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1041 lines (756 loc) · 62.2 KB

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1041 lines (756 loc) · 62.2 KB

Changelog WebsiteBaker CE

This CHANGELOG was automatically created from a local WBCE Git repository. The changelog may therefore not be correct or up-to date. Please visit the WBCE Github repository for the most up to-date version.

Auto generated Git commit history

  • 2015-11-09: instantflorian [91e64e0]

    New slogan

  • 2015-11-07: instantflorian [2628e22]

    Update pagecloner to 1.0.1

  • 2015-11-07: instantflorian [79c4178]

    Changes to Simple Responsive default template Removed referrer to Google fonts, included them in the new folder /fonts. Also created a editor.css

  • 2015-11-04: instantflorian [170978a]

    Remove screaming exclamation marks from maintenance page template

  • 2015-11-03: NorHei [91cae8c]

    Short Url stoped Linking external resources. It may have been possible to link external files whith url. Simply extended filter .

    Thx to Ruud.

  • 2015-11-03: NorHei [424119f]

    Short Url, added a filter for Dir Up in path I dont like the idae of having --/ or ./ in Short Url Path. added a filter , so noone can send a Dir up or Homedir to shorturl.

  • 2015-11-03: NorHei [0be1ea6]

    Offering a way to suppress old output filter . Setting WB_SUPPRESS_OLD_OPF to true now completely suppres execution of old output filters.

    I soon add a switch for this.

    This is for better interaction whith OPF

  • 2015-11-02: instantflorian [e3cd6ab]

    added webfont to wbce template, corrected wrong all of THEME_URL in some htt files

  • 2015-11-02: instantflorian [4c58c51]

    added missing closing div, removed depreciated image attribute

  • 2015-11-01: marmotwb [bcd2bb1]

    Fix for issue 47 fixes #47

  • 2015-10-29: marmotwb [51594b0]

    Fix for Issue 23 Fix for Issue #23

  • 2015-10-29: marmotwb [5ca19ff]

    update index.php Pull request #42, thx to rjgamer

  • 2015-10-28: NorHei [5b1a54d]

    Applied patch for better interaction whith OPF Dashboard As this will do no harm.

    Thx to mrbaseman

  • 2015-10-28: instantflorian [70ed738]

    Change BE themes to use local fonts, remove unused icons

  • 2015-10-28: instantflorian [fc8fb1a]

    minor corrections to framework files, removal of problematic shorturl autoloader from wbce fe template

  • 2015-10-28: instantflorian [fb861c7]

    fix for missing codemirror plugin icons

  • 2015-10-27: NorHei [1a36bb5]

    now setting the right user for Droplet last modified

  • 2015-10-27: NorHei [5578f92]

    missuse of Git ... Fixes come here

  • 2015-10-27: NorHei [0f71777]

    Merge branch 'master' of Several security fixes to problems send by Evaki .

  • 2015-10-27: Bianka Martinovic [357d1b7]

    fixed wrong call to $admin->user_id() -> $admin->get_user_id()

  • 2015-10-27: NorHei [4d79e36]

    exits for the redirect

  • 2015-10-27: NorHei [241b709]

    Set cookies to httponly for security

  • 2015-10-27: NorHei [c1c8f95]

    Some security fixes on short URL short.php used to inject REQUEST_URI int SCRIPT_NAME and PHP_SELF.

    Especially SCRIPT_NAME is normally considered save for self refering forms. So its not a good Idea to inject the complete unsave REQUEST_URI into it.

    Now we filter REQUEST_URI to provide some sane and save values for shortened urls.

  • 2015-10-27: NorHei [726ba55]

    removed insecure REQUEST_URI from Output filter fool

  • 2015-10-26: NorHei [9358ce7]

    functions.php Function remove_path is obsolete/not in use! It seemed to be only halfway finisched , its removed now.

    Thx to Kant

  • 2015-10-26: NorHei [697a5b4]

    frontend.functions.php Function moveCssToHead is obsolete/not in use! has been removed as this is done by an outputfilter.

    Thx to Kant

  • 2015-10-26: NorHei [ec38225]

    Removement of completely unused stuff Unused require for class DB And some unused Constants.

  • 2015-10-26: NorHei [9e58224]

    Typofix missing '' thx to Kant

  • 2015-10-26: NorHei [4c19ffa]

    SanitizeHttpReferer() removed parameter $sWbUrl WB_URL is a constant and it will stay vor a while $sWbUrl was introduced for removing all constants. As we don't plan to remove em we remove this feature.

  • 2015-10-26: NorHei [45422eb]

    Strange error on loading autoloader #45

  • 2015-10-26: NorHei [9004e66]

    MoveCSStoHead was running into an endless loop on some occasions. Calling phpinfo() from a code section for example.

