - Free Tools / Promotions for Developers
- CodeProject, DEV Community or Blind - Developer Forum
- Tech-Blogs - Blogs for Developers
- The Devs Network - Developer Chat
- StackShare - Tech Stack Collaboration
- Codever - Bookmarks Manager for Developers
- - Markdown to Slideshow
- Volume - Create Immersive Reading Experiences
- - Replace New Tab Page with Developer Articles
- Favicon Maker or Favicon Generator - Create Favicons
- Awesome Design Patterns
- Laws of UX - Maxims / Principles for UI Designers
- Deceptive Patterns - Deceptive User Experience Examples
- UI Coach - UI Design Challenge Generator
- HTML Dog - Front End Tutorials & Examples
- Responsively - Responsive Dev Design Tool
- SREWorks - Operation & Maintenance Platform
- the component gallery - Design Components Gallery
- Hunspell - Spellchecking Library
- Media Chrome - Media Player Elements / GitHub
- ReadMeTemplate - README Template
- codex-readme - Generate README with AI
- Read the Docs, MkDocs, Mintlify or mkdocstrings - Documentation Creators / Theme
- Changie - Automated Changelog / GitHub
- ChooseALicense - List of Open Source License's & Help Choosing Them
- MKLicense - License Generation CLI
- Know the License - Detect Open Source Licenses
- PrivacyPolicyTemplate or PrivacyLabel - Generate Privacy Policies
- Console - Subscribe to a List of Open Source Projects
- - Marketing Description Generator
- Penpot - Cross Domain Design & Prototyping Platform
- Mysterium Network or Webdav - Open Web Protocols
- or HookDeck - Webhook Tools
- Scoop - Content Curation Tool
- WebSequenceDiagrams - Draw Sequence Diagrams
- ASCII Flow or Tree - Create ASCII Diagrams
- Ainize - Launchpad for Open-Source AI projects
- DBeaver - Universal Database Tool
- Egui Node Graph or litegraph.js - Build Node Graphs
- Generate Fake Data - Ruby / Swift
- Gorse - Universal Recommendation System
- Awesome Big Data - Big Data Resource Index
- - Package, Framework & Tool Search
- - Open Source Package Search
- Packagedna - Package Analyzing Software
- PackageCloud or pnpm - Package Manager / Deployment
- Upgraderoo - Automatic NPM Package Updates
- WebInstall - Easily Install Dev Packages
- Balena - Build / Manage IoT Groups
- Awesome Bug Bounty, Awesome Bug Bounty Builder or Bug Bounty - Bug Bounty Resources
- Awesome CTF - CTF Resources
- Authorizer - Developer Authentication App
- Rawsec's CyberSecurity Inventory, Cybersecurity-Resources, awesome-cyber-security, Infosec Resources or Anon Security - Cybersecurity Resources
- Open Source Security Software - Cybersecurity Software
- The White Circle - Cybersecurity Community
- Advisory Database or Att&ck - Cybersecurity Defense Databases
- osquery - Security Monitor
- Nuclei / Github or NVD - Vulnerability Tracking / Scanning
- CVE-2021-44228-Scanner - Log4j2 CVE-2021-44228 Vulnerability Scanner
- Crowdsec - Crowd-Sourced Intrusion Detection / Prevention / GitHub
- X-Force Exchange - Security Threat Intelligence Platform
- ThreatMap or CyberMap - Live Malware Distribution Maps
- VirusShare or Malpedia - Malware Search
- The Void - Software Incident Reports
- Fail2Ban - Protect Servers from Brute Force Attacks / GitHub
- Pentest Contracts - Security Contract Templates
- Earthly - CD/CD Framework Pipeline
- CI/CD Security - CI/CD Security Resources Awesome
- OpenSCA-CLI - Composition Analysis for Third Party Components
- Unblob - Extraction Suite
- Kubescape - Kubernetes Tool
- Kubespray - Kubernetes Cluster
- Devtron - Kubernetes Tool Integration
- Hajimari - Kubernetes Startpage
- Awesome Microservices - Microservice Architecture Resource Index
- LibreLogos or LogoTaco - Project Logos
- Rejoiner - Uniform GraphQL Schema from gRPC Microservices
- CFDocs - CFML Documentation Reference
- Input Delay Test - Input Delay Experiment
- Asynchronous Messaging - Asynchronous Messaging Resources
- CoreFTP - FTP Client
- Discord Developer Portal - Integrate Services with Discord
- CodeBlockLang - Discord Code Blocks
-, Kord, Discord4J, - Discord API Wrapper
- discord-api-libs - Community Libraries for Discord API
- Discord-panel - Discord Bot Server Manager
- Javacord - Discord Bot Creation Library
- Pylon or Bot Designer for Discord (Mac) - Discord Bot Builder
- botwiki - Learn How to Make Bots
- Sleepy Discord - C++ Library for Discord
- Birdsite - Twitter to ActivityPub Bridge
- rss-to-activitypub - RSS to ActivityPub Converter
- reddit-moderator-toolbox - Toolbox for Reddit Extension Development
- Constraints - Find Minimum Movement Constraint
- XunLei - Shared Computing / Blockchain
- Wokwi - Arduino / ESP32 Board Simulator
- Tesseract - Open Source OCR Engine / GitHub
- awesome-list-of-awesomes or ML_Resources - Machine Learning Resources
- awesome-google-colab - Machine Learning Colabs
- Caffee / Git, Awesome Machine Learning or OpenNN / Git - Machine Learning Framework
- TensorFlow - Create Machine Learning Models
- Awesome Opensource Data Engineering - Open Source Data Engineering Projects
- CLIP-as-service - Embed Images / Sentences via CLIP Models
- Catalyzex, Feedly AI or PapersWithCode - Search Machine Learning Models / Papers
- OpenML or Hugging Face - Machine Learning Datasets
- Kobra - Visual Programming Language for Machine Learning
- DVC - Machine Learning Version Control
- DialoGPT - Dialogue Machine Learning Model
- MMDeploy - Deep Learning Model Deployment Toolset
- DeepSpeed - Deep Learning Optimization Library
- Netron - Visualizer for Neural Network, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning Models
- Cyberbotics - Robot Simulator
- OS Dev - Operation System Development Wiki
- devSwag - Developer Giveaways
- ⭐ Website Creators - Design & Create Websites
- ⭐ Free Webhosting Sites
- ⭐ Site Analytics - Traffic Stats / Info
- ZeroNet or Federalist - Uncensorable Sites / /r/Zeronet
- Awesome Static Generators - Static Site Resources
- Meli - Static Site Deployment Platform
- Freenet Project - Browse / Publish Freenet Sites
- Locutus - Create Decentralized Site Apps
- Screely or Screenshot to Code - Generate Site Mockups / Code via Screenshots
- GoodBadISPs - Best ISPs for Tor Hosting
- Emanote - Create Sites from Plain-Text Notes / GitHub
- Free DNS Servers
- DNSPerf - DNS Provider Rankings
- GRC DNSBench - DNS Benchmark
- DNS over HTTPS - HTTPS DoH Queries
- DNS Propagation - DNS Checker
