Releases: XeroAPI/Xero-OpenAPI
Quotes attachments added - tested and validated with Java SDK
- fixed typo
- added x-isEmpty to 204 responses
- fixed the server url
- add getProjects response example
- add createProject response example
- fix /project/{projectId} path
- add get Project response example
- add projectId path param to updateProject
- change response for updateProject to 204
- add patchProject method
- add patchProject object
- fix path /projectusers to /projectsusers
- add getProjectUsers example response
- add all Task methods and Objects
- add all Time methods and Objects
- turn ProjectStatus into a component
- add ProjectCreateOrUpdate object
Added Singapore TaxRates and ReportTaxRates
getInvoiceAsPdf and getCreditNoteAsPdf
- removed "contentType" param as it's unnecessary
- changed response content type from application/octet-stream to application/pdf because it will alway return a pdf.
Update createEmployees
- add summarizeErrors param
Remove createEmployee method (singular - as this path/method)
/Employees POST is needed for updateOrCreateEmployees
Add updateOrCreateEmployees method
- with summarizeErrors param
Update createManualJournals
- add summarizeErrors param
Remove createManualJournal method (singular - as this path/method)
/ManualJournals POST is needed for updateOrCreateManualJournals
Add updateOrCreateManualJournals method
- with summarizeErrors param
Remove createOverpaymentAllocation method
Add createOverpaymentAllocations method
- with summarizeErrors param
Add createPrepaymentAllocations method
- with summarizeErrors param
Add missing attributes of Employee object
ValidationErrors array
Add missing attributes of Invoice object
Warnings array
Add missing attributes of ManualJournal object
Going forward we will be creating releases of the OpenAPI specs and incrementing the version under the info property of the spec when changes occur.
This release encompasses a vast amount of work from the last release in Jan 2019.
For the history of this release you should reference the commit history. Going forward each release will have details around the changes to individual OpenAPI specs.
Fixed content type for getting attachments with the filename - multiple endpoints
Update credit note date from string to date format
Fix BatchPayment details stored on Contact Object
Update ENUM values on Phone and TaxType
Some ENUMS needed an EMPTY value which equates to ''
JournalLine was missing several properties
Create new class for Manual Journal Lines "ManualJournalLine" due to significant diff from reg. Journals.
Added CountryCode, CurrencyCode and Timezone, PaymentTermType components
Updated 37 string properties with appropriate Enums
Added Allocations and History for Prepayments
Cleanup of date properties that were returning strings
Nested objects were being returned as generic objects not models - removed "allOf"
cleaned up descriptions
Fixed other datatypes found to be incorrect.
Added Error Types for Statements
Updates to Accounting DataTypes for numbers to be more specific around integers and floats
Added BankFeeds API spec file
Open API Spec 3 v 1.0
New Open API spec v3
- Accounting
- Assets