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Team Options & BlindFold Respawn

Wolvindra-Vinzuerio edited this page Jan 18, 2024 · 2 revisions

1. Team Options

There are Two Modes you can use to play Prop Hunt: X2Z Dynamically or Play casually:

  • Original Classic Team Balance mode
  • Team Shuffle/Rotation mode (from Enhanced Plus+)

This section will explain how do they work and how to enable them. But first, Team Balance is required in order to enable these feature.

A. Team Balance

Starting from 18.01.24 Revision update, by default Teams will always balanced when the round has been restarted. This mode is already enabled by setting ph_enable_teambalance ConVar to 1. Disabling the team balance will make your team unbalanced and act as Oldest Version of Classic Prop Hunt so that Teams can have different player count. Enabling this will prevent this behaviour.

By Default, before Revision 18.01.24 the mode will automatically used for Team Shuffle/Rotation mode, in other terms "Half Hunter vs Full Props". By Enabling ph_team_balance_classic (Previously ph_originalteambalance) will Disable Team Shuffle/Rotation mode and instead will change into Original Classic Team Balance where Older version of PH:X/2Z/E is used to be.

To enforce all players to Join to any Balanced Team you can use ConVar ph_force_join_balanced_teams to 1. ⚠ Note: Disable this when Team Shuffle/Rotation is enabled!
🐞BUG: This can ocassionally cause bug to happen: when ph_enable_teambalance is 0, Hunter selection will get locked. This has been fixed in Revision 18.01.24 but We still recommend to not enable this ConVar when Team Balance is Disabled AND when Team Shuffle/Rotation is Enabled!

B. Enabling Original Classic Team Balance / Team Shuffle Rotation mode

To enable Original Team Balance, you just simply set ph_team_balance_classic to 1 and Team Shuffle/Rotation mode will be disabled. To enable Shuffle Team you can just simply set to 0 again. There are few other options when Enabling Team Shuffle/Rotation mode:

⚠ WARNING: You must set ph_force_join_balanced_teams to 0 to prevent you from getting locked on Team Selection screen!

  • ph_rotateteams: Disable Shuffle (Randomized) but Rotate Players Instead, which means every player will have their turn if Rotation mode is enabled
  • ph_huntercount: Number of Hunters count needed in order to Team Shuffle to work. 0 will set automatically. Value Ranged from 1 to <Max Total Players>
  • ph_preventconsecutivehunting: Prevent players from being a Hunter Twice/Multile Times (Shuffle Mode only!)
  • ph_forcespectatorstoplay: Force all spectators to play by including them when balancing teams.

All options can be accessed via Prop Hunt Menu under "Enhanced Plus Settings" AND "Admin Settings" category (Scroll down until 'Basic Team Options'). Please Consult to this guide on how to access it

2. Team Switching/Respawn Player on BlindTime Phase

Also called as "Team-to-Team" or "Hunter-to-Team", "Respawn on BlindTime"

PH:X2Z Introduce this feature while back to allow respawning on switching team to another or when a player killed or suicide by a gravity. This only happens when Hunter's Blindfold phase is taking place (This is where props will find their hiding spot, mostly you'll take 30 seconds to hide).

By default, Team Switching has been enabled to allow both team to Respawn or Only Specificed Teams can only respawned during Hunter's BlindFold time. Players will have a chance to respawn within 75% of of the Time before Hunter's BlindFold time is over. Usually this took about 23 Seconds Long in 30 Seconds BlindFold time. When The BlindFold's over you will no longer able to Respawn and a Proper Play will starts.

  • ph_allow_respawnonblind: Allow player on Team to respawn on Hunter's BlindFold phase when die, Usually killed by Gravity, Suicide, or other things.
  • ph_blindtime_respawn_percent: Percentage of Time Remaining before BlindFold time is over. Formula: HunterBlindFoldTime * percent (30*0.75 = 22.5 seconds to be allowed to respawn.
  • ph_allow_respawnonblind_team_only: Allow player on team is allowed to respawn: 0 = All Teams, 1/2 = Hunter/Props (Default is 0)
  • ph_allow_respawn_from_spectator: Allow player to respawn after joining to any team if you were from Spectator team during BlindTime (Spectator-to-Team)
  • ph_allow_respawnonblind_teamchange: Allow player to respawn to any team if you came from Prop/Hunter team during BlindTime (Team-to-Team). ⚠ NOTE: Enabling this IS NOT recommended as players will take advantages from being Props all time.

⚠ NOTE: However due to nature of how "Team-to-Team" switching works, It is recommended to keep the following settings below if you're hosting a large public server. It's up to you if you want to change or keep as default:

ph_allow_respawnonblind 1
ph_blindtime_respawn_percent 0.75
ph_allow_respawnonblind_team_only 1 // (Default: 0)
ph_allow_respawn_from_spectator	1
ph_allow_respawnonblind_teamchange 0

All Team-options can be accessed via Prop Hunt Menu under "Admin Settings" category and scroll down to the bottom until you see "Basic Team Options". Please Consult to this guide on how to access it