- Website Planet Tools, Webdesign Assistant, xWebTools, Tiny Helpers or CSSAuthor - Site Development Tools
- CSSMatic - CSS Web Design Tools
- Sympli, AnimaApp or ZeroHeight - Development Collaboration Tool
- Grav - Flat-File CMS
- Flux - Decentralized Cloud Infrastructure
- URLPages - Store Entire Pages in URLs
- Shoelace or Elix - Web Component libraries
- Package Web - Basic Site Serving Framework
- webdev - Web Developer Multireddit
- Web Developer - Web Developer Toolbar Extension
- ElasticSearch - Search & Analytics Engine
- Search Engine Optimization - SEO Tools
- SerPreview - Site Search Results Preview
- Schema Markup Testing Tools - Test Sites Google Results
- Robots.txt Tester - Test Your robots.txt
- Charles 3 / Activation or ProxyMan - Web Debugging Proxy Apps
- CORS Proxy - Free CORS Proxy
- Tabler - Site Admin Dashboard
- Octopus - Site Planning Tool
- Utom Design - Sketch Measure
- WireFlow - Flow Prototype Maker
- Geekflare Tools - Site Testing Tools
- LambDatest - Cross Browser Testing Cloud
- UXTweak - Website Design Usability Improvement Tool
- Stark, deque, Pa11y, Wave, MagentaA11y, Andi, A11ygator or tota11y - Accessibility Evaluation Tools
- Contraste - Test Text for Accessibility
- Accessibility Insights - Fix Accessibility Issues
- Accessibility Cheatsheet - Site Accessibility Guidelines
- CookieMetrix - EU Cookie Violation Test
- Violating GDPR - GDPR Violation Test
- Color Oracle or Toptal - Color Blindness Simulator / Test
- Am I Responsive - Responsive Design Checker
- Web Vitals Leaderboard - Compare Website Performance
- Visual Mind AI - Site Visual Score
- Prometheus - Site Metrics / Setup
- Contrast Checker - Contrast Checker
- Carbon Calculator - Estimate Sites Carbon Footprint
- free-website-translation, transdict or conveythis - Website Translators
- Statically - Load Websites Faster
- comepress - Optimize Sites Image Files
- Magic Drop - Drag & Drop Images to Sites
- Qdrant - Vector Database
- Rest Test Test - Test REST / CORS Services
- WebUI - Embed WebUI Libaries in Project
- Dagu - WebUI Job Manager
- HeidiSQL - SQL Manager
- QueryStorm - SQL and .NET programming in Excel
- httpbin or Requestbin - HTTP Request & Response Service
- Adminer - Database Manager
- RemoteMySQL - Remote MySQL Database
- DoIt - SQL Database
- DB4Free or SQLFIddle - SQL Testing
- AI2SQL or BlazeSQL - SQL Generators
- franchise - SQL Notebook
- Illegal Analytics Scanner - Check if your Analytics Break Laws
- OceanBase - Relational Database / GitHub
- NocoDB - Turn Database into Smart Spreadsheet / GitHub
- PooShock - Apache 2 Test Page
- Awesome list of secrets in environment variables - List of Secrets in Environment Variables
- Hydra - OAuth 2.0 Server / OpenID Connect Provider
- Easegress - Traffic Orchestration System
- HITS - Website Traffic Badges
- Meta Tag Gen or MetaTags - Meta Tag Generator
- Multiple IP / Network Tools
- Domain Info Tools - Domain Information Lookup Tools
- BrandSnap, AIconicDomain,, Pyfunceble,,,, instantdomainsearch, IWantMyName, expireddomains, atlaq or Domainr - Domain Availability Checkers
- TinyDomain - Short Domain Suggestions
- DNForum - Domain Name Forum
- WorthBuck or SitePriace - Domain Price Estimations
- HaveIBeenSquatted - Typosquatting Discovery Tool
- iana, arin, lacnic, afrinic or apnic - Internet Registry Sites
- takingnames, GetFreeDomain or / 2 - Free Subdomains
- TheDev - Free Developer Subdomains
- - URL Forwarding
- StatPing,, Better Uptime, CheckServer, Uptime Kuma, AreWeDown?, UptimeRobot or 24x7 - Site Uptime Monitors
- UseMe or PingDom - Ping Website
- Measure - Site Functionality Test
- Site Inspector - Check Site for Spelling / Grammatical Errors
- UX Check - Site Heuristic Evaluation
- Responsive Viewer - Test Site on Multiple Screen Types / Chrome
- Testmail - Site Signup Test
- Responsivize - Website Responsiveness Test
- PageSpeed, GTmetrix or Websu - Test Webpage Speed
- Partytown - Relocate Scripts to Web Worker
- Tempesta FW - DDoS / Web Attack Protection
- Shisho - Infrastructure Code Security Patcher
- Security Onion Solutions, Wazuh or Snyk / GitHub - Site Security Monitor
- securitytxt - Create security.txt Files
- Greenbone - Vulnerability Management
- Teler - HTTP Intrusion Detection
- HTTPToolkit - Debug, Test & Build with HTTP(S)
- GHH or IP Intelligence - Malicious Web Traffic Protection
- HTTPLeaks - HTTP Sites Leak Information
- DNSDumpster, DNS Watch or WhatsMyDNS - DNS Lookup / Security
- WebScarab - HTTP / HTTPS Protocol Analysis
- Plow - HTTP Benchmarking
- Front-End Checklist - Front-End Checklist
- Flounder - Gemini Website Builder
- Transform - Polyglot Web Converter
- Docker2SaaS - Convert Docker Images to SaaS Websites
- Framer - Interactive Site / App Design Tool
- ProjectVisBug - Webpage Editor
- Plunker or Bloo - Prototype / Test Websites Ide
- Pixelfika - Site Design Examples
- WebDesignMuseum - Website Designs Over Time
- CSS Zen Garden - CSS Site Examples
- Bootstrap - Mobile Site Creator / Icons / Snippets
- Brython - Python 3 Web Scripting Language
- CollectUI, Hoverstat, httpster, Wave Guide, ReallyGoodUX, Pageflows or - UI Design Ideas
- StoryBook or Mockend - UI Development Tools
- UI Design Daily or UIVerse - Free UI Design Resources
- Open UI - Open Standard UI
- CodeMyUI or Semantic UI - User Interface Code Snippets
- BuiltWith - Find Out What Sites are Built With
- PsdRepo - Templates, Mockups, Logos, Video
- Daft Page - Landing Page Creator
- LandingPage - Landing Page Tool Index
- Uisual, SaaS Pages, SaaS Landing Page or lapa - Landing Page Templates / Ideas
- Canva, ThemeKings or PikBest - Design Templates / Premium Apk
- Zeplin - Design Templates / Editor
- Codebases - ReactJS Project Source Codes
- vite - Frontend Development Tool / GitHub
- Frontend Development - Frontend Development Resources
- Boilerplate - Website Frontend Template HTML5
- Bootstrap, TheMeWagon, nicepage or Undraw - Site Templates
- an idea for a website - Random Website Ideas
- Templatemo or Tooplate - HTML Site Templates
- HTML5 Temp - HTML5 Templates & Themes
- CSS Bed, Repth Themes, beercss / GitHub or free-css-templates - CSS Themes / Templates
- Hydrogen or Fullstack Next.js E-commerce - Online Store Templates
- MicroCopy - Copy Common Website Text
- VidJet - Publish Videos to Online Stores
