diff --git a/spec.bs b/spec.bs
index 6953d0d..256920e 100644
--- a/spec.bs
+++ b/spec.bs
@@ -162,6 +162,9 @@ Each {{Subscriber}} has a error callback, which is an
Each {{Subscriber}} has a complete callback, which is a
+Each {{Subscriber}} has a teardown callbacks, which is a [=list=] of
+{{VoidFunction}}s, initially empty.
Each {{Subscriber}} has a complete or error controller, which is an
@@ -176,6 +179,12 @@ Each {{Subscriber}} has a active boolean, initially tr
Note: This is a bookkeeping variable to ensure that a {{Subscriber}} never calls any of the
callbacks it owns after it has been [=close a subscription|closed=].
+The active
getter steps are to return [=this=]'s
+[=Subscriber/active=] boolean.
+The signal
getter steps are to return [=this=]'s
method steps are:
@@ -227,6 +236,21 @@ callbacks it owns after it has been [=close a subscription|closed=].
1. [=AbortController/Signal abort=] [=this=]'s [=Subscriber/complete or error controller=].
method steps are:
+ 1. If [=this=]'s [=relevant global object=]'s [=associated Document=] is not [=Document/fully
+ active=], then return.
+ 1. If [=this=]'s [=Subscriber/active=] is true, then [=list/append=] |teardown| to [=this=]'s
+ [=Subscriber/teardown callbacks=] list.
+ 1. Otherwise, [=invoke=] |teardown|.
+ If an exception |E| was thrown, then [=report
+ the exception=] |E|.