    This is the fix from the last public svn of WB. Thx to Kant

  • 2015-10-25: NorHei [7f1344a]

    Added session livetime and checking. Session livetime now defined by WB_SECFORM_TIMEOUT, later this gets its own setting, but for now this will do.

    Session now checks for livetime and sets sookie livetime

    This is very basic functionality, later we replace this whith a nice session class.

  • 2015-10-25: NorHei [88dbc4b]

    Some Additions to error Reporting (thx to Kant) Added Error Level -1. Some cleanup to er_levels.php.

  • 2015-10-24: NorHei [a6ba55c]

    Small cleanups to initalize.php (Thx to Kant) Removed silly @ (suppressing errors never a good idea).

    $sWbUrl not used in SanitizeHttpReferer so removed in function definition.

  • 2015-10-24: NorHei [16cdda1]

    Language Vars missing in SFS module (Thx to Kant)

  • 2015-10-21: NorHei [b4c0196]

    Just a few comments changed.

  • 2015-10-21: NorHei [4c8c5ea]

    Captcha Controll now runns on Settings -> cleanup for Initialize.php Captcha controll was using its own DB table just to generate its Constants in a seperate script in Initialize.php right below the place where constants where created anyway if they use Settings class.

    Captcha controll now uses settings class so i could remove that useless extra code. In addition i remove the non functional javascript in the interface. And did some changes so you can add captchas whitout changing captcha Controll. (the javascript preloader onlyloaded a static set of images) All new installed captchas should show up imediately.

  • 2015-10-20: instantflorian [4c923d9]

    minor design fixes on argos BE theme

  • 2015-10-20: NorHei [ccf286f]

    Activated autoloader + Some cleanup in Initialize. Autoloader is now activated and available . And i did some cleanup to initialize.php Still there is lots of work to do.

    The autoloader now loads most WB libraries on autopilot. /framework/ folder is searched and some includes are Set right now. Twig and PHP mailer load their own autoloader.

    To register a new directory: WbAuto::AddDir("/classes/somewhere/");

    Register a special file (very fast plus you can load non standard conform stuff): WbAuto::AddFile("MultiCrud","/classes/multicrud.php");

    Register a new search shemata: WbAuto::AddType("");

    Register Vars are global and can be printed for debug: echo "

    "; print_r(WbAuto::$Dirs); echo  "
    "; echo "
    "; print_r(WbAuto::$Files); echo  "
    "; echo "
    "; print_r(WbAuto::$Types); echo  "

    So if you would like to offer a library module you simply can do :

  • 2015-10-19: NorHei [6571221]

    Added Autoloader Class for later inclusion

  • 2015-10-19: NorHei [de891e9]

    Added hooks for OPF dashboard. OpF dashboard is a powerfull outputfilter controlling system made by thorn. Cause of personal trouble it never made it into the core. Not at least its system hooks are intergrated into the core for as long as we don not have any other "real" output filter system.

    Thanks to mrbaseman :

  • 2015-10-19: NorHei [be5d565]

    Add /config/ and /var/ folder to dir and installer for later use. Later we should move config.php to a folder as we avoid problems whith webroot being not writable. /var/ is needed for modules to store files that schould not be deleted when upgrading module(eg. templates).

    Added checks for both in /intall/index.php.

  • 2015-10-19: NorHei [910bae6]

    Some tweaks to pagetree , thx to florian

  • 2015-10-19: NorHei [19ec392]

    Some tweaks to WbFlat theme, and a few fixes for jumpy icons , thx to florian

  • 2015-10-19: NorHei [9aa4843]

    Some tweaks to argos theme , thx to florian

  • 2015-10-19: NorHei [c5e653b]

    there was a : missing in template.

  • 2015-10-19: NorHei [f9836bd]

    Updated all languagefiles for last change(Filename!=Menuentry)

  • 2015-10-19: NorHei [40ea9f9]

    Filename now may be != Menuname Implemented an old Patch from my former fork. That was one of the few things that where implemented into the temporary WB 2.8.4. Whithout changing the database we allowed to have filenames that are different from the menu entry.

  • 2015-10-17: NorHei [d701cee]

    Admin tools in default theme now all should be same height

  • 2015-10-17: NorHei [4ece5e4]

    minor formating issue

  • 2015-10-17: NorHei [840b457]

    Changed some umlauts and some fileheaders

  • 2015-10-17: NorHei [f3f265f]

    Some fixes for output_filter Tool Display full form on system messages Redundant loading of languages and system classes

  • 2015-10-17: NorHei [86129de]

    Small code rewiew for captcha_controll admin tool Replaced Old PHPlib templatefile whith plain PHP Fixed Redundant loading of features. Fixed output error displaying the form on system messages.