- Typewolf or - Trending Website Fonts
- Modern Fonts Stacks - CSS Fonts
- CSSans Pro - Colorful CSS Font
- RoughAnnotations - Webpage Annotations / Animations
- Pattern Monster - SVG Pattern Generator
- Broider - Create Border Designs
- ShapeDivider or blobbb- Make SVG Shape Divider
-, Placeholdifier, PlaceHolder, PicSum or FakeIMG - Site Placeholder Images
- MinimalAvatars - Minimal Site Avatars
- GalleryProject - Manage / Host Photos on Website
- PrivateDaddy - Auto Hide Email Address'
- Mobile-Friendly - Mobile Friendly Page Test
- epub.js - Render ePub Documents in Browser
- Shaka Player - JavaScript Library for Adaptive Media
- hlsflow - Host Video in HLS Stream
- OneLinePlayer - Vimeo / Dropbox Video Player
- Testimonial - Easily Add Video Testimonials to Sites
- SCM Music Player or TrinityAudio - Site Audio Players
- DriveProxy - GDrive Video iFrame Code Generator
- Stream Defence - Website Video Backup System
- StreamYard - Live Stream Creator
- live-chat-youtube - Embed YouTube Live Chat on Site
- Visiwig - Copy / Paste Site Graphics
- Awesome Web Animation - Web Animation Index
- WebDesigner, T3, Theatre.js / GitHub, Haiku, Greensock, Stylie, RenderForest, Mantra or Animate.css - Create Interactive Motion Graphics
- Paramoji - Parametric Emoji
- useAnimations, Creattie or LordIcon - Animated Icons
- Curzr - Animated Cursors
- Cursor Effects - 90's Style Cursors
- RV's Free Effects - Site / Cursor Effects
- NakerApp - Interactive Background Maker
- Vidlery - Animated Webpage Background
- onlinegenerator - Site Generation Tools
- Box-Shadow - Box Shadow Generator
- Shadow Palette Generator - CSS Shadow Generator
- MapBox or leafletjs - Live Maps, Location Search & More
- Maps-Core - Mobile Map SDK
- Kontactr, Tally, JotForm, 99Inbound,, PHPForm or - Form Creators
- - Customizable Loading SVG
- Medusa - Digital Commerce Development Tool
- Penetration-Testing- Penetration Testing Resources
- Can I Use? - Browser Support Tables
- Archive / Scrape / Crawl Webpages - Archive, Scrape & Crawl Sites
- Appwrite - Open-Source Backend Server / GitHub
- squid - Caching Proxy / MSI Installer / Site Blocking
- What Is Googlebot - How-to Block Googlebot
- Awesome Cloudflare - Cloudflare Resource Index
- Bypass Cloudflare - Bypass Cloudflare Bot Protection
- Check for Cloudflare - Check Sites for Cloudflare
- VPN Un-Blocking - Unblock Cloudflare Warp VPN Services
- CFScanner, scanner or cf-ip-scanner-py - Cloudflare IP Scanners
- cloudflare-ip-tester-app - Cloudflare IP Tester
- wgcf - Generate Cloudflare Warp Wireguard Config
- - Remote Console Polyfill for Cloudflare Workers
- LightTPD or Caddy - Web Server
- Bash-web-server - Bash Web Server
- Oracle - Free Server Tools
- http-server - No Config HTTP Server
- Apache - HTTP Server
- h5ai - HTTP Web Server Index / GitHub
- SyAgent, TA Vivo or HertzBeat - Server Monitors
- Lepton - Code Snippet Manager / GitHub
- LibreCaptcha or mCaptcha - Captcha Systems
- Democaptcha or ReCAPTCHA Demo / GitHub - Captcha Demo's
- SuperTokens - User Authentication
- The SSO Wall of Shame - Vendors without Built-in SSO
- Discuzz or Remarkbox - Open Source Comment Systems
- DaButtonFactory or ButtonOptimizer - Button Generator
- GetButton - Get free 'Message Us' Button for your Site
- Automated Incident Response - Automated Incident Response and Forensics Framework
- CBox, Typebot, Fonoster or Tawk - Embedded Chat App
- StackWhats - Add Whatsapp Chat to Your Site
- Pay 2 Email - Simple Website Contact Form
- AgentGPT - AI Customer Support Chat
- Twitcker - Add Twitter Feed Ticker to Site
- Error404 - Free 404 Pages
- HTTP Cats - Put Cat Pictures in Your Status Codes
- HandShake - Decentralized Certificate Authority & Naming
- Hitch - SSL / TLS Proxy
- Let's Encrypt - Free TLS Certificates
- SSL for Free or ZeroSSL - Free SSL Certificates
- mkcert - Locally Trusted Development Certificates
- OpenSSL - SSL / TLS Toolkit
- SSL Config Generator - Generate SSL Configurations
- MinIO or Filebase - Cloud Native Object Storage
- Traefik - Cloud Native Stack
- Amazon S3 - Cloud Object Storage Amazon Simple Service Storage / Desktop
- howtheyaws - List of How Organizations Use AWS
- QuickEmailVerification, Email Marker or ZeroBounce - Email Verification Service
- Block Temporary Email - Block Temp Mail Addresses
- Improvemx - Domain Email Forwarding
- Microlink SDK / GitHub, React Tiny Link / GitHub or Link Preview JS - Create Link Previews
- IP Intelligence - Proxy / VPN / Bad IP Detection
- V2Ray - Proxy Software
- Traefik, frp or reverse-proxy - Reverse Proxies
- caddy-reverse-proxy - 1-Click Reverse Proxy
- Certbot - Enable HTTPS Automatically
- MachineID - Hardware Identifier
- TrackMyBacklink - Backlink Tracker
- Free Backlink Builder - Backlink Generator
- Wappalyzer - Identify Technologies on Websites / Addons
- Bubble, WeWeb, opensilver, Anvil, Symfony / CLI, Create-react-app, Lowdefy or - Web App Creators
- Blazor - Web App UI Creators
- OffBase - Offline Web App Creator
- Laravel or Lona - Web App Framework
- Sandstorm or CloudRon - Web App Hosts
- PWABuilder - Turn Site into Progressive Web App
- LightHouse - Web App Performance Test
- Chaos Frontend Toolkit - Break Your Web Apps to Improve Them
- w3af or Burp or ZAP - Web App Security Testing
- PWA Screenshot Generator - Generate PWA Screenshots
- egui - Rust GUI
- Form To Chatbot - Convert Google Form to Chatbot
- Herosaver - Save Site Configuration and STLs
- Termible - Docker Powered Site Terminals
- Stackbit - JamStack Tools
- the New Dynamic - JamStack Directory
- NuxtJS - Vue Framework / Dev Tools
- Arco Design or Naive-UI / GitHub - Vue 3 UI Components Library
- Vuejs Dev Tools - Add Vue 3 Debugging to Browser
- Vue vben admin - Vue Admin
- Sight - Syntax Highlighter for Chrome
- mnm - Member Messaging Tools
- Sprig - Product Research Platform
- Website Grader - Website Grading Tool
- awesome-tunneling - Tunneling Software & Services
- ngrok - Introspectable Tunnels to Localhost Tools
- NConfig - NGINX Server Config
- tengine - NGINX with Extra Features
- Nginx-Admins-Handbook - Improve NGINX Performance
- Visual CSS Editor - WordPress Site Designer
- Mantiq - Wordpress Visual Backend
- WPSQLite - Wordpress Site Deployment Tool
- Nulled Scripts, NullJungle or Null PHP Script - Nulled Scripts
