- LIBcc30913 Next release
- LIBcc20913 Javadoc documentation updated
- LIBcc10913 Inspection
- LIBff10913 .setTimeToWait(...) and .setRemindTimeToWait(...) added
- LIBff10912 .setVersionCodeCheck(boolean) and .setVersionNameCheck(boolean) added
- LIBcc20912 AppInformation.java refactoring
- LIBcc10912 AppInformation.java refactoring
- LIBcc50908 .idea files updated
- LIBcc40908 sample app updated
- LIBcc30908 README.md updated
- LIBcc20908 AppRate.java inspection
- LIBcc10908 getAppCompatDialogBuilder(...) and getDialogBuilder(...) updated
- LIBff10908 AppInformation Class added
- LIBff70905 AppRate#setRemindLaunchesNumber(byte) added
- LIBff60905 clearRemindButtonClick() added
- LIBff50905 Romanian language added
- LIBff40905 Norwegian language added
- LIBff30905 Malay language added
- LIBff20905 Hindi languages added
- LIBff10905 Android Library launcher icon added
- LIBcc30905 README.md updated
- LIBcc20905 Copyright corrected
- LIBbb30905 AppCompatDialogManager and DefaultDialogManager singletons don't set context in synchronized(...){}
- LIBbb20905 Add SoftReference to OnClickButtonListener hotchemi/Android-Rate#79
- LIBbb10905 Remove WeekReference to OnClickButtonListener hotchemi/Android-Rate#115
- LIBcc10905 "Latest snapshot (non-tested) version" section added
- LIBff30904 AppCompatDialogManager example of use added
- LIBff20904 isOverRemindDate() optimization
- LIBcc20904 badge updated
- LIBcc10904 javadoc and documentation updated
- LIBff10904 AppCompatDialogManager added
- LIBff10831 Dialog type added
- LIBcc50831 Next release
- LIBcc40831 javadoc comments updated
- LIBcc30831 Section "OnClickButtonListener Interface" added to README.md
- LIBbb20831 Singleton DialogManager break the library (Issue #6 and Issue #5)
- LIBbb10831 setCurrentDayDialogLaunchTimes(...) fixed
- LIBcc20831 README.md updated
- LIBcc10831 javadoc comments updated
- LIBff20830 public boolean isShowingRateDialog() added
- LIBcc30830 build.gradle and .idea files updated
- LIBcc20830 README.md and javadocs updated
- LIBcc10830 clearRateDialog(), showRateDialog(Activity), dismissRateDialog(), rateNow(Activity) methods updated
- LIBff10830 WeekReference to DefaultDialogManager singleton
- LIBbb10829 Fix for dialog error
- LIBcc20829 javadoc documentation updated
- LIBcc10829 README.md updated
- LIBff10829 setRemindLaunchTimes(byte) updated, setSelectedAppLaunches(byte) added, some methods documented
- LIBcc30828 README.md updated
- LIBcc20828 javadoc documentation updated
- LIBcc10828 javadoc comments updated
- LIBff10828 final modifier removed from StoreType class
- LIBcc30827 README.md updated
- LIBff20825 javadoc documentation added
- Set theme jekyll-theme-minimal
- LIBcc20825 javadoc comments updated
- LIBff10825 Clear DialogManager singleton method added
- LIBcc10825 README.md updated
- LIBff10823 package-info.java added
- LIBcc20819 Next release
- LIBcc10819 Documenting
- LIBff10818 DefaultDialogManager as fast singleton implementation
- LIBcc20818 Gradle files update
- LIBcc10818 ProGuard refactoring
- LIBcc10815 build.gradle update
- LIBcc10810 Inspection
- LIBff70809 bg, hr, hu, nl, ru, sk, sv, th translations updated
- LIBff70809 Greek language added
- LIBff60809 Finnish language added
- LIBff50809 Danish language added
