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67133dc · Oct 17, 2022


396 lines (287 loc) · 22.4 KB

File metadata and controls

396 lines (287 loc) · 22.4 KB

AF Script Packet status: WIP

Authors: Auronen & Fawkes

Credits: This is a collection of many scripts from the entire Gothic community. None of this would be possible without Ikarus/LeGo and without amazing modders willing to share their amazing works & ideas.

Thanks to: Sektenspinner, Lehona, Gottfried, Szapp (mud-freak), Neconspictor, OrcWarrior (PL), Dalai Zoll, Cryp18Struct, L-Titan (Gelaos) and many more (we will try to keep list up to date :) )

Special thanks goes to: helpo1 👑 & Kaiser, who endlessly debugged many features ✨

This Script Packet aims to consolidate as many useful functions as possible with the main goal being giving modders extensive feature set that they can enable by calling a single innit function. Future plans include adding wiki with examples explaining all the features.

Requirements: script-packets Ikarus (1.2.2 from master branch) and LeGo (2.8.1)

AFSP Initialization
  1. Make sure both Ikarus and LeGo are parsed from your Gothic.src file.

  2. Copy all files from this repository to your Gothic work folder _work\data\Scripts\Content\AF-Script-Packet.

  3. G1 users will have to add function Init_Global(); into their Startup.d file (as it is not there by default). Call Init_Global (); from all INIT_*() functions (don't call it from INIT_SUB_*() functions).

  4. Update file _work\data\Scripts\Content\Gothic.src - add new line after parsed LeGo.

    • G1: AF-Script-Packet\_headers_G1_All.src
    • G2A: AF-Script-Packet\_headers_G2_All.src

G1 Weapon stacking / splitting

  • Emulates G2A inventory behavior for weapons in G1 --> Stackable weapons (with flags | ITEM_MULTI) will be split into their own inventory slot when equipped.

    G1 Weapon stacking / splitting

  1. Call G1_WeaponStacking_Init (); from your Init_Global(); function in Startup.d file.

G1 Ever looming barrier

  • Hooks Barrier render function and prevents Barrier from disappearing completely.

    G1 Ever looming barrier

  1. Call G1_BarrierEverlooming_Init (); from your Init_Global(); function in Startup.d file.

G1 Enhanced Trading

  • Improves G1 trading:
    • Ore is exchanged automatically.
    • You can easily control selling & buying multiplier and define item-specific rules separately for every NPC. Example being that Wolf will buy furs from you for 100% of the item value.
    • You can easily prevent selling items to NPC, like Huno not buying anything but weapons from you.
  1. Call G1_EnhancedTrading_Init (); from your Init_Global(); function in Startup.d file.

G1 Enhanced Pick Locking

  • Package emulates G2A behavior for PickLocking:

    • If players' NPC_TALENT_PICKLOCK level is 0, he cannot interact with locked doors & chests.
    • If oCMobLockable requires special key that is not in hero's invntory, he cannot interact with locked doors or chests. This interaction won't break any picklocks.
    • If players NPC_TALENT_PICKLOCK level > 0 BUT does not have pickLocks, he will not be able to interact with locked doors/chests.
    • If player has key that can open doors/chests, he can interact with the object without NPC_TALENT_PICKLOCK.
    • The pickLock failrate (breaking) is based on players' dexterity. Higher the stat, lower the chance to break picklocks. Default minimum failrate is 10%.
    • Hero will say whether he needs to learn skill, get picklocks, or specific key.
  1. Call G1_EnhancedPickLocking_Init (); from your Init_Global(); function in Startup.d file.

G1 Player Map

  • Improved Map handling on key 'M':
    • Player's animation will not be reset if he does not have map. This removes exploit in which pressing M would allow you to jump in air.
    • You can easily control which map will be displayed in what circumstances.
    • If there is no map preference defined, then the script will re-open last opened map.
    • If player did not open any map yet, the script will try to open: ITWRWORLDMAP_ORC. If there is no such item in the inventory, ITWRWORLDMAP will follow. If none of those are in the inventory, first available map in inventory is selected.
  1. Call G1_PlayerMap_Init (); from your Init_Global(); function in Startup.d file.

G1 Better Inventory Controls

  • Enables better navigation in inventories:

    • Use home/end keys to navigate to first/last item.
    • Use page up/page down keys to scroll faster through inventory.
  • Players inventory:

    • Key E will put item to hand.
    • Key Q will drop item (1 piece) from the inventory.
    • Key Left Alt will drop all items from the inventory slot.
  • All other inventories, such as looting NPCs, chests or while trading:

    • Key Q quick loots items from the inventory, ending interaction with that inventory.
    • Key Left Ctrl will move 1 piece to other opposite container.
    • Key Spacebar will move 10 pieces to other opposite container.
    • Key Left Alt will move All item pieces to other opposite container.
  1. Call G1_BetterInventoryControls_Init (); from your Init_Global(); function in Startup.d file.