- faustjs - Wordpress Framework
- Wordpress Themes - Themes for Wordpress
- Timber - WordPress Theme Creator / GitHub
- KokoAnalytics - Wordpress Analytics
- vichan - Imageboard Hosting
- ProBoards - Forum & Imageboard Hosting
- MyBB, FreeFlarum or PHPBB - Forum Hosting
- Media Wiki, xWiki, tWiki , DokuWiki, Miraheze or Fandom - Host Free Wiki
- HumHub or scuttlebutt - Self-Hosted Social Network
- RunYourOwnSocial - How-to Run Private Social Network
- Aether - P2P Ephemeral Public Communities
- UNIT3D Community Edition - Private Tracker Hosting
- UUID Tools - UUID Generator
- ⭐Electron, Revery, Proton Native, Neutralinojs, PowerPage, Flet, Felvin or Tauri / Resources - Desktop App Builders
- ⭐Electron Tools - Notes / App Store / Debugger / Mod Loader / Builder
- Budibase, ToolJet, retool or AppSmith - Internal Tool Builders
- raylib technologie, bookmarks or Every-programmer-should-know - Software Development Tools
- Theos - Program Build System / GitHub / Jailed Tweaks
- New Software - Project Decision Checklist
- Servo - Experimental Browser Engine
- Gummy - Easily Build Javascript Programs
- NASM - Program Assembler
- Radicle - P2P Software Development
- Pakkly - Desktop App Deployment
- Nomad / GitHub, MRSK / Discord or Waypoint - App Deployment Automation
- LiveKit - Build Video / Audio Applications
- Dotnet Content Creators - .NET Content Creators Index
- Dotnet Releaser - Automate Release of .NET Applications
- Cron AI - Words to Cron Expression
- Pencil - Software Mockup Tool / GitHub
- GNUnet - Software Framework
- shadcn - Software Components
- Slint, Fyne or QT Designer - GUI Development Tools
- Gooey - Convert Python Command Line to GUI
- Kuker - Debug Applications
- mitmproxy - HTTP Proxy
- BugSnag - Application Stability Monitor
- 98.css - Build Windows 98 Themed Interfaces / GitHub
- Radare, Flare IDA, Reverse Engineer's Toolkit, Rizin, Frida, GHIDRA or Cutter - Reverse Engineering
- RETeam - Reverse Engineering Forums
- aarch64-sysreg-ida - IDA Plugin to View Armv8 MSRs
- Kubeorbit - Application Testing / Debugging
- Redis - Key-Value Database
- Inno Setup, Fileforums Premade Installers, InstallForge or ActualInstaller - Create Installation Programs
- 7.css or Botox Party - Create Oldschool Style UI's
- Amplication - Create Node.js Apps
- Textualize - Create Text User Interfaces
- Ink - Create Interactive CLI Apps
- smenu - Create CLI Menus
- Enquirer or Prompts - Create CLI Prompts
- blessed-contrib, BubbleTea or tui-rs - Create Terminal Applications
- Etebase - Encrypted App Backend
- UWP - Telerik UI for UWP / Github
- FluentWPF - Fluent Design System for WPF
- Flatpak - Create & Distribute Linux Applications
- Awesome DOS - DOS App Development Resources
- WTFPL - Free Software Licenses
- VirtualBuddy - Virtualize macOS 12 and later on Apple Silicon
- Advanced Catalyst Example - Mac Catalyst App Example
- ⭐ Heroku-Alt or heroku-free-alternatives - Heroku Alternatives
- ⭐ AndroidRepo - Android App Development Resources
- ⭐ Awesome iOS - iOS App Development Resources
- ⭐ Tizen - Android TV App Creator
- ⭐ XDA - App Development Forum
- ⭐ Docker - Build, Manage and Run Apps in Containers
- ⭐ Docker Tools - Docker Tools, Images and Clients
- SupaBase, Kodular, Glide, AppCreator24, Dokku, AndroidIDE, Flutter / Resources, 2 or Android Studio - App Creators
- Android Libhunt - Android Packages
- StreamLit - Data Science App Creator / Templates / UI
- Xamarin - App Development Platform / GitHub
- Framer - Interactive Site / App Design Tool
- MemberPrism - Member-Only App Builder
- butterfly - Android UI Builder
- Flutter Login Page Design or LoginCritter - Login Page Designs
- App ideas - Collection of App Ideas
- Fastlane - App Development Automation / GitHub
- I wish there was app - Get App Ideas From Twitter
- Blisk - Cross-Device Testing
- Percy - Visual App Review Platform
- Booster - Mobile App Optimization
- Mobbin - Mobile App Design Reference Library
- Xcode - Test and Build iOS / iPadOS Apps
- SpreadsheetView - Spreadsheet UI for iOS Apps
- Xcodes App - Xcode Manager
- AndroidAssetStudio - Android App Assets
- Contacts Android - Android Contacts APIs
- IconKitchen or AppIcon - App Icon Generator
- Android-Iconics - Use Any Icon / Font as your Drawable App
- iOS Icon Gallery - iOS Icon Examples
- Plank - Simple Dock / GitHub
- Compose Samples - App Samples
- swipe - Swipe Gesture Actions for Compose UI
- Ratio Buddy - CSS For Device Ratio
- TV Samples - Android TV App Samples
- PrivacyFlash-Pro - Generate iOS Privacy Policies
- Appleshouter - iOS notifications for PWAs and Web apps
- - App Networking
- MDB GO - Free App Hosting
- namae - App Name Availability Check
- Lich - Android Development Libraries
- Sketchbook Compose - Jetpack Sketchbook
- androidx - Android Development Environment for Jetpack Extensions
- XDGuru - Adobe XD Resources
- GoNative - Convert Websites to Mobile Apps
- Media Kit - Video / Audio Library for Flutter and Dart
- Cryptography - Dart and Flutter Cryptography Library
- Kali NetHunter or AndroGuard - Penetration Testing / Forensics Apps
- MobileApp-Pentest-Cheatsheet - App Pentesting Cheatsheet
- Uiautomator2 or Appium / GitHub - Automated App Testing
- SigNoz - Detect App Issues
- MSTG or DVIA-v2 - App Security Testing / Reverse Engineering
- YASNAC - SafetyNet Attestation Checker
- jadx - Dex to Java Decompiler
- Privado - Generate App Privacy Reports
- AllSafe - Intentionally Vulnerable Android App
- Pluto - Android Debug Framework
- PM2 - Process Manager
- Bulletproof React - React App Architecture
- Aspect - Copy React Code from Any Site
- Refine - React App Builder
- Alright - Generate React Apps
- Codux - Visual IDE for React
- React95 - Windows 95 React Components
- Zorm - ype-safe for React
- Million - React Replacement
- novu - Real-Time React Notifications / GitHub
- React Use - React Hooks
- React Suite or Mantine - React Components and Templates
- React Query - Fetch, Cache and Update React Data / GitHub
- MMKV - React Key / Value Storage
- Vision Camera - React Camera Support / GitHub
- react-easy-crop - React Image Cropper
- React PDF - Create PDFs in React
- react-spring - React Spring Animations
- useAnimations - Animated Icon Pack
- Flubber - Android Animation Creator
- Shiny - Reflections for Mobile Sites
- Redex - Android Bytecode Optimizer
