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A simple orm, deserialize data from JDBC ResultSet
as java bean.
For Android SQLite also see SQLiteDataSet
implementation 'io.github.yeamy:sqldataset:1.1'
public class Fruit {
public String name; // the column in database is "Name"
public String fullName; // the column in database can be "fullName" or "full_name"
public String count; // ignore this field
public FruitType type; // the name of the column is the same as the field
// regist as custom type (see DsAdapter)
public Skin skin; // this field no DsColumn treat as extra type
### 2. DsReader
Generally, using `DsReader` is an easy and fast way.
Statement stmt = ...; // the source
String sql = "SELECT ..."; // the sql
Fruit apple = DsReader.read(stmt, sql, Fruit.class); // read one
ArrayList<Fruit> list = r DsReader.eadArray(stmt, sql, Fruit.class);
### 3. DsFactory\<T> & DsAdapter
In order to deserialize custom field type, you may define a `DsFactory` and register a type with `DsAdapter`.
java.sql.ResultSet rs = ...; // the data source
DsFactory<Fruit> factory = new DsFactory(Fruit.class); // build a factory
DsAdapter adapter = new DsAdapter() {
* @param t
* any other base type field has been deserialized
* @param field
* using field.getName() to distinguish same type.
* @param rs
* jdbc select result,
* @param columnIndex
* the index of the target column in ResultSet.
public void read(Object t, Field field, ResultSet rs, int columnIndex) throws SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
FruitType type = new FruitType(....);
field.set(t, type);
factory.addAdapter(Type.class, adapter); // add custom type
Fruit apple = factory.read(rs); // read one
factory.readArray(list, rs); // read array
List<Fruit> list = new ArrayList<Fruit>();
factory.readArray(list, rs); // read array with custom list
### 4. DsObserver
If you want to do anything after the Bean read, you can implement `DsObserver.class`, and do it in `onDsFinish()`.
public class Vegetables implements DsObserver {
public String name;
public void onDsFinish(){}
### 5. Extra Field
Data come from same row of ResultSet can deserialize into an extra field.
source table:
Usually, deserialize like this:
public class User {
public String name;
public String province;
public String city;
to package `province` and `city` into same field `location`, see below:
public class User {
public String name;
// NOTICE:must not declare annotation with DsColumn nor DsIgnore.
public City location;
public class City {
public String province;
public String city;