G1&2 Enhanced Information Manager

  • Package adds several features for dialogues (Information manager):
    • Simple dialog color, font and text alignment control using dialog description.
    • Answering system and Input fields.
    • Spinner system.
    • Dialog control with numeric keys (1 .. 9).
    • Dialog overlays with which you can simply change color for specific words.

More on this feature here

  1. Call G12_EnhancedInfoManager_Init (); from your Init_Global(); function in Startup.d file.

G1&2 Enhanced oCTriggerScript

  • Package adds new features for oCTriggerScript objects:

    • zCTrigger_bitfield_callEventFuncs flag will call additional event functions oCTriggerScript.scriptFunc + _OnTouch, _OnTrigger, _OnContact, _OnUnTouch.
    • zCTrigger_bitfield_reactToOnContact flag is a custom event replacing _OnTouch & _OnTrigger events. It is repeatedly fired as long as there is any object in oCTriggerScript._zCVob_touchVobList_numInArray.
  • You can find practical examples in AF-Script-Packet\Standalone-Packages\G12-EnhancedoCTriggerScript\:

    1. example_FirePlaceFireDamage.d demonstrates how you can add oCTriggerScript objects to all fireplaces in your world that will burn every NPC that is in contact with such fireplace (_OnContact event).

    G1&2 Enhanced oCTriggerScript

    1. example_FirePlaceSavingPolicy.d demonstrates how you can add oCTriggerScript objects to all fireplaces in your world which will allow you to only save game near a fireplace. (_OnTouch, _OnUnTouch events).

    G1&2 Enhanced oCTriggerScript

  1. Call G12_EnhancedoCTriggerScript_Init (); from your Init_Global(); function in Startup.d file.

G1&2 Enable Player States

  • AI states that you can use on player character are hardcoded in the engine. Following states are used in vanilla:

  • This package allows you to enable additional AI States without limitation.

  1. Call G12_EnablePlayerStates_Init (); from your Init_Global(); function in Startup.d file.

G1&2 Pick Lock Helper

  • Simple feature that shows Pick Lock combination progress.

    G1&2 Pick Lock Helper

  1. Call G12_PickLockHelper_Init (); from your Init_Global(); function in Startup.d file.

G1&2 Prevent Looting

  • Simple feature that allows you to control which NPCs can be looted. This can be used to prevent players from looting merchants.
  1. Call G12_PreventLooting_Init (); from your Init_Global(); function in Startup.d file.
  2. Requires LeGo flags: LeGo_HookEngine | LeGo_View, make sure you initialize them in your LeGo_Init function.

G1&2 Sprint mode

  • Enables simple sprint mode.

    • Adds stamina bar right under the health bar.
    • Depleting stamina bar will result in sprint being disabled together with 4 seconds cooldown period.
    • Jumping and fighting consumes significant amount of stamina.
    • Potions of speed disable stamina consumption with the potions still having the same effect.
    • potions of speed have their own texture of stamina bar - you will see how much time is left from potion effect.

    G1&2 Sprint mode

  1. Call G12_SprintMode_Init (); from your Init_Global(); function in Startup.d file.
  2. Requires LeGo flags: LeGo_HookEngine | LeGo_FrameFunctions | LeGo_Bars, make sure you initialize them in your LeGo_Init function.
  3. Make sure you set stamina level when game begins in your Startup_ function:
//[Sprint mode]  
PC_SprintModeStaminaMax = 80;  
PC_SprintModeStamina = PC_SprintModeStaminaMax;  
PC_SprintModeConsumeStamina = TRUE;  

G1&2 Torch HotKey

  • Simple feature for improving torches.
    • Adds hotkey 'keyTorchToggleKey' for putting on and removing torch (T key by default).
    • Fixes issue of disappearing torches in G2A:
      • Number of torches will be stored prior game saving. When the game is loaded, script compares number of torches in players inventory. If there is a torch missing, it will be added back.
      • Reinserts ItLsTorchBurning items to the world before level change and saving which fixes the bug of disappearing dropped torches.
    • Compatible with sprint mode. It reapplies overlay HUMANS_SPRINT.MDS when torch is removed & equipped.
    • Rekindles all vobs that were lit by player. List can be maintained in 'torchHotKey_API.d' file in array TORCH_ASC_MODELS [];
    • Ctrl + 'keyTorchToggleKey' will put torch to right hand - you can throw torch away in G1 with with Union.
  1. Call G12_TorchHotKey_Init (); from your Init_Global(); function in Startup.d file.
  2. Requires LeGo flags: LeGo_HookEngine | LeGo_Gamestate, make sure you initialize them in your LeGo_Init function.