- Capturable - Transform Composable Content to Bitmap Images
- Firetable - View Firebase / Firestore in Excel
- Previewed, Mockup World, AniMockup, DeviceShots, DeviceFrames, medialoot, MockMagic, MockupsForFree, zippypixels, Hishoot2i / Templates, TheMockupClub, RiseShot, Upmock or LS Graphics - App / Site Mockups
- Mockoops - Animated Mockups
- Really Good Emails - Product Email Mobile Designs and Templates
- UIGarage, awesome-android-ui, UXArchive, Mobbin, UISources or LovelyUI - Mobile UI Designs
- Revanced Patcher - Patcher Used by Revanced
- Screen from Traction - Create App Screenshots
- HiddenPalace - Game Development Media Archive
- Game Dev Resources, Magic Tools, LibGDX, VG resource or Awesome Gamedev - Game Development Resources
- Free Game Engines
- Playerio - Online Game Engine
- RPG Playground - Simple RPG Creator
- Game-Editor or microStudio - Game Creators
- HaxeFlixel, GB Studio / GitHub, Flame, GameMaker / Online, PixelVision8 / GitHub, Arcade Game Designer / 2, Pixelbox, LIKO-12, PQ93, GDevelop / 2, Bitsy, LIKO 12, Script 8, Tic80, GDPS or Engine Fusion 2.5 - 2D Game Creators
- 3D Models - 3D Models / Tools
- Unreal Engine - 3D Creation Tool / Python / C# / 3D Scans / File Explorer, 2 / Console Unlocker
- Tommti Systems - 3D Benchmark Tools
- XeSS - Increase Framerate of Game
- - Game Agent Framework
- Tracy Profiler - Frame Profiler
- PlanetSide - CG Environment Generator
- Faux on 3D - Sprite Stacking Framework
- MapEditor or Tilesetter - Level Editor
- Designer Toolkit or Ogmo Editor - 2D Level Editor Level
- SPARTAN Procedural - Procedural Tile Generator
- Laigter - 2D Texture Map
- Doshaven Programming List - DOS Game Creator Tools
- QB64SourceCode - QB64 Game Programming Tutorials
- Fantasy Consoles / Computers - List of Fantasy Consoles and Computers
- stencyl - Codeless Game Engine
- Kaboomjs - Quickly Make Games with Javascript
- Superpowers - Collaborative HTML5 Game Creator
- Phaser - Mobile HTML5 Game Framework
- PlayCanvas - Build HTML5 Visualizations / Games
- APlayer - HTML Audio Player
- DPlayer - HTML Video Player
- xgplayer - HTML5 Video Player
- raylib - Game Programming Library
- inkle - Game Narrative Scripting Language
- Curlie World Building - World Building Resource Index
- Mansion Generator - Procedural Mansions Generator
- Texture Lab - Procedural Texture Generator / GitHub
- Material Maker - Procedural Texture Creator
- Generative Landscapes - Generative Landscape Blog
- Mixer - 3D Texture Creation Software
- The Textures Resource - Game Textures
- Fantasy Map Generator, Inkarnate, HexHTML, Inkwellideas, Nat Geo Map Maker, RPG Map Editor 2 or MapTool - Game Map Creators / Editors
- Dungeon Scrawl / Discord / /r/Dungeonscrawl, Dungeon Map Doodler or donjon or One Page Dungeon - Dungeon Map Creators / Editors
- Medieval Fantasy City Generator - Fantasy City Map Generator
- Neighbourhood - Neighborhood Map Generator
- Loot - Randomized Adventure Game Gear
- UE Viewer - Unreal Engine Model Viewer / GitHub
- Bleeper - Game Sound Effects Creator
- Engine Simulator - Engine Sound Simulator / GitHub
- Electronic Arts GitHub - EA GitHub Repos
- Game UI Database or HUDSxGUIS - Game HUDs / GUIs
- Nuklear - Game GUI Creator
- CharPad - Commodore 64 Graphics Editor
- Xelu's Controller Prompts - Free Game Prompts / Video
- Tuesday JS / GitHub or RenPy / GitHub - Visual Novel Editor
- Bookshelf - Minecraft Mod Code Support
- plugin-sdk - GTA Plugin Development SDK
- v2saconv - GTAV to GTASA Resource Converter
- samp-node-lib - GTASA Multiplayer Scripting Library
- VEEDI - Create Game Walkthrough Videos
- AICommand - ChatGPT with Unity Editor
- Post-Processing - Post Processing Pipeline For Unity
- Hekky - Unity Shaders / Docs
- CraftPix, Kenney, /r/GameAssets, UnityAssets4Free, Open Game Art, UnityFreaks, GameDevUE, SreamGridDB or GameDevAssets - Game Development Assets
- AnyRPG - RPG Editor
- xonotic, Vanguard / 2 or Warsow - FPS Game Assets
- Pixel Art Tools - Tools to Create Sprites & Pixel Art
- awesome-one-person-games - Single Dev Game Examples
- Basic Computer Games - Basic Computer Game Examples
- ⭐ Git Project Indexes
- ⭐ GitHub Awesome, awesome-lis or awesome-github - List Indexes
- ⭐ GotHub - GitHub Frontend
- ⭐ GitLab, FSFE or NotABug - GitHub Alternatives
- GitHubStatus - GitHub Outage Status
- Githut - GitHub Programming Language Stats
- Git Explorer, Git Cheatsheet, git-cheatsheet or Git Commands / 2 - Git Command Lists / Search
- GitHub Desktop / Linux, Git-Fork or Tower - Git Clients
- posh-git - Git Powershell Environment
- GitHub.Dev - GitHub Web App
- refined-github or Ungit - Improved GitHub Interface
- Stefan Buck - GitHub Browser Extensions / GitHub
- Imgbot - GitHub Image Compression
- up-for-grabs - Curated List of Tasks for New Contributes
- GitHub-Userscripts - GitHub Userscripts
- Awesome Actions - Curated List of Github Actions
- ActionServerless - Create Serverless Service
- Rahularity - Use Multiple Git Accounts at Once
- GitKraken or Sourcetree - Git GUI
- lazygit or gitui - Git TUI
- Gut - Git CLI
- GitHub Web IDE - Web IDE
- Codeberg, or GitGud - Git Hosting
- Git / Github Guide
- SparkleShare - Git Collab Tool
- GitBook - Document Collaboration
- Forge Comparison - Git Colab Tool Comparison
- dotfiles - GitHub Dotfiles
- Refined GitHub - Simplifies GitHub Interface & Adds Features
- Octobox, Gitify, advanced-github-notifier, PR Monitor, CatLight or Ghostly / GitHub - GitHub Notifications
- Gidget - GitHub Notifications / Android
- Git-notify - Embed Announcements into Git Commit Messages
- Allstar - Git Repository Security App
- git-bug - Git Embedded Bug Tracker
- github1s - GitHub Code Viewer / GUI: do
in Repo Folder - KeyManager - GitHub SSH / GPG Key Manager
- Tara - Git Project Manager
- Serctl - Backup GitHub Projects
- GitList - Elegant Git Repository Viewer / GitHub
- Gittyup - Git Source Code History
- Pew Pew - Cleanup Unused Repos
- No Secrets - Cleanup Sensitive Files in Repos
- git - Version Control System
- Awesome First PR Oppotunities - Beginner Friendly FOSS Project Index
- multi-gitter - Bulk Repository Updater
- Git Extensions, Railway or Thermal - Git Repository Managers
- DownGit - Download GitHub Repository Sub-Folders / Files
- Install from GitHub or Eget - Install Packages / Binaries Directly from GitHub
