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WombatFromHell edited this page Jun 14, 2019 · 83 revisions

You can find launcher specific instructions in their respective sections on the side bar.

General OSOL usage instructions:

  • Unpack the OSOL .exe file from the OSOL archive into the game directory (where the game's executable is located for example).
  • Run the OSOL .exe file from this directory and it will prompt you to choose the path to your game executable (required) and the game launcher (which is optional).
  • Add the OSOL .exe to Steam as a non-Steam game by clicking the "Add a game" button on the bottom left of the Steam window, clicking "Add a Non-Steam Game" and selecting the OSOL .exe file in the path chooser.
  • Name this new non-Steam game shortcut of OSOL (in Steam) whatever you like (such as your game's name).
  • Run this non-Steam game shortcut from the Steam library as any other Steam game and the Steam overlay and third-party overlay should show up in-game (if enabled).
  • _Note: you can customize OSOL's behavior by editing the OriginSteamOverlayLauncher.ini found in the directory you ran OSOL from initially (usually a game's directory).

For more launcher specific instructions please see the side-bar categories.

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