G1&2 No ammo print

  • Simple feature that displays a message when you are out of ammo and attempting to put ranged weapon in hand.
  1. Call G12_NoAmmoPrint_Init (); from your Init_Global(); function in Startup.d file.

G1&2 Vob Transport

  • Allows player to move, clone, delete or buy objects such as Vobs, Mobs, Items etc. in game. Hands down one of the coolest features :)

    G1&2 Vob Transport

  1. Call G12_VobTransport_Init (); from your Init_Global(); function in Startup.d file.
  2. Requires LeGo flags: LeGo_FrameFunctions | LeGo_View, make sure you initialize them in your LeGo_Init function.

G1&2 Focus

  • Slightly improved version of LeGo focusnames feature:
    • Color of focus is changed:
      • To orange if chest/mob is locked by special key, cannot be picklocked and player does not have key.
      • To yellow if chest/mob is locked by special key and player does not have key but it can be picklocked.
      • To yellow if chest/mob can be picklocked.
    • Renames chests from MOBNAME_CHEST to MOBNAME_CHEST_EMPTY and crates from MOBNAME_CRATE to MOBNAME_CRATE_EMPTY when they are empty and vice versa.
  1. Call G12_Focus_Init (); from your Init_Global(); function in Startup.d file.
  2. Should not be used together with LeGo flag LeGo_Focusnames.

G1&2 Inventory Item preview

  • This feature updates global variables PC_ItemPreviewMana and PC_ItemPreviewHealth with HP and Mana values read out of oCItem.count[] property using oCItem.text[] property to recognize relevant values.
  1. Call G12_InvItemPreview_Init (); from your Init_Global(); function in Startup.d file.

G1&2 Better Bars

  • This feature 'replaces' original Gothic health and mana bars with LeGo bars where we can control textures, alpha values and when bars should be displayed.
    This feature adds 4 visualization options:

    • Standard (same as in vanilla Gothic).
    • Dynamic:
      • Health bar is visible if player is hurt, in fight mode, in inventory or when health changes.
      • Mana bar is visible in magic fight mode, in inventory or when mana changes.
    • Always on.
    • Only in the inventory.
  • This also adds health & mana bar preview in combination with G12-InvItemPreview, adding additional texture which indicates how much health or mana item in inventory recovers.

    G1&2 Better Bars

  1. Call G12_BetterBars_Init (); from your Init_Global(); function in Startup.d file.

G1&2 Log Dialogues

  • Simple feature that writes all dialogues as LOG_NOTE into player's log.

    G1&2 Log Dialogues

  1. Call G12_LogDialogue_Init (); from your Init_Global(); function in Startup.d file.

G1&2 Spacer spawn

  • Spacer allows you to insert NPCs into the .ZEN world. The game will, however, not spawn them in the world by default, which can be solved with this simple hooked spawn function.

    G1&2 Spacer spawn

  1. Call G12_SpacerSpawn_Init (); from your Init_Global(); function in Startup.d file.

G1&2 Fade away

  • Gothic engine has, most likely unfinished, built-in feature - it is able to fade away dead NPCs and remove their bodies.

    G1&2 Fade away

  1. Call G12_FadeAway_Init (); from your Init_Global(); function in Startup.d file.
  2. Call oCNPC_StartFadeAway (self); on an NPC that you want to fade-away. (for example from ZS_Dead state, or whenever you want 😄)

G1&2 Despawn only if empty

  • Prevents dead bodies from despawning. This feature replaces engine function oCNPC::HasMissionItem with its own version that returns true as soon as there is any item in the inventory. This way NPCs will not despawn.
  1. Call G1_DespawnOnlyIfEmpty_Init (); from your Init_Global(); function in Startup.d file.

G1&2 Rain Control

  • Allows you to fully control weather by adding several functions:
    void Wld_ResetWeather (); //resets weather overrides enabled by this feature.  
    void Wld_SetWeatherType ([zTWEATHER_SNOW, zTWEATHER_RAIN]); //G2A only - sets weather type: snow or rain  
    void Wld_ForceWeatherType ([zTWEATHER_SNOW, zTWEATHER_RAIN]); //G2A only - forces weather type: snow or rain  
    void Wld_ForceWeatherType ([zTWEATHER_SNOW, zTWEATHER_RAIN]); //G2A only - forces weather type: snow or rain  
    void Wld_SetDontRain (RainControl_DontRain); //if set to true - it will never rain  
    void Wld_SetRainForever (RainControl_RainForever); //if set to true - it will always rain  
    void Wld_SetRainOff (); //shuts off rain immediately  
    void Wld_SetRainOn (); //turns on rain immediately  
    void Wld_StartRain (newDuration); //fades in rain smoothly - for specified newDuration time (in minutes)  
    void Wld_StopRain (); //fades out rain smoothly - within next 5 in-game minutes  
    int Wld_SetRainTime (start_hr, start_min, end_hr, end_min) //if we are within specified time-range, then this function will turn on rain. Returns true if we are within time-range.  
  1. Call G12_RainControl_Init (); from your Init_Global(); function in Startup.d file.