  • 2015-10-17: NorHei [d0f8c77]

    Small code review for jsadmin module Removed redundant function calls and language file loading. Fixed a few display errors.(Like displaying the full form on error message)

  • 2015-10-17: NorHei [27148ba]

    Small code review for module user_search Removed redundant calls like language files, class admin .... Fixed some umlauts, maybe some more needed. Fixed a template bug. Removed useless PHP end tags .

    This module still needs some more love ;-)

  • 2015-10-15: NorHei [4dfd117]

    error message in some php versions fixed

  • 2015-10-14: NorHei [71cfe31]

    Some Icon changes and other cosmetic stuff, thx to Florian

  • 2015-10-14: NorHei [e1ff35b]

    Secureform switcher updated some headers

  • 2015-10-14: NorHei [e2f2429]

    Secureform switcher some refinements for install uninstall and upgrade

  • 2015-10-14: NorHei [f4b31d0]

    Complete rewrite of the Secureform Switcher

  • 2015-10-14: NorHei [75dfc33]

    Changed default setting in class secureform to not use fingerprinting

  • 2015-10-13: NorHei [107d8d2]

    Upgraded maintainance_mode to use the new default feature

  • 2015-10-13: NorHei [68db0dc]

    Some new vars for admin tool handling $saveSettings True if form is send to save settings not back button , not default button $saveDefault Tru if a button whith name and id ="save_default"

  • 2015-10-11: NorHei [6c4577d]

    Some small fixes for tools again

  • 2015-10-11: NorHei [9f448c5]

    Small fix for Output_Filter Tool, for undefined var notice

  • 2015-10-11: NorHei [e057018]

    Ups i forgot to remove some debug stuff 'Dumm gelaufen'

  • 2015-10-11: NorHei [6881763]

    Maintainance_mode tool now is a demo tool and uses new features. Its now a demo tool whith lots of usefull information in the sourcecode.

  • 2015-10-11: NorHei [c98fcf4]

    print_error() now only exits if it has printed the admin footer print_error() and print_success() are a real mess both completely different. definitely work to do .

  • 2015-10-11: NorHei [a6e040e]

    Loading of admin tools now changed a lot

    • Check for ftan file is removed. checkfile removed too. Admin tools whithout ftan will function again.

    • Added functionality for bach to admin tools, simply set value="admin_tools" to the button. If $_POST['admin_tools'] this will redirect to admin tools.

    • Several additional vars for path and other purpose: $modulePath Path to this module directory $languagePath Path to language files of this module $returnToTools Url to return to generic tools page $returnUrl Url for return link after saving AND for sending the form! $doSave Set true if form is send $toolDir Plain tool directory name like "maintainance_mode" $toolName The name of the tool eg "Maintainance Mode"

      For automated detection of sent form the submit button needs to have name+id ="save_settings". (Optional ($_POST['action']) == 'save')

    • The following WB classes and Modules are included automatic so no need to try manual loading:

      config.php framework/initialize.php framework/class.wb.php framework/class.admin.php framework/functions.php

    • some really old admin tools try to load backend.css and backend.js manually, please remove this code as we no longer need to suppot WB 2.6.x.

    • Flattened out the structure to have a more linear workflow.

    • Language files are noaded here(if they exist) and we use new way of loading so even if language file is incomplete in its translation it will simply display englisch text instead of an error.

  • 2015-10-11: NorHei [2c269d9]

    Changed error message and success message of default admin template. Changed both files to function whithout javascript.

  • 2015-10-09: NorHei [53d1e33]

    Maintainance mode admin tool adeded to default installation. This is just a tool to turn maintainance mode on/off.

    Its the first Admin tool using the new Settings class.

  • 2015-10-09: NorHei [c408491]

    Set version to 1.1.0

  • 2015-10-09: NorHei [5533094]

    Install fails #41, one space before <?php

  • 2015-10-07: NorHei [ed578a5]

    Secureform Singletab is gone, i guess i wont be crying. Singletab is finally removed from Core the file is removed and the only secureform loaded now is the multi tab variant. I guess noone will be missing this.

    I still need to fix the secureform switcher as the singletab setting is no longer needed but the fingerprit options are still usefull.

  • 2015-10-07: NorHei [6472d0c]

    Changed folders /system/ in templatefolders to /systemplates/ as that is what it is.