- GitHub Wiki Search - Search GitHub Repository Wikis
- useful-forks or GitPop3 - GitHub Fork Search
- Active-Forks - Find Active GitHub Forks / GitHub
- - Git Repository Index
- StarGrab - Mirror GitHub Repositories
- OctoLinker - Make GitHub Code References Clickable
- Ugit - Undo Git Commands
- Octotree - GitHub Repo File Tree View
- GitHub File Acceleration
- Onefetch - Git Repo Summary in Terminal
- - GitHub Sharable Nightly Links
- Sourcegraph - GitHub Repository Sourcegraph Editor
- onefetch - Git Information Terminal
- ActionFlow - Workflow Automation
- shot-scraper-template - Take Automated Screenshots of Web Pages
- Star History - Repository Star History Graph
- Gitstar Ranking - Git Repo Star Rankings
- Whats New GitHub or GithubReleasesBot - Repository Change Feeds
- Conventional Commits - Commit Message Specification
- AICommits - Auto Commit Messages
- lastversion or ghrel - Download / View Latest Stable Repos
- Git Cliff - Changelog Generator
- GitHub Markdown Preview - Preview Markdown
- ReadmeGallery - GitHub Remdme Gallery Creator
- - Readme Markdown Editor
- GitHub Readme Stats - Dynamically Generated GitHub Readme Stats
- GitHub Contribution Graph - Add GitHub ReadMe Contribution / Commit Graph
- Github Readme Quotes - GitHub Readme Quote Generator
- Awesome README - GitHub Readme Examples
- GIT Quick Stats - View Git Statistics / GitHub
- Langits - See Most Used Programming Languages User
- GitHub Release Downloads - GitHub Release Download Counter
- - Metadata badges for GitHub Readmes
- SkillIcons - Skill Badges for GitHub Readmes / Resumes
- Awesome Badges - Badges for GitHub Projects
- GitHub Spray - Draw on Github Contribution Page
- GitHub Snake - Enable Snake Game on GitHub Readme
- GitHub Profile README Generator or GPRM - Generate Git Profile Readme
- GitStalk - GitHub Profile Info Search
- Discord MD Badge - Add Discord Badge to GitHub
- Github vscode icons - VSCode Icons
- github-material-icons-extension - Material Icons
- - Git Blog Platform
- gitignore - Gitignore Templates
- OpenHub, diohub, Fasthub-Libre, FastHub-RE, MGit, GitNex or OctoDroid - Android GitHub Clients
- GithubVisualizer - Track Github User Activity on Android
- Gitea, 2 or Drift - Self-Hosted Git Service
- HTTPie - Command-Line HTTP Client
- cURL - Transfer Data with URLs / Converter
- WNIX - UNIX-like Windows Development Environment
- Sift - grep Alternative
- Edbrowse - Command Line Editor / Browser / Mail Client
- Cride - Command Line Editor
- Zoxide - Improved CD Command
- YQ - Portable YAML Processor
- Dockerized - Docker Command-Line
- yoctocolors - Command Line Coloring Package
- open - Open URLs, Files, Executables in CLI or Scripts
- Hopa - Zero config CLI for running JavaScript / TypeScript
- ⭐ Color Palette Generators - Generate Color Palettes
- Realtime Colors - Preview Color Palettes
- SpyColor - Color Model Conversions
- Colorful - Curated List of Color Scheme Resources
- ColorsAndFonts - Quickly Copy Colors & Typography Combinations
- ColorHexa - Color Hex Encyclopedia
- Paletton - Color Scheme Designer
- Duo - Color Combinations
- PaletteGenerator or Alwane - Color Palette Extractor
- Colorable / GitHub, accessible-color-matrix or Accessible Brand Colors - Accessible Color Pallette Builders
- Simpler Color - Create Web Color System
- ColorZilla - Color Picker, Gradient Generator & more
- Color Pickers - Extract Color from Pictures / Webpages
- Webgradients - Gradients
- uiGradients - Hex Gradients
- ShaderToy - User-Made Shaders
- Contrast Checker - Background / Text Contrast Checker
- ⭐ - Programming / Development GitHub Lists
- ⭐ Shell GPT, Cursor, Codeium, tabnine, ImageCook, CodeWhisperer, Telosys, AIAC or Copilot / Docs - Coding AIs
- ⭐ Starcoder, TurboPilot or Safurai / Discord
- ⭐ RevShells - Reverse Shell Generator
- Programming Language Benchmarks - Programming Language / Compiler Benchmarks
- AI Code Translator or Source Code Converters - Code Converters
- Literally Anything - Generate Code via Prompts
- WebdevHome, Charm or Tiny Tools / 2 - Programming Tool Indexes
- Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit - Programming Site Index
- Awesome Web Scraping - Web Scraping Tool Index
- Awesome-Discord-Communities - Programming / Developer / Discord Communities
- TechBliss - Coding Forum
- Awesome Twitter Accounts or Awesome Twitter Communities - Curated List of Programming Related Twitter Pages
- Awesome Programming - Programming Resources
- Awesome Software Quality - Software Quality Testing Tools
- Node-RED - Low-Code Programming for Event-Driven Apps
- - Terminal Commands
- Awesome Regex - Regex Resources
- Regex101 or Debuggex - Regex Editor / Debuggers
- Regex Generator++ or Regex Generator - Regex Generators
- AutoRegex - Regex Converter
- Awesome Creative Coding - Creative Coding Resource Index
- Algorithm Visualizer or Sorting Algorithms Visuallizer / GitHub - Visualize Code Algorithms
- Code2Flow, Flowchart.js or Flowchart Generator - Code to Flowchart Converter
- UMLet - Create UML Diagrams
- WAPM - WebAssembly Apps / Libraries
- CarlosAG - Coding Tools
- CodePad or CodeChef - Online Compilers
- Decompiler - Online Decompiler
- core-plot - Core Plot Source Code / Apps
- awesome-livecoding - Livecoding Resources
- tuc - Improved Code Cut
- or - Code Pastebins
- 0xacab - Code Host
- OneLang IDE - Convert Code to Multiple Languages
- Autosaved - Autosave Code / GitHub
- Tasuku - Node.js Task Runner
- OctoLinker - Turn Code Statements into Links / Github
- Awesome Emacs or Melpa - Emacs Packages
- WebDen, Riju, CodingGround or Online Tools - Code Playgrounds
- DartPad - Dart Code Playground
- Qovery - AWS Development Platform
- I run code - Evaluate Code Snippets via Discord
- Shell Cloud - Google Cloud Shell Environment
- BrickHub - Share Code Brick Templates
- ShellcodeTemplate - Modifiable Shellcode Template
- Spork - P2P Sockets CLI / Discord
- Awesome Visual Studio Code Extensions - Visual Studio Code Extensions
- awesome-kotlin - Kotlin Resource Index / GitHub
- Diskord - Kotlin Client for Discord
- Awesome Go - Go Programming Resources
- Go Recipes - Go Project Tools
- lo - Go Library
- GoPlay - Go Playground
- Awesome Python - Python Resource Index
- py-modindex - Python Modules List / Tutorials
