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Custom Code Blocks
- No
required. - Nothing sent in.
- No return expected.
Init does not run each time the Aura is loaded, it runs once when the aura is first loaded then never again until a UI reload/restart or if WA config is opened and changes made to this code block or to Custom Options.
This code block is exceptionally useful for creating settings (any settings that users may want to alter should be done with Custom Options), tables of data, or functions. Anything that will be used throughout your Aura, or repeatedly by a function. Create variables like this in the aura_env
If the Aura you're making produces clones then this code block runs before they exist and so aura_env.state
won't exist and aura_env.region
will refer to the "base" Aura, not any clones you create later.
- No
required. - Nothing sent in.
- No return expected.
On Show runs once when the Aura as a whole change from not being active to being active. Then will not run again until it hides, and shows again.
If the Aura you're making produces clones then this code block will run for each clone that is shown. And aura_env.state
and aura_env.region
carry that clone's info.
- No
required. - Nothing sent in.
- No return expected.
On Hide runs once when the Aura as a whole change from being active to not being active. Then will not run again until it shows, and hides again.
If the Aura you're making produces clones then this code block will run for each clone that hides. And aura_env.state
and aura_env.region
carry that clone's info.
This code block is accessed by using the Chat Message option, with %c
in the Message text. The string(s) you return will be inserted into the message that you send.
Although it's likely that Custom Text functions in Actions will be much simpler than those in Display, all the info is the same so see below for extensive details
If the trigger currently providing Dynamic Info uses "timed" duration info (e.g. buff duration) then:
function(expirationTime, duration, progress, formatedDuration, name, icon, stacks)
When the displayed timer will expire, relative toGetTime()
The total number of seconds, e.g.123
A formatted string showing remaining duration, equivalent of the%p
text replacement -
A formatted string showing minutes if applicable, e.g.2:03
, equivalent of the%t
text replacement -
Whatever string the active trigger carries on its Name Info, equivalent of the%n
text replacement -
A formatted string with the Escape Sequences needed to display the Dynamic Info's icon in text, equivalent to the%i
text replacement. -
The value carried by the Dynamic Info's Stacks, equivalent to%s
If the trigger currently providing Dynamic Info uses "static" duration info (e.g. health values) then:
function(total, value, value, total, name, icon, stacks)
The total or max value, equivalent to the%t
text replacement -
The current value carried by dynamic Info, equivalent to the%p
text replacement -
are repeated just to match argument positions with those with timed info. - Other args are as above.
return string[, string, string]
- You can return multiple values.
- You can return
, it will be handled as an empty string.
Above this code block in the interface is a setting "Update Custom Text On..."
- "Trigger Update" will fire the custom function when the Dynamic Info from any trigger in the Aura changes in any way. It will not fire when a custom trigger returns true from its trigger function unless that custom trigger also adjusts one of the Dynamic Infos it carries
- "Every Frame" will fire the custom function every time the screen redraws (your Frames Per Second). This should be avoided where possible, since it means it will often be running when there is no change to update. When it is necessary though, don't worry too much, just code your function with efficiency in mind. Any application where you're outputting a timer will inevitably require "Every Frame".
On a Timed Aura, despite looking like a number when below a minute, the "progress" value is actually a formatted string and shouldn't be used for arithmetic. If you need a remaining duration in your custom function then calculate yourself. e.g.
if aura_env.state and aura_env.state.duration and aura_env.state.duration > 0 then
local remaining = aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()
return remaining > 3600 and ceil(remaining/3600).."h" or remaining > 60 and ceil(remaining/60).."m" or floor(remaining)
- No args are sent in to the function
- It is Fired on Trigger Update
- Expected return is a reference to a UI Frame. This frame can be a WA Aura/region, a Blizzard UI element, or another Addon's frame.
