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Tests Codecov Docker Nightly

Wild Me - Houston Backend Server

Houston is a REST API component within the CODEX application suite. It is used to glue the frontend Wildbook-IA.

About this implementation

  • RESTful API server should be self-documented using OpenAPI (fka Swagger) specifications, so interactive documentation UI is in place
  • Authentication is handled with OAuth2 and using Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant (Password Flow) for first-party clients makes it usable not only for third-party "external" apps
  • Permissions are handled (and automaticaly documented)
  • PATCH method can be handled accordingly to RFC 6902
  • Extensive testing with good code coverage.
  • The package Flask-RESTX has been patched (see flask_restx_patched folder), so it can handle Marshmallow schemas and Webargs arguments.

Pull Request Workflow

The Wild Me team is working to sunset the Codex product. As such, contributions will be reviewed at a lower priority than active products. If you want to provide contributions, the information below is the most up-to-date information available.

Fork Houston

To start, you will need to be signed in to your GitHub account, have admin access to your OS's terminal, and have Git installed.

  1. From your browser, in the top right corner of the Houston repo, click the Fork button. Confirm to be redirected to your own fork (check the url for your USERNAME in the namespace).
  2. In your terminal, enter the command git clone --recurse-submodules
  3. Once the houston directory become available in your working directory, move to it with the command cd houston
  4. Add a reference to the original repo, denoting it as the upstream repo. git remote add upstream git fetch upstream

Create Local Branch

You will want to work in a branch when doing any feature development you want to provide to the original project.

  1. Verify you are on the main branch. The branch you have checked out will be used as the base for your new branch, so you typically want to start from main. git checkout main
  2. Create your feature branch. It can be helpful to include the issue number (ISSUENUMBER) you are working to address. git branch ISSUENUMBER-FEATUREBRANCHNAME
  3. Change to your feature branch so your changes are grouped together. git checkout ISSUENUMBER-FEATUREBRANCHNAME
  4. Update your branch (this is not needed if you just created new branch, but is a good habit to get into). git pull upstream main

Making Local Changes

Make the code changes necessary for the issue you're working on. The following git commands may prove useful.

  • git log: lastest commits of current branch
  • git status: current staged and unstaged modifications
  • git diff --staged: the differences between the staging area and the last commit
  • `git add : add files that have changes to staging in preparation for commit
  • git commit: commits the stagged files, opens a text editor for you to write a commit log

Using Docker for your Dev Environment

Set up the tools needed:

  1. Ensure that you are in the houston directory
  2. If you have not already, install docker ex: sudo apt install docker
  3. If you have not already, install docker-compose ex: sudo apt install docker-compose
  4. Install pre-commit to set up your linter. This will run automatically for any PR. pip install pre-commit
  5. Enter command ./scripts/codex/
  6. sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

Manage your container:

  1. Enter docker-compose up to bring up the container.
  2. In your browser, visit any of the following ports to confirm your system is running.
  1. Enter docker-compose down to bring down the container.
  2. To rebuild your docker image, enter docker-compose up -build

App Setup

  1. At http://localhost:84, work through the admin initial setup.
  2. Navigate to Site Settings > Custom Fields
  3. Add Species
  4. Add Regions

Submit PR

Up to this point, all changes have been done to your local copy of Houston. You need to push the new commits to a remote branch to start the PR process.

  1. Now's the time clean up your PR if you choose to squash commits or rebase. If you're looking for more information on these practices, see this pull request tutorial.
  2. Push to the remote version of your branch git push <remote> <local branch> git push origin ISSUENUMBER-FEATUREBRANCHNAME
  3. When prompted, provide your username and GitHub Personal Access Token. If you do not have a GitHub Personal Access Token, or do not have one with the correct permissions for your newly forked repository, you will need to create a Personal Access Token.
  4. Check the fork's page on GitHub to verify that you see a new branch with your added commits. You should see a line saying "This branch is X commits ahead" and a Pull request link.
  5. Click the Pull request link to open a form that says "Able to merge". (If it says there are merge conflicts, go the Wild Me Development Discord for help).
  6. Use an explicit title for the PR and provide details in the comment area. Details can include text, or images, and should provide details as to what was done and why design decisions were made.
  7. Click Create a pull request.

Respond to feedback

At this point, it's on us to get you feedback on your submission! Someone from the Wild Me team will review the project and provide any feedback that may be necessary. If changes are recommended, you'll need to checkout the branch you were working from, update the branch, and make these changes locally.

  2. git pull upstream main
  3. Make required changes
  4. git add <filename> for all files impacted by changes
  5. Determine which method would be most appropriate for updating your PR
  • git commit --ammend if the changes are small stylistic changes
  • git commit if the changes involved significant rework and require additional details

See Contributing to Houston for code styles and other information.

Project's Code Structure

See Project Structure

Background and Periodic Tasks using Celery

See Background and Periodic Tasks


Interactive Documentation

Open online interactive API documentation:

Autogenerated swagger config is always available from

NOTE: Use On/Off switch in documentation to sign in.

Static documentation

To build and view the documentation use the following commands:

cd docs
pip install -r requirements.txt
make html
open _build/html/index.html


Project Dependencies

This project requires either Python >= 3.7 or Docker.

The tus portions of this application require Redis to facilitate resumable file uploads.

GitLab (community edition) is required for asset and submission storage and management.

Postgres is an optional dependency that can be used for a highly reliable scaled database solution.

Site Settings

There are some site settings that some features are dependent on:

Site setting name Environment variable
flatfileKey FLATFILE_KEY Flatfile API key for bulk upload
recaptchaPublicKey RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY Recaptcha site key (disabled if empty)
recaptchaSecretKey RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY Recaptcha secret key
googleMapsApiKey GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY Google maps API key (sighting report form)
email_service DEFAULT_EMAIL_SERVICE e.g. "mailchimp"
email_service_username DEFAULT_EMAIL_SERVICE_USERNAME mailchimp username
email_service_password DEFAULT_EMAIL_SERVICE_PASSWORD mailchimp password

The way these site settings work is:

  • look in the database table site_setting for key, return value if exists
  • if not in the database, return the environment variable

For example, you can set the environment variables in the .env file or use docker-compose.override.yml to override the environment variables without having to edit any checked in files. Run docker-compose up -d to update any affected containers.


Register at for reCAPTCHA v3.

Add the site (public) key and secret key to docker-compose.override.yml:

      RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY: "recaptcha-public-key"
      RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY: "recaptcha-secret-key"

docker-compose up -d to update running services.

Settings can also be set via SiteSetting, the keys are recaptchaPublicKey and recaptchaSecretKey.


This software is subject to the provisions of MIT License. See LICENSE for details. Copyright (c) 2023 Wild Me