  • 2015-10-06: NorHei [3a92964]

    Installation of new settings class As i tried to make a admin tool for setting of maintainance mode, i realized that there is nothing for easy management of WBs system settings. You still have to do it manually. But i remembered that some module where using some set_settings() get_settings() functions(e.g. jsadmin). So i did a deep thought an decided that it would be a good idea that the whole settings management would be a lot more fun it we got some dedicated functions to handle this. If we use constants we schould do it in a good and clean way, so i put a few lines together and would like to know if you got some more ideas i can put into this.

    // create or edit a setting Settings::Set("wb_new_setting","the value");

    // using a setting if (WB_NEW_SETTING =="the value") echo "Horay";

    // there is a get function but this is mostly used internal $myValue= Settings::Get ("wb_new_setting");

    // deleting Settings::Delete("wb_new_setting");

    // if used in modules please prepend (shortened)module name to avoid collisions Settings::Set("wysi_new_setting","another value");

    Please keep in mind that WB stores settings always as strings.

  • 2015-10-06: NorHei [bbc675c]

    Adding a maintainance mode The Maintainance mode is activated by setting a constant in the config.php.

    define('WB_MAINTAINANCE_MODE', true);

    You can deactivate it by either deleting the line or by setting the mode to false.

    The default template for maintainance mode can be found in /templates/system/maintainance.tpl.php

    Any template can have a custom maintainance template placed in /templates/yourtemplate/system/maintainance.tpl.php

    At this time the maintainance mode is limited to use the default template set in website options in the backend.

    As a next step there will be an admintool that allows to set the mode from the backend.

  • 2015-09-26: NorHei [c437f2c]

    Hey finally we made it to 1.0.0-stable!

  • 2015-09-22: NorHei [c8d7aae]

    Problems whith characters not displaying properly in news.,28648.msg200498.html#msg200498

  • 2015-09-15: NorHei [205ebf5]

    Some more quick and dirty fixes for jumpy icons , at least sections are ok so far. I am really unhappy as in needed to add styles right in template code :-(

  • 2015-09-14: NorHei [fc10985]

    Stopped jumpy icons from jumping.

    Thanks to Florian

  • 2015-09-14: NorHei [8d32d23]

    Revoved the PHP 4.3 stuff in last change as WBCE will not run on this anymore.

  • 2015-09-14: NorHei [a2ff751]

    Moved handling of menu links from core to menu link module. Removed the extra handling of menu links in index.php Moved it to the view.php of module menu links.

    Now the extra functionality of this module is seperated from the core and you can uninstall it if you like.

    Freeing the core from unnecessary code.

  • 2015-09-14: NorHei [815f85d]

    Changed default redirect for menu links to SEO friendly type 301.

  • 2015-09-14: NorHei [67eb1c9]

    Delete groupe confirmation for NL and TR

  • 2015-09-09: Christian Sommer [511399d]

    Set version to v1.0.0-RC1

  • 2015-09-06: marmotwb [47d9033]

    Keep installer compatible with PHP < 5.4 ! There is no need for SORT_NATURAL sort in language dropdown, see

  • 2015-09-02: Bianka Martinovic [c1b1167]

    removed theme_new.css; removed empty lines

  • 2015-09-02: Bianka Martinovic [56ed734]

    removed theme_new.css; removed empty lines

  • 2015-09-02: Bianka Martinovic [277f315]

    removed unneccessary checkbox on login page; added {message} placeholder to login page (shows errors); re-designed warning.html and "no pages" page; see also

  • 2015-09-01: NorHei [aacba27]

    Issue #28 fixed this for german and english

  • 2015-09-01: NorHei [91f8c81]

    Changed Language files for additional vars + First test of LF tool Added language vars for quicksearch in user management and spread them through the language files by using the language file tool for non UTF enviroment.

  • 2015-09-01: NorHei [f042a41]

    Add some additional langugae vars to user quicksearch

  • 2015-08-31: marmotwb [a019dde]

    cke update codemirror plugin ! update to latest plugin version 1.13, see also forum

  • 2015-08-30: marmotwb [f658228]

    cke cleaning ! fixed wblink plugin to show dialog on doubleclick

    • deleted samples directory (there's no need to deliver samples in live version)
  • 2015-08-30: marmotwb [7e1905f]

    Some language support ! new DE.php provieded here: ! language support for "back" button in advanced backend theme ! show title tags for sidebar elements in advanced backend theme (helps when sidebar ist collapsed)

  • 2015-08-29: NorHei [19f56e4]

    Damm forgot to pull before starting to edit.... Merge branch 'master' of

  • 2015-08-29: NorHei [852c57a]

    make_dir() had trouble whith umask on certain server configs, this fixes the problem

