- Home: https://launchpad.net/openhomm, https://sourceforge.net/projects/heroes-rebirth/
- Inspiration: Heroes of Might and Magic III
- State: beta, inactive since 2010
- Download: https://launchpad.net/openhomm/+download
- Keyword: strategy
- Code repository: https://gitlab.com/osgames/openhomm.git (conversion of bzr, @created 2019, @stars 1, @forks 0), https://code.launchpad.net/openhomm (bzr)
- Code language: C++
- Code license: GPL-3.0
- Code dependency: Qt, SDL
- Developer: crackedmind, Ice
Open source clone of 'Heroes Of Might And Magic III' engine. Requires ownership of Heroes of Might and Magic III.
- Build system: QMake