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Connor Peet edited this page Aug 28, 2014 · 11 revisions

Welcome to SpaceGDN a central game server repository.


What is SpaceGDN?

SpaceGDN is an application aimed at providing a central source for otherwise decentralized, non-standard game packs - such as Minecraft modpacks. It can list pack information, as well as downloading, compiling, and modifying packs to prepare them for production. For example, the Minecraft Feed The Beast packs require Forge data to be loaded into them in order to run. SpaceGDN can download these packs, patch in the Forge data, and then serve them from the local filesystem.

Is SpaceGDN Production-Ready?

Yes! It has been in use for many months now, at commercial providers such as MCProHosting and Host-Blaze, and in SaaS applications, namely SpaceCP! Since June, when Sentry-based tracking began, there have been zero fatal errors which occurred on any properly set-up SpaceGDN instance.

How do I report errors?

You have a couple options:

  • Open an issue on this repository.
  • Message connor [at] to get a Sentry DSN, if you want to send Sentry errors directly to us.

Where can I find implementations/client libraries?

There have been several implementations of SpaceGDN client APIs in various languages:

Version 2 Clients:
  • Be the first?
Version 1 (deprecated) Clients:
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