  • 2015-08-28: marmotwb [85be132]

    set new version on upgrade ! upgrade script updates version in database now

  • 2015-08-28: marmotwb [4f2866b]

    no droplet deleting on upgarde ! fixed Issue #36

  • 2015-08-27: marmotwb [f235894]

    fixed group selection ! fix for Issue #35, so groups with no users assgined can be selected again

  • 2015-08-24: cwsoft [87a1937]

    Updated comment text in page access files

    • Fixes Issue #34
    • automatic code formatting
    • updated
  • 2015-08-21: cwsoft [dcbd9ed]

    Cleaned up HTML skeleton used for initial intro page

    • Fixes Issue #30
  • 2015-08-21: cwsoft [f261ac0]

    Replaced CKEditor image preview text with lorem ipsum text

    • Fixes Issue #31
  • 2015-08-21: marmotwb [02d872f]

    Fixes for topics module ! create accessfile for welcome topic Issue #3 ! prevent notice on deleting a topics page

  • 2015-08-21: cwsoft [e58a432]

    Updated Twig to v1.20.0

  • 2015-08-20: cwsoft [83ce179]

    Adapted help links in advanced WB flat theme:

    • updated links to WBCE help, forum and addons
    • set theme version to 0.3.9
    • Closes Issue #32
  • 2015-08-20: cwsoft [0069d37]

    Updated WBCE Argos Theme to v1.7.4:

    • changed link in footer to point to WBCE website
    • increased version to 1.7.4
    • fixes Issue #33
  • 2015-08-20: cwsoft [db59e7c]

    Fixed broken Twig autoloader

  • 2015-08-19: marmotwb [672a8a8]

    correct group mangement and simple responsive template ! delete confusing info in group management, set unintentionally in last commit ! show logo in template "simple responsive" Issue #22

  • 2015-08-19: marmotwb [6b309fe]

    update grup_id handling an insert section name on upgrade ! group_id is set new on upgrade issue #29 ! some formal code changes as discussed in the forum: / issue #26 ! insert field "namesection" into sections table on upgrade to enable named section support

  • 2015-08-19: cwsoft [51936d9]

    Set version to v1.0.0-Beta3

  • 2015-08-18: cwsoft [1d0c739]

    Updated CHANGELOG

  • 2015-08-18: cwsoft [3ecce07]

    Removed WBCE tools to separate repository

    • purpose is to keep WBCE small
    • keep away potentially dangerous tools (PHP Filemanager) from less experienced users
  • 2015-08-18: cwsoft [4007d1f]


  • 2015-08-18: cwsoft [5b18685]

    Converted switch endswitch blocks into PSR-2 coding style

  • 2015-08-18: cwsoft [aa4e12f]

    Formatted PHP files following PSR-2 coding styles

    • no refactoring, just re-intend code, fix spaces, parentheses etc.
  • 2015-08-17: NorHei [16f1053]

    Accidentally uploaded wrong file to my local repo

  • 2015-08-16: NorHei [8277c5d]

    groups view now shows how many menbers are actually in that group

  • 2015-08-16: NorHei [f6c8ede]

    Again issue #26 Check is now based on group_id and groups_id Before check was only on group_id now it also checks groups_id. Check for group_id is only kept for old buggy entries to db. These entries my possibly still be in db, maybe this is something we should cleanup whith the upgrade script.

  • 2015-08-16: NorHei [a36cfa9]

    Webadmin Filemnager Download from: as the original page ( a disfunctional .zip file

    I added this opensource filemanager to remove files from the webspace that have been added by websitebaker whith invalid file and directory permissions on a Server that uses PHP as Apache module.

    On such a server it may happen that if you try to remove such files via FTP you may get a "insufficient permissions error". Thats because the files are created by the webserver under a user different from FTP user.

    Just copy this filemanager into the webroot of your page and call:

    !!! ATTENTION !!! Please keep in mind that this admintool also can be abused as a hacking tool (indeed its a pretty good one, almost a hackershell) So please remove it after use or install it into a password protected directory (Its not necessary to install it into webroot). Please be really carefull!

  • 2015-08-16: NorHei [983590b]

    Added this tool to reset admin theme if something goes wrong while experimenting

  • 2015-08-15: cwsoft [e90d58d]

    Fixed wrong file header

  • 2015-08-15: cwsoft [48e109a]

    Replaced file headers of files we already worked on

  • 2015-08-14: NorHei [67bbe0e]

    When editing a user group_id was not changed, but groups_is was. I simply applid a few lines of code taken from add.php

  • 2015-08-14: NorHei [41a95a9]

    Fix for #25 error message when editing droplets whithout being group_id 1

  • 2015-08-13: Bianka Martinovic [150240f]

    issue #26: added english lang string for 'GROUP_HAS_MEMBERS' to all languages but DE

  • 2015-08-13: Bianka Martinovic [3d131b4]

    fix for issue #26; language strings for EN and DE only!