This example, using with a Status - Cast trigger with setting Unit = Player, will anchor the region to your target's nameplate
if aura_env.state.destUnit then
return C_NamePlate.GetNamePlateForUnit(aura_env.state.destUnit)
For dynamically anchoring multiple auras to multiple frames refer to dynamic group Custom Grow Functions and Group by Frame
- One argument sent in to the function, the
table, an array containing a boolean for the activated state of each trigger in the Aura - Runs when any trigger in the Aura's "active" state changes from false to true or vice versa.
- Expected return is a single Boolean for whether the Aura should show or not.
Example - this example function would display the aura if trigger 1 is active and at least one of triggers 2 or 3 is also active.
return triggers[1] and (triggers[2] or triggers[3])
See this page for general info on Activation.
- Args sent in to the function depend on the trigger type, see below
- Expected return is a boolean for whether the trigger should be active or not.
- If you use Custom - Status - Every Frame, then no args will be sent in to the function.
- If you use Custom Status - Event(s) - or Custom - Event(s) - , then WA will send the event name as the first arg, followed by the event's own args, into your function.
- If you use Custom - Trigger State Updater then WA will always send the
table as the first arg- If you use Every Frame then there will be no following args.
- If you use Event(s) - , then the second arg will be the event's name, followed by the event's own args.
Using Custom - Status - Event - UNIT_HEALTH
function(event, unit)
if unit == "player" then
return UnitHealth("player") > 1000
Using Custom - Event - CLEU
function(event, timestamp, subEvent, hideCaster, sourceGUID, sourceName, sourceFlags, sourceRaidFlags, destGUID, destName, destFlags, destRaidFlags, ...)
if subEvent == "SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS" and sourceGUID == UnitGUID("player") then
return true
Using Custom - TSU - Event - UNIT_HEALTH
function(allstates, event, unit)
if unit == "player" then
allstates[""] = {
show = true,
changed = true,
progressType = "static",
value = UnitHealth("player"),
total = UnitHealthMax("player"),
return true
- Custom Triggers Wiki page
TSU Wiki page
- With TSU being an advanced trigger type it is strongly advised to read the full wiki page for it before using.
- Args sent in to this function are the same as those in the Trigger
- Expected return is a boolean. Return true if the trigger should untrigger, false if it should remain active.
- The Untrigger function only runs if the trigger returns false/nil.
- One arg sent in, the "trigger" table. This arg is sent for internal WA reasons and is unlikely to ever be useful to users.
- Expected return - Duration Info can either carry a timer or a static value/total, the values returned are slightly different in each case
- Timed info should simply return two values
return duration, expirationTime
, total duration of the timer in seconds -
, relative to GetTime(), when the timer will expire.
- Static info should return three,
return value, total, isStatic
, the current value -
, the total or maximum value -
isStatic -
boolean`, this simply tells WA that the previous 2 values given should be interpreted as Static Duration rather than Timed.
- One arg sent in, the "trigger" table. This arg is sent for internal WA reasons and is unlikely to ever be useful to users.
- Expected return is a single string.
- One arg sent in, the "trigger" table. This arg is sent for internal WA reasons and is unlikely to ever be useful to users.
- Expected return is a valid texture path. This can be in the form of an iconID, or a path string.
- This function is used for Icon and Progress Bar Aura Types, while Icon Info is used for Texture and Progress Texture Aura Types.
return GetSpellTexture(123456)
return "Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-RaidTargetingIcon_1"
IconIDs can also be found through a database site like Wowhead (example image) or WoW.tools (example link)
See Icon Info.
- This function is used for Texture and Progress Texture Aura Types, while Icon Info is used for Icon and Progress Bar Aura Types.
- One arg sent in, the "trigger" table. This arg is sent for internal WA reasons and is unlikely to ever be useful to users.
- Expected return is a single number.
The way the Conditions tab processes this Info is as a number so it will cause errors if you try to return a string or other value.
- One arg sent in, the "trigger" table. This arg is sent for internal WA reasons and is unlikely to ever be useful to users.