- LIBff40809 Azerbaijani language added
- LIBff30809
to dialog implemented - LIBff20809 rateNow(...) added, call this method directly to go straight to store
- LIBcc10809 Some methods were documented
- LIBff10809 Dialog OnShowListener added
- LIBfg40808 Thai language added
- LIBfg30808 Swedish language added
- LIBfg20808 Serbian language added
- LIBfg10808 Albanian language added
- LIBff90808 Slovenian language added
- LIBff80808 Slovak language added
- LIBff70808 Dutch language added
- LIBff60808 Hungarian language added
- LIBff50808 Croatian language added
- LIBff40808 Both in/id locale support
- LIBff30808 Both he/iw locale support
- LIBff20808 Bulgarian language added
- LIBff30719 Migrate to GradleMavenPush Release 1.1.0
- LIBcc10715
- LIBff10714 Upgrade to GradleMavenPush
- LIBcc10713
- LIBcc10708
- LIBcc30706
- LIBcc20706
- LIBcc10706
- LIBbb10705
- LIBff10705 dismissRateDialog() added
- LIBcc20705 Animated screenshots update
- LIBcc10705
- LIBcc10623 Sample launcher icon update
- LIBcc30622
- LIBcc20622 README.md update
- LIBcc10622
- LIBcc10621
- LIBff10524 Merge pull request #3 (Add logo) from hafizahmmed/master
- LIBff30521
- LIBcc20521
- LIBcc10521
- LIBff10518
- LIBcc10518
- LIBcc10517
- LIBff10516
- LIBcc10516
- LIBcc10515
- LIBcc20514
- LIBcc10514 AndroidX refactoring
- LIBcc10511
- LIBff10508
- LIBbb10508
- LIBcc10508
- LIBff10507 Ability to limit the display of the dialog within a 365-day period
- LIBcc10503
- LIBff10503
- LIBff10501
- LIBbb20501
- LIBcc10501
- LIBbb10501
- LIBcc20430
- LIBbb10430 Fix for AppRate.with(this).clearSettingsParam();
- LIBcc10430
- LIBcc10426
- LIBff10424
- LIBcc20420
- LIBbb10420 Unit test for com.vorlonsoft.android.rate.UriHelper
- LIBcc10420
- LIBff10419 Apple App Store
- LIBcc20418 Inspection
- LIBcc10418
- LIBff10417 Chinese app stores
- LIBcc30417 Inspection
- LIBbb20417
- LIBcc20417
- LIBbb10417 Tencent App Store URI update
- LIBcc10417 Inspection
- LIBff20416 Tencent App Store App
- LIBbb10416 You can't get Samsung Galaxy Apps in the browser
- LIBff10416 Yandex.Store
- LIBcc10415
- LIBbb10415 Samsung Galaxy Apps uri update
- LIBff10415 Cafe Bazaar
- LIBff20414 SlideME Marketplace
- LIBff10414 BlackBerry World
- LIBff10413
- LIBcc10411
- LIBff10411 Appstores
- LIBcc10410
- LIBbb10408
- LIBcc10402
- LIBbb20401
- LIBbb10401
- LIBbb10331
- LIBff10331
- LIBff10330
- LIBcc10330
- LIBcc30327
- LIBff10327
- LIBcc20327
- LIBcc10327
- LIBbb10322
- LIBcc10322
- LIBcc10320
- LIBcc20316 Inspection
- LIBcc10316
- LIBcc10313
- LIBcc10307 Copyright update
- LIBbb10309 If setRemindInterval is set to 25 or more, the number of days is not set correctly
- LIBcc10309
- LIBff20307 Bengali translation
- LIBff10307
- LIBcc10206
- LIBcc10106
- LIBbb10105
- LIBff10105 Indonesian translation
- LIBcc10105
- LIBcc11217
- LIBcc11213
- LIBff11210
- LIBcc11206 Inspection
- LIBcc11204
- LIBbb11202 ActivityNotFoundException
- LIBff11202 Samsung Galaxy Apps support
- Chinese (zh-HK, zh-MO, zh-SG, zh-TW) added
- Chinese (zh-CN) changed
- Arabic changed to Tomedes version
- com.vorlonsoft.androidrate changed to com.vorlonsoft.android.rate
- AndroidRate Sample updated
- README.md updated
- NOTICE added
- Copyright updated
- LIBcc21106
- LIBcc11107
- LIBcc11108
- Bug fixed
- LIBcc11106
- Initial Public Version