  • 2015-08-13: Bianka Martinovic [a15303c]

    fix for issue #24

  • 2015-08-13: NorHei [872b9b6]

    accidentally some Pushes to master did nor show up on git Merge branch 'master' of

  • 2015-08-11: cwsoft [2d775ec]

    Fixed typos in README

  • 2015-08-11: cwsoft [3419069]

    Updated markdown files in root folder

    • added more information to README and INSTALL
    • updated CHANGELOG
  • 2015-08-11: NorHei [2f8c32a]

    Issue #13 Superuser concept Tried to grep all places where they introduced the userid "1" only idea. Replaced it whith group "1" only for now. I am not so sure if this concept makes sense at all but we will see.

  • 2015-08-11: NorHei [bf08e46]

    Updated IDNA class, and removed example file to avoid any security issues.

  • 2015-08-11: NorHei [af83427]

    just added a few empty lines and a comment in Initialize

  • 2015-08-09: cwsoft [8592302]

    Unified MIN_PASSWORD_LEN throughout scripts

    • defined in install/save.php, account/login.php, admin/login/index.php
  • 2015-08-09: cwsoft [54790c2]

    Some more branding in installer

    • updated CHANGELOG
    • moved script into tools folder
  • 2015-08-09: cwsoft [19c98ca]

    Removed Twig from modules addon_monitor and wbSeoTool

    • Twig is part of the WBCE core so no need to include Twig in module folders
    • this commit closes Issue [#21]
  • 2015-08-09: cwsoft [b62258f]


  • 2015-08-09: cwsoft [dc1d3ee]

    Some more branding for WBCE

    • introduced WBCE_VERSION, WBCE_TAG to avoid side effects with WB-classic
    • some cosmetic changes in the installer script
    • adapted standard themes to show WBCE_VERSION and WBCE_TAG
    • started to rework the upgrade script (some more cleanup needed)
  • 2015-08-06: cwsoft [916eddb]

    Swapped position of author and SHA1 hash in CHANGELOG

  • 2015-08-06: cwsoft [407330f]

    Updated format of

  • 2015-08-06: cwsoft [8decb62]

    Added bash script to create on the fly

    • changelog needed for GNU GPL compatibility
    • most recent CHANGELOG is always available at WBCE GitHub repository
  • 2015-08-05: cwsoft [fa53b1a]

    Fix for commit

    • modified function searching for first info.php file inside Addon archive
    • Fixes Issue #12
  • 2015-08-05: Bianka Martinovic [54153c9]

    Fix for issue #20

  • 2015-08-05: cwsoft [60f4991]

    Updated file comment headers (added missing word)

  • 2015-08-05: cwsoft [4da344a]

    Updated README

  • 2015-08-05: cwsoft [e3527ad]

    Updated README

  • 2015-08-05: cwsoft [1ea1cf0]

    Added copyright passage to README and updated file comment headers

  • 2015-08-04: cwsoft [1e7670a]

    Added support for nested Add-on ZIP archives:

    • modules and templates now support nested ZIP archives
    • fixes issue #12 (adds support for GitHub archives and wrong zipped ones)
    • some basic cleanup (should be further cleaned in a future release)
  • 2015-08-04: cwsoft [e2544d7]

    Prepared WBCE for semantic versioning:

    • set VERSION to 1.0.0 (can be changed with final release)
    • added TAG (referring to GitHub release)
    • updated backend themes to show Version and Tag (no more SP and REV)
    • updated installer and upgrade script to update TAG in DB
    • reworked addon precheck to deal with WBCE_VERSION and WB_VERSION
  • 2015-08-03: NorHei [c9680fa]

    Just changed a comment

  • 2015-08-02: NorHei [16cbdf1]

    OK, IDKEY next try, this stuff is a nightmare

  • 2015-08-02: NorHei [4ba2cd6]

    Just a small code cleanup , so further editing is more fun

  • 2015-08-02: NorHei [818a00d]

    Needed to remove changes to Secureform as i got some additional issues fixing this and re add it later

  • 2015-08-01: NorHei [80758fc]

    Removing old vars final step

  • 2015-08-01: NorHei [a506b19]

    Removing old vars step 4

  • 2015-08-01: NorHei [14176d8]

    Removing old vars step 3

  • 2015-08-01: NorHei [61ad324]

    Removing old vars step 2

  • 2015-08-01: NorHei [ff42e83]

    Started removing old language vars

  • 2015-08-01: NorHei [377b711]

    Removed the unecessary filter that blocks CSS in Droplets. As we have a filter that moves all CSS to the head, its perfectly ok to have some CSS inside of normal droplets.