- Expected return - Overlays can behave in two distinct ways and the returned values required in each case differ
- For non-moving overlays
return left_value, right_value
- The values are numbers and relative to the
of "timed" Duration Info, or thetotal
of an "static" Duration Info. - you define both points of the Overlay
- The values are numbers and relative to the
- For moving overlays
return direction, width
, Either"forward"
, setting whether the Overlay should lead or trail the progressing edge of the Aura. -
, relative to theduration
defined in the Duration Info, setting the size of the Overlay.
The Colours and Clipping Behaviours of each Overlay can be set in the Display tab.
- No
required. - Nothing sent in.
- No return expected.
This function runs once when the Condition you made is passed, then not again until the Condition becomes false then true again. It also, of course, can't undo itself - if you use it to make a change that ought to return to the standard, then you'll need to add Conditions to handle that too.
A number value between 0 and 1 which represents how far along the animation is. Main and Finish animations start at 0 and end at 1, while Start animations start at 1 and end at 0. -
The Alpha value that is defined as "normal" for the display, expressed as a value between 0 (invisible) and 1 (completely opaque). This is the value you set in the Display tab. -
The difference between the "normal" alpha of the display and the alpha value specified for in the Animation settings. For example, if a display is set to 100% alpha normally, and its Alpha animation is set to 33%, then "delta" would be -0.66.
An Alpha animation function should return a single number value between 0 and 1, the alpha value that the display should have at the current point in the animation.
The "Normal" Alpha animation path, which simply transitions from one Alpha value to another in a linear fashion, looks like this:
function(progress, start, delta)
return start + (progress * delta)
A value between 0 and 1 which represents how far along the animation is. Main and Finish animations start at 0 and end at 1, while Start animations start at 1 and end at 0. -
coordinate that is defined as "normal" for the display (specifically, thex
coordinate of its anchor point), expressed in pixels. This is the value you set in the Display tab. -
coordinate that is defined as "normal" for the display (specifically, the y coordinate of its anchor point), expressed in pixels. This is the value you set in the Display tab. -
The value specified by the animation using the "X Offset" slider in the Animation settings. -
The value specified by the animation using the "Y Offset" slider in the Animation settings.
The resultingx
coordinate of the display. -
The resultingy
coordinate of the display.
The "Normal" Translate animation path, which simply transitions from one position to another in a straight line, looks like this:
function(progress, startX, startY, deltaX, deltaY)
return startX + (progress * deltaX), startY + (progress * deltaY)
A display's x
and y
coordinates are defined in terms of the distance between its reference anchor point and its self anchor point, both of which can be set in the Display tab. In WoW, x
coordinates go from 0 at the left side of the screen to a positive value at the right side of the screen, and y
coordinates go from 0 at the bottom of the screen to a positive value at the top of the screen. This is vertically inverse compared to many coordinate systems used in programming.
A value between 0 and 1 which represents how far along the animation is. Main and Finish animations start at 0 and end at 1, while Start animations start at 1 and end at 0. -
The "normal" scale of the display in thex
direction. This is always 1. -
The "normal" scale of the display in they
direction. This is always 1. -
The value specified by the animation using the "X Scale" slider in the Animation settings. -
The value specified by the animation using the "Y Scale" slider in the Animation settings.
The resulting scale of the display in thex
direction. -
The resulting scale of the display in they
An aura's scale in either the x
or y
direction is defined in relation to its normal size. This means that a display that is normally 200x200 pixels, if under a Scale animation whose current values are 1.5 and 0.8, will be 300x160 pixels.
Note that the scaleX and scaleY values passed to the Scale function are interpreted as being absolute values which denote the eventual maximum scale of the animation, not the difference between the original scale (which is always 1x1) and the end scale. This is a different behavior than the rest of the animation types.
Also note that Scale animations will differ slightly based on the display's anchor point, which will not change positions. A display anchored by its center will scale from the center, whereas a display anchored by a corner will scale from that corner.