- Python Extension - Visual Studio Code Python Language Extension / Performant Language
- Python Mini Projects - Python Scripts
- Python Patterns - Python Design Patterns
- Dodgy - Find PWs & Diffs in Python Code
- - Python Pointers
- Pyright or mypy - Python Static Type Checker
- PyRegex - Python Regex Test
- Clean Code Python - Clean Code for Python
- - Generate strftime Python Codes
- JSPyBride - Interoperate Node.js and Python
- adb_shell - Python ADB + Fastboot Implementation
- pipx - Execute Python Binaries in Isolated Environments
- Scikit Learn - Machine Learning Library for Python
- Pytrait - Python Interface Traits
- PyPy - Alt Python Implementation
- Doppler - Sync Environment Variables
- AutoCode - Instant Endpoints
- typejuice - Documentation Generator for TypeScript Declaration Files
- Boxed - TypeScript Utility Types / Functions
- Clean Code TypeScripts - Clean Code for TypeScript
- Ruff - Python Linter
- Trunk - Run Linters/Formatters/Checkers Simultaneously
- Mega Linter or TCA - Code Analyzer
- FauxPilot - Self-Hosted Copilot Server
- Big List of Naughty Strings - Check for Edge Case Inputs
- CodeCapsules - Code Deployment
- overmind or foreman - Process Managers
- - Online C++ Compiler
- CP-Algorithms - C++ Algorithms
- CDECL - C++ to English Translator
- The Algorithms - Algorithms Index
- Clang - C Language Family Frontend
- RoslynPad - C# Editor
- SharpSystemTriggers - C# Remote Authentication Triggers
- Carbon - Carbon Language Repository
- GCC - GNU Compiler Frontends
- asdf - Multi-Runtime Management CLI
- The SHA-256 Project - Develop SHA-256 from Scratch
- substitute - Free Runtime Modification Library
- Awesome Machine Learning Art - Machine Learning Art Resource Index
- Sourcegraph or Ag / GitHub - Code Searching
- searchcode or PublicWWW - Source Code Search
- Sourcecodester, Code Projects, Codastro, Kashipara or ItSourceCode - Source Code Projects
- magic-string - String Editor
- CodeGrepper - Code Search Extension
- ShortCode, Google Code Archive or CodeList - Script / Code Indexes
- MoonScript - Dynamic Scripting Language
- Carbon / 2, CodeImage,, Chalk, CodePNG or Show Code - Create Code Screenshots
- Reverse Engineering Resources - Reverse Engineering Resource Index
- - Reverse Engineer Code
- thefuck - Corrects Previous Console Command
- DelphiTools - Code Profiler / Delphi Tools
- OhMyPosh - Terminal Theme Engine
- Zero Dark Matrix - Chrome Devtools Dark Theme
- Tantiny - Full-Text Ruby Search
- GNU Octave - Scientific Programming Language
- NodeJS - JavaScript Runtime Environment
- Recaf - Java Bytecode Editor
- Rescript - Javascript Editor / Language
- Awesome Javascript - Javascript Resources
- Clean Code Javascript - Clean Code for Javascript
- Vanilla List - Vanilla Javascript Repository
- Danfo.js - Javascript Library
- RunKit - Browser Javascript Sandbox
- Adrenaline - Code Debugging
- JBin or Replay - Collaborative Code Debugging
- GPU.js - GPU Accelerated JavaScript
- JS.ORG - Free subdomain for JavaScript Developers
- 1loc - 217 Single Line JavaScript Codes
- Javascript Algorithms - Algorithms and Data Structures in Javascript
- Gummy - Easily Build JavaScript Programs
- Beautifier - JavaScript Beautifier
- UglifyJS or JavaScript Compressor - JavaScript Minifier
- bytecode-viewer, JDec, jd-gui, Krakatau, Luyten or Fernflower - Java Decompilers
- Regulex or Regexper - Regular Expression Visualizers
- anime.js - JavaScript Animation Library / GitHub
- randomcolor - Random Javascript Color Generator
- Microdiff - Object and Array Comparison Library
- Adoptium - Download OpenJDK Binaries
- trzsz - Make trzsz Compatible with tmux in Terminal
- Bundlephobia - Find Cost of Adding npm Package
- JSON Formatter or json-formatter - JSON Formatter
- Jayson or JSONView - JSON Viewer & Editor
- JMESPath - Query Language for JSON / Tutorial
- zio-json - JSON Library
- JSON Bin - JSON Host
- Countries - World Countries in JSON, CSV, XML & YAML
- PlantText - UML Editor
- glogg - Log File Explorer
- Code::Stats or Wakatime - Programmer Stat Tracking
- oq - Programming Language Processor
- Tables Generator - Generates Tables in Various Languages
- WiredJS - Wireframe Designer
- pueue - Shell Command Manager
- V - Programming Language
- Melody - Programming Language / GitHub
- Emojicode - Emoji Based Programming Language
- Crystalline - Crystal Language Server
- scry - Crystal Code Analysis Server
- icr - REPL for Crystal
- QBasic - QBasic / QuickBASIC Programming Language Resources
- CP Editor - Competitive Programming Code Editor
- Awesome PHP - PHP Resources
- PHP Decoder - PHP Decoder
- PHP Beautifier - PHP Formatter
- Clean Code PHP - Clean Code for PHP
- Valinor - PHP Object Mapper
- Spatie or 3v4l - Run PHP Concurrently
- Winddown or Sandman - Coding Break Reminders
- ThemesElection - Programming UI Themes
- Dev Fonts - Coding Fonts
- Monocraft - Minecraft Coding Font
- ⭐ Code Editors - Code Editing Apps / Sites
- ⭐ Vim Tools - Tools / Themes for Vim
- Apache NetBeans - Cross Platform IDE
- KDevelop - Cross Platform IDE
- OpenShift - Cross Platform IDE
- Thonny - Python IDE
- SciTE - Source Code Editor for Win32 and X
- OpenChakra - Visual Editor & Code Generator for React / GitHub
- Package Control - Code Editor Package Manager
- editorcornfig - Maintain consistent code styles across editors
- Dracula - Dark Theme for Code Editors / Terminal Emulators
- ⭐ goormIDE, Fleet, CodeTasty, Replit, BoostNote, Aither, Deta, TerraForm, Atheos / GitHub, m3o, Datalore, DeepNote, FireMonkeyX, Cloud9 or Glitch / Replit Import / GitHub - Cloud IDE
- ⭐ CodeSandbox, StackBlitz or GitPod - Cloud IDE / VSCode
- Text / Code Collaboration - Text / Code Collaboration Tools
- colab alive - Keep Colab Open
- cloud - Cloud Platform Index
- Openshift - Cloud IDE / Eclipse Che
- Arduino - Cloud IDE for Arduino
- Blazepack - Self-Hosted Development Environment
- bloop - IDE AI Suggestion Extension
- - Pastebin with Runnable Snippets, API & Compiler
- Fig - IDE-Style Autocomplete for Terminal
- myCompiler, Compiler Explorer, IDE One, GodBolt or Wandbox - Compiler Explorers
- DogBolt or Decompiler Explorer - Decompiler Explorers
- - Access Jupyter Notebooks in VS Code
- NBviewer - Jupyter Notebook Sharing
- Jupyter Server - Jupyter Services / APIs
- Anywidget - Create Jupyter Widgets
- CoCalc - Virtual online workspace