  • 2015-08-01: NorHei [b0bd015]

    Finally changed the Language files and activated new loading mechanism. Changes according to :

    No entity conversion yet.

  • 2015-07-30: Bianka Martinovic [54dac88]

    removed "Code2" and "Addon File Editor"

  • 2015-07-29: NorHei [930e861]

    deactivated last change completely , asking forum first

  • 2015-07-29: NorHei [50cad94]

    Undone change include old language file in init, asking first if they like utf8 language files

  • 2015-07-29: NorHei [949d418]

    Changed language file loading mechanism Now we load the default file (EN) and then we load the local(userdefined) file. That way even an incomplete Language file at least displays the english text instead of an error message.

    Loading of compatibility file now moved to initialize instead of doing it in each separated language file.

  • 2015-07-29: NorHei [f9b8e79]

    Fixed IDKEY in Secureform I still had problems whith Security warnings on pages that used alot of IDKEYS. For example if i tried to move a field in the basic form module i had one Warning on in about 15 atempts.

    Another Problem: unused old IDKEYS where never deleted so session got spammed by idkeys.

    So i made a more unique ID, recursive checking for overlapping ids, added a tiemout for IDKEYS (same as for FTAN) and added a page parameter to instantly delete all keys from a pagecall if one is used.

    Last thing i added is an additional parameter that allows the use of IDKEYS whith ajax scripts. If this setting is used, the key is not removed and can be used multiple times. (this is a small security risk but nothing compared to the 1 in 16 chance to guess the key that we had before. )

    This is a patch from my old fork only tested on my local installation.

  • 2015-07-29: NorHei [b5e5ea0]

    Added form generator link to miniform Testing miniform for first time i found it a little annoying that i had to search through the help pages to find the generator . I added a Link and a few language vars.

  • 2015-07-29: NorHei [64cc031]

    Added Date and IP to User interface

  • 2015-07-29: NorHei [500efa0]

    Added usermanagement whith search

    Its not a perfect solution as it uses the browser search function as a helper but i guess its far better than having no search at all. For Advanced Search it relies un the "user search" module , which is added too. (Version 0.41),13040.0.html

  • 2015-07-29: NorHei [58349a7]

    Singletab is no longer recommended

  • 2015-07-29: cwsoft [c7d17c3]

    Removed Twig from module as part of WBCE

    • Twig is part of WBCE since commit 79aa15e (WBCE/WebsiteBaker_CommunityEdition@79aa15e)
    • updated file comment blocks
  • 2015-07-28: cwsoft [79aa15e]

    Added 3rd party template engine Twig to WBCE

  • 2015-07-28: cwsoft [6d1775e]

    Smaller changes for WBCE branding purposes

    • renamed wb root folder into wbce
    • converted WBCE global instructions to markdown
  • 2015-07-28: cwsoft [4b4cdf4]

    Removed obsolete template engine quickSkin This template engine was never used by WB or other modules and was replaced by Twig wis a later release.

  • 2015-07-28: cwsoft [882fa88]

    Updated with infos about WBCE

  • 2015-07-28: cwsoft [ec3c041]

    Fixes #10: Incomplete CKEditor

  • 2015-07-27: cwsoft [40971c6]

    Fixes #19

  • 2015-07-27: Bianka Martinovic [df714f6]

    Delete google_sitemap_shorturl.php

  • 2015-07-24: Bianka Martinovic [11fd4ba]

    fixed database type in installer (#9)

  • 2015-07-23: Bianka Martinovic [d05e04d]

    Merge branch 'master' of

  • 2015-07-23: Bianka Martinovic [b8504fa]

    auto-rename to config.php (untested)

  • 2015-07-21: Bianka Martinovic [7589d1b]

    added ShortURL droplet to the footer; thanks to "nibz"

  • 2015-07-21: Bianka Martinovic [ff873b1]

    added ShortURL droplet to the footer; thanks to "nibz"

  • 2015-07-13: Bianka Martinovic [a432449]

    added missing plugins to CKE; there is no full download of CKE 4.4.8 any more (or I've just not found it...)