The "Normal" Scale animation path, which simply scales from one size to another in a linear fashion, looks like this:
function(progress, startX, startY, scaleX, scaleY)
return startX + (progress * (scaleX - startX)), startY + (progress * (scaleY - startY))
A value between 0 and 1 which represents how far along the animation is. Main and Finish animations start at 0 and end at 1, while Start animations start at 1 and end at 0. -
The Rotation value that is defined as "normal" for the display, expressed in degrees. This is the value you set in the Display tab. -
The rotation value specified for the animation, using the slider in the Animation settings.
rotation The rotation value that the display should have at the current point in the animation.
Texture displays are the only display type that is able to rotate (and only if Allow Full Rotation is enabled).
The "Normal" Rotate animation path, which simply transitions from one Rotation value to another in a linear fashion, looks like this:
function(progress, start, delta)
return start + (progress * delta)
- `progress A value between 0 and 1 which represents how far along the animation is. Main and Finish animations start at 0 and end at 1, while Start animations start at 1 and end at 0.
- The RGBA Color values that define "normal" for the display. This is what you set in the Display tab.
- The RGBA color value specified for the animation, using the Color Picker in the Animation Settings.
- The color values that the display should have at the current point in the animation.
Color values for frames in WoW are "percent" values between 0 and 1, not hex values as you might have used when formatting text. If you're working from 0-255 values then you can simply divide then (return 73/255, 122/255, 255/255, 255/255
The "Color" animation path, which simply transitions from one Color value to another in a linear fashion, looks like this:
function(progress, r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2)
return r1 + (progress * (r2 - r1)), g1 + (progress * (g2 - g1)), b1 + (progress * (b2 - b1)), a1 + (progress * (a2 - a1))
The regionData table for the first of the Group's children that you're sorting. -
The regionData table for the second of the Group's children that you're sorting.
Whether regionA should be sorted before regionB
- See the main article for an explanation of what the regionData table contains.
- Not explicitly explained in the above article, the
data is in theregion
table. SoregionDataA.region.state.expirationTime
would be the location of state info.
function(a, b)
return (a.region.state.expirationTime or 0) > (b.region.state.expirationTime or 0)
- An empty table to be filled by you with positional data for the regions provided in the second arg -
- An array of regionData objects in sorted order for all the regions that your Group will display.
You don't have to return anything from the function but you should fill the newPositions
table with info for each of the regions defined in activeRegions
. This can be defined in two distinct methods, depending on whether you're simply settings offsets from group's main anchor, or want to set a separate anchor frame and offsets for each region.
Using the same index in newPositions
as found in activeRegions
, each index should be assigned a table value, of an array containing {x, y, show}
The horizontal offset for the region -
The vertical offset for the region -
Whether the region should be shown or hidden. This value can be ignored and will default to true if left out of the table. However, if you want to hide a region you can addfalse
in to this third value to achieve that. This allows a measure of filtering at this "output" stage.
function(newPositions, activeRegions)
-- this function will produce a parabola shape
local mid = #activeRegions / 2
for i = 1, #activeRegions do
newPositions[i] = {
40 * (i - mid),
0.5 * (i - mid)^2
You can also structure the newPositions
table differently in order to anchor each region to a given frame, with whatever offsets you need. The structure would be:
newPositions[frame][regionData] = {x,y,show}
So, newPositions
should contain tables for each frame
you want to anchor child regions to. Those tables should be keyed using the frame's reference and contain entries for each child region anchored to that frame, each keyed using the regionData
table from activeRegions
with the value of an offsets array (this part just as above in the Simple Custom Offsets section).
The more complex method above is only needed if you specifically need to be able to set custom offsets on your child regions, while also anchoring them to differing, custom, frames. If you need to anchor children to different frames but can use a default Grow setting (e.g. they're anchored to nameplates but just growing to the right as more regions anchor) then you should use the Group By Frame option detailed below.
The two methods can not be mixed. i.e. you can't have some regions simply offset from the group's anchor while others are anchored to given frames.
- Home
- API Documentation
- Getting Involved
- Setting up a Lua Dev Environment
- Deprecations
- Useful Snippets
- Aura Types
- Trigger Types
- Triggers and Untriggers
- Aura Activation
- Dynamic Information
- Text Replacements