G1&2 Add Perceptions

  • Allows you to insert 'new' perception functions to oCNPC.percList. Newly added perception functions are always active - called all the time.
  1. Call G12_AddPerceptions_Init (); from your Init_Global(); function in Startup.d file.

G1&2 Debugging

  • We added several debugging features. In order to enable them you have to call their respective init functions from Init_Global(); function in Startup.d file:

    • Console command show AI. Init with CC_ShowAI_Init ();

      • Will display AI of NPC in focus.
    • Console command debug dialogues. Init with CC_DebugDialogues_Init ();

      • Will give you access to all dialogues which are assigned to the NPC.
      • Will allow you to change dialogues to told/untold.

      G1&2 Debugging

    • Console command unlock. Init with CC_UnLock_Init ();

      • Unlocks oCMobLockable object in focus.
    • Console command lock. Init with CC_UnLock_Init ();

      • Locks oCMobLockable object in focus.
    • Console command set routine. Init with CC_SetRoutine_Init();

      • Changes routine of NPC in focus.
    • Console command set sleepingMode. Init with CC_SetSleepingMode_Init();

      • Puts vob in focus into sleeping or awake mode.
    • Function oCMobLockable_CheckLockValidity. (no initialization required)

      • Traverses through all oCMobLockable objects and checks whether their pickLock string or key instances are valid.
    • Function oCRtnManager_RtnList_CheckValidity. (no initialization required)

      • Traverses through all active routines in routine manager and checks whether they are properly setup:
        • Checks if waypoint exists.
        • Checks if 24h day cycle is complete.
        • Checks if routines are not overlapping one another.
    • Function oCRtnManager_AllRoutines_CheckValidity. (no initialization required)

      • Similar functionality as oCRtnManager_RtnList_CheckValidity except this one will traverse through all routines. (performance heavy)
    • Console command create itemInstanceName qty. Init with CC_Create_Init ().

      • Creates specified amount of items in inventory of NPC in your focus or inventory if no NPC is in focus
    • Console command goto NPC NPCName. Init with CC_GotoNPC_Init ().

      • Teleports you directly to NPC. You can use NPC name or global C_NPC variable which points to NPC.

      G1&2 Debugging

    • Console command goto ZEN zenName [startVob]. Init with CC_GotoZEN_Init ().

      • Triggers level change to specified zen and starting vob.
      • This feature loads all oCTriggerChangeLevel objects by default and will register their zen names and starting vobs into console.
      • If you do not specify starting vob, then the feature will use default starting vob (previously registered):
        • goto zen oldmine.zen will take you to goto ZEN OLDMINE.ZEN ENTRANCE_OLDMINE_SURFACE in Gothic 1 surface world.
      • If you want you can specify different than default starting vob
        • goto zen world.zen OC1 will take you to waypoint OC1 in front of the Old Camp.
    • Console command focus play ani aniName and focus play effect VFXname. Init with CC_FocusPlay_Init ().

      • focus play ani aniName plays specified animation on NPC in focus.
      • focus play effectVFXName plays specified effect on NPC in focus.
    • Console command puppetMaster. Init with CC_PuppetMaster_Init ().

      • This feature allows you to change position & rotation of model nodes on NPC:

      G1&2 Debugging

    • Console command hold time. Init with CC_HoldTime_Init ().

      • 'Freezes' time - hours and minutes will not advance.
    • Console commands print pos [objectName] and print trafo [objectName]. Init with CC_PrintPos_Init ().

      • print pos [objectName] prints position of object in focus in Daedalus format to zSpy so that it can be copy-pasted to the code: const float pos_[objectName][3] = {x, y, z};
      • print trafo [objectName] will print both rotation and position of object in focus in Daedalus format to zSpy so that it can be copy-pasted to the code:
        • const string descRot = "1.000394e-025 1.2990037e-042 0 0 1.4012985e-045 0 5.8889526e-039 3.9913184e-041 1.4314439e+019";
        • const string descPot = "1.7656361e-043 7.8472714e-044 -9.8679836e-032";
    • Note: string descRot and descPos can be converted back to trafo using functions: Vob_SetByDescriptionRot and Vob_SetByDescriptionPos.

      • objectName does not have to be specified.