  • 2015-07-08: Bianka Martinovic [5aef959]

    replaced the favicon.ico

  • 2015-07-08: Bianka Martinovic [6b84d78]

    changed mtab settings in SecureFormSwitcher/install.php (overwrites settings in install_data.sql) and upgrade-script.php

  • 2015-07-08: Bianka Martinovic [5c03f59]

    fix in class.database.php method get_one() - catch error

  • 2015-07-08: Bianka Martinovic [cd96d41]

    removed ?> from wbstats/info.php as it caused problems after installation; fixed auto-deletion of install folder; fixed droplets/

  • 2015-07-08: Bianka Martinovic [0c0b822]

    fixed some issues in droplets module, see info.php (new version v1.75)

  • 2015-07-08: Bianka Martinovic [5d58fe6]

    renamed .htaccess to htaccess.txt; removed [[Shorturl]] droplet from default settings; added google_sitemap_shorturl.php; added function to remove the installer automatically instead of just nagging

  • 2015-07-07: Bianka Martinovic [7e8a9c2]

    inserted "CE" into some pages; replaced favicon; added German form templates to miniform; changed search default settings

  • 2015-07-07: Bianka Martinovic [c7676ec]

    added .htaccess und short.php; removed htaccess.txt and README-FIX

  • 2015-07-07: Bianka Martinovic [71c2920]

    added templates "wbce" and "simple_responsive"

  • 2015-07-07: Bianka Martinovic [005593d]

    added shorturl droplet to installation; fixed little layout issue in droplets module and created new version 1.74; changed default template to "wbce" in installer

  • 2015-07-07: Bianka Martinovic [43c7d04]

    added Shorturl patch; removed "code"; added "code2"

  • 2015-07-06: Bianka Martinovic [4a8c783]

    added the "Turbo page tree patch" (,20062.0.html); upgraded pagecloner to v0.60; fixed a problem with ./modules/admin.php (page tree drag & drop sorting not functioning with XSS patch)

  • 2015-07-06: Bianka Martinovic [600d311]

    upgraded CKE to v4.4.8

  • 2015-07-06: Bianka Martinovic [8e37b0e]

    added "named sections patch" (,22746.msg178895.html#msg178895)

  • 2015-07-06: Bianka Martinovic [51adaa5]

    upgraded "argos_theme" to fix two little bugs described here: (German)

  • 2015-07-06: Bianka Martinovic [8bfc5e8]

    removed module "News"

  • 2015-07-06: Bianka Martinovic [c30daa6]

    added "topics" 0.9.0 RC

  • 2015-07-06: Bianka Martinovic [83a6610]

    updated Flat Theme to version 0.3.6

  • 2015-07-06: Bianka Martinovic [b153488]

    updated simplepagehead to v0.51: Apple Touch icons and "WBCE" as CMS

  • 2015-07-03: Bianka Martinovic [ea5febe]

    added "CE" to SP string; changed some default settings in installer

  • 2015-07-03: Bianka Martinovic [53f4d11]

    added google_sitemap.php

  • 2015-07-03: Bianka Martinovic [4266d9f]

    added "backup"

  • 2015-07-03: Bianka Martinovic [c77840e]

    added "sitemap"

  • 2015-07-03: Bianka Martinovic [8d011e3]

    added "simplepagehead"

  • 2015-07-03: Bianka Martinovic [eb62e7d]

    added "colorbox"

  • 2015-07-03: Bianka Martinovic [21246e9]

    added "wbSeoTool"

  • 2015-07-03: Bianka Martinovic [83f17f6]

    added "wbstats"

  • 2015-07-03: Bianka Martinovic [e21c623]

    added "advancedThemeWbFlat"

  • 2015-07-03: Bianka Martinovic [4810cc5]

    replaced "form" with "miniform"

  • 2015-07-03: Bianka Martinovic [fd60a73]

    added "addon_monitor" module

  • 2015-07-03: Bianka Martinovic [6895d2a]

    removed templates / themes "allcss", "round", "simple" and "wb_theme"

  • 2015-07-03: Bianka Martinovic [32f8d49]

    added addon-file-editor (removed the "cwsoft" prefix as that vendor does not support the module anymore)

  • 2015-07-03: Bianka Martinovic [42978d6]

    upgraded Droplets to version 1.73

  • 2015-07-02: Bianka Martinovic [03be93f]

    another fix for issue #1; it's not really necessary but in my opinion the code is easier to read and understand

  • 2015-07-02: Bianka Martinovic [9fe4a75]

    fix for issue #1; removed some files; added some SP4 files I forgot

  • 2015-07-02: Bianka Martinovic [fa2118b]

    added ckeditor 4.4.3 140727

  • 2015-07-02: Bianka Martinovic [c1a9e20]

    upgraded to SP4; added empty file to media folder as it is not pushed otherwise

  • 2015-06-29: Bianka Martinovic [4157892]

    WB 2.8.3 SP3 without FCK

  • 2015-06-29: Bianka Martinovic [fc40d4e]

    Initial commit