- a template engine for nodejs.
- it use javascript language.
- it allow me to create dynamic webpages.
- it basically allow me to do following :
- inject variables to html page.
- allow me to render array of objects.
- it give me ability to make a conditional render.
- it allow me to create a layout.
- it allow me to create partials.
inside terminal
npm install ejs
. -
then navitage to project folder and set view engine to use ejs.
app.set('view engine', 'ejs') // tell it i am using ejs
app.set('views', __dirname+ 'views') // tell app that views inside views folder in the first parameter, and it's living inside the path inside the second parameter
create a file in views folder with extention .ejs :
. -
write html inside it.
create a route and send that file on matched url, the reason it will work because i configured my application to use it earlier.
- the
method take 3 parameters: fileName, object and callback function. - the object recieve data:
render('index', {name: 'yazan'})
- inside index.ejs:
<h1> I am <%= name %></h1>
- i can write either for loops over list of items or create if statement.
- inside object again : {arr: ['yazan','Anna','Halo']}.
- inside index.ejs :
<% for(let i =0; i<arr.length; i++){ %>
<li> <%= arr[i]%> </li>
<% } %>
- if statement is the same structure:
- wrap <%%> around flow.
- wrap <%=%> around injected variable.
- it help me to create the main layout of the website, for example i have header file inside every page in the website, nav as well as footer.
- the body is the only changeable part of the webpage.
- using layout will help me add this layout and only change the body.
- it's not native model inside my ejs, express or node.js which means i have to download that paackage.
- to download it
npm install express-ejs-layouts
- to use it require it
const expressLayouts = require('express-ejs-layouts')
- app.use(expressLayouts).
- create a route for home page and a route for about page.
- inside views folder, create
. - write header, nav, footer.
- add body like so :
<%- body %>
and automatically all routes will be handles inside the layout file. - run app and see the different.
- partials works similar to layout but the different is we create resuable code instead of writing it over and over (it has nothing to do with the layout).
- for example i create code and want it to run in more than one page inside the body.
- in this case partials will come in handy.
- unlike partials they are inside the ejs native module.
- to use them just create a folder name it partials.
- create file want to resue and write html inside of it.
- go back to file want to resue the file.
- add this line : <%- include('partials/partialFile.ejs')%>