Plaspline is a snakemake based workflow, which aims to get a comprehensive analysis of plasmid, both in gene and plasmid community level from short-gun sequences. The main steps are quality control, assembly, circular/linear plasmids isolation, circular/linear plasmids genome verification and classification, and plasmids-relative-genes analysis.
create a conda environment and insatll dependencies:
> conda create -n plaspline -c conda-forge -c bioconda python=3.9 biopython=1.78 snakemake=7.22.0 click=7.1.2 ruamel.yaml=0.16.12
Clone package:
> git clone
all scripts are under the 'Plaspline' folder
*** make sure that you have enough space in your folder for it (80G maybe!!!!)
downloading the databases and tools
> python Plaspline/bin/ downloading
*** Notice: when downloading plasforest database, it requires input an e-mail address in your terminal, to get full database or input "no"!!!
> python Plaspline/bin/ preprocessing --path Plaspline/example/reads --adapter Plaspline/example/adapters.fa.gz --phix Plaspline/example/phix174_ill.ref.fa.gz
In your reads folder: plaspline can only recognize the raw reads (forward and resvers) file which suffix is "_R1" or "_r1" or "_1" (only show forward in example).
***must be gzip file. otherwise in "quality control step" it will raise error. -
If you want not to do the quality control step, but still have to give the "--adapter" and "--phix" input, (a fake path is ok, for example ./ ). don`t forget change "--skip_qc " to "True", which means jump quality control step.
the assembler defult is spades, you can also choose megahit as assembler, by input the params "--assembler megahit".
in command line "Plaspline/bin/" is relative path, if you are not running the command with same folder of Plaspline, you need to input absolute path (abs.path/Plaspline/bin/
for more information, "python ~Plaspline/bin/ preprocessing -h"
Before true runing plaspline, it is better to check whether there is any command line errors, by dry run (" -n ").
> python Plaspline/bin/ working <"step"> -j 3 -n
- before running, make sure the "cofig.yaml" and "samples.json" are under the floder which you are running the command.
- **** choosing jobs (-j):
- in config.yaml file, it records {threads} which is each rules threads, so in "-j (pnum)", this pnum <= sample_number * {threads}
- running in cluster, -j {pnum}; this pnum <= sample number
> python Plaspline/bin/ working "step" -j 3
a. Runing plaspline all:
*** before running it, you have to make sure that scapp_k == max ker (that you are using in assembly step) in config.yaml file
> python Plaspline/bin/ working "all" -j 3
b. Runing plaspline in each steps: (suggestion!!!)
1.quality control step
> python Plaspline/bin/ working "qc" -j 3
- assembly step
> python Plaspline/bin/ working "assembly" -j 3
- circular step
before running this step, check the max k-mer you are using in assembly step, and modifying scapp_k to "max k-mer (assembly)" in config.yaml file.
> python Plaspline/bin/ working "circilar" -j 3
- isolation linear plasmid contigs from all assembled contigs
> python Plaspline/bin/ working "isolation" -j 3
- non-redundant circular plasmid contig set step
> python Plaspline/bin/ working "contig_circular" -j 3
- contig circular classify step
> python Plaspline/bin/ working "contig_circular_classify" -j 3
- non-redundantlinear plasmid contig set step
> python Plaspline/bin/ working "contig_linear" -j 3
- circular plasmid gene analysis step
> python Plaspline/bin/ working "gene_circular" -j 3
- linear plasmid gene analysis step
> python Plaspline/bin/ working "gene_linear" -j 3
- qc_reads:
"*.fastq.gz" ---- quality control step results
- assembly_res
"*_assembly_res" ---- assembly results
- circular:
"chromosome/*_verify_chromosome_circular.fasta" ---- chromosome contigs identified by plaspline
"plasmid/*_verify_plasmid_circular.fasta" ---- circular plasmid contigs identified by plaspline
"*_scapp_res" ---- circular plasmid Contigs identified by scapp
"*_metaplasmidspades" ---- circular plasmid Contigs identified by metaplasmidspades
- circular_non_redundant_contig:
"circular_non_redundant_contigs_rep_seq.fasta" --- circular plasmid catalog,
"contig_abundance/all_samples_contig_abundance.txt" --- circular plasmid abundance
plasmid_classify/plasmid_classify.txt" --- circular plasmid annotation file
- circular_non_redundant_gene:
"circular_non_redundant_gene_rep_seq.fasta" --- circular plasmid gene catalog,
"abundance/all_circular_gene_abundance_based_contig_abundance.txt" --- circular plasmid gene abundannce
"functional_annotation/*" --- functional annotation results of circular plasmid gene
"annotation_ARGs/*" --- antibiotic resistance gene annotation result of circular plasmid gene
"annotation_BacMet2/*" --- biocide- and metal-resistance genes annotation result of circular plasmid gene
"annotation_vf/*" --- Virulence factors genes annotation result of circular plasmid gene
- linear_plasmid_genome:
"*_predict_plasmid_plasforest.fa" ---- plasmid Contigs identified by plasforest
"*_probs.out" ---- plasmid Contigs identified by platon
- linear_non_redundant_contig:
"linear_non_redundant_contigs_rep_seq.fasta" --- linear plasmid catalog,
"contig_abundance/all_samples_contig_abundance.txt" --- linear plasmid abundance
- linear_non_redundant_gene:
"linear_non_redundant_gene_rep_seq.fasta" --- linear plasmid gene catalog,
"abundance/all_linear_gene_abundance_based_contig_abundance.txt" --- linear plasmid gene abundannce
"functional_annotation/*" --- functional annotation results of linear plasmid gene
"annotation_ARGs/*" --- antibiotic resistance gene annotation result of linear plasmid gene
"annotation_BacMet2/*" --- biocide- and metal-resistance genes annotation result of linear plasmid gene
"annotation_vf/*" --- Virulence factors genes annotation result of linear plasmid gene
- remindering_report:
"raw_reads_to_qc_reads.txt" ---- reads using rate of each sample in quality control step
"qc_to_assembly.txt" ---- reads using rate of each sample in assembly step
"qc_to_circualr_metaplasmidspades.txt" ---- reads using rate of each sample in assmebly circular plasmid step
"liner_contig_to_plasmid.txt" ---- reads using rate of each sample in identified linear from assembly contig step
"circualr_to_verify.txt" ---- reads using rate of each sample in removing non-plasmid circular genome step
log: the logs files of each step in plaspline.
temp: temp files.
Wanli HE ([email protected])
Franziska Klincke ([email protected])
Joseph Nesme ([email protected])
Søren Johannes Sørensen ([email protected])