- CodePen, Microsoft 365 E5, Web Maker or Liveweave - Code Sandbox
- - App Framework
- - Programming Language Interpreters
- Online Python Compiler - Online Python Editor & Tester
- ⭐ HedgeDoc, Abricotine, zettlr, Dillinger, Notable, vnote, StackEdit, MarkdownPad, Markdownify, Apostrophe, Glow, MarkdownLivePreview, Proton or Mark Text - Markdown Editors
- - Online Markup Editor
- HTML-Minifier - HTML Minifier
- - HTML Guide / Cheat Sheet
- HTML Reference - HTML Guide
- HTML Notepad or HTML Sandbox - HTML Editors
- PageRip or CSSPeeper - HTML / CSS Extractors
- TryIt HTML, HTML-Online, pell, or jsTester - Online HTML Editors
- GrapeJS - HTML Template Editor
- Broken Link Checker - Find Broken Links in HTML
- Markup Validation Service - Validate Your Markup Language Structure
- typeset - HTML Typography Pre-Processor
- HTMLColorCodes - HTML Color Codes
- Checkbox Land - Render Anything as HTML Checkboxes
- Awesome HTML5 - HTML5 Resources
- GDevelop - HTML5 Game Creator
- Phaser - Mobile HTML5 Game Framework
- PlayCanvas - Build HTML5 Visualizations / Games
- pup - HTML Processing CLI
- CSS Scan - CSS Editor
- CSS Protips or CSS Reference - CSS Guide
- Awesome CSS - CSS Resources
- BoxBox, CSSGridGenerator or Layoutit Grid - CSS Grid Generators
- AutoPrefixer - CSS Prefixer
- Pesticide for Chrome - CSS Element Outline Extension
- Water.css - CSS Styles
- Style Stage - Modern CSS Styles
- USA.css - USA CSS Style
- Leon's CSS or Wordart - CSS Text Styles
- Hover.CSS - CSS Hover Effects
- Clippy - CSS Clip Creator
- Zerodivs - CSS Illustration Creator
- Chartscss - CSS Data Visualization Framework
- PixelArtCSS - Pixel Art to CSS
- Separator Generator - CSS Separator Generator CSS
- Fancy Border Radius - Organic CSS Shape Generator
- BestCSSButtonGenerator - CSS Button Generator
- MagicPattern, css3patterns, gradienta, GradientMagic, heropatterns, thepatternlibrary, Blend, Color Morph, CSSGradient or uigradients - CSS Patterns / Gradients
- CSS Doodle - CSS Pattern Generator
- CSSLayout - CSS Layouts
- CSS3 Transform - 2D & 3D CSS Transform Functions Visualizer
- Gradient Animator - Animated CSS Gradient Generator
- LCH Colour Picker or 147colors - CSS Color Pickers
- Color Blend - CSS Color Blender
- Animista, tailwindcss-animate or Woah.css - CSS Animations
- Glass UI - Glassmorphism CSS Generator
- Tableconvert - Markdown / Code Converter
- Markdown Link Check - Check Markdown Files for Dead Links
- CSS Typeset - CSS Typography Editor
- Tailwind, Awesome CSS Frameworks, Terminal CSS, Bulma or SimpleCSS - CSS Frameworks
- Awesome TailwindCSS - Tailwind CSS Resources
- DaisyUI - Tailwind Component Library / GitHub
- TailBlocks - Ready-to-use Tailwind CSS Blocks
- ShowMD - Beautify Markdown
- Lyx, TeXStudio or Papeeria - LaTeX Editors / Guide
- Table Magic or Markdown Convert - Table to Markdown Converters
- Clipboard2Markdown - Text to Markdown Converter
- Markdown To HTML - Markdown to HTML Converter
- AiToHTML - Illustrator to HTML Converter
- gd2md-html - Google Doc to Markdown / HTML Converter
- Quartz, Perlite or FlowerShow - Publish Markdown
- MarkdownPastebin - Markdown Pastebin
- API List, Public APIs, APIsList, API House, Awesome APIs, Public API Lists or Public APIs - API Indexes
- Insomnia - API Client
- Strapi or Postman - API Builders
- Directus - SQL to API Platform
- RapidAPI or FastAPI - API Framework
- tRPC - Build Typesafe APIs
- Beeceptor - Mock REST APIs
- Siesta - Write REST API Clients for iOS / macOS
- Poll2Hook - REST API to Webhooks
- WebAuthn - Data Security Authentication API
- APIKit - API Security Tools
- hoppscotch - API Development Ecosystem / GitHub
- ReDoc - Generate API Documentation
- Mockable, Mocky or MockLab - Mock APIs
- {JSON} Placeholder - Fake APIs
- Symmetric Encryption - Symmetric Encryption API
- RandomAPI - Generate Fake Data for Populating Mockups
- AIMG SRC - Image Return API
- InstantAPIs - API Endpoint Generator
- Pipedream - Connect APIs / Tutorial
- Shizuku - Connect Apps to APIs
- NativeScript - Access APIs from JavaScript
- Stein - Turn Google Sheets into Database API / GitHub
- Lanyard - Export Discord Rich Presence to API Endpoint / Websocket
- CollectionConcurrencyKit - Async & Concurrent Versions of Swift APIs
- Shizuku - Use System APIs Directly with ABD / Root
- Algolia, TypeSense, StorkSearch, Solr, MeiliSearch, Sphinx or FusionBot - Search API
- Reacher - Email Verification API
- Telegram Bot API or PHP Telegram Bot - Telegram Bot API
- cf-workers-telegram-bot - Serverless Telegram Bot
- mqtt2telegram - Telegram Messaging API
- instagrapi - Unofficial Instagram API for Python
- TextNow API - Python Texting API
- Perspective API - Toxicity Reduction API
- Plaid - Financial Account API / GitHub
- MxPlayer-RestApi - MxPlayer API
- PDF Bot - A Node queue API for generating PDFs
- aftership - Shipment Tracking API
- - IP Data API
- TheCatAPI - Cat Rating API
- SWAPI - Star Wars APIs
- ⭐ awesome-list-of-awesomes, awesome-marketing-datascience, awesome-decentralized-llm, CyberCowboy or ML_Resources - Machine Learning Resources
- Catalyzex or PapersWithCode - Search Machine Learning Models / Papers
- awesome-google-colab - Machine Learning Colabs
- OpenAIPlayground
- OpenML or Hugging Face - Machine Learning Datasets
- DVC - Machine Learning Version Control
- DeepSpeed - Deep Learning Optimization Library
- TeachableMachine or TensorFlow - Create Machine Learning Models
- Netron - Visualizer for Neural Network, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning Models
- Cyberbotics - Robot Simulator
- Dataset Card for Alpaca or awesome-instruction-dataset - Language Model Training Datasets
- PromptPapers - Pre-Trained Language Model Tuning Papers
- MLC LLM - Native Language Model Deployment
- Shap - Language Model Response Analyzer
- Langchain - Build Apps via LLM
- GPTCache - LLM Response Cache
- Awesome Machine Learning or OpenNN / Git - Machine Learning Framework
- 100-Days-Of-ML-Code or Practical Deep Learning - Machine Learning Coding Lessons
- Nixified - Nix Flake for AI Projects
- Approaching (Almost) Any Machine Learning Problem - Machine Learning Problem Solving Book
- MetaAcademy - Machine Learning Guides
- ML-Youtube-Courses - Machine Learning Courses on YouTube
- ML Course Notes - Machine Learning Course Notes